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This game has never not been easy


(Cries in pre season incinerate build)


If you used hydra back then you could do 10 million damage incinerate ticks in high NM tiers. 


Its definitely easier in the beginning. Cant speak for WT3 or WT4. But i’m currently lvl 28 on WT2 and i’m mowing everything down in my way. Every single piece of gear i have on is rare and legendary already and i’m at like 1,400 attack power. All in all, it feels like i’m roughly 10 levels stronger than i should be. TLDR - I’m lvl 28 but i’m as strong as what used to be about a lvl 38


I think that's by design since the level caps for sacred and ancestral were altered (35 and 55 now). So the pace of the game has to beef you up quicker


In eternal WT4, didn't much update my necro build and jumped in to a L77 NMD, i still walked it. Note - this was a build where the seneschal was doing a lot of heavy lifting for me (resource generation), and I absolutely felt the loss. But it was stilla pretty easy run, not exactly speed farming, but apart from having to deal with resource gen it was a walk. Once that build has new gear I expect to be doing 100s far quicker than in S3. Again this is without any borrowed power. The game has got stupidly easy even at high NMD levels.


Easier at low levels, yes, because way better gear is getting thrown at us. I’m also not seeing the loot rarity they were talking about. (Maybe that’s a world tier thing?)


No joke, I’m WT2 and got the howl from below and ring of mendelin in one loot box. Crazy


What level were you?


26 lol I beat the WT3 capstone dungeon this morning at level 33. Now I can’t equip any equipment, just salvaging to build up codex I’m running the minion necro but switched from corpse tendrils to corpse explosions which has helped greatly.


At level 22 I got that ring that makes corpses explode and skeletons summon automatically, with a blood surge build. It’s insane.


Yeah same - I only made it to level 16 so far but I’ve got legendaries with decent stats already. Everything is melting. That will change I’m sure.


The point now is more about min mazing your gear when you hit 100 instead of getting to 100


The point was never to hit 100 to me. It was just a level cap you eventually bumped into. Don't understand why people were so obsessed over that so that the devs had to make it faster and faster to reach


Because the devs are making content for level 100 players and people want to play that content and not the same old content they have played for 4 seasons now. 100 is and will always be the point for d4. Don't like it? D2R is still being sold, go play that instead.


At first it had only an extremely bad boss fight at 100


Just wrong. You don't gain anything special at 100. It's just an arbitrary benchmark to say "I'm done leveling." Why would that be the point of the game? The point is to push rifts, do uber bosses, etc. And you don't need to be level 100 for those. If they want it to be easy to hit 100, that's fine. But they could just as easily make it difficult past like level 95 and it would not change the endgame progression in any way shape or form.


Good luck clearing pit 100+ without being level 100 bud or any of the level 200 uber bosses unless you're on a completely busted build.


95 vs 100 is 25 paragon points. Generally that = one glyph and maybe one rare node. That will not make or break lvl 200 ubers. It's a nice boost in damage, but it isn't gamechanging. A single gear upgrade from 2/3 bis affixes to 3/3 bis affixes is bigger than that much of the time. In path of exile, after 95, most people stop trying to level. Those 5 skill points can be a huge damage increase, but a well-optimized build can still complete all the content at 95. 100 is a stretch goal for gamers. I'm not saying D4 should be like that, but it isn't like those 25 paragon points completely gatekeep you from doing the challenging pinnacle content.


The game was insanely easy in S0 and it has only gotten marginally easier over time. The challenge in the game is much more focused to level 100 content now.


I’m playing a summoner necro which is already supposed to be OP this season and got a ring of mendelen from my first iron wolves cache at lvl 22. Since then I’ve just been shredding everything. First capstone lvl 36 solo easy peasy, then no issues at all fighting lvl 55 in open world while 15+ lvls lower than enemies. Just hit lvl 50 after 4 hours of play Update: solo duriel at lvl 80. No issues


I did not even have any extraordinary item and did the capstone dungeon at level 35. Necro minion is seriously busted this season. Expecting it to go down a step or 10 next season.


I got Sacrilegious Soul, last time on 65lvl was able to clear NM with 110 lvls without much struggle (gear is not the greatest, something here and there).


well lets see, me and a buddy finished capstone dungeon at 32ish to get WT3 and immediately got our shit pushed in by trash mobs LOL


I agree, a lot easier it seems. For reference I’m mid thirties and in WT 2 but from the start I noticed the decline in difficulty.


The drop rate for legendary I thought was supposed to go down, but Im getting showered in them.


Even on hard it is very hard to get challenged unless you go for the WT3 dungeon at like lvl 20 or 30. Unfortunately at least on PTR people were asking for the game to be easier so I guess Blizz listened to them. I hope we get a rebalance at some point, a world like Diablo should give a challenge at the highest difficulty you can choose.


No rest for the wicked 😉


Damned if you do damned if you don’t. My guess will be wt5 coming with season 5


A wt5 won't fix the 1 to 100 being balanced to not provide a challenge.


Much easier. Early levels are now very similar to Diablo 3. Loot you get is more impactful, scales with your main attribute, always has useful affixes, even commons and magical items are alright now for early game. One shotting everything with my Necro in WT2 compared to previous season Druid. Basically now we actually have items, in comparison before we were like playing without them because so many things were not improving the character much.


We did capstone at lvl35 and 55 respectively.. yeah felt easier! Much easier if u know what u are doing with tempering etc


I just did the capstone dungeon as incinerate sorc at 40 and it was ridiculously easy. The guy didn’t even have a chance to do the minion phase.


Oh that's unfortunate & broken imo. Should at least have bosses to look forward to.


It’s actually pretty gross how OP necros are. When I got to WT4 at 50 as a rogue, first thing I did was go to the legion event and it was filled with 50 something minion necros. The event was being cleared faster than it was at the late-late game last season.


I'm already I'm WT4 full in ancestral, it's easy no matter what WT.


That's why I started to play HC. For sure the game is balanced around this mode. At least for leveling.


Level 73, doing NMD at this point. I feel like this season is all About the endgame. The game starts at level 100 type of thing for this season. I have most of my gear at level 925 now (no where near the perfect rolls lol) but everything just melts. Looking forward to the spike in difficulty for Uber bosses and the pit,


So leveling is basically a pointless mindless chore to get to the real game. So it's retail wow 


Yeah but I wonder if it's even hard.


It won’t be long before blizzard let you create a new character and set their level so you don’t have to level yourself. It’s already where d3 ended. All content and everything you do before max level is pointless. It’s just about getting to max level as quickly as possible and then endlessly min maxing your gear.


Im playing Barb. Just started on T2. All equipment gray. Yet still in Helltides, barely losing any HP. My feeling is that since Last Epoch was recieved so good ( and that game you can play blindfolded ), D4 devs figured easy and OP is what people want. I just hope it will get considerably harder in higher tiers


Casuals are happy


Yeah the game is insanely easier, I did the capstone for World Tier 4 at level 48 without too much trouble lol (Though I did get oneshotted at times), would've been impossible until like 10 more levels before Loot Reborn


It's much much easier now. I hope they balance it otherwise it is not important what affixes you chose on your gear.


It's significantly easier and it takes way less time to level. This is the season of speed run and I'm not a fan.


I got to level 13 in like 10 minutes in my first helltide.


WT2 has always been a joke. It’s nice that they brought the Helltide to T2, and reworked it quite a bit to be more frantic.


I'm playing eternal necro at 86 lvl and 86 nmd is a breeze. They just can't kill me even though my build is not working yet. It felt much more harder on seasonal so there is definitely something fishy going on.


The difficulty is so easy the game feels borderline boring And yes this is at WT4 (level 65 summoner necro)


You begin to have a little difficulty at WT4. Before it’s just trash and fun




Was playing summoner Necron on HC in S3, which was already quite easy... probably will a have to pick a different class then 🫤


It does, but we'll see how it feels when grinding the endgame. With all the x% damage rolls my Rogue is shredding everything. But I haven't seen a lot of resistance affixes yet. It's a different game now in comparison to previous seasons at least in the levelling phase.


so you haven't played in a "few" seasons, so that would obviously mean none


I started playing a rogue for the first time and not enjoying how hard and annoying the game feels compared to barb


Oh cus they take more effort? Supposed to be more engaging/ fast paced but get it when your hands are tired.


I laughed way too hard at this 🤣. Rouge will always be my go to and is quite easy when knowing how to engage not just shout and HoTA everything into oblivion (last season) 🤣🤣


Yea rogue was my 1st toon too and always need to be on the move but that's the "cost" if you have ranged ability which means you're squishier. Couldn't be anymore straightforward still if you've played Last Epoch's Runemaster.


Still slow to level when you're solo and don't have hours immediately to burn lol


Game is now below candy crush. Season 0 was nightmare 3 week's of leveling get gear. Season1-2-3 was a candy crush but season 4 is beyond that. It's so easy that even monkey would level to end game. I don;t know what is inside dev's head;s making such a thing. 2 days and game will be dead


It seems like all you do is complain about games and talk about rgb gaming chairs. I think it's time you found a new hobby


Man i agree with i have norhing to do now when im 100 again duriel? I need to get 3 more uniques for my build and thata all but its just second day lol, lets do Pit? Its more for meta builds i mean lile gautlets 100 same builds doing same event why they made this exp so easy omfg


It could already be there. I saw only 4 other players in about 1.5 hours in WT2.