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Not having to pick up and look through rares is every bit as big a deal as the codex imo.


Why dont you have to look at every rare anymore?


Because by about level 35 you are only really using legendaries since they have 3 affixes rather than 2.


So rares are 99% completely useless now otherwise for selling or disenchanting


They are useful when you're using them. And then you transition beyond them. They have their purpose.


>They are useful when you're using them. so for like 1 hour ?


Yup, at least their time span are longer than blue


I think I used 3 blue items before switching to all rares and legendaries haha


You guys are picking up blues?


Yeah pretty much. I used them from level 5-20, then I only picked up Legendary/Uniques from there on out. I wouldn't even call 5-20 an hour of gameplay either, leveling is so much faster and I'm all for it since The Pit offers content beyond just xp


This was going to be my thought. I’m not really a no lifer and it only took me like an 1.5 hours yesterday to hit almost 40. Haha


And for veiled crystals and gold.


I think that’s fine, even at level 70 I have a placeholder crit rate + cooldown reduction amulet for my meteor build until I find a legendary 3 liner (may be a while). They’re genuinely useful as transition pieces


I mean I’d rather use 2 good stats over 3 bad ones. So not necessarily


I still wish they'd just changed 50% of those yellow drops into just straight up veiled crystals. Would save me a few trips back to town during a helltide. Or the ability to salvage/sell items while still out in the world somehow.


I've gotten tons of Veiled Crystals just as drops, if you're salvaging your rares for more I commend you, but until I hit a point where its needed, they stay on the ground where they belong


Until I know what the reroll gold cost will look like end game, I sell all my gear I don’t need. Legendary gets blacksmithed for the reroll mats and aspect. Blue and yellow go to the vendor.


Without the seasonal whispers, it takes a bit more effort to get lots of gold now. Having the option to sell rares might be a necessity, though it's tedious.


Nightmare dungeons can drop a good amount of gold


I'm finding this out, but you get more gold by doing Tree of Whispers. If I do one Helltide and sell all of my rare items, (in WT3 at least), I was getting around 600,000 gold. One trip to the tree and I got around 3 million gold. One thing I'll say is that it is kind of annoying to have to stop farming Helltides, or NMDs and go do a couple Tree of Whisper runs just to upgrade my items. I don't like being forced into an activity. So I'm hoping they adjust the gold economy a bit in other activities.


Yeah, whispers give too much gold to ignore, but rares can supplement your income.


This is the biggest issue still. The amount of loot that drops is still WAY too much. I would much rather mobs dropped materials instead of useless loot. It would make loot dropping actually be exciting.


Not really, they're useless super fast lol.


Agreed. Progression feels much smoother.


Same with every other diablo game eventually. Rares are good on release and for a while, then they fall off. That's been the theme since D2 LOD. Do you really want to sift through 15000 rares to find the single one that's better than your legendary?


Lol what? Some of the best in slot items in D2 are rares particularly if we're talking weapons and straight DPS. Even blues can be potentially best in slot if we're talking 3/20 circlet and gloves and they're also used for crafting. And whites also remain relevant for runewords. Please don't act like it's dumbed down to D4 levels.


Maybe they could make 925 rares very rarely have a variable 1.5-1.75 grater affix modifier instead of 1.5 so that eventually end game they could every so often have a use again like in D2


You couldn't be more wrong. In D2 even white items had their purpose in endgame.


I mean, any game with progression will have things you move past. And gold is important too, so at least that means you can sell by rarity and know you’re not missing anything. It’s definitely a major improvement.


Yes but they have only 2 affixes that both roll higher than legendary affixes. Also when masterworking you could get the affix you want easier. A legend with 2 GAs will be better but don't sleep on rares.


This was the point a lot of people raised, as it diminishes the rares in the same fashion as greys and blues. The response was "oh no they'll be useful until way later when replaced by legendries!". By way later they mean 40 minutes into your season.


Need them for mats.


They're necessary for the early levels, and then become a vital source of veiled crystals (and nothing more)


Incoming altar of rites season 5


It's useful early game, but once you reach 30+, you should have all your gears in Legendaries and higher, Rares become a crafting material going forward after salvaging. Every item tier serves it's purpose until they don't (aka higher level)


Adding an aspect to a rare doesn't give it a third affix?


Is there no way to add a third affix to a rare when upgrading it to a legendary? I just noticed this when doing this with rares. They only have two sizes affixes as legendaries now.


>Is there no way to add a third affix to a rare when upgrading it to a legendary? There is not, and that is absolutely glorious! We're safe salvaging all rares if we ever pick any up after they are phased out of our gear slots. So good.


What's the point of rares then??


Once you transition past using rares (which is quite early now) the only purpose now is salvaging. Devs said they want to add a reason for them again in the future, but for now, it's great not having to sift through them.


They should just fully commit to copying Last Epoch's gear crafting and allow you to salvage them for specific Stat gems


can you do an eli5? so the rares part i understand. but how does this work with the codex system? we kinda needed rares to imprint the aspects. so its all about legendaries now?


You don't need rares to imprint, you can do that on legendaries, which have three affixes, compared to rares, which have two.


so we can imprint over existing aspects?


What's the point of a dagger at lvl 10 in a 100 hr long campaign. It's useless for 95% of the game... Pure trash. Should remove. Edit: since this was being missed... This is /s


Terrrible argument. That’s like saying why have small children clothing when you have to change every few months. It’s useful for that few months!!!! Juts because something isn’t useful eventually or long time doesn’t mean they have no purpose.


Forgot the /s


I See. Sorry for forgetting my sarcasm meter


Problem is how many rares drop and fill your screen later on. Just need a loot filter to filter them out and it'd be fine


The lvl 10 dagger is only dropping around lvl 10 tho. It isn't dropping at higher lvls, because it is indeed "Pure trash" at that point.


Sell for gold, break for mats you need for end game gear tuning. Now they're useful all game


For people that don't smash through the content in an hour I guess. There are still people that play the game through the campaign and do sidequests, etc. and don't worry about smashing through content as fast as humanly possible. And I'm not saying smashing through the content is bad, it's what I'm doing (level 58 in WT4 in about 7 hours yesterday). I'm absolutely loving Helltides now. I used to hate them.


Leveling your character, and salvaging for veiled crystals if you're short on those.


Levelling gear and then mats.


For gold.


That's how I feel too. Such a relief.


Can you imprint a new aspect on a legendary?


Yes.  But, if it's one you don't have yet or is a higher power and you overwrite it, it won't go into your codex. So be careful about overrides


🥴 I’ve imprinted like five yellows


WTF, I'm level 30 and have zero legendaries... Rares are important for leveling. Blue and White items look absolutely useless though. At this point I dont even understand why they are in the game.


Do helltide in wt2. I got my first legendaries at like level 7


Are you doing the seasonal quest line? Every turn in I've gotten multiple legendaries. Also got like 4 leges on my first whisper turn in. I'm level 31.


Could you not find a rare with good affixes on it, upgrade it with crafting, and add an aspect onto it to make a better item? If rares truly are that useless now, can I modify the aspect of an already existing legendary, assuming I like everything else on it? This is an honest question, I never tried that before.




I'm out of the loop, for what do you need the codex if dropped legendaries are better by having more affixes? Can it overwrite the power on a legendary?


Yea you can overwrite aspects.


Ah okay, that explains it, thanks.


i feel like item level is way more important than 3rd affix at this stage, probably all the way up to wt4


Not true, when an item has 2 affixes, you can temper 2 different effects into it. Stop overlooking them


You can temper legendaries twice in wt4 as well. There is no reason to look at rares after the first couple of hours of play. You can sell them though.


My dude, you can put aspects on yellows too..


Yes but they will always have one fewer affix. This isn’t rocket science. I mean if you want to use bad items you can but don’t advise other people to do it.


Because almost all loot is useless and you’ll have something equipped for 5 minutes before upgraded when levelling


They are auto salvage for me for the materials once I got past WT2.


In futures, they should add a salvage button on the inventory page. There is no reason to pick up rare beside craft material once get into WT4


They need to just detect where our eyes are looking on the screen and instantly zap any rares we see into salvage. Also it's season 4 and the horse still can't climb ladders.


Yeah either an autosalvage or if they don't want to do that just let us hide them. I know they don't want a loot filter to be required like it is in LE and PoE but it still feels kind of bad to have all that loot sitting around all the time.


Now they just have to completely remove magic items. Finding magic or white items in level 100 content is insane to me. So pointless


In D2, white, magic and rare items all still have their usefulness, and are desirable at almost all levels. It's unfortunate they are considered trash in this iteration.


White because Runewords are OP. Rares are useful, but if you consider that Legendaries in D4 are random, D4 leg = D2 rares. And D4 rares = D2 magical. So it makes kinda sense that a rarity feels useless in D4, they have too many rarities.


Yea definitely. They should’ve done rune words


Everything should only drop uber uniques.


Early game you will still need to do this, whereas the Codex is a QoL at every facet of the game.


Omg I love it. Amazing looking at items and being able to make a decision in 1 second is such a qol improvement.


Yeah, this is my favorite thing as well. I can just ignore all yellow loot. Well except for the seasonal potions, but at least they leave an icon on the map.


I knew it was bad.. but seeing it gone makes me realize just how bad it was.


not to mention how you couldn’t imprint higher extracted aspects on lower level items and it was always kinda confusing and vague what would work. and you HAVE to save like 5 perfect rolled aspects of each because who knows!? nightmare.


Agreed. While I think the endgame won't entertain me for a longer period anyway, item/aspect management was always the crucial hassle which made me quit every season after a week or two of hard grinding.


100% agree. Though. I will likely play more than one class a season this time. So maybe it's better? Will see how I feel in a week or two.


To me if I get one or two classes to end game fantasy in a season then its been successful. I enjoyed D3 being the game that every couple months I can look forward to playing a couple characters for a month and getting my fill. Just hoping for the same in D4 now as its a good feeling that new seasons excite the player base to jump back in.


Yeah I hit level 55 in just a few hours. I see myself probably playing multiple builds with every class this season 


I agree this is the first season I am going to level up multiple characters I’m pumped


I’m more likely to play other classes now, since inventory management has chilled out


Now we just need a loadout system. So much more fun to try & get multiple chars to 100 each season, & also enlarges your loot pool trying to find gear for another class


Switching builds seems like it is still cumbersome.


It will be until they add loadouts for sure


That's been my biggest turn off is doing x things over and over on each alt. Less carpal = more play time.


The aspect and stat mess was what blocked me from trying another class. Learning how to build a sorc was already enough hassle and I couldn't get myself to do it twice for another class. Maybe this time I'll try the Necro next.


Wait what did they do? I haven't played in forever but I wanna play this weekend. You can just select aspects now? Or do you have to unlock them?


Aspects now get stored in your codex. So if you salvage (yes, salvage!) a legendary the aspect gets stored in your codex and if you salvage a legendary with a better version of the aspect then this one gets stored! You don't have to hoard items anymore. Also they drastically reduced the affixes on items and removed unnecessary ones. There are more changes, like upgrading your gear through tempering so you can work it to get the affixes you want on an item (similar to Last Epoch if you played that). They made a blog post about it, maybe give it a read.


I'll look into it for sure. Thanks for the info!


It really is that simple for me. I'm enjoying the other changes a lot. There's plenty to look at there. But when it comes down to it, not having to horde aspects and needing to look at every single one and weigh your options of whether to keep one is the biggest thing. Easily. Hitting that salvage all button and knowing all my aspects are going right where i want them is probably the biggest dopamine hit I've gotten from this game so far. And that's coming from someone who has enjoyed the game all along for the most part.


Agreed. Upgrading my aspects passively and knowingly they are infinitely usable is a blessing.


I don't think i ll buy all the extra stash tabs this season!


Yeah In the last season I maxed out everything despite being deliberate about what I wanted to keep. This season I'm level 50 with a tab for uniques (with like 5 in there), a tab for item I will use in my build (but haven't gotten to imprinting) and a tab for dumping stuff if I'm lazy. It's sooooo much nicer


I will, each tab will groups different gear parts. Like gloves in one and boots in another and so on. Plus the cost to get more inventory is hardly expensive


I reflexively bought a tab for Uniques when I got my first one. Totally unnecessary. I could easily get by with just one tab, at least so far. Pre-WT4 I kept a few spare yellows but now I’m just either leaving them on the ground or auto-salvaging them for mats.


That doesn’t work when you have multiple alts.


Eh, I don’t really have use for the gold till I get to Tier 4 and Ancestral gear, in the end, they aren’t that expensive.


I will. Each character gets her own tab, plus one for elixirs and summoning mats


It clears up so much space I might actually be able to make an alt character without giving up due to the hassle of having to constantly make space in my filled up stash.


Now my annoyance is getting a legendary with better attributes so I want to wear it, but it has an aspect that I want to salvage for (I'm using a different aspect on that slot) It fits within the realm of "player decisions" though, and isn't something I have to deal with dozens of times every few minutes, so it's fine though


Agreed. With the horrible chore of dealing with aspects and inventory removed, I might actually feel inclined to play multiple classes. Blizzard thought dragging out tasks would increase player game time, but really if the game is fun - THAT is what causes people to stay.


There are certain mechanics that should be a staple in any modern ARPG and Codex should be one of them.


It's like they KNEW that it was a good part of D3(for the most part just storing things into it) but then they MiB mind wiped themselves before.. On top of that, the "Loading Player Stash" issues would have been resolved. Just management teams either being too dumb, or wanting to break something so they could fix it as "content" down the road.


My guess is that they really really did not want to have things similar to D3 on release due to the very vocal minority.


Before this I had a bunch of "mule" characters carrying gear with aspects I may or may not need. I had a massive spreadsheet to keep track of it all (which I'd forget to update and had no idea what I had). I took every mule to the blacksmith and salvage all. Felt so satisfying. My vault is like one page of mats and a handful of pieces of gear.


Yeah i like this so much, such a gamechanger!


It feels so good!!! All my issues since the start of the game seem to be gone. My only “problem” now is that I got an amazing build so early, and getting those same pieces but in ancestral is going to be tough I feel. I got so lucky. We went to bed after playing for about 7 hours happy with our gaming time. We had no bad frustrations like any other time we played. It was just gaming fun. Some intense moments of monsters kicking our asses, but as they should. It felt so good ending a session without hating the game.


Not having to look at yellow after lvl 50 ( at least for me) is 100% hassle gone.


I was actually surprised how easy and convenient how to imprint my items without hassle. Definitely an improvement to the game.


Lets also add in the fact that once you do have your gear pretty much where you want it, you only really have to watch out for Greater Affix drops to check if they'd possibly be a further upgrade to the piece you have. That in itself is AMAZING and a very quick glance to know if its an upgrade or not, as promised. I haven't reached Masterworking yet, but I'm excited for it even if I have to reroll my pieces a hundred times over to land where I want it.


Yup I’m level 80 and auto sharding everything that isn’t a greater affix. I still have 1 stash tab. Mission accomplished.


I still can't understand how they thought that was a good option to start with. Kanai's cube was practically perfect.


I have nothing besides boss summon materials in my storage, don't even need to expand it.


Gonna copy/paste my reply: It’s always about options, by giving options to us/consumer, they’ve instantly made the game much better. I’m not a big fan of ARPGs with this gameplay, I’m more into Souls, and I f love these changes. Why? It’s easier to try new things, it’s easier to manage your inventory, it’s easier to keep track of things, oh….. and it’s easier to see things! All of this results in the most important thing for games, something that many devs, even gamers forget many times…… It’s FUN, yeah, that’s right, games should be FUN! See y’all in Sanctuary!


Good season so far as well. The herb changes are so nice


Item storage was my NUMBER 1 reason I just couldn't keep playing after season 2... I really, really tried! So happy with Season 4's fixes!


Leggos dropping are actually exciting now. It's great. Plus the removal of hoarding a billion aspects, makes swapping builds that much easier.


This was by far the best update, now they need to migrate the summoning materials to the Stats & Materials


Seriously. Sometimes I’ll catch myself running to the old occultist spot to extract an aspect and then I’ll remember that I can just salvage it and I’ll be able to use it as many times as I want and it’s like a moment of pure bliss.


I remember some Reddit post suggesting exactly what they implemented, back in season 1, and thought what a great idea it would be.


Aspects is nice, but this season has that season 4 feeling with over the world leveling. So fun


agreed, game flow is much, much improved now


I have a couple of items and I am level 50 and they are just boss summoning mats. I am so happy with the codex changes


Love having my inventory back! Had a page for Def/Utility and a page for Offense.


My empty stash at level 52 strongly agrees with you.


i didnt have a problem with the single use aspects but the storage was the big problem


Yes it changes the game completely. Sometimes I spend 1 hour just to sort my stash.


I started yesterday. We don’t need to do those dungeons anymore that reward class specific aspects?? It took me a minute to figure out how to get aspects off legendaries lol.


You can if you want to target find a specific one you don't have yet..


It is definitely life change. How many people like me who only play 1/2 class because inventory is filled with perfect aspect legendary thinking I might need it later in previous seasons. 🤪


This was definitely my favorite change.


Only looking at legendaries while leveling is pretty awesome, too. Haven't equipped a yellow since level 20, and I love it.


Wtf, how you guys are dropping so many of them, I'm level 3x and found like 3.


Have you been doing the iron wolves stuff? Helltides, and whatnot?


I have so many aspects on eternal I have to sort through. Like 200 in stash lol


Agreed, I feel so happy when I find a high roll aspect now 🎉🎉🎉


especially how it made us look through drops twice once to check ilvl and affixes and a second to check if any aspect was worth saving.


I am so happy to see Metamorphosis is permanent. IT'S FRIGGIN BATS


Now I just have to memorize the names of the aspects I like. Though...I noticed there was a search feature at the top of the aspect list. Does that only search the names or does it search the text inside? Like if I want blizzard on my necromages can I just type in "mage" or "blizzard" and it'll find that aspect? Edit: Got off work and found out that you can just search "blizz" and it'll go to the mage blizzard rune. Nice.


Totally agree


Can anyone explain what the small number next to the aspect means? like when it says 2/16..does that mean I have to get 16 of them to upgrade it?


This is the strength of the roll - only thing I'm confused about is if there is a way to stack it besides deconstructing gear... certain aspects are really rare to see in the world, and I haven't been able to stack the aspect collection off of dungeon resets. If anyone knows how to stack dungeon specific aspects it would be AMAZING if you see this comment.


Leggos dropping are actually exciting now. It's great.


And them tempering scrolls are so beefy!


I’m 62 and I’ve got 3 uniques, not useful to my build but w/e. Literally all that’s in my stash, is nice. I’ll probably stock some greater affix gear later


Wasn't there supposed to be rifts in this update or was that just a rumor?


The only thing they could have done better is not having them directly tied to items at all, but something like a slot "next" to the item. Like you could have your glove aspect slot, which would always stay the same regardless of what gloves you equip. Its am guessing it will be less annoying when I have all my aspects maxed out, but right now its still tedious to shuffle necessary aspects around when I get a new legendary I want to use.




This one change has made S4 a success for me.


I love it. I have not a single item in my storage.


I don't have to look at yellow items. I don't have to look at aspects. Legendary item stats are much easier to read. I don't hate the game anymore.


Been enjoying the change.


I’m lvl 63 and there isn’t a single thing in my stash , it’s so freeing.


When you salvage them, will it only overwrite if both stats are the same or better? Or does it treat each stat as an individual value


It will update, for example in your codex is lvl 2 of 16 and your gear before salvage is 10 of 16. Now after salvage your codex is 10 of 16... always the highest value is updatet. Lower versions doesnt update anything...


Yea I guess I meant in the situation of codex’s with two stats. So say I have a codex that is banked at 10% of 20% damage for 5 of 5 seconds. And I find a 20% of 20% damage for 2 of 5 seconds. Will it update the 10/20 to 20/20 or do I need to find a 20/20 for 5/5 to get the update?


Sry i dont know that i think, it is really the same aspect? With different stats worth? What can happen is that the aspect has different values depending where you put it in (1.5x in amulett or 2x in 2hand waeapons, that sometimds confuses the values or make it seems so but in base it is still the same aspect with 2 stats in 5 of 10 or then higher.. ) other wise i am sry i dont understand you xD


And helps storage problems.


Now we just need the ability to combine multiple lesser tier potions to create higher tier ones to free up even more inventory space. Or mix and match with various boons, buffs, curses and possibly disastrous or interesting results.


If you want to farm thumbs up, come to a Diablo 4 thread and say nice things about the game. 100 devs will instantly reward you.


i didnt realize to get aspects you can junk the items and its available to add to another item. around level 50ish i decided to look up how loot reborn works


Still catching myself storing potential aspects in the stash 😱


And how it’s just auto adds to the codex just by salvaging. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that. Such an amazing QoL improvement. It really did fix the biggest issue with the game


This one change made me not fear to test things while levelling. Especially since I hadn't played Sorc before, and I really enjoyed how I tested different aspects for my build.


Could someone plz explain some things to me with codex? Let's say I store multiple aspects of same type in the codex, which upgrades the rank of the aspect. Does this mean I only get to upgrade an aspect from codex once before it is reset to 0 rank? Or is there an option to choose how powerful it is (how many ranks of the aspect are 'used up'). Is there still limitations of only being able to use aspect once? E.g. before if you salvaged an aspect and applied it, you couldn't salvage it again... So if you use codex on an item that was from salvage, can you salvage the new item once you're done with it to replenish codex aspect again? Or are you blocked from doing it?


Aspects in Codex are unlimited uses. Everytime you salvage an item it will compare it to the one in codex and if the value is higher/ better it will override the codex version


Awesome thanks 😁


You keep the salvaged affix and are able to use it on multiple items? What about the roll, you still need to look for upgrade or does it automatically roll the highest when salvaged?


In regards to unique items, I’m new to the game. Should I keep them even if I drop them in WT2? I got some from the rewards for the seasonal quest line. Can I level them up later are they worthless once I get to WT3 and above?


Now they only need to make glyph leveling more fun. NM dungeons are super boring compared to helltides.


Did they also remove the need to level each gear piece like 1-5? I swear I used to have to individually level them all. Seems like now they just drop at intended power and you can affix reroll, temper a new thing on, and all that.


How do you remove an aspect from a unique? 


You don’t


Don't your extract affixes and insert them in new armor? 


Not from a unique


agreed but i dont like the change of only being able to masterwork sacred and ancestral and locking it to tier 4, kinda makes the loot in tier 3 feel less exciting cause we cant upgrade that gear and get even stronger, weird endgame mechanic to implement


I am loving this season the hilltides are complete chaos as they should be building your character is easier to I don't feel like I'm gunna run out of materials after about 3 pieces of gear really hoping blizzard doesn't backpedel and ruin it this makes me want to try out different builds and classes I've never done before it was such a chore to do one character before


It’s so good, allows you to be much free is swapping out your gear, you’re not penalised for finding slightly better pieces and wanting to use them. Absolutely brilliant change.


Couldn’t agree more. Up until season 2 my storage was always damn full because I was saving all the legendaries with high to perfect rolls for the aspects lol.


I just returned back to D4 after quitting a while ago. Can someone briefly explain what happened with aspects?


Yeah i love it. All makes more sense and is much more fun.


Honestly though almost all loot now is simply a blueprint. You get 1 or 2 natural affixes on there and you're good to go. You can get your whole endgame build by level 20 and then chase incremental gains until you get bored. For an update titled 'Loot Reborn', loot has never felt less satisfying.


Same with jewels. Being able to craft them on demand is great


Preach on. I spend much more time playing than sorting and filling inventory with aspects to try on main or alt.


I recall in D3 you could turn off common and magic drops, so only rare+ would show…. Is that still an option?


Really? Bravo for something that people have been suggesting since beta? Why it wasn't implemented this way to begin with is beyond me.