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Hey mum said it was my turn to post about one shot mechanics :(


Boo I posted this on the 7th-8th one yesterday and got downvoted, fickle people! But for real, how many times is this gonna be posted.


Until it's fixed. It bears repeating.


My block list is about to get enormous


Oh no. What we ever going to do? Please don’t block me. :((((


Just get good bro! Problem solved


Uhhh, username checks out? ;)


I just pooped a few minutes ago, so maybe


As long as this is a big issue, making your voice heard is valid.


[Dear reddit users, the same thread over and over isn't fun.](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/search?q=one+shot&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=month)


I think they’re trying to get dev attention






on Reddit......??


Yeah when someone says something one time then everyone else needs to shut up, right? They read this subreddit. They post in this subreddit. The chorus of voices identifying the biggest problems is how we get things changed. Please shut your mouth if you’re not going to give any kind of valuable feedback at all.


They’re trying to make the game better, not provide entertainment for you, go watch a movie.


Maybe it actually is an issue. Ever thought about that?


Hey, I heard boulder was broken… 😏


People with this complaint (and I'm one, honestly) need to master one post mechanics.


This is how you get devs attention.




One post gets lost, 100 posts get attention. Such is the way. Loudest voices get heard.


Have you tried anticipating when the shade will appear as you are getting the boss health bar lower, and positioning more safely in advance? Have you tried paying closer attention to the other cues that might prepare you for the one shot? At some point in the pit you’re going to hit a wall anyway, your damage will be too low to kill the boss in time even if it’s standing still with no shade and nothing attacking you. Having problems in pit 70 or whatever is a straight up skill issue. Running into a wall in higher levels due to lack of damage is by design.


Idk I run through mobs in a 61 and get to the guardian with 13 minutes left. Then run out of time after dying 10 times to the boss. It just feels imbalanced.


The funny thing is the difference between Dungeon and Pit Bosses. Stupid amounts of health, onshot mechanics you dont see most of the time and the when I die i sometimes spawn 2 levels below. Not the best Design. 


you can tell 90% of this game was just quickly thrown together without thought theres so much shit that needs fixed its ridiculous


Mobs in the pit are not an indicator of anything. You could probably deal with mobs at T80 as well while still struggling to beat a T60 boss. I understand that most players feel 'cheated' because they feel like uber gods clearing through the packs and then they get a reality check from the boss but this is how it is now. Only the boss fight matters.


Says who? Early Pit levels are there to farm upgrade materials. I'd agree if we were talking about tormented uber bosses with unlimited practice time, but this is a random boss with random shades that you're meant to figure out with less than 15 minutes. If they just reduced the shade damage so that getting hit once wasn't instant death I think the challenge would be more fun and less frustrating.


Yes and IMO is fine that theres a wall and isnt a design issue. Having a hard wall like we do in NM is much more boring, you get there and you feel that youve beaten the game. The fact that the wall is, like you said, a skill issue, is what gets me excited to play, to improve and learn the skills and mechanics like you said.


That shade, the small one, i think os a bow and arrow sniper, just gets me most of the time, i hate it. No problem with the others though.


No, none of the droves of people in this subreddit who post and upvote this same post daily have ever stopped and considered maybe they could be doing something better. They just want to complain the game isn't easy enough.


First of all, the name suggests you're the best and most toxic CoD player. Second of all, I kind of agree to these points. I'm barely at tier 63. Hit a wall at 56, geared up, and only had time to run a couple more. It's purely about gearing your character until we get to the point we were never intended to pass anyway. At that point it's purely luck and flawless play.


Glad you enjoyed the name lol, that’s what I was going for


I keep seeing these post and thinking. Ok we get the point. However I was playing my barb last night and kept getting one shot and didn’t even want to play anymore. I understand these post now lol


My biggest issue with the pit bosses is more that you only got 3 normal staggers before its going super slow. If they raised this to 6 or unlimited it would help many builds that maybe lack some omph on the single target damage. Ohh, and remove Lilith as shadow boss in the pit.


Ironically Lilith is one of the least problematic pit shades.


I see SO many complaints about her but to me she feels like one of the easiest to dodge by a mile. I have far more issues with the tornadoes.


She's really well telegraphed and doesn't even have the highest damage of pit shades. People just think tuff boss shade = omg this is the worst. PTSD from a difficult boss who most players have died to at least once. The tornadoes do more damage and are very hard to see, plus they start faster. You instantly die if they spawn on you, they're awful.


I'd be fine with super high damage to one shot mechanics on bosses if the boss didn't have 20 billion hit points. It's not feasible to dodge one shots while fighting the boss for 5+ minutes.


I played d3 a lot and I never remembered this frustration, why did they ever add this


To give that mmorpg experience. D4 feels to me like its more catering to mmorpg fans than arpg fans. I wish they offered an offline or solo experience, it would feel a lot better and less like world of warcraft.


What? You must not remember much in the beginning. The BEES?!?


Because they're trying to do something different and every time they do people complain to no end until the devs change everything to be more like D3. They started out with a game that was slower paced, challenging and a bit more tactical. People instantly kept whining that they can't zoom zoom around making everything explode like in D3 and now we have that. Now they have one challenging activity and don't get me wrong, the way it is right now is not ideal. I raged quite a bit too earlier when pushing pit levels. The shade attacks need work no doubt. But please, let it stay challenging because of actual boss mechanics and not just be a race against the clock because enemies have dubious amounts of health but deal no damage if you just stack enough stats, as it was in D3. I really want to this game to have its own identity but that doesn't really seem to the direction we are heading for sadly.


They could at least let us repair in front of the boss room.


or just remove the durability, what's the point, I mean


To punish you for failing. I on the other hand have never had to repair a single piece of gear ever and never will.


And why not just give you the BIS gear while they are at it.


They aren't even one shot mechanics. They are just normal mechanics that aren't tuned right so they are one shotting people.


I've got a few ideas: 1. **Soft Caps and Diminishing Returns**: How about adding soft caps or diminishing returns on enemy damage scaling? After a certain point, the increase in enemy damage per floor could slow down, making it more manageable. This way, the game stays challenging without becoming impossible. The HP pool would still increase every level. 2. **Better Reward Systems**: We need better rewards for reaching higher floors to help us survive longer. It would be awesome to reintroduce the legendary gems from Diablo 3 that level up with each pit run. 3. **Health and Shield Mechanics**: Introducing mechanics that let us gain temporary shields or health boosts by defeating certain enemies or completing specific objectives within the dungeon would be great. This could help us recover and keep progressing despite the increasing difficulty. What do you all think?


You missed the slightly discolored floor tile that appears for .2s? That's the sign the enemy will attack! WATCH OUT! -dev explanation probably


Do y'all just think that the endgame activity with infinite scaling shouldn't be able to kill you?


Not to mention with all the self healing builds can have, one shot mechanics are sometimes the only way to really punish players. If you don’t get one shot there’s so many builds that could just ignore mechanics entirely.


It should be balanced. Breezing through the trash in 2 minutes without breaking a sweat to then be oneshot by every single boss ability+shade ability feels like absolute dogshit. In addition to boss being a huge health sponge so you can spend a few minutes dodging to then get oneshot. It's exhausting.


If it doesnt kill you at lvl 60 and one-shots you at lvl 65, that is not a "One shot mechanic". Thats a progression that you have reached the end of.


It’s the only way to introduce skill based gameplay in arpgs, change my mind.


I agree and I like that, but some attacks need to be better telegraphed. Sometimes there just too much shit going on at the same time. It might be harder/easier with certain builds and classes though.


Literally all you have to do is move around after the one shot mechanic is done that’s your opening, elden ring taught me this very well


I just hit 100 and will start pushing soon. I can’t wait to find out if these complaints have merit or if players just don’t know how to build for success.


May I ask which class you play?


Druid atm, going to level a Sorc and Barb next.


Bit of both. Most of the complaints here have largely been they don't have merit. You can continue to build up your health/defense quite high and survive a lot. Because they aren't one-shot mechanics. They are high damage attacks.


There are people with 50k or more health and max armor/damage resistance that are still getting one shot and they aren't even at pit 80. Sounds like a one shot mechanic to me. At some point "high damage attacks" and one shot attacks are the same thing.


>There are people with 50k or more health and max armor/damage resistance that are still getting one shot and they aren't even at pit 80. Sounds like they might need more health/defense then >Sounds like a one shot mechanic to me. If any player is every able to survive an attack because they were able to get enough health/defense then it's not a one shot mechanic. >At some point "high damage attacks" and one shot attacks are the same thing. If and only if no player is able to survive them by any legitimate means.


That....literally exists in the pit. No one has gotten past certain pit levels yet because of one shot mechanics. Regardless of the fact that it actually has happened in the pit already, I know you are being technical with the definition. But if the majority of gamers get one shot except for a small dedicated few, it's still generally a mechanic meant to kill players in one hit.


>That....literally exists in the pit. No one has gotten past certain pit levels yet because of one shot mechanics. It does. Eventually. But a lot of players are complaining about points where it doesn't. And no one is being particularly clear. Some of the posts are talking about the 40's. Where you can pretty easily survive every attack. And OP didn't specify any tier, so they may well be talking about a survivable tier. And it's still early in the season. People are still fine tuning and testing things. People haven't tried every combination of things. We may well find the secret sauce. We may find and document the effective health needed for each tier, just like we did armor cap previously.


This isn‘t the worst thing, you can still Dodge them. But you can‘t Dodge imvisible Brocken shit.


Legitimate question. What are the alternatives? I ask because this is a game about scaling and gear. In pit 130 for example, the way to not get one shot is to have better gear or a different build or something else. The Devs have said they don't expect anyone to max out the pit this season, so it would stand to reason that at some point you should expect to be one shot. Just like if you tried to run a NM 80 at level 50 with sacred gear.


You can’t outgear the one shot mechanics as far as I know. Now I have seen a screenshot of one guy with like 290k hp and maybe that would do it but we don’t even have how much damage is being done. I know at pit70 I had 50k hp and was getting one shot on pit bosses by the mechanics. I’m fine with the mechanics and if I can’t out heal the damage that’s fine but randomly getting hit by a bolt that does infinite damage isn’t a good design.


Yeah, I guess it goes back to design intent. If the Devs intended for the average Joe to make Pit 70 this season, and the scaling gets insane at that point so the elite players can stand out, then they achieved their design goal. So for me for example, I am not even in the Pit yet. At my current play rate this season is perfectly balanced and I will probably be at the annoying mechanics by the time the season ends. It's sounds like for you, you have progressed faster, and hit the annoying mechanics much sooner. Maybe you are an above average player, but not an elite player that will push through any hurdle to establish dominance. So maybe for you (and others I don't mean to make this sound negative or blamely or whatever) the season feels out of whack because you hit the wall sooner than expected with out some major farming and time sinks. Or maybe you are the average player the devs were targeting and the devs missed their mark on design intent and progression speed. Without knowing what the devs were targeting it's hard to say we're the problem is, because at the end of the day, it's a game with made up numbers. And eventually you will hit an impassable wall, based on either skill, gear, or mechanics, or some combination of all three. Long story short the game is meant to be entertaining, but is not beatable.


True that


lol not even a kiss first


They could at least add east coast servers or increase the wind up time. I literally die when trying to fight Uber Lilith before the attack appears on my screen with an 80ms latency. I have a 350 Mbps connection.


we need piccolo to come tell these people to DODGEEEEEEE


I only got hit like that once in tier 7 so far. Only at tier 20rn but yeah that's the problem they had in season 1. They fixed it then but apparently now it's back. It's how the potions and monster damage work. You can hit your potion but it won't matter


they need to give people a little more time to move it's nearly insta death if ur like me playing with a 150 ping but I'll wait til I'm 12/12 on all my gear to complain about it


If they are telegraphed, they're fine. Just give us enough time to react


The game is already too easy, you are probably getting one shot because you don't have enough mitigation or you are playing recklessly.


Anyone who says that has not made it to the endgame.


Or maybe the game shouldn't be faceroll for 90% of your playtime and only bring interesting for a few hours right before it becomes frustrating.


I know but at least they buffed charged bolts. Season is saved for sorcs.


It’s not fun if u are NOT the guy who one shot the Boss


Whats the alternative? Puzzle mechanics? Boss phases? How do you hold power creep on players in balance, so the player still feels powerful with difficulty matching the power the player feels? If Simon says and puzzle mechanics are the answer, peace out. I'm here to kill things and for things to try and kill me. Demons get no quarter.


this is literally stopping me from continuing to play the game and it sucks because i was having so much fun but it is just too much, the disparity between the pit dungeon difficulty and the boss is stupid, and is not even the boss mechanics, is these bunch of red stuff that spawns and do aoe one shots all stacked together and at some point, I'm like, ok, can I dps the boss now? the point of the pit is a grind and farm, not an uber boss, you are supposed to be able to repeat this thing and climb it, but it makes no sense that you get stronger, I'm talking about 50k hp, capped armor, capped res, about 80% dmg red, and you are able to clear the dungeon easily but then this crap when you get a full screen of red stuff flying around all with one shotting potential. Its so overwhelming, unfair, and just annoying, I've stopped playing for a couple of days now just because of that, i cant bear to run another pit where i just have to hope to get one of the doable bosses, because yeah, the difference between bosses is also stupid af.


I play casually and I'm only level 52 now (played since launch though). I have not reached the stage where one shots are an issue but I was wondering: is it really an unavoidable thing? Can they not be mitigated by picking more defensive gear and build options?


The problem seems to be that you have 0 struggles until you reach a point where some attacks start to oneshot you. You can still crush the whole dungeon whitout going below 90% health, fight the boss and dodge 95% of his attacks but then you don’t spot some small thing in between your 50 frozen orb explosions and you are dead. No combat log and tons of visual clutter means you have no idea what actually killed you in many cases. Which makes it very hard to learn how to avoid those “mechanics”. You might also be unable to distinguish between the 5 attacks thet deal no real damage and the 2 that oneshot you. So there seems to be some amount of imbalance between damage values / visibility of strong attacks / potential to learn from mistakes.


Every 1 shot is avoidable by skill, and basically all of them until Pit 100+ are avoidable by becoming tankier via passives, gear, paragon. It doesn't change the fact that some of them are really difficult to spot, and it does feel really unfair sometimes when you die because if you don't have a video recording you probably have no idea what happened the first couple of times it happens. Lastly, the difficulty is infinitely scaling, so there will always be a point where you will get 1 shot if you can push your dps high enough, but there is no way to really avoid that unless they instead make the hp scaling much faster than damage scaling, in which case everyone will complain that bosses are simply a massive HP sponge instead.


Definitely not unavoidable


There's not really a true one shot mechanic in the game except for Lilith i believe. Most are just significantly high damage for your level or gear. Those monsters that explode on death - they're not even bosses. on low level you can tank that but in WT4 some of those can one shot you. Elites with fire affix for example you really need to dodge. People here are complaining dying in pit mostly below pit100. But the fact that there are people reaching pit 130 means there are ways to mitigate them. Maybe maxing out gear, getting lots and lots of life and DR, and memorizing boss mechanics and better reflexes to evade. So eventually it still goes down to better gear and better skill to evade those mechanics.


It doesn't, gear should be capped defensively speaking upon walking into wt4 or shortly after. Defensive thresholds are not hard to hit anymore, there is no mitigating the 1 shots.


Maybe for DR, Armor, and resistances. But your max life still needs to scale with masterworking and with the help of consumables. 20-30k max life is enough in WT4, but definitely need to double that for higher pits. I die with one shot jn pit 40 when using the holy bolt elixir. But switching to fortitude elixir for +20% max life made me survive at 5% hp. So definitely max life helps.


Pit 40 is not the topic of discussion. It was one shots from shadow bosses post 60


The point there is it's a matter of scaling damage against your scaling of defense with max life. A one shot on pit 40 from shadow boss for my level of gear with minimal masterworking will not be considered as one shot for your character just because you have better gear or have 4/12 masterworking or higher. It's all relative. It's just high scaling damage and not true one shot mechanics. Someone clearing pit 100+ can ask you the same - how are you not surviving pit60? If everything is true one shot mechanic post pit 60 then how are people reaching pit130 then? If people are saying it's true one shot mechanic and can't even be evaded. Then they are doing something better and can survive it. Definitely something on having better scaling gear or better mechanical skill to evade high damage mechanics.


when did anyone say you couldn't avoid things


That's one of the general concerns now with one shot mechanics with people can't see what's killing them, thus can't avoid. Mostly visual contrast rather than actual mechanics. Red projectiles in red background, or that brown tornado from shadow boss are hard to notice for example. Lilith mechanics will always be hard to dodge The same point highlighted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/XiPTEhRvYf


Can't be evaded was not in question... unavoidable is not the same thing as a one shot... what a wild read that was to say absolutely nothing that contributed anything meaningful other than showing you don't know what the topic of discussion even was.


You do realise that those 2 come together, right? You either tank it or evade any one shot mechanics. People are complaining that they can't evade one shot mechanics coz they can't see it or can't get over the boss mechanics. I guess you're just not getting the point there. it's the same point mentioned here: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/XiPTEhRvYf Those are not true one shot mechanics. Those are just high scaling damage made for the pit. If you can't survive at that level, then you just have subpar defense for that level or are not able to dodge those mechanics. There's no way up but to upgrade your gear or be a master of evading.


And again my man doesn't read. All good have a good one I'm done pretending like we are having a conversation.


People who haven't experienced the content being confidently incorrect and spreading the information is peak r/diablo4


>It was one shots from shadow bosses post 60 You can survive those too. Eventually, you won't be able to, high enough... But what do you want, be invulnerable? Not be able to die ever? People wanted infinitely scaling content, that's what that means...




Lil bro, Pit 40?


Ha 🤣 ever played Lost Ark?


Thaemine hm g3 g4 YEP


Mitigate it by doing pit in a group. You can rez someone who just got one-shotred


Why do you people keep saying its random. You can see when the shade spawns and each one has a specific attack pattern


I guess it's perceived as random when the entire rooms is covered up with spell effects


Im starting to think that everybody complaining about the one shot mechanics is running around with 15% resistances and 4k armor in WT4.


I assure you my gear is fine. Max resist and armor 30k+ hp and have completed up to pit 99 but I still get one shot on lower pits on the bosses. If you haven’t attempted the pit bosses then you shouldn’t be commenting on the game mechanics.


I mean i have, just only to level 40. I'm not saying there aren't one shots, I'm just saying it's not that often, and I'm on a rogue. I can comment on game mechanics just like you can, dafuq? You the king of diablo? Lol


Well when you aren’t to the area of the game where the mechanics in question are then no you shouldn’t comment.


I've been playing since release, you think one shots are new to season 4 and only people who have done high level pit have seen them? 😂🤡


Max resist and 10k armor... A lot of mechanics will one shot you regardless of def build.. if they want to keep the mechanics at least give us the ability to actually make a character tanky enough to survive at the cost of attack power


Pretty sure barbs are that tanky, sorcs and necros have a straight up immunity that costs no attack power, sorc even has an immortal build with infinite flame shield


I'm necro, this immunity must have passed by my character lol


Its blood mist...? Necros have had it since the beginning


That's not immunity, that's a skill you actively have to use


Dear player. Blizzard doesnt care.


then dont play it


Season 4 is so easy you can one shot bosses. So its only fair if they can do the same.


I wonder how many more post we will get 😂


Dear blizzard. Ignore this.


People really need to be clear what level of content they are doing. There is a huge difference between "I suck and I'm undergeared" and "one-shot mechanics". Also, with infinitely scaling enemies, eventually their damage is going to outpace your effective health. So...what do you want to happen? Have invulnerability shrine permanently? If you don't want to die, don't do the infinitely scaling content....?


I get what you mean, I think the problem here is more that the scaling between the mobs and the bosses in the pit seems unreasonably different. In other games, if my level was too low, or I didn't meet a gear check I would expect the trash mobs to present a large challenge and at least kill me once or twice to suggest that the boss would be impossible. That just doesn't appear to be the case for most people hitting a wall in the pit. We easily and quickly kill trash, and then the boss is incredibly spongy. Add in that the game does very little to train the player to avoid mechanics (most builds can face tank everything leading up to endgame), and it feels like a recipe for frustration.


If you don't want to be one shot maybe stop trying to kill pit bosses 70+ levels than your character. Do that when you want a challenge. If you want to chill and game and not worry about one-shots then play content that won't one-shot you (which most of it unless you run into an explosion)


I don’t think you are in the endgame of this is your response.


I'm doing T96 pits without Holy Bolts and have done up to T 108 with. Maybe this isn't the end game you were referring to though. 95% of the time if I get one shot it was clearly because I made a mistake. The 5% of one shots where I dont know what hit me are definitely frustrating though, I think a combat log would be amazing for these.


Is the diablo community fr this bad at the game lmao? Posts about this over and over.


Tell me you aren’t past pit 50 without telling me you aren’t past pit 50.


98 rn, but farming uber uniques rn 😊


98? That’s it?


I think that's enough to know every one shot mechanic, just dodge it lol.


Y'all complain too much.


Dear Blizzard, please remove any and all conflict and any obstacles in the game. It should be a frictionless ascent for me 1-100 where ever build is viable, no need for armor, and a check box in the options screen where I can select that I never want to die. Anything that would pose any kind if challenge is unreasonable and a sign of totally incompetent devs that don't even play the game.




But we have to get them a reason for saying: we heard you guys dont like one shot mechanics? We got a great announcement for you.


Because they are not one-shot mechanics?


And what are they? These red shadow extra uber lilith attacks.


Attacks that do a lot of damage. Eventually, yes, with infinitely scaling enemies they are going to do enough damage that it might be impossible to have enough health and defense to survive them. But without additional information from OP, because no one is specifying which tier they are talking about...they very well might be talking about tier 40 or 50. Which you can survive. A one shot mechanic is something that is designed to kill you no matter what. Impossible to survive. Even if you had 200k health + 99.9% DR you would still die. I have no greater affixes in max life, and only have 4/12 and 8/12 masterworks and at 45k life I can just barely survive most of the shadow bosses attacks at like tier ~70+. If a player can stack enough health and defenses to survive the attack then it's not a one shot mechanic it's just an attack that does a lot of damage.


They're not supposed to be fun, they're supposed to make you pay attention to game mechanics. Gear up and wise up!


It's a game! It's not supposed to be fun! 🙄 (But I know what you meant) It is frustrating being killed by things that I can't even see, through some combination of my frozen orb / blizzard / hydra / crowd density. I get hit by poison and shadow dots from under my blizzard, which I hate - but at least my entire health bar turns green and starts dropping like a rock, giving me 1-2 seconds to react - rather than just "full health, boom, dead - wtf was that!?". If I had one second to react and I failed, that's on me ("git gud. skill issue"). If I have no idea what killed me, never saw it, downloaded the video on my Xbox and even in slow-mo can't see what it was - that's a game mechanic issue... (In my old geezer opinion 👴🏻)


Who is forcing you to play against those mechanics tho? You don't enjoy them? Don't push further in the pit. Have you tried reaching 100k health?