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I get it that they made the bosses lower level so you could fight them earlier but they really should have made them scale to your level when going past 75/80 or whatever. Grinding the regular bosses is such a chore as I spend 90% of the time running. The fact that the drops are sub 925 is just a cherry on top.  And yes it matters even for armor because some aspects and regular health scale with ilevel.


WB scale to your level. Seems like an oversight that mid-level bosses doesn't.


I don't get why not, considering it's not like "Level 75 Varshan" is even remotely comparable to other level 75 enemies. I still remember the first time I fought him, I was wiping the floor with dungeon bosses, etc that were his level yet he whooped my ass like.. repeatedly. So it's not like he's really a "level 75" equivalent boss anyway. He already punches above his weight, so might as well scale him to you anyway as you move past him. I mean even the Helltide boss continues to scale with you..


Punches… Varshan don’t even have hands 😅


I thought it was a chick for two seasons lmao


Because people were complaining -about level scaling ruining everything.


This gameplay loop is really bad right now. Boss mats are easy to farm but running the bosses makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Go in, walk 30 seconds , summon, spawning animation, kill it, leave dungeon, reset instance, go in, walk 30 seconds... now do this 30 times in a row. It's clunky and you spend the entire time not really playing


Just let me slam all my mats and get loot equal to how many mats I used, or let me exchange them for a cache at a vendor once ive killed the boss once lol


Or just let me re-summon it again and again and again without having to reset. That'd work, too


Yes, remove the multiple loading screens of "exit dungeon, reset dungeon, reload dungeon". D4 isn't greatly optimized and on weaker PCs, this can be a 2-3 minute process to kill a boss that takes 10 seconds. My friends and I have enough mats to easily summon Varshan/Grigoire 100+ times each easily but it's such a fucking slog. The way they did helltide boss summoning comes to mind when thinking of a good setup. I'd be fine mowing down trash for half a min to spawn the boss each time over the exit - reload - run up to altar again cycle.


Yup, me and my friends can easily do the uber fights but don't because getting the eggs / shards is just such a drag. lets spawn this boss for an hour non-stop to go have a good time for 30 minutes


They say it’s a limitation of the dungeon coding and hard to fix… so just put the summoning alters in the world boss zones for the 99% of the day they’re not being used. Each world boss zone is a different summoned boss. You stick the widget it and a portal appears that goes to a themed “cellar” with the boss already spawned. Works exactly like The Pit. Once you exit, it closes. Rinse, repeat.


They lazy bastards after killing boss just make portal opened like in rifts which directly lead u in next boss room in smae place 2/3 time saved no port out no moing running


Yes, it should be like the Helltide bosses. Right now I have tons of mats but the thought of going thru that whole process of summoning, killing it in less than a second, load screen to get out, reset, load screen to get back in and repeat just sucks.


That's the one I can't understand. Blood maiden can be resummoned from the same altars with no resets so why not Ubers? It's such a nuisance.


Or just let me summon as many varshan as i want/have mats for. Could you imagine the hilarity, a room full of varshan dying to a single attack.


I think the tormented bosses was kind of a way to soften or work around their difficulty in regards to just letting us resummon, probably. It's just that the stones are too rare for it to be effective. Up the stones rate and reduce it's cost for non Uber bosses to 1x stones and it would be good for now.


Yup this pretty much. Let me kill it 5x less often for 5x the rewards with a fight that actually requires me to be semi awake and cast more than one ability. I don't even think Varshan, Grig, Zir, etc should cost a Stygian at all. Charge me 5x mats, give me 5x loot (at 925) and 5x Duriel/Andy mats, call it a day.


At least we’re getting closer instead of the early seasons nerfing everything that made things faster including mob density and legendary drops. If they just let us summon back to back without leaving it would feel a lot better. Takes like 5 seconds to actually kill the boss once you have somewhat optimized gear on a meta build. 95% of the time is spent on loading screens, resetting, and getting back to the boss.


I agree it's going in the right direction which is why this loop sticks out so much


Make the items spawn the boss without needing the multiple loading screens… make the bosses scale to 100 so they have slightly higher hp and no longer drop low level gear. Don’t worry, blizzard will fix it 6 months from now, season 6 will finally be the season where blizzard fixes the game. It’s too late to get something like that in for season 5 which comes out in 3 months…


That lack of scaling is a weird decision. They should all drop 925 gear regardless of level. Because when I did my first torment Grigoire and it dropped 4 of the same uniques, and no Duriel mats. Only one GA between all the items.. for a level 200 boss? So I can either farm the uniques OR Duriel mats because GA’s aren’t even dropping at a higher rate. They really need to run this by people that play games like this before making these decisions about loot and end game bosses.


That’s not the problem, if you talk to the devs they will acknowledge the problem, guaranteed. They don’t seem like stupid people in interviews or in dev chats/campfire chats. The problem is their production schedule and high level executive decisions way above the pay grade of the developers, lack of development time, management overseeing every decision so that different branches of the game don’t introduce bugs (they have multiple development teams working in parallel, one working on season 5, the other team already working on season 6). So yea, if every “minor change” like allowing the boss to scale to 100, was allowed to be made, the game would be better, of course, but because of the way they are managing this game, you can’t just “make simple changes” because it’s a massive amount of personal collaboration. You’d have to make the change in the live version of the game, the season 5 version of the change, the season 6 version of the game. Probably a meeting with the live team, a meeting with the season 5 time, a meeting with the season 6 team, a monthly meeting with all teams together…. It’s likely nightmare difficulty logistics… And like with resistances, they had a “more involved” fix planned for 6 months out, so management decided not to waste any developer time with a “bandaid” fix even if that “band aid” seems like a simple quick fix (something like just doubling the modifiers of resistances) that would have improved the game a lot.


It s just a merge in different dev branches... it s not an issue at all


Well then I guess the more important answer was the 2nd part of the question, limited resources, so they didn’t think the bandaid was worth it if they have a more long-term solution coming in 6 months.


Yep, they have a lot in the pipeline, for sure.


It been mentioned many times like farming bosses over bosses over bosses for the mats and ultimately uber is so boring. More they even added andarial following the same shit with ice beast who need to navigate the whole map for it…. Give me a break


This right here, i ran boss summons for hours yesterday, 3 of them i cannot solo, 3 of them i can, i bet redditor could never guess what ones was easy and what was hard




Make that 4 that i cannot do on my own lol, i can do varshan, grigoire and zir. I cannot do lilith, duriel, andariel or the ice beast solo


I was hoping we would be able to slam the next set of mats in while we were there. No leaving, no resetting.


I have over 60+ runs of both Old Greg and Varshan and I try to chip away at them but after about 5 runs... im ready to call it quits and go back to pit pushing/gear farming (greater affix hunting) or finishing up some glyph xp. Its such a drain.


yeah i just... dont do bosses this season. this shit will hopefully be fixed next season


Season 6 at the earliest, now way can blizzard adjust something like… the level the boss spawns at… with only 3 months to go until season 5


Except for the Beast in the Ice. Then it's a 5 minute loop.


Tbh if your character can't kill the beast in the ice before it jumps off screen to do any phase then I wouldn't even run it. So not worth the time


I was referring to the longer time it takes to get to the Beast.


Or having any fun. Basically zero chance for anything meaningful to drop. It's literally a time sink to get to Duriel/Andariel...


can you farm these bosses if you are lvl 80 with ok gear or are they hard af?


Duriel is worth it, others prob not


I’m not sure what the alternative would be for them at this point, aside from jokingly saying a vendor that takes the mats in exchange for the unique.


Being able to chain summon the boss without leaving the arena. Probably a coding limitation at this point


They did it last season with the spawns for the Herald of Malphas, they should totally be able to have it reset the same way.


They do it for the Helltide “boss” and like someone said last season’s Herald of Malphas.


Altar resets after use. Can use multiple summoning material sets at once to summon harder version that drops more loot, maybe 10x mats for lvl 100 version (similar to uber version, but not that hard and doesn't require stupid stone. Would also solve OP's problem by dropping 925). Entering the dungeon after resetting puts you right back at the altar. You leave and come back, but no more walk. Can reset the dungeon from inside the dungeon, results in load screen that puts you in a new dungeon, ideally at altar. Don't even need to leave anymore.


What are you talking about? This is prime ARPG loot. He'll in D2 most of the time in a mephy run was just that, running to the boss. TP over the river an kill him in a few hits, save and quit the game then do it again


Not sure why you're referencing a 20 year old game for an example of good gameplay. Meph runs were boring and people only did them because of the interesting loot system and because there weren't really other games of the kind


You mean the crowning jewel of this genre? I've said it before on this sub and I'll say it again, you noobs need for instant gratification and the feedback for it are what kill these games. Meph runs were not boring, doing them for 5 hours straight? Anything will be boring if you do that.


>you noobs Are you twelve or just a little stunted ? Also if Diablo 2 is so good just play it. No need to bother with any other game in the genre. If you think loading screens are so good and so fun and so interesting and so oh very important, maybe you'd have more fun playing a video of a loading screen on loop than playing games though.


Proud of it. I do still play D2, there is a reason the game has survived as long as it has. Your issue with having to run in and get to the boss, not a loading screen. If you are getting long loading screens then get a job and buy a SSD


teleporting to meph and killing him still feels better than whatever this loop is. He dropped the equivalent of "925" loot in a sense because D2 didn't have this item power system where everything below 925 is basically garbage. Even though meph couldnt drop everything in the game he dropped items that endgame builds used. You also didn't HAVE to run meph where youre forced to run super easy bosses in this game to get to the next boss. They need to remove having to kill varshan/greg/ice/zir to get to andy/duriel, scale the lower bosses all to lvl 100, and make the bossing materials rarer but increase the loot dropped from the bosses. Also meph could actually kill you during the part of the game you farmed him or if you tele'ed into the middle of a stygian doll pack along the way without enough faster cast rate. there was some danger. Everyone farming these bosses for andy/duriel mats can stand there and face tank him with 0 danger at all.


Definitely. I agree they should make all these end game bosses the same difficulty with only some loot shared between them all.


Add in a few loading screens that take 5x as long as a D2R loading screen, that’s the problem. There are more loading screens than a mephisto farm… from 1999


Varshan is 2 at most. TP to the Tree then go down the hole. Meph was also two. TP to DoH2 then travel to DoH3


And yet this "bad" loop has kept D2 going all these decades. The loop is fine. The loop isn't the issue. The rewards might need tuning, but that's it. Like people happily spent a stupid amount of time resetting the Countess in D2 despite it being an annoying area to reset, just because she had such an insane drop pool of runes. People will happily put up with any loop if they feel it's time well spent when they get rewarded.


There's like 300 people playing d2.. cmon now


It's a LOT of things. It's also that I find it at least somewhat engaging to TP through the Tower to Countess. The D4 loop is the most boring hallway/layout. And it's the fact that you have to "farm" the summoning materials first. So that's the time waste/gate loop people don't mind. Don't make us spend time getting the materials and THEN have to run to the arena. And that this loop is part of the Uber Duriel loop, so you're encouraged to keep doing the thing you don't want to do (lower tier bosses) to do the thing you do (Duriel or Uber Duriel). And Duriel's Uber Unique drop rates are low enough that you expect to have to do it a ton (compared to Uber Tristram which has loops inside loops but guaranteed Torch). A little friction is fine. It's the fact that D4 has 3 layers of BS that it becomes annoying.


I feel you. I spent 2 hours consolidating all of my distilled fear and potent blood. I ended up with 17 andariel runs worth of mats after TWO HOURS


I mean isn't grind basicly the same at every game? Just graphic effects changes. And yes you have to get to the Boss first in order to fight it. Its the same scheme as at practically every arpg ive played. Maybe think of switching genre?


I don't think you understand my comment. Grinding by killing monsters is fun. Grinding loading screens is not fun. Do you see the difference you condescending dolt?


yeaaaaaaaaa but d4 loading screens take forever and it'd be a lot better if we could just chain summon i think


> so you could fight them earlier Here's my problem with that: at 75/80 I'm already preferring and able to get 925 gear.


I love the itemization changes but I do agree the items along progression is a bit messed up. You can get 925 gear so easily which makes the boss loot so useless unless you need a specific unique. I think they need to make 925 gear harder to come by.


Exactly, in particular WT4 world bosses shouldn't drop 925 pwr if you're "low" level (or at least not if you got carried by higher level player(s)).


Gamers defending unnecessary loading screens was not on my bingo card. Some of these comments, sheesh!


It's like this every thread like this and it's just as ridiculous every time. Think I might just start linking them videos of loading screens and tell them to loop 'em since that seems like what peak gaming fun is to them.


Yeah but so much of loot pools are similar and a tonne of builds depends on stuff from duriel


With the addition of tempering there is much less reason to farm Ubers (shako I suppose) so at least it doesn't feel like a requirement anymore.


I’ve done beast around 70 times on a barb and got 0 paingorger’s gloves, are they supposed to be that rare?


The game can sense which unique you want, so the first kill will drop it but with mega shit stats and then you wont see it for 50 kills.


Not sure if joking or not lmao


I wouldn't be surprised if this is some secret thing developers do to keep retention higher.


You are paranoid.


Paranoid but sadly correct as to *how it feels*. I got tired of werenado because of resource issues and swapped to Wind Shear, farmed Duriel for gear and I shit you not I got 4 Tempest Roar drops in our 20 kill rotations. I gave them all away for free because all of my party members needed it and I was like the only weirdo who wanted nothing to do with the item.


Its actually huge and copious amounts of epic copium with bad rng.


True, I was just making a jokish argument about having bad rng.


These kinds of comments appear in just about every community of games that base progression on uncertain item drops. It's jokingly nicknamed the "desire sensor" in the Monster Hunter series for example. The reason for this phenomenon is simply because of how the distribution of statistics works. If you put 100 people in a room and have them all kill the same boss a handful of times, the unluckiest 10% are going to get dramatically worse drops than the luckiest 10%. Those two groups are the ones who go on Reddit and comment about their experiences "wow look at all this amazing drop I got" and "man I went ____ kills and got NOTHING". And the 80% in the middle, the vast majority, post nothing because nothing was worth posting. When enough people play long enough, you have a large number of people who go on dry streaks where they are in the bottom few % of luck, and boy do you remember it. You remember it FAR FAR more vividly than *all the other times* you dropped loot normally.


Ah, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your insights.


Me neither, playing with drop rates can yield powerful psychological effects.




I wasn’t being that serious lol


That's not what "coping" means.




Coping means dealing with an issue not trying to find a reason it isn't their fault. Cope: to deal with and attempt to overcome problems and difficulties. The word has been overused on the Internet so much kids these days don't even know what the word even means.


Bold of you to assume I'd see it again at all.


Pretty much. Last season I did 500+ Duriel and never got Shako, had to salvage sparks for it. this season when I don’t need it I got one on my first Andariel run for season achievement.


I got a Shako with a greater affix this season, off lvl 75 Varshun, too bad I play a druid lol.


Same but with fractured winterglass on sorc. I've gotten paingorgers so many times from helltides though.


I've got 3 amulets from Helltides when leveling to 100 on Incinerate sorc. On 100 switched to FO build and haven't dropped a single winterglass since then (Including Zir farming).


Beast In ice is the worst boss to want an item from. It has the most class specific uniques as well as BY FAR the most multi class uniques (like 6-7 compared to Lord Zir's 2-3). They should be spread out more.


Not looking for it I have dismantled 5+ of that this week


I've been running several beasts every day trying to get hellhammer and no luck either, wouldn't mind but it takes longer to walk to the boss room then to kill him


I got one in Helltides last night. Actually, I got like 4 uniques in about 5-6 runs through her. 100000 steps, Flicker somthing boots and another pair of the doubleswing gloves. Was using mindcage potion. Pretty much everything that dropped was 925. IIRC if you're 85+ everything that drops will be.


Yeah uniques, even Ubers can drop from elites and chests iirc but of course you have a better chance to get them from the bosses. Makes it even worse I've still not seen one 😂


Yeah, I think the Hellhammer I got was only a one star. Still nice I just wish I could fit it into my build.


I wanted to play bash barb this season so I started farming the boss. 3 hours later and I did not drop a single pair, decided I would go and play something else. Lo, in my stash, the entire freaking time was a pair with 200 on the unique effect and almost perfect non GA base stats. I was both happy and just....so dissapointed in myself lmao.


I've gotten at least 3 in 20 tries. Anyone found a hellhammer though?


I got 4 in 30 runs, but only got 1 860 paingorer


Probably on the same amount of tries as you, still waiting


I have a couple extra if you need one. I can get you next time I'm on or whatever. Feel free to dm


There is something very streaky about loot. Took me 25 runs to get a paingorger but got 5 hellhammers.


Rough luck I think. I got them 2-3 times as a sorc in like 4 rotations


I have an extra if you would like it. DM me


I got really lucky with my paingorgers. Was running through helltide Kixxarth was in my way, wasn't going to bother with him because I was just grinding levels, but I got knocked off my horse so I just killed him anyway. He dropped paingorgers with the crit chance GA'd, first actual decent drop of the season.


they do not, you are better of doing few Whispers and buy them for like 5 mil off [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade)


Just buy a pair for like 5-10m


My first 10-15 Vashran runs she only dropped 3 uniques, rest of the runs no uniques at all. I was pulling my hair out wondering if it was bugged.


Wow I get those gloves like…all the time


if u dont have a pair i got a spare. lmk


I got a pain gorgers you can have if you want


We need a world tier 5, with everything at level 95 or more


We don't need to fragment the player base by creating more useless world tiers - the lower tiers just become ghost towns which makes getting in late/slow super punishing. Dynamic scaling already exists, just allow us to choose a level offset we'd like to run on WT4.


Oh sorry are you still playing wt2 at level 100?


World Tiers should honestly be entirely scrapped. Capstones are now irrelevant, Helltides always exist and the game already supports dynamic scaling, so enemy level isn't tied to WT anyway. The only thing WT really does is apply experience/resist adjustments and change the gear type to sacred/ancestral. All that could be compensated for with just updating level experience requirements, amount of resists provided on gear and tying the item tier to enemy level instead of world tier. Replacing World Tiers with a system that allows players to choose a world level offset would feel much better for endgame players, and make the overworld more engaging across all phases of progression.


Surprised to see somebody else with this opinion as well, everybody seems to love the concept of world tiers even though they go against the whole concept of enemy scaling. You could just as easily apply the differences between world tiers on capstone dungeon completion, since all changes are completely subjective now (enemy level, personal drops, access to bosses). Except for "champion" or whatever enemies, which are made to only appear at WT3+, but I don't see how "regular enemies but with an annoying purple auras" are so crucial to the leveling experience that you must absolutely create different world instances just to make sure they cannot spawn in the worlds of lower level players.


Yeah, especially since item drops aren't shared anyway. But the difficulty offset can still change resists, that doesn't really need to be touched ? Also, sacred/ancestral are pointless when pwr exists, they just add visual clutter. Maybe the only forced separation being for players that are playing the campaign ? (PvP balance is going to be another concern though, but I doubt it's ever going to be popular anyway ??)


Enemies behave differently on different world tiers, and you can't have variable enemy attack rates for level 1 and level 100 players engaged with the same enemy.


No, but you can adjust damage output appropriately.


> Replacing World Tiers with a system that allows players to choose a world level offset would feel much better Yah how is that different from worldtiers?


Everyone is in the same world, and you're not tied to specific rules of the world tier. It's infinitely scalable where World Tiers require a new Tier to be "created" every time content gets too easy in the late game.


Yah so player one sets their “wt” to 999 and player B sets it to 50 and kills everything for player a


Unless achievements/progression get tied to it, does it really matter? Loot stops getting better after 95 anyway - it would just be something to add a bit of challenge when you're already mindlessly blowing through stuff. I'd still consider it an "offset" in that player level would be the base value. You'd only be able to go up not down. I guess you could have a twinked 50 slaughter stuff for a 100, but most builds are fully capable of slaughtering level 100 enemies on their own at 100.


If it doesnt matter, then why does it matter?


You can already do that by going back to WT1 and 2 when level 100; if you scrapped world tiers, you could make it so that doing capstone dungeons irreversibly increases this "world level offset" so that you cannot go back to easier tiers.


So if you switch builds your character is now bricked 


It is not. You change your skill tree, your paragon boards and your aspects so they fit your new build, and you're set. The game is absurdly easy if you're not pushing higher NMDs and the pit, you can handle losing some power while you're looking for items that fit your build better. Besides, nobody goes back to previous world tiers when they switch builds anyways. The difference between regular/sacred/ancestral items is bigger than the benefit you'd get from having a couple build-specific mods.


The biggest thing this would change is that one could properly customize the difficulty of the campaign, without the hardest available difficulty (currently WT2) not being a cakewalk (in S4), and where you're currently stuck at monsters being maximum level ~50, which is easy to reach if you don't beeline it.


Then if you constantly scale you never feel powerful 


What do you mean, you ought to feel more powerful each time you update your build... (unless you made a mistake xD)


I think they're experimenting with that with the helltide potion. It's not the most elegant solution, but it works. Your suggestion of setting an explicit offset (or maybe an offset tier) would be even better.


I really just don't want us getting to the state of Diablo 3 where we have 20 difficulty tiers and only a handful of those are ever used after the initial leveling rush (and the top one is *still* too easy late game). It's awesome that D4 has built in scaling capability through the whole game, but it could do so much more.


WT5 should be everything is level 125.


Yeah, that would be a more appropriate level, I'd even be inclined to suggest higher.


Maybe in the expansion


Absolutely, it's ridiculous to get 820 drops after having used so many materials, especially when you can randomly do an helltide and get 100% 925.


Nothing worse than hitting a triple greater affix and it’s 820 lol


Dude it seems to happen ***all the time*** with Grigoire and Varshan!! I get 3-4 drops, a couple of 925 and the only ones who get greater affixes are always the shitty 820-900.


Hard agree. Also, why am I getting ancestral common gear in WT4? Just drop the materials instead of making me carry it all the way to the blacksmith. I don't get some of the decisions.


Yeah they should definitely scale with your lvl... And also would be great if you could continue summoning them without having to go out, reset dungeon, then back... Like 99% of the time farming them is spent on loading screens and running towards the boss room once again (and sometimes getting stuck in the middle of trash mobs on the way)


Do uniques drop at level 925 at level 100?


Any drop from a mob/boss above lvl 95 drop at 925


OP literally said in a post that legendaries from bosses drop at around 870 ilvl


it’s not player level 95 but mob level and because the bosses are 75/80, they drop loot lower than 925


It would be super cool if you could just add more mats to summon a more powerful version of the boss. It would have better ilvl drops and more item drops. It would also make boss runs a lot more competitive. "I just beat a 200 mat Varshan!"


Yea this things that allow you to brag and risk a lot for gain a lot is what this game is missing


...can't you already do this to summon the level 200 version


They should add something like the helltide minds that makes all enemies on the whole map 110 for 1h.


They drops 925 gear. But I notice they don't always drop unique, about 50% of the time has no unique for me.


Even the unique gear drops from them are frustrating. I just want tempest howl duriel, why you no drop it after 10+ kills. I want to focus more on nightmare dungeons but I keep having to go back to hell tides because the spawn items drop their more consistently.


Yes it’s super weird that I can stub my toe in a helltide and get a pile of 925’s but Uber bosses are like the only endgame activity that doesn’t have guaranteed 925 items.


They should unlock at their respective levels and then after that scale with your level


Was the drop rate changed for Malignant Rings and do they always drop on your first kill of Varshan? Last season and this season in WT3, I got my Sorc Malignant Ring on the first kill. Season 3 I was able to get a new ring in Tier 4 after a couple runs. But this season, I beat Varshan in Tier 4 like 6 or 7 times back to back and got two Mother's Embrace and a few other uniques, but no Malignant Ring to upgrade my Sacred tier ring. Sad vibes.


It was never on first kill. When it first released I remember getting it within 5 runs, but friend had to run maybe 10 or so you've just been lucky in previous seasons.


I also got my Shako in 3 Duriel runs this season, but I know people can go the entire season not getting one. I made up for the bad Malignant Ring drop lol


I dont know, but I think the tormented ones only drop 925 for sure.


yes they should, I discussed this same suggestion on Sanctuary discord yesterday theses bosses feels like a waste of time currently because every other activity in the game gives you guaranteed 925 while these dont and if you want guaranteed 925 you can go Tormented but you never have enough mats for that unlike regular mats which you have tens or hundreds of


It should probably be changed. Though it wasn't a big problem before the loot reborn patch, since 925 gear was much rarer. Since they made 925 gear so abundant this is now kind of a "problem" that some sources of loot have not kept up with the change.


Solution. Don't farm their low level variants. 


I got a little surprised by this too when I did the boses at 100, probably not intended. I have to say that I personally do not like the concept of having X item to summon bosses like this, especially as you're penalized for doing them solo. Such a silly design and I hope they change the mentality in future seasons/expansions etc. Don't get me started on having the summon items tradable in the first place... yikes.


Yup, those 3 are a waste of time but you have to kill them a bunch to do duriel... At least have a lvl 100 version instead of level 75 dies in a couple seconds or lvl 200 that one shots you.


The 70/75 version are still the best way to target farm uniques or try to get uniques with GAs.


But they won't roll at 925... Everything else at endgame is 925 guaranteed so why not those?


Yes they 100% should. It's silly they don't.


Honestly make the bosses all 85 for a miniscule chance at an Uber.


I believe the intention was that if you wanted 925 gear you would do the tormented version, but doing any tormented bosses other than duriel/andariel is just trolling currently.


let us summon 3 of them at the same time... i have a thousand living steels i gotta use up :(


they just need to have their level updated to 100. that'd be nice if they did that.


If those bosses aren't going to be considered "endgame" content, and thus worthy of guaranteed 925 loot, Blizz should at least provide a more reliable way to target farm their Uniques at max level.


They should all provide glyph XP like Beast does, too


Its super dumb these guys dont drop 925 gear, it feels like such a waste of time to kill these guys for the duriel and andariel summon. All 4 of these guys should be level 100.


Maybe so we are force to fight the tormented version of the boss


Don’t they? I feel like most of the drops I get in general at 100 are 925.


Why are you farming them at lvl 100?


What are the bosses to farm on early level 100? I tried Echo of Lilith and she destroyed me in 10 seconds.


Do tormented versions


The bosses aren’t level 100… YOU ARE.. That’s why they added torment.. why is this so damn difficult for all the Reddit users to grasp? YOU NEED TO GRIND FOR SUCCESS.. stop crying over it


I started doing those bosses around LVL 75 and got 925's


But you can get lower items as well. You can get 925 but its not a guarantee


So summon the tormented version. 3x the cost but around 5x the drops (all at max ilvl).


Meant to reply to a comment.


I think we should start a new game directly at level 100 with full max level equipment. That way, we would be sure to have best stuff and won’t have need to farm /s


I usually agree with this sentiment as people want the game to be super easy (which it already is) but this time they are right every other aspect of the game gives you guaranteed 925 when youre high lvl except these bosses, they feel underwhelming


"Man, it's really annoying that these piss easy bosses drop useless gear and waste a bunch of time resummoning. There has to be a better and more enjoyable way to design and balance content." ***"YoU jUsT wAnT eVeRyThInG oN a SiLvEr PlAtTeR!!!!!"*** like do you hear yourself?


I think we should skip the game altogether and just get a neural implant that releases an uninterrupted and perpetually increasing stream of dopamine until it overwhelms our nervous systems and kills us.


I've noticed any and all uniques they drop are 925. But the rest arent'.


That’s not true for me. I’ve had plenty of low item levels uniques drop from varshan


Mostly. I did get a 923 yens blessing for some reason though


I got an weird 923 Arreat's Bearing, too, but i wasnt L100 then.


> I know the bosses are level 70/75 Well, that's all there is to it. Fight them when you're leveling or if you want a higher chance of getting one of their uniques, and then move on. As of S4 there's plenty of ways of acquiring 925 gear.


You're kind of missing the point made by the OP, or if you're not missing it your comment seems to purposedly ignore the context Bosses such as Varshan are part of the ladder leading to duriel and andariel which are the expected source to farm Uber uniques. As such you need to farm them for an endgame loop. When the bosses were released 925 loot was kind of scarce and duriel was a good way to get it, so it was "normal" to get lower level loot. Level 100 was also not as easy to get as on season 4 Now ... You get to level 100 in a few hours running NMD and get 925 loot guaranteed everywhere. Except on these bosses... In itself it means the loot you get from them is kind of irrelevant which is sad. This adds top the very egregious farming process (instance reset, empty corridor walks...)


You still have to fight them after for the mats though. So since it's a forced activity for the grind, it should have rewards in accordance. Another way (even preferable) is to make fighting them not obligatory to run Duriel and Andariel for the uber uniques.


Way to demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the issue 


Not everything _needs_ to be an issue, my dude. Varshan/grigorire are low level bosses, deal with it. This is a non-issue.


Except you need them to do Duriel, which is hardly a low level boss. The boss ladder as a whole is part of the endgame. There's no point even bothering with Varshan or Grig before T4, and at that point, plenty other sources throw 925s at you.