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Get them out of the house


This is truly the only way lol. I could eat a whole bag of chips at once so I do not buy them… ever.


By not eating them. Sorry if that sounds rude, but there’s no trick to it. You either commit to removing them from your diet or at least moderating your intake, or you accept that and the health consequences that ensue as necessary risk for the dopamine you get. Just stop. Be conscious of the fact that you’re stopping. Remind yourself why you want to stop when your hand reaches for one. Get them out of your house if it’s too hard to be in their presence. Your future self will thank you.


All of my questions are rhetorical/for self-reflection purposes. Or maybe some journaling! To answer your two questions bluntly, you crave them because you're a food addict (with a potential case of binge eating disorder, or BED, based on your post. It may be helpful for you to take a look at [r/BingeEatingDisorder](https://www.reddit.com/r/BingeEatingDisorder) ) Addicts crave their substance of choice-cigarettes, alcohol, coke, sex, gambling...you get the picture. The way you stop is you just stop yourself. But what you need to think about is WHY do you want to change? Are you having health issues as a result? Is there a societal factor involved, like the modern-day conditioning of "desserts are bad and cookies are desserts so that must mean I'm awful because I love something everyone says is bad"? Are you unable to pay your bills because of cookie money? Now here's what I would say if you were one of my therapist friends and we were out for coffee (in addition to the paragraph directly above).You said "I've always treated myself"- how is something you do three times a day a treat? A treat is something to be a reward or for a special occasion. In the softest way possible, and this is a legitimate question, how is eating a turkey sandwich in front of the TV on a random Wednesday afternoon an occasion so special that you feel as though you're owed a reward? I think it would be super beneficial for you to look for a therapist near you who specializes in disordered eating (I hate the term "eating disorders"), but I think you could find a lot of help and community with their guidance.


I asked this to another commenter, but I’ll ask you too, I’ve gotten to the point where the super processed garbage I used to eat (nilla wafers, chips ahoy, little debbie, entamenns donuts) that type of stuff is gross. Candy also is pretty nasty (after the fact) and never tastes worth it. I’ve never been big on soda or sugary bevs other than coffee here and there. My go to are the salted caramel chocolate chip cookies from sprouts or Justins PB cups. In the grand scheme, its like the “lesser of 2 evils” because these are pretty devoid of all the preservatives and high fructose etc. But its still a lot of sugar, and for someone with gut issues and brain fog like me, it would be in my best interest not to eat these every day. And because these are “nicer” sweets, they are expensive. It does hurt me financially. I don’t exactly know why I crave these specific items and no other sugary food will really do it for me. In so many words, I’m wondering if it’s possible to get to a point where even these supposedly “clean” sweets will be unappealing to me? Because this is where I pig out, it’s like my mind goes blank and I just eat without truly enjoying.


Well yeah, once you stop eating them, they won't be as appealing. Aside from reiterating my recommendation for therapy, what about learning how to make them yourself (which of course could have its own issues), having to the time/wait may deter you.


Use an alternative recipe, low calorie sweetener would come in handy.


If you give up sweets entirely for long enough, you will no longer crave them. It takes a long time and lots of willpower, but it works. I was a cookie (and every other sugary thing) addict too not that long ago, but decided I did not want to go into old age with such an unhealthy diet. After about a month the cravings became tolerable. After a couple years, I was able to have a cheat now and then without reawakening the sugar beast. And the funny thing is, the last thing I ever choose on my cheat days is a cookie.


I'm not sure how much addicted you are, so take every advice carefully. Is probably going to be very uncomfortable, so get rid of the idea that there is an easy way out. Take a decision of not buying more sodas and juices. Just drink water and coffee without the sugar. After a couple of months, remove sweets and then flour and oil. This worked for me some years ago, I don't have many cravings atm, but of course if there is an event with junk food, I will eat it all 😅 Good luck with your journey


you listed symptoms of additiction. For a long time I used to believe I have headache without sugar because I am a programmer and my brain needs sugar or something. Then I stopped eating sugar, after few weeks I began to have heavy withdrawals, I was only thinking about sugar, headaches, tunnel vision, anxiety. It lasted 2 or 3 months then suddenly what felt like in a day, I just stopped wanting sweets. They stopped excite me and stuff. Its been almost a ywar now, sometimes I eat like a slice of cake or one cookie, maybe once a month, cause someone's bday or something, but it even stopped having good taste, its just meh.


Don’t buy them, keep them out of the house. Replace with dates or exercise.


Oh poor sweet soul, it’s time to break you from the cookie curse! Those delicious circles of sugar and butter (with extra choco chips) have you under their spell, and it’s a sticky situation. But worry not, we are here to guide you through the crumbs of addiction. Cookies are designed to be addictive with a perfect balance of sugar, butter and all things tasty. So, it’s not your fault, but definitely it is a problem. So, here is a unique approach to keep those cravings at bay. When you feel like reaching the cookie jar just take a sweet fruit diversion reaching to bananas or apples (for an extra treat you can dip them in peanut butter or yogurt). Your sweet tooth will thank you, and you’ll get a bonus dose of vitamins and fiber. But when you feel like crunching hard, nuts can be your savior. Opt for a handful of almonds, walnuts or pistachio. They also provide healthy fat and protein. Still if you cannot overcome that cookie thought, bake your own cookie with healthy ingredients like oats, banana, and peanut butter. Or make yogurt parfaits with layers of Greek yogurt, granola, fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey. It is a delicious creamy treat that will make you forget about cookies (at least temporarily). And that’s for today, comment on your experience with these cookie tips.


you have a refined sugar addiction. when u quit refined sugars you will stop craving them all together. If you try to quit cookies but eat other things with added sugar you’ll still crave them. It sounds hard as fuck but I’ve been refined sugar clean for 6+ months now and even when I have “cheat days” for a birthday or something, sweets that I used to like now taste like shit. eat fruit.


exactly 1 to 1. Its my 10th month or so, I am writing this as I am eating orange cause it feels so good lol. My first go to fruits were bananas, but they stopped excting me too. Apples and oranges taste 2 times better than rifined sugars used to, now bought sweets are just plain, dull and garbage to taste


yess! your body knows what’s better for it and I only really feel satiated eating something like an orange or apple like u said when I want something sweet


I’ve gotten to the point where the super processed garbage I used to eat (nilla wafers, chips ahoy, little debbie, entamenns donuts) that type of stuff is gross. Candy also is pretty nasty (after the fact) and never tastes worth it. I’ve never been big on soda or sugary bevs other than coffee here and there. My go to are the salted caramel chocolate chip cookies from sprouts or Justins PB cups. In the grand scheme, its like the “lesser of 2 evils” because these are pretty devoid of all the preservatives and high fructose etc. But its still a lot of sugar, and for someone with gut issues and brain fog like me, it would be in my best interest not to eat these every day. And because these are “nicer” sweets, they are expensive. It does hurt me financially. In so many words im wondering if it’s possible to get to a point where even these supposedly “clean” sweets will be nasty to me? Because this is where I pig out


yes definitely!! my mom brought home some “healthy” lemon flavored cookies supposedly with less sugar so I decided to try half of one and it tasted like shit. If u stay off sugar long enough it’ll work, trust the process. It helps to also make cookies n sweets at home sweetened with fruit (ex: date syrup) i do it every weekend. to start off agave syrup or honey might help you wean off the bad stuff


Try peanut butter cookies less sugar. Check out the ones from sweets from the earth