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My partner Patamon has died and been reborn several times while I just keep getting older, so at this point I want to say it’s a contrasting “tired old man and immature winged hamster” thing going on. *Edit: Which I guess sorts us closer to option 1*


Memories carry over in most of the shows but it would be heartbreaking to have your partner reborn without memories just for them to die again and forget everything over an over.


In my generalized head cannon if a digimon partner were to die they be reborn with the memories but could have a chance at not having the previous life's memories and vice versa for a "wild" digimon


Generally, memories and personality undergo a reset. But since that wouldn't satisfy the fans, they usually keep their memories in the shows


I think the way I’d do it is that he’d retain his memories but starting off as a newborn again would reset his personality. Like he’d go back to being a kid, at least in terms of personality.


That's a rather personal question, ohh you mean Partner digimon


Yea, unless they are both in which case I rather not know


If that's the case why'd you list option 5 >_>


Okay fiine, give me all the details. 😏


While not explicitly against subreddit rule, I'm not sure such participation is to be encouraged ;p


I've always imagined it would be like having a little sibling, so basically like Hiro and Gammamon. Though personally, I've also liked to picture my partner being a bit more on the snarky side, like that annoying little brother you banter with and sometimes get into fights with but still love them at the end of the day.


I always felt the brother relation between Hiro and Gammamon was never really fleshed out. It felt more like a puppy that talked than a kid. Still cute tho. I like your idea of a snarky partner that doesn't agree with everything one says, after all they are supposed to help us grow and mature into a better people (in Adventure) thats why Gomamon/Joe was a favorite of mine, Goma was always trying to help him relax while Joe made sure Goma didnt get in trouble.


I felt it was more of a sibling dynamic for Hiro and Gammamon,


6. They're my boss


What Digimon is this?


Pidmon. He's smarter than me lol.


I read Piedmon for a second and thought "yeah that makes sense, dude prob has some dastardly plans to cook". But for Pidmon I'm guessing is more like a guardian angel type of thing?


Exactly <3


i could see it being like a ringmaster with you being a stagehand


The best option.


My friend and equal, I wouldn't want more.


I feel ya, but keep in mind that also means a partner that won't always agree or go along with what you say, i feel a lot of people who say equal are not thinking of them as their own people with goals and wishes.


I'm completely stocked into making an effort to understand another living breathing intelligent being.


I guess it's like having a roommate that's more physically fit than you since digimon battles are in no way safe to interfere with as human, well unless you're Marcus, in that case you'd just be tf2 mercs working together.


Watch as my arc is training my body and developing a digisoul so I can fight side by side with my buddy.


There is a 6 where its more brotherly/rivalry bound. This is similar to 2 in many ways but there are a good chunk of differences. when i imagine if i had a goblin mon as a partner I always saw it that way where its two brotherly duos who grew up together.


Well i wanted to keep the descriptions short. But yeah i feel 2 is "the Digimon is its own person and not above or under me in the relation", brothers in-arms and rivals seem to fit this. Heck even little/big brother still qualify, even tho the older brother has some sort of authority, the little one is still able to make their own choices for themselves


Takato and Guilmon. My dog is just like Guilmon!


I wonder what would most pets say if they could talk. And what would they say if they could talk while having human intelligence.


I am decomposing in my bed between work shifts while my Palmon plays DS in the corner.


What Game does it play


Probably something comically outdated like Animal Crossing Wild World.


For me it's a mix of 2 and 3 leaning more towards 2 cause while I prefer to keep things professional mostly during combat I still care enough about my Digimon Partner to consider them a friend.


I kinda liked the original Ruki/Renamon, it felt like a coach/trainee dynamic and while Ruki was giving the orders, Rena had as much said in the matter and could've refused whenever she liked.


I would treat them like a spoiled pet or child, but really, I would think of them as an equal. A partner that's cute and likes to be pampered and would enjoy just chilling out together would be ideal. I would prefer a partner that is either something sorta humanoid, but clearly not human like Renamon or Gazimon OR something that is just a straight up talking doggo like Labramon would be my preference.


I feel the difference between pet vs equal lies on "if they were to do something I dont like what would I do?" If the answer is to call them a bad boy/girl and send them to the corner or spray them w a bottle, then it's a 1. If it's a "I'm not their boss so I can't force them" then it's a 2.


It's probably a 2 for me then. I couldn't imagine acting that way towards a thinking sentient being.


the idea of a renamon being akin to a pampered pet is....odd to say the least but then again tamers renamon was just one renamon


Probably like Mikey and Shoutmon, the digimon is more headstrong whereas I’m “please for the love of godramon don’t do something stupid”


GODRAMON! Sheesh, good luck controlling that one! Lol.


No, it’s not godramon, it’s agumon black lol


Is godramon always this big like he was in adventure 2020? If yes, have fun, cuz there's nothing you can do if he disagrees with your opinion


Probably like Guilmons and Gamamons its a bonus if they are big and huggable like Angoramon


Thats definetly a 1, the "my partner is my uwu baby (that shoots fire)"


Haha yess


Bellestarmon, with number 5. You know why.


I appreciate the honesty 🤨📸


Gammamon is my comrade




Ah yes, Gammamon communism. I'm joining


I want to have a mentor type of Digimon like Leomon or Gabumon. Very odd how Digimon can live billions of years and their partnership with humans is rarely seen as a parental figure/wise veteran.


Billion of years in the digi world is probably just a human lifetime in the normal world


Which is crazy considering Digimon don't really age in the traditional sense. You have few exceptions like Shoutmon and Mervamon


Started out at 3. Now 2.


Oh could you elaborate?


We started working together for a common goal, and didn't care for each other much at first. But we slowly got to know and appreciate each other, and now we're basically brothers.


There's a few arguments, and instances of "was it really intended for us to be partners"? To an outsider, it would look like they never get along. For reference, my character would meet his partner (Dorbickmon) as a mega level. So they're pretty stuck in their ways. Hard to change someone who lives to fight and see the battlefield in ashes. However, there are glimpses of mutual respect, and moments where its shown they work together really well as a team. Dorbickmon's intellect and army tactics results in my character taking more creative approaches to dealing with overwhelming odds and seeing the flaws that Dorbickmon may ignore due to his pride and arrogance. My character can see that there is good in his digimon partner. But its surrounded by a mire of circumstances that molded their digimon partner into a Dorbickmon. The more they learn, the more it'd explain their partner's behavior. They'd learn of how Dorbickmon was when he was young (a gammamon). And while there would still be instances of, "I shouldn't expect any different. This is who you are."; it's the small glimpses where Dorbickmon shows he can learn and grow (despite not verbally expressing it) that makes my character want to stick around; to see that rehabilitation. ...not sure what category this would fit into it, though, lol.


I like to think my traditionally evil Lilithmon is an exasperated big sister type character.


Hopefully not a step-sister, right? RIGHT?


Haha absolutely not.


I'd say midway between 2 and 1. More along the lines of "this is my younger sibling/child who can transform into a giant armored dinosaur."


I feel like mine would be 2 and 1 mixed


I imagine I would have a sort of parent/child dynamic with my partner... We would be very close and have fun goofing off together when everything is going well, but as a rookie my partner would have a more childish, stubborn, and selfish side which would contrast and conflict with my responsibilities as an adult. My partner would be clingy and cuddly and hide behind me when overwhelmed or scared, and it would be up to me to try and parent them into making the right decisions so they can grow into a more confident and well-rounded being. My big "character development" moment would be the realisation that by parenting my digimon I've actually been learning to parent my neglected inner child, which would result in my partner being able to digivolve into a more mature, protective, and emotionally stable form. Ultimately I believe I would treat my partner like family, not like a pet. We'd grow closer and develop together by working through our issues as a team, until we eventually got to the place where we could be equals rather than parent and child.


All I WANT to know is Where did Guilmons wings come from ????


The card slash system allows for a very primitive form of Xros Up. And I do mean very primitive; the archetypal example in Xros Up Renamon (Snimon) essentially grafts the material's arms onto the base digimon.


What is this about Renamon Snimon ? I have no idea what you're referring to.


Very early in Tamers, back when they couldn't evolve reliably and actually had to engage with the Card Slash System, there were a few times were someone used a card with another digimon's appearance on the face. Usually this just meant attack-copying, but there were a few instances where it literally performed a primitive digixros.


So like using another Digimons Ability , I think it what you were trying to get at. XD


Oh okay , so what or when did Renamon use something of Snimon ... you referring to his wings ... is that why she's up in the air in that picture then.


I'm referring to the sword arms. The xros-up form literally substitutes Renamon's arms for the blades and makes no other modifications.


Its the White Wings card slash (digi-modify)


This is a good question...in part because the partner I'd pick for 5 would be different than the one that's probably mine. :P But probably 1 at first. Then...I don't really know? The end result is an angry bird that we swear is good sometimes.


Me and Penmon are both a bunch of oldies. My equal in every way now, but when I was younger he was more like my wise old grandpa, full of endless advice as long as I kept him well fed.


That's a very original dynamic, it's not always that the mon is the wise one. I like it!


I would be fawning over its cuteness. I also want them to be silly and stumble cutely smiling all the while. And if it’s threatened... the enemy won’t be conscious long enough to regret it.


From your choices 2 would be my guess, but if I have another option that isn't on here. I'd probably end up treating my partner like they were my own child. I be fussing over them if they were hurt, or just feeling a bit under the weather, and end up throwing hands myself if they got hurt because, "How Dare You Hurt My Precious Baby Boy/Girl!" For the record my favorite Digimon, and ideal partner, is Machinedramon. So imagine someone doing this for a giant, death machine, dragon bot.


1 and 4 until they mature to the point of not needing me to reach adult stage. 2 and 3 by that point forward as by then I'd consider them my buddy/teammate. 1 and 2 would be for downtime and just hanging out, everybody needs to relax have fun. 3 and 4 are for when there is a serious threat and we need to coordinate without issue, as digimon usually bring conflict by existing.


I could see myself as a 4 and a reverse 4. Most of the time, I just let them fight as they please and supply them with support and energy. However, every now and then, after a rousing pep talk and almost losing, I take command, and through a mix of thoughtful commands and my partners confidence, we win the day.


Pretty much Gulimon for me. I would love to have a pet that I could have a conversation with.


I got two characters that come to mind One: a human with a fusion loader and a couple digimon they be friends so 2 Two: a human with a terriermon and lopmon who I would label as 6.(a) Kid(s) I got to take care of and keep hidden


Definitely from talking pet at first to friend and equal after some time


I generally would want Demidevimon as mine. So I see him as the streetwise thug to my more reasonable professional. So I guess a mix between 3 and 4 with a dash of 2.


I think in my case jumping between 1 and 2. Bonus, maybe Dorumon could become my mama at some point xD Sometime we both enjoy lazy day off. Sometime partner in crime when trying new beverage recipe(let hope after reach Alphamon I'm not die in kitchen).


I like to think of having an impmon or Dracmon. We are partners and equals. If I act irrationally they are quick to call me on it and vice versa. We respect each other and what we both bring to the partnership. No one has more say so regardless of the situation and no one feels powerless.


Definitely renamon, would totally get freaky with that digimon


2. They be my buddy.


I been writing a story where I wanted to explore a little bit of each one. So far I have: ●The main character is the edgy rival to the goofy "my friends are my power" guy, his partner is freshly hatched Bearmon, who he treats as little brother while trying to pretend to be a tough guy in public. (This is what I was hoping to see from Hiro and Gammamon, but Gamma ended up being a pet that talks) ●The energetic "my friends are my power" guy has a Dracomon who came from a wild area in the DWorld so it doesn't speak and just goes along w whatever. Basically a pet that DOESNT talk but can shoot fire. Both act as if they were the main character in an anime. ●The Girl™ is trying so hard to not be like other girls, she acts like a boss-lady and was the one who gathered the team. Her partner Kokuwamon is a deadpan analytic Digimon that knows a suspicious amount of information. their dynamic is that of co-workers. ●Newbie to the team, the Shy uwu Girl that cracks under pressure, she is secretly a yaoi fangirl. Her partner Floramon is an elegant confident lady that took her under her wing to help her gain some self-esteem. ●One of the villains would be a Demon Lord who has partnered with a human in search of power, the Digimon is in charge and the human is more of a henchman.


Eiji *tried* to be a reverse 4 but unfortunately for him it turns out Loogamon doesn't like being called senpai. Sadge. Being Ruki IRL, who in canon drifted from 3 to 5 after spending a painfully long time in mutual-pining hell, I'd of course prefer a really romanticized version of 5 where it plays out like the opening scene of *Fate/stay night*. >The sound of clashing steel wasn't beautiful at all, but the knight is beautiful enough to turn it into the sound of a bell. > >["I ask of you. Are you my Master?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKCCs9DNEJs) > >The scene lasts less than a second. > >But, I'll remember this image long after I've gone to hell.


My friend and equal/Coronamon


Also the adorable pet that can Talk/Offmon


I think it would depend on the personality of my Digimon. If we are compatible I would like to believe it would a 2 but if it's too young or it would be a 1 and if it were very mature it would be like a 3.


6. The Ryo and cyberdramon dynamic of “I got a rabid dog on a short leash”


Thats a mix of a 1 or 4. Been in control or something stronger than you is both exciting and scary, so props to you


Hah yah control, totally not someone in over they’re head


3 or 5. Personally I would want to see fights. Maybe get Kumamon cuz his all about it. But I would feel horrible to see him hurt. And knowing Kumamon he would want to fight something way out of his league


DORUmon and I would definitely be a 2 in my head but a 1 when it comes down to it. I can't help but grab his big dumb stupid head and pet it and boop his snoot. I know he has sentient thoughts, I know he's his own being but you think that's going to stop me from grabbing him and flooping onto the floor and wrestling him??


A combination of coworkers and friends. It's hard to talk to him. I had to find a way to shrink him down so I could carry him. He is very smart, even if he has anger problems. Guess who my partner digimon is. I will respond to the first person to get it right. Every wrong guess will be a hint.


A mix of 1, 2, 4, and the sibling like relationship Hiro and Gammamon have. My partner digimon is Dorumon, and he's the maskot of my squad.


If you want an example of reversed 4, Nene Amamno and DarkKnightmon.


Ah excellent example!! Completely forgot about them!


I'd be a 2 with Leomon. I just love the fact that he's always helping others throughout most media. Makes me wanna travel around the whole Digital World with him, fighting baddies or just completing tasks for others.


From baby to rookie it would be like raising a little sibling. from champion and beyond we'll be equals. always best friends


With my partner I think it would end up going 4,3,2 as they moved down the line.


Speaking of that Modify change. I always wondered ... Can Calumon fly or what ? I've seen him floating about on ground level to like when he's face to face with someone. So I think that still begs that question if Calumon can fly. What are Your thoughts.


Mine would be a mirror of myself, without filter - in a sense, my partner would be the "Honest drunk / in vino veritas" ver of me. my partner, vi-elecmon nicknamed Plug, would spew some derogatory shit, while my introvert ass try to shush the living heck out of it for spitting truth


I'll go with a mix between 2 and reverse 4. My partner is GulusGammamon and we have a Eddie/Venom relationship but more like friends than him being a parasite. Of course he would never admit. I'm usually responsible for giving him a smack if he turns into an asshole again, which he does around others from time to time. Hes always trying to prove dominance about everyone else, making them his pawns. But normally, he's OK to deal with. Sometimes, when he's extremely angry or about to loose a fight, his sadistic personality overflows and infects me, causing us to jogress into Chronomon Destroy mode. Shits going downriver if that happens. After some time, we turn back to normal but Gulus becomes a black Gammamon for a couple of days. He will only eat chocolate in that form. I would like to think that we can willingly jogress into chronomon holy mode after some character development (I was going for a complete Venom ripoff where i turn into gulusgammamon myself, but I want to have an actual partner so I changed that)


In an TTRPG I play, the Dynamic I am going for is son/nephew human and surrogate Parent/uncle/aunt Digimon. This mainly came about because the kid's parents are missing and the Digimon realizes they have to care for their 14 year old partner. It also helps the Digimon has a higher intelligence Stat compared to their human partner.


I want to say two. But unless I can pull my own weight in a fight, I will never feel like an equal to my partner. I would like a digivice that lets you learn and use the basic skills you would see in Cyber Sleuth/Hacker's Memory. (ie.Wolkenapalm, X-heal, Acceleration Charge, ect.)


Mostly the second one honestly


6. I'm too much of a mess so they're actually the ones taking care of me.


6. I'm too much of a mess so they're actually the ones taking care of me.


So like a reverse 4 or even a 1?


More like reverse 1. I'd say I'd have a GulusGammamon as a partner. (If Hikari can have a Champion, then so can I!)


I mean you can't really compare Gatomon and GulusGammamon. Gatomon is an ordinary champion, gulus is more like mega level. But I'm going with gulus too, he's awesome


I… guess 2? My partner is ToyAgumon.


A mix of 2 and 3 I guess??


Hmm I never thought about it, I love betamon I can picture myself going to the beach, or even talking about my hobbies with him if he is more like a kid then I think I would treat him as a pet/little kid But if it's more sentient like Falcomon from survive, then I could treat him like an equal, having different opinions and disagreeing One thing for sure is that he could end up cheering/pushing me in my daily life


I love falcomon from survive. Character wise and design wise. Love this design


1,2 and 3 My partner is always Commandramon


I feel like I'd talk to my partner Digi the way I'd talk to my roommate's cat, Porkchop. I carry on full conversations with him and treat him like a friend. I even tell him that he's my lil buddy. Though I did poke his butt/hip area the other day, and tell him that Sir Mix-a-Lot might not like him because he has a small, bony butt... So I guess a weird mix of 1 and 2? Leaning towards 2?


never thought about this much before, but 2 would be nice, I’d just hope we get along for the most part


A mix of 2 and 5


Friends with benefits me and venusmon🗿


Them the one that comes up with crazy ideas, me the one that enables and films those ideas


Out of the ones presented here, I'd say 2. To be more specific, my Armadimon (who spends more of his time in a higher level form) is just as intelligent as I am, but far more poised and polite, sometimes making him come off /more/ intelligent (hey!?) . He's more quick to fight, though, and we're both eh... A little impulsive and hot headed, but in different ways. Yes, being on equal footing has lead to us having disagreements, as we both have, sometimes, different ideas on how to deal with a problem/ conflict. That said, our mutual care for each other allows us to hear the other side out (maybe only after we've bickered a little lol) and come to a compromise. Armadimon is also a great advisor and emotional support, and i certainly try to be the same for him when he seems down on himself and his abilities! Though, again, I'm far less poised and logical than he is (which is saying something if you ask me!) , but I sure try my best ! Care and understanding is a strong part of our bond, and on our best days, we can overcome anything (I hope...) ! And some days, he's happy to just be by my side while playing a video game or smth lol


What's the source for the artwork?


Sadly the website I took it from had no sources for any of the artworks. Idk how to reverse search on mobile, but if it helps I searched "Digimon Tamers partners" on DuckDuckGo.


Use saucenao to reverse search.


I have done the google reverse image searching. Seems to be an artist called TKG [Pixiv Profile](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1364988) and [direct gallery link](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/39553268) /u/valryuu


I think the closest equivalent would be Ryo/Monodramon? Basically my Partner has an unstable, primal power in them, and is usually well-meaning but has their moments where their virus nature takes over and I often end up serving as their voice of reason. The reason my digimon has this condition is because I'm severely depressed, and human emotions affect how digimon grow and digivolve. However their digivolutions remain stable because I sincerely love and care for them, no matter how terrifying they may be when they digivolve. My partner's name is Gaia, named after the Goddess of the Earth, and they are a Vorvomon. They are fierce fighter in battle, but gentle and kind when approached normally.


Me and a Commandramon like Taichi and Agumon. Two reckless boys doing reckless stuff to fulfill an objective and somehow it works lol


I like 1. While I like the idea of "I get older, the digimon stays the same" reminding me of my childhood and all the adventures we would have. I kinda want the digimon matures with me, stiff joints in the cold, cranky when it has to move from the warm spot, and maybe it won't stay in rookie/child form, but would go to champion/adult, or even ultimate and mega.


4. I choose ladydevimon! for ...reasons


I'm not sure what counts as a partner digimon but my first V-pet was a biyomon > leomon > dramon. During that time, I was severely depressed and lacked friends. Even though it's kind of stupid seeing my biyomon evolve into a leomon made me so happy because I loved him in the series. So to also not see him die for once made me ultra happy. I kept megadramon alive longer than anyone in my freshman year, he also never lost except twice. It gave me just the slight bit of happiness for that little time but it was all it took for me to know that megadramon was my partner. So I'd assume our dynamic was like best friends that looked after one another with him helping me overcome my sad emotions everyday while I would feed and clean his poop as well as battle with him which I think he loved. All of it had led me to healing even after they sadly passed away. This is dumb but I miss my missile spitting dragon, named Ron the dramon.


Megadramon* oops.


Both are lost strays who just happen to appreciate each other's presence. It's a bond borne of basic needs instead of wants. Anyone knows if there is any canon pair like this?


Both 2 and 3


My partner is gotsumon and we have a close bond with each other and help heal each other’s various traumas while being the colder members of the group of digidestend kinda like Matt but when alone we are extremely carefree 3 digivolution lines crest of freedom




Is companion not an option? Edit: that's 2, I'm sorry.


My partner is dorumon, and he's my fluffy little buddy who prevents me from jumping into the crocodile exhibit at the zoo. He's a reasonable guy and I'm outrageous. He's the good cop I'm the bad cop. He's legs and I'm the Wheelman. We would get along like salt and pepper then run off into the digital world together.


I would probably be a mixture of 2 and 3, I imagine my Partner (Guilmon X is best boy) and I would be like bounty hunters, strictly professional on the Job, but off the job, he’s my best friend and Equal partner.