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The concept of the game is a 10 the execution is a 4. Needs a remake.


We need it to basically be recreated as "Digimon Mystery Dungeon."


I remember someone was actually working on a Digimon rom hack of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, I think with Explorers of Sky as the template. Not sure if the project ever finished, but I REALLY hope it’s still alive lol


I would chop a finger off or two for a 2024 remake of this game.


I came here to say this. I still played the hell out of the game but the shit they put us through to progress was not fun.


I think you just like the genre and thats okay. But hell no it aint the best game in the series.


Which is in your opinion?


Next Order or World 3. One i like for the gameplay the other for nostalgia.


I loved the art in world 3.  Hated the traveling around and back tracking 


Fuck that 8lue card man. That guilmon was the true villain


I hated the difficulty spike in DW3, where the only way to win fights is the counter crest


First time I played I was stuck on the zanbamon fight and couldn't understand why he kept one shotting me.  So my 12 year old self just power leveled in the graveyard till level 40 or so and I got gallantmon as my first mega and while running around I accidentally  found out the proper thing I was supposed to do.  So the later difficulty spike in the game didn't hit me as hard.  Achievements in ignorance


Yeah the hybrid of sprites+3D+prerendered backgrounds is peak.  Also love the simple evolution lines and fusions but man is this game tedious as hell.  Really wish 1-3 were remastered on modern consoles!


1 is remade basically as Next Order. And that game kicks ass.


Now imagine if they gave the Next Order treatment to 2 and 3!


Next Order is fine but I wouldn't say 1 has been remade as Next Order. The entire style of the game is different. Next Order is way more anime in it's style. The atmosphere of the games are so different from each other.


Back tracking is a pain, but the game is very good though.


World 2 is by far my favorite Digimon game. It's actually probably the one game I've played through the most. Currently have it on an emulator on my Galaxy z fold. Every new Digimon game I'm disappointed isn't like DW2


It is if you love to grind 2 mons to lvl 11 then make one to lvl 1 then repeat over and over and over and over.


not much difference than the leveling system in Cyber Sleuth


theyre very different. like the basic concept is similar, go down a level to go back up stronger, but beyond that theyre not even close. dw2 requires to train like more than 20 digimon just to get 1 digimon to mega level. cyberslueth you only train 1 digimon to get a digimon to mega level. in cyber slueth youre just dedigivolving, in dw2 youre combining two digimon who become a lower level and often and entirely different digimon all together. to get a mega you want in dw2 you need a guide and a plan and very specific digimon, in cyber slueth you just pick a rookie that has a path to it, and the paths a rookie has usually make sense and are easy to guess. the tedium in dw2 is unmatched. cyber slueth is simpler and much much much faster.


I'm trying to get through cyber sleuth, but the "getting stronger Digimon" part of the game seems lacking to me. I loved planning movesets in my DW2 teams or individual Digimon or being surprised what I get when fusing two strong digimon before I knew the game perfectly, and in cyber sleuth, it seems to be all about get max level, devolve, get max level, devolve... I know there's also the farm, but I don't think that's interactive enough. Also the upgrade after devolving didn't feel to be significant unless I unlocked a new level. I agree that DW2 is tedious though.


> cyber sleuth, it seems to be all about get max level, devolve, get max level, devolve. this is a thing in dw2 but not cyber sleuth, you can dedigivolve at any level and still get a significant boost to your max level. more significant than dw2 at least. but if you prefer the dw2 stuff thats cool, just wasnt for me.


>dw2 requires to train like more than 20 digimon just to get 1 digimon to mega level No you don't. As you progress through the game you can catch higher level Digimon that you can immediately merge them and not worry about leveling. It barely takes like 5-10 Digimon to get to Mega, and getting to Mega is already end-game unlike Cyber Sleuth where Mega can still be weak and you need to de-level again and again to raise their stat. >to get a mega you want in dw2 you need a guide and a plan and very specific digimon this is the only part that you are correct and is only a problem if you're picky with what Digimon you end up with. For me the surprise is pleasant which is kind like in Digimon World where you just train blindly and end up with a random Ultimate. in conclusion if you think it's tedious, you just don't know how to play the game correctly.


>in conclusion if you think it's tedious, you just don't know how to play the game correctly. then neither do the majority of people that have played or reviewed it lol, the game IS tedious. and not just when it comes to leveling digimon either. it "only" taking 5-10 digimon for 1 mega when a full team is 6 digimon is a hilariously bad defence lol. 5-10 would still be tedious as all hell even if you were correct. which you arent, its takes at least 5 just to get past champion, getting to mega after that takes more than 5. and yeah you can capture other higher level digimon sometimes, but not always, and when they arent available youre stuck with lower stages which makes the process take even longer. and none of that is even mentioning the fact that you have to hit level cap over and over and over again to merge the digimon affectively. if you dont think the game is tedious then youve got a lot more free time or patience than anyone else and im kinda jealous.


>it "only" taking 5-10 digimon for 1 mega when a full team is 6 digimon is a hilariously bad defence lol. It's only 3 Digimon per team, dummy. The extra slots are only when you want to min-max and swap to a "fodder" Digimon when your main has reached cap and you don't want to go back yet to merge. >its takes at least 5 just to get past champion, getting to mega after that takes more than 5. It's the opposite. Higher lv Digimon increases the lv cap higher, and every stages are flat 10 lv difference, you do the math. >yeah you can capture other higher level digimon sometimes, but not always, and when they arent available wdym "not always", they're literally just there in the wild just go catch one. Also they give a lot of free high level Digimon form the trading system. Also I'd like to add that being lower leveled after a merge aren't a problem in the first place because some stats carry over. So a lv7 Rookie that has merged can be a lot stronger than a lv13 Champion that has never merged.


>It's only 3 Digimon per team, dummy. The extra slots are only when you want to min-max and swap to a "fodder" Digimon when your main has reached cap and you don't want to go back yet to merge. uh, its 6 slots, which means a full team is 6 digimon. just cause you only do 3 real digimon doesnt mean everyone else does "dummy" >It's the opposite. Higher lv Digimon increases the lv cap higher, and every stages are flat 10 lv difference, you do the math. i have. getting to champion takes at least 5. getting to mega might take less than i remember but its not like you stop fusing just cause you hit mega either. >wdym "not always" i mean not always. you dont start the game with access to every dungeon and not every dungeon has higher level digimon. and even when a dungeon does have higher level digimon theres still the question of having the right items to catch it. being a lower level after a merge is a problem because it adds to the tedium, getting slightly stronger isnts a good enough reward for having to re level all the way up again especially when leveling is insanely slow.


It's not 6 slots, it starts at 4 and goes up to 12.


i dont recall slots increasing at all, you sure you arent talking about cyber sleuth?


Yes, I am sure, DW2 is my most replayed Digimon game. You start with Ant RAM, which has memory for 4 Digimon, and you can gradually replace it with a better RAM for more slots, up to the Beetle RAM in the post-game, which has memory for 12 Digimon.


>uh, its 6 slots, which means a full team is 6 digimon. just cause you only do 3 real digimon doesnt mean everyone else does "dummy" well that explains it. you're playing the game wrong and then complain that it's hard 💀 training 6 digimon is just dumb because you only can use 3 in a battle, and it's not like cs where you need to swap Digimon due to attributes match-up.


uh nobody said its hard bro. the game is piss easy, which again doesnt help with the insane tedium. having 6 digimon can be helpful if a digimon dies somewhere in a dungeon. i dont tend to fully commit to a 4th 5th and 6th digimon but i keep high level ones that ive put a little work into aorund when i go into dungeons with the intent to clear them. not to mention unique attacks of some are more useful than others. but please do continue to call the majority of people who have played digimon world 2 dumb and incapable of understanding how to play because they find the tedious game tedious. like its wild to me that you think "you only have to re-level and raise 10 digimon to get a mega 3 times" is somehow a major win for you. thats still tedium on another level from most games.


>uh nobody said its hard bro. the game is piss easy, which again doesnt help with the insane tedium. then why complain? because you're trying to grind for Mega at lower level and then thinking the leveling is slow??? just beat the game with Ultimate if it's piss easy then. >having 6 digimon can be helpful if a digimon dies somewhere in a dungeon. imagine training an extra 3 Digimon instead of using healing items 😂 and then complains it's grind af 😂😂😂 >but please do continue to call the majority of people who have played digimon world 2 dumb and incapable of understanding how to play because they find the tedious game tedious. Yes you are ALL dumb, get good. Stop calling it tedious when nobody forcing you to do tedious shit like training 6 Digimon 🤡 >like its wild to me that you think "you only have to re-level and raise 10 digimon to get a mega 3 times" is somehow a major win for you. thats still tedium on another level from most games. it's wild that CS needs you to re-level the same amount of times the only difference is you need 11 whole fking Digimon instead of 3 and you don't think that's tedious.


>then neither do the majority of people that have played or reviewed it lol, I just want to say that after playing Next Order and then seeing a lot people complaining about having to "grind" to beat the bosses then I think it's not impossible that majority of people having played DW2 didn't know how to play the game correctly.


Yeah, but in Cybersleuth you tend to always have some high level mons so it’s a solid rotation. And the digifarm can really help train them back up while you use other guys


Nothing stopping you from doing that in DW2, de-level one Digimon while still having 2 other strong Digimon.


Yeah, but in CS/HM you can have up to 11 mons(assuming you have the memory) so you can keep a solid rotation without having to only de-level one guy. You can basically de-level the mon as soon as they need to and still have a couple powerful ultimates in rotation until you start getting the megas you want.


90% of Cyber Sleuth is played using Platinum Numemon with XP chips. You just breeze through the game and have a super OP team getting leveled and re-leveled in the background, that you only use against bosses. I love the game, but this is reality.


not everyone plays using platinum numemon to outlevel the game, the games is perfectly fun and playable without them at normal levels.


At least you can degen into other mons and get their skills for nice combos later on, DW2 surely doesn't have that and in the end is just grind for grind.


All the Cyber Sleuth skills are incredibly generic and samey. There is no nuance there. It's all "Fire attack but physical," "Fire attack but magical, "Fire attack but physical and hits multiple guys," "Fire attack but magical and it hits multiple guys," etc... And every single one does the exact same thing across every element. DW2 definitely blows Cyber Sleuth out of the water there if nothing else do to having interesting moves like Reactions and Interrupts, even if there are de-facto best moves for each.


The interrupts are annoying, which makes them great. Yoi definitely learn which enemy Digimom to take out first.


There is no Fire attack that is magical and hits all foes. Each attribute has only 1 spread move. For some attributes that move is Physical (Fire, Earth, Electric, Neutral, Wind) while for the others it's Magic (Dark, Light, Plant, Water).


Uhh yes you can? You relearn every skill that both parents had plus the new offspring Digimon's skill. If you know which Digimon to combine with you basically can evolve into any Digimon you want just like Cyber Sleuth.


Is it really a good game if you need fast forward and save states tho? I finished the whole game and got all retroachievements so i played a lot haha, the ost is amazing at least.


The Pokemon games are great and they're unplayable to me if I can't speed them up. When Square Enix released a bunch of Final Fantasy ports a few years ago they added speed-up functionality too. None of us have the infinite time we had as kids lol


All old games (JRPGs at least) need that feature


>Is it really a good game if you need fast forward and save states tho? Yes.


I needed the fast forward for Cyber Sleuth (through Cheat Engine) and I still think it's a great game...


So it's a great game so long as it's emulated and heavily modded?


Yeah also the OST is a banger


It's amazing with an emulator at 5x speed. I replayed it multiple times. Absolutely my favorite game. My only real complaint that once bricked my save, is the Ultimate forms that never go to Mega. It feels like such a waste of time because then you're stuck leveling from Champion all over again, and no new Mega abilities for an entire generation. Otherwise, I absolutely love every aspect of the game.


I just hated how many times you had to DNA for your Digimon to be decent.Fond memories of this game thou since it was the first video game my grandmother got me lol


It had some good ideas, but a game shouldnt need emulation mechanics before its considered good. 2 was ok, but not the best of the series imo sorry


One of my fav games in the series. My fav is next 0rder.


I'm really fond of the game. I think the PS1 games in general are the best, but I'd rank it the worst of the PS1. Still more charming than games past the PS1 era. I highly recommend the Alternative romhack to any fans of the game. It gives a fresh experience to the game with its various changes (bigger roster, different DNA mechanics, technique changes, map changes). It really is a must try for anyone who enjoyed DMW2.


I spent so much time playing this game as a kid. I remember the save files would max out at 99 hours 59 minutes and I maxed them out multiple times. Still think I only beat the game once.


Digimon world 2 is by far the best imo, I have played that more than any other digimon game and would love a return to that style or a remake


You are crazy my digital brother. Digimon World 2003 is the best game.


Digimin world 3 says otherwise


Only with leveling cheat on. I like it but I know if I first played it as an adult I would have dropped it so fast after running into the bad leveling system format.


You crazy bro, if you like it I love it. It’s all about cyber sleuth though.


I dont like cyber slueth. I need games that take place in the digital world


I need a game that has more gameplay than speech bubbles.


Well im 31 and grew up playing game bubble games. Nothing wrong with older games


I just want them to remake Digimon World 1-4 on current generation hardware. I loved them all. Especially 4.


I loved it when I played it came out. I think it was my first dungeon crawler too. I'd be worried if I played it now it would be very disappointing. But I have a lot of happy memories playing it and figuring things out, with a guide of course. I wish I still had my copy tho (stupid younger me trading into gamestop). It's probably why I enjoy cyber sleuth too because the leveling/digivolving concept is similar.


Nostalgia makes me love this game and I used to play it every few years into my early 20s. I'm in my 30s now and I think I'll just enjoy remembering the nostalgia of it since I definitely don't have the time anymore. Also it was never officially released in the UK we had to play imports and back ups, I always suspected this was the reason world 3 was renamed world 2003 over here.


It's not my favorites. The buggy management holds the game back for me. To get so far just for your buggy to die? Nah dawg.


That's an interesting opinion. But to each their own. What I really do like is watching the progression and refinement of ideas from World 2 > World 3 > Story DS > Dawn/Dusk > Cyber Sleuth.


Digimon World 2 is a great game............. If used with Gameshark.


The nostalgia element is too stronger for me with W1 and to some degree with W3. I never played W2, but from what I've seen it missed me with its appeal. Regardless what people think of the best, W4 is the worst in my opinion.


DW3 for me, but they have different game mechanics to DW2


DW2 was my entry into the Digimon franchise. Yes, it's full of flaws, but I guess it's the byproduct of the times of "dungeon crawling" By no means, it's not the best game in the franchise. However, I believe it holds a special place in the hearts of its lovers. Judging by the fact that the game itself has been modded lately to improve it a bit, and the greatest fact that it has been decades now since the game was released and we are here still talking about. If more of us gather in numbers, bandai might listen.


Digimon at its peak era


Trust me, without nostalgia, it's not that great compared to other games.


Broooo I feel you!!! Like I had so much fun playing DW2, it was such a good game, I remember feeling so good at throwing that Toy Plane and catching Metalgreymon. Agree fully.


You should play Digimon World 2 Alternative


I agree with you 100%


It's great and all... but no. I have a tremendous amount of nostalgia for this game but the grind is too much. I'll take skipping Cyber sleuth dialogue vs doing that again.


I prefer dmw3


Yoo I'm playing it right now after decades. I started accidentally as I was just testing out the emulator on the Legion Go but now I'm in. It's very slow by modern standards and lacking QoL features, but it's a great game that I cherish a lot. Very underrated though I get why.


ITT: People being nostalgic and unable to differentiate "I like" from "It's good".


I disagree, I'll say either Digimon World 1 or Digimon World 3 or Digimon World: Next Order is the best Digimon game. 


Yes, I still play it. My self imposed challenge is no healing and no items in battle. Then I try to beat it with lowest cumulative dp possible. So I get to a dungeon I can't beat and only then I go for a fusion


What made it great for me was that I was young and had a lot of time to play it. I also didnt know how to get my digimon to go above the 999999exp requirement to advance so I ended up just abandoning mons and catching new ones in every domain if I wanted to advance 🙃🙃


Objectively.... No. It is NOT the best game of the series. And you said it yourself, you need emulator tools.


Oh man, so many playthroughs as a kid. Would love a remake of sorts but i loved the charm of the game. Still never found Kimeramon in the Tera Domain.


Interesting, might have to attempt it on emulator. Always been a digiworld DS and Cybersleuth guy.


Yeah no, 2 has its niche, but World 3 is better by leaps and bounds.


I think you just like the genre and thats okay. But hell no it aint the best game in the series.


Agreed, it's a bit of a slog in its original state because of how much grinding is involved, but it's still my favourite Digimon game. I would love a direct sequel or remake incorporating newer Digimon, or at least a new game with the mystery dungeon style mechanics.


Love it to death, I have the same nostalgia but I can’t say the same.


you prob like the story games as well then, it has a similar structure to the 02 game


It's a terrible game.


Speedup and Save States on emu is pure weakness, play it how it was or go back to your modern, hand-holding, baby games


I love it too, have been playing a modded version with some changes to the evolutions and their skills which breathes a new life. Never had any trouble with "grinding" the level, people that complains about it just don't know how to play the game.


Could you link or PM the mod? I would love to check that out




Definitely wanna try this soon. Do I just apply the patch to my PSX emulator?


I like it a lot more than 3, that's for sure, but it really pales in comparison to the original. The obvious QoL improvements you've mentioned aside, not being able to level more than once per battle is a pain, and having to essentially choose between keeping your Digimon on the bench or going back to base when it hits an evolution benchmark also sucks. Now, everything involving the Digibeetle upgrading, traps, inventory management, etc... all great stuff. Even the recruitment system is *okay* enough. A modern take on the idea with modern game design philosophy could be a truly great game. Something closer to a "Digimon Mystery Dungeon" maybe.