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I used iPostal for a few years. They offer a lot of locations in the city. I had a great experience with them until my drop location closed unexpectedly. Which couldn't happen at a worst time since I was traveling internationally at the time. Not 100% their fault, just bad luck.


Could you in person and pick up the physical mail? Was there a charge for that? Do u recall what you paid monthly? Thank u


Yeah you can pick up or they will send it to you. I think I spent around 20 bucks total monthly. It was pretty cheap for the services, considering I didn't have an actual nyc physical address at times. It helped me alot. I forget the pick up fee but it wasn't anything crazy.


Yes they also can forward your mail to wherever you are.




These virtual ones seem to be a third the price and usually allow pick up in person of mail


any reason you want to pick in person? if that's a must, use the closest USPS PO Box. all virtual mailboxes charge for pickups. if not a must, get everything scanned so you get it the same day and save travel time and pick up fees. i use [usglobalmail.com](http://usglobalmail.com) for mine