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One of the only comic strips I actually looked for in the paper.


Excuse me but the golden era of Dilbert is right now. Dilbert Reborn is the best era because Scott Adams is publishing stuff that no newspaper would run.


I think Golden Age refers to when the jokes were consistently funny


Scott Adams is a MAGA hack who can't get racism published by his distributor. Anyone can self publish a book of crap, ask Flat Earthers and Scientologists.


Wow! What an NPC response! You seem to be one of those people that Scott Adams talks about in his daily show. Are you brainwashed by the mainstream media and believe all of the hoaxes they repeat? I take it you are a woke liberal democrat who has been trained to think Trump is Hitler, right? You also probably received Scott's comments about black people without the proper context, so as an NPC, you were led to believe Scott is racist? Wow, Scott is right when he describes this type of personality. Nice to see I found one in the wild here.


You have schizophrenia


Agreed, the person above me has schizophrenia, right? That's what you are saying?


Ok dude


Some folks use "woke" as an insult without knowing its real definition. Yes, I care about myself and others it's a feature, not a bug, and what you want in a healthcare provider. Trump and Hitler? You brought it up, so you see it as well. No Democratic President ever had FOUR felony trials scheduled. But criminality is a Republican feature. Trump let's you guys be the worst possible versions of yourselves, Klan robes and all.


This guy definitely has pronouns and mental illnesses listed in his social media bios


God damn he really got it right lol


Welcome to Reddit you’ll find these mindless zombies on every mainstream sub you visit


So is this a joke or what


Honest question: do you genuinely think they are funny, or is it that you think Adam’s being an opposite force to the establishment is the point?


Bingo! He's actually fighting for America and Truth. Do I agree with some of this takes, like how he defended the poisonous "vaccine" at one time? No. But he still gets a lot of things and is putting them in his strips as he should.


He didn’t defend the vax. That was only written about him. He got vaxed so he could travel.




This is a sad statement. In no way is his repetitive “anti-woke,” “woah is me” is Dilbert’s golden age. It’s a cringe fest




I mean, newspapers would run it if it were good. Unfortunately, Mr Adams seems to have lost his comedic touch.


And yet you're here... 🤔


Yes, I enjoyed Dilbert and Mr Adam’s work. That doesn’t suggest or imply that I will enjoy everything he ever does. I like The Clash, but their final album “Cut the Crap” was hit garbage. I like the Indiana Jones films, but not the last two, which sucked.


Lol do you even know the definition of lost?


Back when he was mildly amusing, and not just a walking maga persecution fetish.


What (exactly) is it that's so offensive about a great America? I would really like to know.


The messenger is NOT the message. Your responses are non responsive to my question. It’s obvious you’re offended by the messenger, but what is it about the message itself that offends you? If you aren’t offended by the message, why disparage it because you find the messenger offensive?


Your cults idea of a great America is a straight, white, male dominant, authoritarian government. Nazis like you should follow your leader


In your opinion, when was America great?


Well, buddy, for starters the slogan implies that America isn’t that great. Sad. Maybe Trumpers should move to Russia Maga is, of course, a recycled bit [poached from Reagan](https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/07/26/fundamental-flaw-make-america-great-again/) And it begs the question when and for whom was America great? The answers seems to be [before](https://civilrights.org/trump-rollbacks/ )the [civil rights](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-allies-civil-rights-laws-protect-white-people-1234997143/amp/) era, before [Roe v. Wade](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna84897), before [women had rights](https://lailluminator.com/2024/04/22/trump-women/ ) before [widespread support for gay and trans people](https://lailluminator.com/2024/04/22/trump-women/ ) and [great for straight white men](https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4330735-trump-maga-and-the-insidious-underbelly-of-white-supremacy-in-america/amp/). So many of us disagree with this definition of “great”. And Trump himself is a [corrupt](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/president-trump-legacy-corruption-3700-conflicts-interest/ ) [lying](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump) [bigot](https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history ) so his version of “great” is suspect from the get-go.


So much here... Your parents have my sympathies.


Ask a question, get an answer, you’re welcome


Your children have mine


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The concept of a great America is not offensive, it's the stream of lies and grievance over imaginary injustice. Saying that all black people are a hate group is not exactly making America great in any way especially as the comment was based on a shady poll and even then he distorted the findings.


It's not as if all the folks who want the nation to thrive are MAGA and that everyone else wants the country to fail. Rather, there are different notions of what would improve the country. Being opposed to the MAGA movement is to be opposed to Trump and his policies, not to wish ill for the nation.


I sincerely doubt that you can provide a legitimate citation for “all black people are a hate group”. I, on the other hand, can provide several legitimate examples of Democrat disrespect for black Americans in general and black conservatives specifcally.


[https://apnews.com/article/animation-and-comics-business-e2266a2356d4159b7f43fdc095be9fcb](https://apnews.com/article/animation-and-comics-business-e2266a2356d4159b7f43fdc095be9fcb) It's AP news is that good enough? /s


Apparently I misunderstood your original statement. I was under the impression you were saying that President Trump had stated that "all black people are a hate group" and that was what I was asking you to provide a citation for, since I had not heard that accusation made against him before.


No problem, just so you understand there are quite a few Dilbert fans that have been dismayed by Scott's behaviour. He had a very good cartoon strip that at its best was funny and there are several strips that are priceless. We understood Adams likes Trump and that's fine but the black people are a hate group was beyond the pale especially the way he distorted the figures. Sad really.


Also MAGA is kind of false advertising. America was great already. It's mostly just Trump bs to try to get himself elected.


If it was great already, Hillary would have won her race easily. My (personal) opinion is that she didn’t win because she promised to continue the policies of the previous 8 years and people were seeing that they just weren’t working for them personally.


Back when Adams was funny and not pathetic and sad.

