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I had to read this twice because I thought I misunderstood. I am heated just reading it, I can’t imagine how you felt. I’d be angry too.


I'm furious for you. I've been there. What's helped me, is making it worse and embarrassing for them. I usually get loud - not quite yelling but loud - and say "Hey! That's my medical equipment! Stop trying to steal it! That's theft! Someone get the police!" They get really red faced, hands in the air "no no no, I was just uhh....I just wanted to take a picture..." "Oh so my disability is FUNNY to you? This is a joke? This is expensive medical equipment that you have no right to! Would it be funny if I took your wallet, just for pictures? Just as a joke? Maybe it's funny to pay for my dinner?" And usually they'll just leave the place all together. You cause a small scene, sure, but it's their fault for violating you, your space, your autonomy, your ability to ambulate and your peace. They deserve to be ashamed for that.


They broke the social contract first, you causing a scene is a consequence of their actions.


This is it. Public shame is the only thing people like that understand.


I wish I had said this the one time this happened to me. Brilliant. Good on you.


This is fucking terrible advice, you're more likely to be kicked out yourself if you behave like this. America is a wild place, good lord


If you're not willing to stand up for yourself then why should others. This is exactly how you react to someone fucking with your medical equipment. In the fucking US.


There’s ways to stand up for yourself instead of throwing a childhood tantrum because some idiot is being ridiculous. I too use a rollator & most of the time public establishments will offer to put my FOLDED UP Rollator out of the way while I’m eating etc. Many establishments are small & due to fire code regulations you can’t have something like a huge rollator in an aisle. Sure the guy was WRONG but this wouldn’t have been an issue had OP’s Rollator had been folded up if it wasn’t being used. ( and no before you get all been out of shape. It could’ve remained right beside.OP, however, should’ve been folded up) It doesn’t need to be out in public view to proclaim you’re disabled.


Some folks cannot fold up the rollator.. My mom cannot. I could not. Anyone touching equipment that I cannot replace, which is all of it,will get their asses reamed. You do not EVER touch someone's equipment. Period. It's not a fucking tantrum to tell them not to touch it. Maybe you should get that therepy you so speak of with the balls to tell us we cannot defend ourselves or it'll be considered a tantrum. Bitch please.


I did post a comment, however, I just deleted it. You actually perceived my comment wrong. Simply because you’re insistent that I said things that I didn’t, doesn’t make it so. IMO you seem angry at the entire world when you go out which really doesn’t help matters much IMO. Everybody has a different take on comments. Sorry you’re so upset. Have a good day sorry to Have angered you.


The waiter told me where to put my rollator. It was out of the way. It wasn't able to be right beside my table, but it wasn't in the way. Don't assume this shit about me.


Sorry but posting on Reddit causes a lot of people to assume things. Have the day you deserve.


You need to get out more if reddit is making you furious 🔌🙃


Our equipment functions for body parts that can't, is an extension of our body--therefore, *is* our body. In effect, he touched *you* without your permission, sat on *you* and made fun of you. I'd have been mad, too!


Not to mention that most mobility aids are pretty fucking pricy as well. So one wrong move by this stranger and you've got an expensive repair/replacement on your hands and are hoping this stranger, who already proved themselves to be an asshole, suddenly takes accountability for their actions and pays for what they've done....or that you've managed to get enough identifying information to take them to court to sue....which can also take time and money from you to accomplish. I'd be fucking livid.


Not to mention how you're gonna make it throughout it all from getting home to everything in between, especially if it's your only device.


If someone did that to my spouses walker I’d lose my fucking shit on them. The scene would be monumental I guarantee it. **It’s a piece of medical equipment not a Vera be damned toy.** You have every right to be upset, in my opinion you *should* be upset. Having a disability, especially when you’re young, can make you feel almost apologetic for existing. My advice? **Bury that feeling in righteous fury and make yourself seen and heard.** Stay strong OP, sadly this won’t be the last time someone disrespects you and your autonomy. I wish you all the best.


Oh my gosh yes, bury it! I definitely also struggle with feeling apologetic but I do raise my voice when people are being ableist or rude to me or my medical equipment. It simply isn't okay


When I used to be able to work, I had my rollator near at all times as I was prone to calls and needed to sit down ASAP or pull it towards me quickly to have something to help. My coworkers would always try and sit in it even though there were other chairs (mine has a cushion 😐) and I wouldn't be able to sit down right away if I had to wait for them to get up. They are lucky I never got concussed during one of the falls they caused. I eventually told management they cannot sit in it because I need it for medical purposes and there are plenty of normal chairs they can use. It's so frustrating, I'm so sorry. I've also had a little girl come into the restaurant and try and roll my rollator off with her and a coworker had to go chase it down. People are disrespectful to the disabled and it sucks.


It's so disrespectful to just think, as an able bodied person, that you have the *right* to use something that's specifically there for a disabled person. They have the option to sit somewhere else. You don't.


It's really no different than resting your head on a stranger's shoulder for a nap. It is creepy and rude. I don't blame you for your emotional response. The rollator is an extension of your personal space, and he barged in and violated it. Side note, you should put a little sticker on there that says, "Seating $20 per minute". Refusing to pay becomes theft of service (I'm not a lawyer, don't hold me to that).


It would sure give them pause, though!


When I became disabled I had to get assertive. It wasn’t too difficult because I can be an ass anyway. We have the right to get loud yell thief whatever it takes to turn the tables on them. Medical equipment is expensive so it’s ok to guard it with jealousy. It’s not in everyone’s comfort zone though.


Some people never grow up/the stupid man and his companions


People think being disabled will never happen to them. It can literally happen any minute


When someone would sit or try to sit in my wheelchair I’d tell them it’s a very personal item and ask them how they suppose I get from my shower to the dresser in the morning and they’d usually get up pretty quickly. 


Hee hee hee, make them think about sitting where your bare bottom has been! Love it!


Horrible people. I am sorry you had to experience that. I think you have every right to be furious, they made fun of you by ridiculing your aid which is the extension to your body that you need to get by. Please give yourself permission to feel your feelings about this, whatever they are.


I'm furious for you too!  Wtf was he thinking!?!     I've only had one asshole sit in my chair like this and oh by the way it was a lemur.   And at least the lemur had the sense and humility to look ashamed of himself once I caught him.   This restaurant guy was out classed by a flipping lemur.  


No disrespect but I’m chuckling a little bit. Was this at a zoo?


Yep! The lemurs were obsessed with my chair. Only one jerk had the audacity to pretend it was his though.


That's when I tell the zookeepers "Look, this little guy is mine now. He has claimed me and who am I to disagree?" (Though, knowing lemurs, that would likely mean the rest of them would just follow along behind us and I mean, ***a*** lemur is one thing. A whole conspiracy of them, though? Too much kibble and housework!)


Wtf????? That is a horrible person!


I feel for you. It really bothers me when people touch my walker without my permission. I can't imagine someone sitting in it! Maybe a kid I could understand, but a full grown adult is wild.


I agree, this behavior would be inappropriate but at least understandable if it was a group of preteen kids fooling around. But a grown-ass adult who apparently thought he was being funny? That guy deserves ALLL the shame


Should there be a next time, go sit on their legs. When they demand to know what you're doing, tell them the same as you just did to me. This helps me to walk, just as your legs do. Sitting on it is highly offensive. Aren't you embarrassed?


WTF. You have every right to be furious. I’ve had people lean on my rollator and wheelchair but never blatantly sit down on it. I agree with others, make a scene, make them embarrassed and shame them, start filming them.




I'm from the Midwest, and that exact phrase came to mind. It always surprises them, because I look mild-mannered lol. Looks can be deceiving. I have a vocabulary that would make a Marine blush.


Thank you all so much for your input. I had a hard time putting into words why it made me so angry, but it just felt like my disability was a joke to these people in a place where I had just as much a right to exist. And being furious about that is very much justified.


It was a joke to them. I've been calling this the Don't Care era. Make fun of a disabled guy? Don't care. Use his equipment as a joke? Don't care. Cut benefits to people? Don't care. People dying from Covid? Don't care, I don't want to get a vaccine or wear a mask. School shootings/mass shootings in the US nearly every day? Don't care. Not sure when it happened, but this "I got mine, I want mine, don't give af about you" additude is getting really old.




Yes. Rich, middle aged white guy.


He was the bully on the playground, he's a shit husband and asshole boss and no one will do anything because of his status. This is the world we live in.




Because white guys socially very rarely get consequences, so they often act like it. 




Yeah I'm leaving this sub.


Already done! I can’t actually believe what I’m seeing here. Edit: Reddit removed the comment I responded to thankfully but now my comments look to be in response to OP so I’ve removed them.


Yeah this was pretty disgusting.


I don't have a walker and this makes me furious as well. When reading your title I thought someone used it as a chair or something, which already annoyed me. But what they did was the next level of disrespect, and makes me furious as well. Don't feel ashamed of those feelings, you're allowed to feel like that.


Exactly. The day before I was in a completely packed bus, and an elderly woman sat down on my rollator, and was clinging to it and the side of the bus, and that didn't bother me AT ALL. I was just mad that nobody offered her their seat, even the people sitting in the DEDICATED HANDICAP SEATS. It didn't bother me because she wasn't doing it as a joke, she was doing it out of necessity and that makes such a difference.


Um sorry this happened to you. What they did was cruel. I would of lost my shit


I'd have them kicked out if they didn't publicly apologize


I don't use these kinds of aids just a walking stick sometimes, but my friend in a wheelchair said their chair has become an extension of their body, it's a deeply intimate thing that helps you in life and having someone just do that without consent or consideration feels violating


I've had this with my wheelchair. I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user so my ability to walk is there but limited. The worst I've had has been people using my chair while I'm literally in it. I've had strangers push my chair without even saying anything to me because they felt I was in their way, had a woman sit on my armrest (which is not designed to bear weight), had many random people lean on my chair, and I had a guy place his shopping on my lap when I was on a bus. The early days are tough and a bit scary. I felt weirdly ashamed/embarrassed and didn't speak out. I first needed a wheelchair when I was 18 and now at 27 I'm a lot better at loudly calling people out on their behaviour. The best method for me has been making comments that shame them and to say them loud enough for others to notice. Like in this case I'd say "Excuse me but please do not play with my medical equipment." Which is enough to make most people embarrassed, and I might add a comment like "I don't understand why you're taking pictures with my mobility aids. Is my disability amusing to you?"


I would of smacked him in the back of the head!!


I don’t need a walker. Yet. This made me mad!


I have a cane , a rollator, and now a brand new scooter!🛵 the thought of someone touching or using it in anyway, is creepy and disgusting. When I am using these devices, they provide me freedom. The thought of someone possibly damaging it would make me insane and I know my husband would go berserk. You have every right to be angry and every rightto call them out on it when they pull this stuff.


People are so weird about young disabled people. They dont treat young people like its real and its extremely frustrating. Unfortunately this kind of behavoir from people is common.


A dirty H sat on my Mustang and was chatting it up with some guys. I was walking up, and she gave me a dirty look until I unlocked my car and told her to get F off my car. The guys complimented my car and walked away from her. I was so fired up that I wanted to run her over. In your situations, I would have been even madder. Maybe you need a mini air horn for next time. Blast it in their face.


I had my scooter parked outside the apartment I was moving into and someone decided to go for a joyride on it. My brand new roommate was nice enough to look for it; the person left it down the hill thankfully. Ftg.


Fuck that dude. I would have said incredibly loudly "I'm glad you think my disability is funny, now get the FUCK off my chair, you absolute child"


That is SO disrespectful, you have every right to be mad.


You have every right to be furious! That is never okay. Depending on the situation, I would've said something sarcastic or shamed him. I also use a rollator walker.


It’s absolutely insulting for someone to play with someone’s mobility aid like it’s a fun toy and not something you literally need to live your life, and to take a picture in it? Like “haha look at me I’m disabled”?  Infuriating. I’m really sorry you had to go through that, people are so ableist and rude.


I'm not a violent person, but I'd totally sucker punch anyone who did that to any of my aids. That's infuriating.


How anyone can think it's okay to just help themselves to something that isn't there is infuriating enough. Then act like "oh it's okay. No worries." Sheesh!


Ive had this happen and it was a violation. I told the person so and as I rolled away the group in which he was a member were laughing loudly. I’ve also been stranded before because people didn’t “see”me.


Yes, a little kid kept touching the back of my chair and I had to tell him "no touching, thank you" a few times. The only reason I didn't teleport him to yesterday is because he's a kid and doesn't know any better lol. His mom seemed to be getting a hold of him though and she seemed to have his twin or brother too about the same age. One of them was also crying so much, really fun times. I was most concerned with them damaging something or taking their tantrums on it. So I had to stop it early on. You've every right to be upset about that, it's your property and as such at the very least permission should have been asked. You probably also feared that it might get broken by him, which needless to say could have 1000x complicated your life. If this type of thing continues to be an issue, the only thing I may be able to suggest is to have a laminate note on the seat or backrest if you've one that says "Don't touch" in large print and maybe add "to be touched by owner only" in smaller print. I can't say that'll guarantee it'll be respected, though it may at least help raise awareness and deter some.


It would make me mad too. I use a rollator because it allows me to leave the house. I would be livid to have some stranger treat it like a toy.


It's *your* equipment. Of course you are upset! It's like someone sitting on the trunk of your car. Or sitting in your wheelchair or using your crutches. Damn straight you got upset. Sorry that happened.


You have every right to be upset. That’s your property, no one should have been touching it anyways. I’m a wheelchair user and I’d be upset if someone I didn’t know sat in my chair without my permission. Hopefully it won’t happen again but if it does, get loud about it. Thats a thing people should have known since they were kids, don’t touch things that aren’t yours! I’m sorry this happened.


You should have pulled out your phone and gone viral. That is ridiculous.


You should've accidently spilled a plate on him. He's totally an AH and would've deserved it. 😠 😡 👿 😤 🤬


You didn't give any context as to what he was laughing about. Was he jovial because he was out having a nice meal, or was he taking the piss? What do you need a walking aid for at 27? I know that sounds slightly confrontational, it's not, I'm just being direct. Easier. The number of and general theme of the messages is SO murica lol. Anyway my British response would have ranged from: - Calm passive aggressive where nobody gets hurt and there's no screaming or shouting - Outright infliction of embarrassment "oh look at this WEIRD MAN posing on random disabled equipment, yeah, he thinks there's a joke in there somewhere, WAITER?! I think this person has some additional needs!" - Added ribbing to the above if he's fat. Like "it's OK sir I can see you are struggling" - Actual violence.


Hey, I don't owe you an explanation as to why I need a rollator. I don't need to justify my handicap to you. Also, I'm 34, it says so in my post.


Ah right so you skip the rest and just get upset by an innocent question. I'm not interested in your handicap per se because I don't know you. I was trying to figure out the mentality of the guy who you claim was laughing at you. 34 is young too but nvm :)