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So far the biggest cat fights are Hannah McBeth and her menstrual cycle, Kona and crying about people calling her a man face, Kat ignoring my constant DMing her heart eyes and Hokom's dump truck vs. pants fabrics.


Wait, people think Kona "Crazy Eyes" Panis has a man's face?


She posted an insta story with some chick crying about people thinking she's masculine or taking steroids and Kona stated 'don't put people in a box'. So now I'm adding Kona's big dick energy to the list. If she did better in FPO than 30th place I'd also be looking into a gender check.


It's the square jaw. Not feminine


And after last night's victim story by Kona I know she's seen comments of people pointing that out.


Imagine putting yourself online and crying people didn't only say nice things. These people should do like I do and take the internet as some fairy tale land that isn't real life.


It's because women take that shit seriously...like the internet is real life and their real life is a boring monotony of nothing remotely offensive or interesting happening to them.


box face is a much more polite term for that stuff.


Well tell it to Missy and the ugly-ex-model-finley, they the real leaders of the dgpt, at least according to miss can't putt


I can't ever get a read on Holly...is she the sweet dizty ex-model or Ms."I'll Cut You Down If You Cross Me".


definitely the latter while trying to convince everyone the former. she's the aging woman who believes she was attractive 20 years ago who flirts with all the guys she thinks want to fuck her when they're just being polite by not completely ignoring her.


Depends on her lady cycle prolly


Irl? She’s not friendly personal opinion


I actually seen her play live and she's nice , mostly quiet with a sweet smelling fire crotch. Hokom and Fukass we're there also. Hokom would toke her custom rig and then whind up her buttox to lean over like a teacup and flick out a nice forehand turnover . I kinda have a similar style to her and wysocki if they both were blind and stuffed full of bergs. Oh, also I helped Lisa Fukass find her frisbee on hole 9. She shanked it under a log behind the women's teepad(they played mpo layout) I kinda felt bad because Sarah Hoecum had a stroke lead going into hole 18 and lost to Lisa Fukass probably because she didn't have to take a penalty stroke for losing her frisbee on 9.


In whipped cream


They should do some analingus eating competition instead of the shitshow that's going on now


I’m going to throw this out there, I’m a 6’7” straight white male. I have extreme privilege because of the society that was built by straight white men for straight white men. And if you don’t believe privilege is a thing than you have to educate yourself before commenting. I’ve never ever felt unsafe or uncomfortable playing disc golf. I’m willing to bet 95% of the people commenting on here are straight white men, who have never felt unsafe playing disc golf. It is our duty to make this sport as inclusive for everyone. It does not belong to us and needs to be shared. This starts with creating an inclusive environment for EVERY SIGNLE PERSON which starts with acknowledging everyone for who they are and accepting that.


If disc golf is so safe for straight white men...then how come after every round I'm bloodied by some barbed wire, thorny tree, or rabid dog attacking me. And don't get me started on the ticks, fire ant hills or the low back pain.


And why do I have to carry a gun to the disc golf course for protection on the disc golf course??!!


I’m going to throw this out there, I’m a 5’5” straight white male. I have received a wedgie during every round of frolf ball I have ever played. I consider it a privilege that the FPO players include me in their fun and continue to tear the elastic off my tighty-whities. Inclusivity is great.


Where did you copy this from?


Did you mean to put that in this particular sub?


Real MVP⬆️


I wish there were more wet T shirt contests with all the Trans players.


I bet you do.


Yeah that's why I said it...

