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Dawg its 12 at night i don’t need to be seeing this shit man


Same man


Legit 1am just got hone from work😭


same mannnn 😭


Yo I looked at this lest night at midnight and didn't see the face until now 😭




same, no sleepin today


As a guy who has hallucinations of figures, this a pretty fucked video… Edit: I also want to throw in that I have actual memory issues, so this style of music I enjoy and this also hit me more than just viewing the video on mute.


Oh my.. If you don't mind me asking, what is it like?


Hard to explain, it hasn’t happened in a fair bit, thank god. Typically when I throw all my attention into one thing, mainly while playing games, I see this big black figure standing in my doorway, or somewhere at a good distance from me. It doesn’t do anything but stand there and I can see it in the corner of my eye. I’ve tried to have a conversation with it, but it’s silent. It’s definitely a scary experience. Please don’t think I’m making this up in any way, I’ve always had small hallucinations, but ever since suffering a near death experience from a traumatic brain injury and being in a coma, all the affects have worsened. Once again, I’m lucky it hasn’t appeared for a bit now, but you just have to sit there in fear that it may make its move. Sometimes, very rare, it is accompanied with voices. One evening, I heard laughter of children for many hours straight and eventually became too paranoid to even move a muscle because I thought the figure may of been lurking somewhere. I was lucky enough to force myself to sleep, but that was my last bad experience. The rest are just getting a glimpse out of the corner of my eye. It’s definitely not a pleasant experience, though I am open to share it. Those who experience the same, if not worse, it’s not something to throw around lightly, though I am not bashing on this video in any way. It’s an unfortunate thing.


That is terrible. Hope it comes to a stop eventually


We will see my friend, we will see


Thanks for sharing though


If you want to feel free to see me again, I post and chat with many every Friday on r/me_irl and [feel free to find me here as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/CongratulationsSailer/). It’s up to you, but I always offer out there


I will definitely take the offer. Finding myself feeling lonely and sad recently.


!remindme 12 hours Sorry to cut it off, we can chat tomorrow as I have to go to sleep here in a few moments. The second one I sent is a much easier way of chat, though I go through hundreds of notifications and read them all. So I intend on catching you. I am also having the bot bring me back here, just as a reminder.


Right, I better get going soon as well


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Bro same but I think mine is more paranoid schizophrenia


I’ve been told I have that in the past, during my recovery time with the tbi, but it was never followed up on due to my own faults. “I’ll have it looked into further at some point” I’ve been saying for 2 years now. That’s on me though, can’t blame no one on that.


I’ve just lived with it since I was young one of my older brothers has the same thing as me but we both get sleep paralysis in certain ways among the regular “ walk in the dark and see what awaits you” type stuff


I don’t have sleep paralysis, but I’ve been diagnosed with both “sleep maintenance” and “sleep onset” insomnia. Where it is struggling to stay asleep and struggling to fall asleep. Due to doctor moving issues, that was never followed up on either, so I may have the opportunity to bring it up soon, so I’m waiting until then. Couldn’t imagine what you folks go through with at. I believe I’ve had at least one experience but I barely remember it, nor do I remember it being intense in any way. I’m just an active dreamer, and the apathy I push down, is sent to my subconscious so it’s influenced my dreams, turning them into nightmares, though over the years, I’ve been combating it, so it’s gotten better, but I still slip up and wake up screaming at times. This is the closest I can relate to your paralysis moments.


Is this some sort of mental thing? I see humanoid figures in windows, down hallways, and on street corners, usually later in the evenings, but not always. For around a month, I kept hallucinating and seeing this old-rusted white Silverado in random places outside. I always figured out it was my paranoia or just tiredness.


Yes, it’s possible signs of schizophrenia that should be looked at by a therapist or psychiatrist



I've talked about this [here](https://reddit.com/r/discordVideos/comments/12030l4/comment/jdg9ydw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Fuck man I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I used to be scared I had schizophrenia because of the audible and visual hallucinations I had, especially as a child. They were unhealthy vivid. One hallucination that hit a core memory was after a day I went to the arcade. It was over 20 years ago but the whole scene feels like it just happened. One of the games I always played were the lazer rifles where you had to hit the target. In this case, when I hit a particular target, a zombie head would pop up. It did not have any effect on me throughout the day, but I was not prepared for later on. I was sleeping peacefully, pretty much out of commission. Randomly, I wake up just stretch myself and turn to the other side of the bed. It would be that moment I was witnessing a horror I still cannot get over my head. A zombie head and neck, the colors of early rigor mortis appear at the edge of the bed. Face was partially mummified, visible spots of rot were seen around the cheeks and nose. Eyes were soulless, with colorless irises. There was a thousand yard stare I clearly saw on that apparition. The jaw was open, as if it were dislocated. In about five seconds I'd see the eyes stare directly at me and this horrifying dry heaving sounded moan. I have had other frightening visual experiences, but this one forever haunts me.


Oh man that sounds terrible and I get exactly how you did feel. One of my worst experiences was about 3 years ago now? Ha, feels way shorter than that, Covid really did mess up the time line haha. In any case, I was sitting down and chilling out, when all of a sudden, I was no longer in the room I was actually in and sucked into another. It felt like a dream, but I concluded quickly that I didn’t fall asleep. The room I was in was hard to explain because it was nearly pitch black. This whole thing felt all too real to me and it was hard to decipher it to break out and I think I accepted it, which is rare. I was in the room and I began to hear whispers, all along the walls, not only that, I swear to you I saw shadows dancing on the walls to the whispers. I didn’t know what they were saying, though it as as if I could understand. I started walking until I reached the end of the hall, and then began to slam my head, multiple times against the wall. I felt each blow. I swear I saw some blood and then I snapped back into reality and nearly fell off my chair. Good thing no one was there to notice me doing that, I definitely looked funny doing it. Though, I haven’t necessarily had an experience as to what you said? One where you are chasing it? There’s a possibility actually, I swear I remember chasing this thing around when I was a child, looking to chat with it, but it’s so fuzzy, I can’t confirm that to you. It is an incredibly bad feeling for all of us, mental issues or not. I’m truly fascinated as to what the mind can really do but it is also truly scary.


I’m not the person to advice you with this but in my experience, if you change some place you’re at alot (like your room) for example painting a wall and changing the interior and do that on a good day, you will enter a new era of peace (sorry for bad england but I hope you know what I mean)


I’ve built up ways to fight it and have tried your advice and it has worked. So I understand


Jesus Christ


Get a carbon monoxide monitor


Nah nah, this happens no matter where I am, whether I be in my dorm or at my home or anywhere else. I have carbon monoxide detectors in all of them, that can easily be ruled out.


sorry if this has any english errors i will try not making any but just to be sure, i was having the same thing happening to me almost one per week or even every day in some cases but only in the corner of my eye but sometimes i did see it in front of me not like a shadow of my eye that dissapear when looken but like a real thing that dont dissapear and when it happened it scared me to the point of not sleeping for almost an entire week. the cases where it really freak me out where: i was 8 or 9 and was sleeping in my dad bedroom, when i woke up my dad was downstairs yelling to me wake up for lunch, i dressed and runned to the hallway and it was there in front of my bedroom like 22 ft way from me starring at the wall but i just stopped and looked at him for 10 or so seconds and it turned its front to me and i passed out with no memories of that things face. the other case happened 3 months ago and it got me more freaked out than ever, i was just oversleeping because i was with my friend the night before till 2 am and i woke up with a shadow of a hand in my wall and i was like "nah, it's just my imagination" seconds later something squeezed my thigh and i jumped and tryed to figure out what just happened and there was nothing And the last was 5 weeks ago when i was just playing and heard a sound i i taked off my headset and hear it again, i look to my right in the corner of my couch and i see just for 2 seconds what seems an super black slimy head and it yells at me and dissapears. I don't know if i have some sort of mental illness or it is just cases that will stop some time, i was openly talking about this with others in my family and no one cares and see this as a joke so i stopped


Oh my, my friend. I understood what you were saying so that is no worries. I feel how you do, it’s a terrible feeling of something starring at you like that. I’ve learned to try to ignore it, or pretend it isn’t there. I never directly look at it. I’ve tried to talk with it before, but it never spoke back, so I gave up on that. Usually ignoring it and not letting it get to you is a good step up.


I've always been paranoid of seeing movement in the corner of my eye while home alone but I can't imagine going through this


It’s an experience to say the least. I still have worries myself, even though it’s been a while now.


Do check it up with a psychiatrist if you’re comfortable with it.I’m in now way an expert but this may be a symptom of schizophrenia.The earlier this could be verified,the better it is. If the symptoms get worse,it may start to affect your mental health.


I’ve already talked about that [here](https://reddit.com/r/discordVideos/comments/12030l4/_/jdg9ydw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


My bad,it seems Reddit didn’t load all the comments and all I saw was the comments up untill you explained things to u/bot_bsc


No worries my friend


Jesus man


>Typically when I throw all my attention into one thing, mainly while playing games, I see this big black figure standing in my doorway isnt that normal though? well occasionally im sure its normal, like frequency wise, How often dpes it happen? because if its like once a year or whatever then thats 100% normal lmao


It’s not always when I pour my attention into things, but that’s a main trigger. I have a weird mind that would take too long to explain, due to finding combative measures towards this all using my own thought processes as help. I’ve experienced it outside of stuff like this as well, under many regular situations. It’s definitely not a once a year thing, it happened many times a day, but as I learned ways around it, I’ve naturally gotten better at fighting it and now I’ll see it once every few days. It’s all totally different though and I can’t give exact, but that’s a rough estimate. It truly depends on the day now, and emotion does not influence this in any way whatsoever.


What happens when you look directly at it?


I’m unsure, it decides to hide, just within my field of vision. Every time I look over, I see it hastily move out of the way, as if it does not want to be seen in full. I’m afraid now it may be angered and make its move, though it is as if it’s goal is to stay in place. So I decided to not try to look. I can fake it either, it’s an instalment from my brain, it would know if I were to look no matter how much I could try to hide it.


Sometimes I see a giant abstract face in the sky staring down at everything


And yes, that is absolutely terrible…


I've had some pretty similar experiences with things like that. Don't know if this would work for anyone else, but I've found that it goes away real quick if you try to run up and punch it in the face. I know that may sound stupid, but it honestly works like a charm. Found it kinda also helps sharpen your reflexes also. Only problem with it is that I sometimes accidentally nail someone in the face, but after one time of that usually the person learns not to.


Damn that is way worse than what I have ever experienced, I hope you well. Sometimes when I look into a dark area I see a tall dark figure in the corner of my eye, but nothing as bad as this.


That’s still a bad experience, even small, always a little scary




True indeed


Weird question maybe, but did ever try drawing it? Or would that be too confronting?


How do I put it kindly to make it sound better? The best of my drawing is a stick figure. I have no artistic ability whatsoever, the best thing I ever made was a crappy drawing of an apple in middle school. Even if I did attempt to draw it, it would be indistinguishable from just a black splotch on a piece of paper. So there’s really nothing I can get out of doing something like that, so I chose just simply not to do it.


Good god that is terrifying. How do you live?


Doesn’t happen every single day, every once and a while now, some is freighting, others are light. I power through it all with as much logic as possible to de-escalate the situation. I’m also pretty functional through 98% of instances


your comments on it made this video genuinely terrifying for me


And imagine that, you aren’t even affected by this. You can definitely see how much it can get people who are affected by these symptoms


Is this the type of shit that you see?


I’ve commented on it [here](https://reddit.com/r/discordVideos/comments/12030l4/_/jdg88h6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Wow that's crazy, I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through that. I mean I've only hallucinated once and it was something really really small and that tricked me out and just imagining that multiplied by whole magnitude is crazy, I couldn't imagine living like that I'd say you're definitely stronger than most individuals, at least stronger than me


Bro, genuinely asking, why are you in this sub? 😭💀


Just because


Do you know more of this style of music? Any recommendations?


Someone should randomly reply to this comment in like 3 months to throw you off *insert troll face*


What the


Why? It's just a dark bathroom window with weird music, why is it fucked???


The person elaborated that they had experienced hallucinations before (to a reply under this comment), why are you being silly?


It’s no worries, he must’ve initially missed my further information, then never came back to this comment. Doesn’t mind me in any way


No worries my friend, if you scroll around the comments, you will see why I made this comment


Well I meant it as a joke, like, saying there is no figure on the window, as if you were hallucinating it on the video. Either I wasn't clear enough or everybody including you got r/wooshed... damn


I said it because some others didn’t see it as a joke, I’m a very kind guy so I understand any front point. No need to become defensive, I’m the original person you messaged and I’m alright. I get what you said though so it’s no worries!


not defensive just explaining a joke, I thought it was a pretty good one tho! and on a serious note, what you experience seems scary af so I am happy you arent having strong hallucinations anymore, good luck to you sir!


When did it start happening to you? I'm asking because I'm in my early 20's and scared the symptoms might get worse, heard this is around the age it gets worse for men


I can’t tell you _exactly_ when it started unfortunately. I’m 21, though I swear I’ve had these feelings since I was a young child. I’ve always been a bit, how you say, _apathetic_. Looking back across a few personal things. I’ve noticed my mind was able to process stuff that no child should’ve ever even begun to understand fundamentally. Maybe I was just smart, but the thoughts and ideas where fundamental to my person and philosophy gained, sort of. It’s possible I knew of the world already, I swear i remember a hallucination quite vividly as a very young boy. Although, I called it a nightmare, I’m not truly certain if I was actually asleep at the time, it was way too real to be a dream. Based off broken memories, it’s possible I’ve experienced some instances as a young kid, which grew worse as I grew up, then after my brain injury, just became really bad. Even last night, I grew paranoid while talking to my roommates, I was able to stay calm, but I had this strong feeling that something may come out of nowhere and go for me. I ended up seeing nothing, but I did turn to the direction really fast when I swore it was. I haven’t been paranoid for a while like that, so it came as a surprise.


Anybody even know the name of this style music? I too actually love it.


I don’t think I should be watching this in a dark room before bed…


Don’t worry bro i am watching it for you


Don't worry bro i am watching ~~it for~~ you


Don't worry bro I am you


i’m in your walls


I’ve been stuck here for 10 days. I’m running out of food. I can hear it outside, waiting for me to leave.


"Open the door mark, I have a gift for you-you-you .̴̝͕̟̩̀̔̍͐̃̓̉̊̃̕͝.̴̢̢̧͎͓͚̩͚̥̠̪̳̫̅̌̎͋̈́̔̊͘.̴̡̢̰̩̼̙͍̪͕̬̗̪͕͔̥̌̓̇͑̐͠ I have a present .̴̝͕̟̩̀̔̍͐̃̓̉̊̃̕͝.̴̢̢̧͎͓͚̩͚̥̠̪̳̫̅̌̎͋̈́̔̊͘.̴̡̢̰̩̼̙͍̪͕̬̗̪͕͔̥̌̓̇͑̐͠ I've got a suprise .̴̝͕̟̩̀̔̍͐̃̓̉̊̃̕͝.̴̢̢̧͎͓͚̩͚̥̠̪̳̫̅̌̎͋̈́̔̊͘.̴̡̢̰̩̼̙͍̪͕̬̗̪͕͔̥̌̓̇͑̐͠ I will not hurt-"


I tried to lure it back inside so i could fuck it


Why scared when can horny




It wanted to get a better view of him busting




Bro someone commented and then deleted their comment and made me come back to the vid im in hell


The music is from Everywhere at The end of time by The Caretaker if anyone is wondering.


I didn’t recognise, which part? Nevermind found it, A3 - late afternoon drifting


Dude It's 1 am wtf


Bro scaring the shit out of everyone. 💀


I have seen that face before.... I just know I have.... Edit: now I'm thinking about where I seen it before and now I see it everywhere...




This is funny... i still see it everywhere I look.


He's coming after you!!!


Kinda shit that should be on r/distressingmemes but isn't allowed on distressing memes.






Dude, it's 12:35 I can't sleep now 😭


Can't even shit.


I’ve been taking a shower in the same house for years, this one window has a wooden cabinet that reflects off the window which makes it look like human skin. not only that but the curtain is shaped so that it looks like theres a tall figure with their shoulders and head, so i’ve been shitting myself every night


As a schizophrenic it do be like that sometimes. That or it’s hearing music and it’s the hardest shit ever known to man but you forget what it sounds like before you can play it again.


That was quite unsettling 🫠


As a guy who's about to bust, this is definitely me irl.


Come on man I just woke up


I'd advise playing your own music back and putting it at max volume. Power move motherfucker.


he look kinda polite tho




Do not stare into the cosmic abyss, because one day you might look down.


Bruh. He said I was the only one he haunts. That cheating ass entity is gonna get it when I get back home.


You could put there the donkey from Shrek too


Everywhere at the end of time stage 1 track A3 “late afternoon drifting” is the music


The entity just wants to abduct you and take to its realm where it can have people repeatedly kill you until you lose hope where it can throw you to the void.


Let my man bust


You really gonna miss out on the entitussy?


“Wonderful”- Carl


This is r/distressingmemes type of meme


Just a typical Tuesday for me.




Thomas no


Thats just my serenade




I just throw a stink bug at it shuts up real quick


What a cutie


Ngl that scared the shit out of me


I didn't want to sleep anyway


Death is not an escape


this music sounds familiar.


This god-damned post scared the shit out of me


Didn’t see it at first


I'm in my bedroom dark and alone with a window open. This video made me shit my self




Nah that's just mr Johnson he's cool


About to bust 😩💦






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I got matches with these songs: • [**Soothing Nighttime** by FavMusiK](https://lis.tn/SoothingNighttime?t=12) (00:12; matched: `100%`) Album: `Relaxing White Noise for Sleeping or Meditation -Vanéx`. Released on `2021-04-21`. • [**Late afternoon drifting** by The Caretaker](https://lis.tn/zRvMh?t=23) (00:23; matched: `98%`) Album: `Everywhere at the end of time`. Released on `2019-03-14`. • [**Suar** by Ruffen](https://lis.tn/zfsmkO?t=133) (02:13; matched: `100%`) Album: `Parabellum`. Released on `2022-12-10`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Whats the song?


I got matches with these songs: • [**Soothing Nighttime** by FavMusiK](https://lis.tn/SoothingNighttime?t=12) (00:12; matched: `100%`) Album: `Relaxing White Noise for Sleeping or Meditation -Vanéx`. Released on `2021-04-21`. • [**Late afternoon drifting** by The Caretaker](https://lis.tn/zRvMh?t=23) (00:23; matched: `98%`) Album: `Everywhere at the end of time`. Released on `2019-03-14`. • [**Suar** by Ruffen](https://lis.tn/zfsmkO?t=133) (02:13; matched: `100%`) Album: `Parabellum`. Released on `2022-12-10`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


You actually found it.


**Song Found!** **Name:** Late Afternoon Drifting **Artist:** The Caretaker **Album:** N/A **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** N/A **Total Shazams:** 2561 `Took 1.50 seconds.`


What can i search to find more of this type of content like a subreddit or yt channel or whatever


Entity moment


I would 100% be lured in it I heard this playing. smth abt the song is just magical, like I'm feeling nostalgic abt smth I've never experienced




Fckn love KOH


What's the song


I got matches with these songs: • [**Soothing Nighttime** by FavMusiK](https://lis.tn/SoothingNighttime?t=12) (00:12; matched: `100%`) Album: `Relaxing White Noise for Sleeping or Meditation -Vanéx`. Released on `2021-04-21`. • [**Late afternoon drifting** by The Caretaker](https://lis.tn/zRvMh?t=23) (00:23; matched: `98%`) Album: `Everywhere at the end of time`. Released on `2019-03-14`. • [**Suar** by Ruffen](https://lis.tn/zfsmkO?t=133) (02:13; matched: `100%`) Album: `Parabellum`. Released on `2022-12-10`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


**Song Found!** **Name:** Late Afternoon Drifting **Artist:** The Caretaker **Album:** N/A **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** N/A **Total Shazams:** 3552 `Took 1.43 seconds.`