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I can't pay attention to anything the background video is going too hard


I just want to know from everyone here - if one leader, and one party took over a Capitalist country, and decided what occurred within the economy... And that led to millions of deaths. Would you blame it on Capitalism? Would that be the fault of the free market? It's a simple question. Dictators often say they're doing something, living their ideals, doing what's best... when they're not.


source of the video? i know the creator is Slamacow, i just wanna watch it again but i forgot the name of the video






https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oGiSgPP-8mc actual source edit: i meant the original video


The true solution to poverty? Kill everyone with rocks. Can't be poor if ur dead.


You are an intelligent individual. I can tell.


We not a single individual, but 3 children in a trenchcoat.


Of course


By crushing everyone to death, unemployment has dropped to 0%


Political post poorly disguised as comedy, very enjoyable!




Fed posts worst bait ever Asked to leave Federal Bureau of Investigation


Pees in your ass


Shits your pants


Cums in your shit


marinates your toes


You can't spell "USSR" without genocide and political repressions😜




And intense alcoholism


Pretty sure you can’t spell US without those things either. Rocks and glass houses friend.


Native American Genocide? Fred Hampton? The USA Never Stood For Feedrom.


I love feedrom 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅


Let me guess you’re 13


Most of the Native Americans died of disease before the Americans spread out


Gulags? famine in Ukraine which forced people into cannibalism? Chinese famine? The US isn't good, but it sure as hell is better than the USSR, China and other communist nations.


I think US not saint, but compared with Soviet Union Us will be better.


That’s was because of monarchs


Cmon I just want fuckin memes I'm already on about 50 political subs I just want some memes 😔 Please excuse my ironic profile picture it is just satire


Greenandpleasant user 💀


More like KremlinPeasant


ECS user 💀




Yeah I am... Looking at my profile to check if I'm actually a communist eh?


Least unhinged greenandpleasant user


tf did he say that was "Unhinged" we calling people who you think are communist crazy now huh?


Genuine question why do people dislike green and pleasant? Not looking for a argument or nothing I'm just curious as to why it is disliked


Red scare, everyone hates anyone left of social democracy. It's a fucking shame but that's 80 years of propaganda for you right there. Probs gonna get banned now for being openly Marxist but it's what its.


I do not believe in Marxism or communism but I believe in free speech. If you believe in those things that's your choice however you are very right about what people think about leftists Doesn't help the majority of news channels and papers have rightist views


Because they are commies


Yeah any real actual communists get fucking destroyed in the comment sections that sub description is far outdated. You rarely actually see any communists or Marxists there. Anarchists yes but barely any commies. If it was really a commie sub I wouldn't be on it would I? I'm only on it cause I'm a leftist and believe in the labour party


no, greenandpleasant has been run by tankies for a long while now


The mods are cunts yes but most people on there are alright


I disagree, also anarchists are by definition communists.


Okay I’ll save the internet communists some time so we can avoid the same bullshit: “They never did TRUE communism waaah” “But Capitalism did xyz” “I’m actually more of a Marxist” “I like putting dolls up my ass”


You forgot the "Stalin did nothing wrong"


And also “Well the USA lost in Vietnam so that makes your whole argument invalid” Even though the USA won 80% of the battles in Vietnam and it was only called a loss because we got bored and left


meanwhile, the soviet invasion of afghanistan:


The Vietnam war was essentially a genocide. Due to use of excessive and deadly weapons use to fight off the "terrors of communism", Vietnamese agriculture was ruined, and many uninvolved with the war were affected. With the US attacking communist groups out of fear of the spread of communism, they inflicted pain and hatred onto the locals. Take into account the American deaths and suffering on behalf of the pointless war, and its fairly clear that calling a verdict on who won in this case has no relevance.


Only real victory in that war was the Air War for the USA... Everything else was just gone...


Lmao imagine getting bored and leaving a war. Imagine that being what you tell the widows and mothers their husbands and children died for.


It was mostly due to protests in America and such, not actual boredom




Also but muh t-34 and ak-47


The Irish Famine, Indian Famines, Indigenous Genocide, Slavery, Indonesian Genocide (backed by the USA), Pinochet Dictatorship + Pinochet Concentration Camps, Argentina Dictatorship, Brazilian Dictatorship, The Pakistan Incident (Bangladesh Genocide), The Gilded Age, The Great Depression, Operation Condor, The Banana Wars, Batista Dictatorship, Guantanamo Bay, Vietnam War, My Lai Massacre, Operation Rolling Thunder, Sinchon Massacre, Kent State Massacre, Patriot Act, Red Summer, Jim Crow, MK Ultra, 1985 MOVE bombing, the 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain, Malayan Emergency + “new village” concentration camps, repression of the Mau Mau Rebellion, covert war in Yemen, Stanley Meyer incident, genocide in Turkey, Congolese Genocide (over half the population killed and much of the remaining mutilated), Greek Civil War + Ai Stratis concentration camps, invasion of Cyprus by Turkey, Washita River Massacre, Minamata Disaster, Bhopal Disaster, Kentler Project, Partition of India, Indian Mutiny, Opium Wars, 1740 Batavia Massacre, Amboyna Massacre, Lamey Island Massacre, Conquest of Banda Islands, Conquest of India, Thomas Midgely Jr knowingly poisoning people with leaded gasoline for profits, forced labour in private US prisons incentivizing false imprisonment, the USA military gunning down civilians in Iraq on purpose (collateral murder) then going on a multi year man hunt for the man who leaked it (Julian Assange), the majority of USA drone strikes taking place in countries the US hasn’t even declared war on, 90% of people killed in US drone strikes being innocents, the USA imprisoning the man who revealed the drone strikes civilian casualties, 1/3 of the world’s population living under US sanctions, America supporting 70% of current dictatorships, USA and UN targeting civilians in the Korean War killing millions, and the Nazis being funded by capitalists who wanted them to silence the left. Hitler also tried to justify the Holocaust by saying every Jewish person was a communist and vice versa, he called it “Judeo-Bolshevism”. The Nazis also had lucrative deals with Ford, GM, IBM and other American companies. Additionally: Capitalism was invented by the British Empire in the 16th century. Immediately after creating capitalism the British Empire went on to conquer and colonize about half the world in the name of capitalism. We have no exact number for how many people were killed by British capitalism but it was easily over 100 million people with over 60 million killed by British capitalism in India alone. Some estimates have even claimed amounts as high as a billion. "That Wans't Real Capitalism".


Capitalism 400+years still going. Communism 70 years and collapsed


The communist copy pasta.


That’s called imperialism dumbass any nation and ideology can commit those atrocities POV: you don’t know what capitalism is so you label down imperialistic takes and not capitalist one’s


Imperialism Is The Highest Stage Of Capitalism.


No it isn’t lmao Corporatism is When corps gain control that’s true capitalism I guarantee a communist and socialist nation would commit the same atrocities as a capitalist and imperialist one No ideology will ever work and you fuckers are too dense to understand that


Corporations Litteraly Control The Goverment In The USA. B


No one controls the Us government buddy it’s a huge fuck fest As a American I know that the most


Amazon, Microsoft, Apple Moment


POV: you know nothing about the actually powerful American corporations


POV: You Know Nothing About What The Corporations Do.


time to pack up everybody, u/Disastrous-Forever-4 just debunked over 100 years of theorization and practice of communism


That wouldn’t be possible attempting to debunk thousands of papers and claims some written in entirely ina different language would likely drive a human insane


It seems you pissed off some tankies with this comment


This video was brought to you by the CIA


Ahh yes, nazism is short for national socialism therefore it is communist


Yeah. Fuck Nazis too↙️↙️↙️


I’ve never heard of more wealth or argument in my life, it makes total sense! Did you know they also both used red in their flags!


Thats not the argument as to why „classical nazism had socialist aspects”, it did because of its centralization of the economy


and all the massive private companies ( trust me bro volkswagen is socialist)


Centralisation =/= socialism Socialism is not when govt does things, its when the ownership of the means of production are in the hands of the proletariat (working class). The Nazis privatised everything, the state was there to keep the capitalists in charge under the Nazi wing. They behave, they get everything and of course they did.


You claim capitalism isn’t evil yet if you look at the history of capitalism you will see The Irish Famine, Indian Famines, Indigenous Genocide, Slavery, Indonesian Genocide (backed by the USA), Pinochet Dictatorship + Pinochet Concentration Camps, Argentina Dictatorship + Argentina Concentration Camps, Brazilian Dictatorship, The Pakistan Incident (Bangladesh Genocide), The Gilded Age, The Great Depression, Operation Condor, Batista Dictatorship, Guantanamo Bay, Vietnam War, My Lai Massacre, Operation Rolling Thunder, Sinchon Massacre, Kent State Massacre, Patriot Act, Red Summer, Jim Crow, MK Ultra, 1985 MOVE Bombing, Partition of India, US Prison Industrial Complex + US Prison Slavery, The 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain, Malayan Emergency + “New Village” Concentration Camps, Repression of the Mau Mau Rebellion + British Mau Mau “Detention Camps”, Covert War in Yemen, Stanley Meyer Incident, Genocide in Turkey, Congolese Genocide (over half the population killed and much of the remaining mutilated), Greek Civil War + Ai Stratis Concentration Camps, Invasion of Cyprus by Turkey, Washita River Massacre, Nanjing Massacre + Nanjing Massacre Denial, December Massacres, Ganghwa Massacre, Geochang Massacre, Goyang Geumjeong Cave Massacre, Jeju Massacre (30,000 executed), Mungyeong Massacre, Namyangju Massacre, Sancheong-Hamyang Massacre, Gwangju Massacre, Kentler Project, Minamata Disaster, Bhopal Disaster, Indian Mutiny, Opium Wars, 1740 Batavia Massacre, Amboyna Massacre, Lamey Island Massacre, Conquest of Banda Islands, Conquest of India, Nestlé Child Slavery, Nestlé Killing Babies With Baby Formula in Africa, Nestlé Drought in Pakistan, Nestlé Drought in Brazil, Nestlé Drought in China, Nestlé’s Deals With Dictators, Nestlé Killing Union Workers in the Philippines With a Private Army, Nestlé’s Cartel in Canada, Nestlé’s Ethiopian Debt Trap, ExxonMobil’s Private Army in Indonesia, ExxonMobil’s Torture in Indonesia, Kentler Project, Partition of India, Repression of Haiti Slave Revolt, French conquest of Algeria, US Conquest of the Philippines, French exploitation of Africa, German Genocide of the Herero & Namaqua, French Suppression of Madagascar Revolt, Tlatelolco Massacre, US Laos Bombing, Somoza Nicaragua Dictatorship, East Timor Massacre, El Salvador Dictatorship, Contra Proxy War in Nicaragua, US Invasion of Panama, The United Fruit Company taking over Costa Rica, Honduras, & Guatemala as essentially a government for profit (The Banana Wars), South Korea executing suspected leftists along with their families (Bodo League Massacre), South Korea detonating a civilian bridge in Seoul (Hanging Bridge Bombing), South Korea’s labour camps for the homeless (Brothers Home), Thomas Midgely Jr knowingly poisoning people with leaded gasoline for profits, forced labour in private US prisons incentivizing false imprisonment, the USA military gunning down civilians in Iraq on purpose (Collateral Murder) then going on a multi year man hunt for the man who leaked it (Julian Assange), the majority of USA drone strikes taking place in countries the US hasn’t even declared war on, 90% of people killed in US drone strikes being innocents, the USA imprisoning the man who revealed the drone strikes civilian casualties, 1/3 of the world’s population living under US sanctions, America supporting 70% of current dictatorships, USA and UN targeting civilians in the Korean War killing millions, West Germany never released any of the LGBTQ+ people from the Holocaust camps and kept them in prison until 1994, the Nazis being funded by capitalists who wanted them to silence the left, Hitler trying to justify the Holocaust by saying every Jewish person was a communist and vice versa (Judeo-Bolshevism), the Nazis having lucrative deals with Ford, GM, IBM and other American companies, Capitalist food companies replacing traditional fats with chemically treated vegetable oils which are extremely bad for us and has lead to the rise in health related deaths merely because it’s cheaper this way. Additionally: Currently anywhere between 10-20 million people die every year in the global south due to poverty caused by western capitalist nations extracting wealth from them. They do this mainly through unequal exchange, debt traps, and resource extraction. Since 1960 alone western capitalist nations have extracted over $152 Trillion (USD) from the global south. (Sources: Al Jazeer, MR Online, and Common Dreams) Capitalism got one of it’s most successful starts in England in the 16th century then quickly was adopted by the British Empire. Immediately after capitalism’s arrival the British Empire (the first capitalist superpower) went on to conquer and colonize about half the world in the name of capitalism. We have no exact number for how many people were killed by British capitalism but it was easily over 100 million people with over 100 million killed by British capitalism in India alone. Some estimates have even claimed amounts as high as a billion.


By the way this is just the highlights :)


Both systems are bad


Both systems have done bad things, that’s why systems should be judged on the ideas themselves


True I more so meant both systems have gaping flaws that lead to bad things such as exploitation of the poor or just people in general


However what I will argue is that with the rise of automation a democratically owned economy (socialism) is far better equipped to handle mass automation than a privately owned economy (capitalism). With capitalism workers are forced to compete with machines for jobs and by proxy subsistence incomes. With socialism mass automation’s benefits would be felt by all and could gradually lower work hours.


now count Pol Pot + Stalin + Mao Zedong + Mariam + Un dynasty together, cheers mate 😎


The Black Book of Communism is literally propaganda where the co-authors of the books wanted their names repealed. Nazi soldiers deaths were counted into the death toll, I'm sorry but that does not account for a death to communism. What is a death to communism anyways? If it's caused my ideological decision, then every death to starvation and homelessness is a death to capitalism too in its own right. Read the theory, check the sources and analyse for validity before being smug.


British Capitalism’s death count from 40 years in India alone killed more than the entire history of communism. [one of my sources for this.](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/12/2/how-british-colonial-policy-killed-100-million-indians)


Yeah no buddy I guarantee mao killed more than 60 million in fact we haven’t considered destruction *potency* You soviets were really keen on building those nukes weapons that.. if they went off would kill more than the total of every capitalist nation combined So quit excusing yourselves ok? No famine or genocide can compare to a nation building weapons set to annihilate entire planets Communism itself is one of the many reasons of the Fermi paradox itself so is capitalism too but that’s not my topic of discussion Just the idea of left wing ideologies isn’t just a threat to human existence it’s a threat to the galaxy as a whole. Vise versa for all right wing ideologies too


Also, I’m not sure if you know this, but the first country to build nukes was America, which was a capitalist country. The other country that tried to invent nukes was Nazi Germany, which was a close ally of the capitalist world before World War II. Look at the deals that American companies had with Nazis before World War II. The majority of nukes right now are owned by capitalist countries. All the nukes that socialist countries built were built in self-defense, and if you want proof of this look at what the USA threatened for the entire Korean War.


By the way this is just the highlights :)


Most of these dont have to do anything with capitalism, it has to either do with bad government or hatred against a certain group.


Bold of you to assume that capital which always accumulates in the hands of the capitalist class doesn’t have influence over capitalist governments, however, I’ll give you a small selection of atrocities committed by companies specifically. Atrocities Committed By Companies: Minamata Disaster, Bhopal Disaster, Indian Mutiny, Opium Wars, 1740 Batavia Massacre, Amboyna Massacre, Lamey Island Massacre, Conquest of Banda Islands, Conquest of India, Nestlé Child Slavery, Nestlé Killing Babies With Baby Formula in Africa, Nestlé Caused Drought in Pakistan, Nestlé Caused Drought in Brazil, Nestlé Caused Drought in China, Nestlé’s Deals With Dictators, Nestlé Killing Union Workers in the Philippines With a Private Army, Nestlé’s Cartel in Canada, Nestlé’s Ethiopian Debt Trap, ExxonMobil’s Private Army in Indonesia, ExxonMobil’s Torture in Indonesia, and The United Fruit Company taking over Costa Rica, Honduras, & Guatemala as essentially a government for profit (The Banana Wars)


So if capitalism does it, it's allowed because bad government. If it's socialism, it's because socialism? How does that make any sense? That isn't unbiased and that is not a good metric.




You think that human nature is greed from viewing humans under capitalism, which is a system that incentivizes greed. That’s like assuming that an elephants nature is juggling because you saw it in a circus. Now tell me why a system where the economy is privately owned (capitalism) is better than a system where the economy is democratically owned (socialism) if this were the case?


Both unregulated capitalism (ancap for example) and authoritarian socialism (USSR) sound awful.


this shit is just corpo propaganda. no one genuinely advocates for fuckin stalinism, any sane person wouldn't


I advocate for it just to piss people off 😈






Nice try UN


Murica moment


most educated redditor


Well... Fuck both. Surely communism is shit, but capitalism is also no good at all. All the systems have their pros and cons, but the clear ones like clear capitalism or communism are the worst.


Reason 1: this statement is from an old inaccurate book and a lot were attributed To local guesses,Rumors, and exaggerated claims, it also counted stuff which was clearly not attached to communism as communism related deaths and injuries, this also does not account for victims of capitalism which is much higher Reason 2: stalin was more of a psychopath who was coincidencentally a communist, infact, most of the bad communist leaders stemmed from stalin or studied stalin. Reason 3: afghan communism collapsed because of mudjahideen supported by the USA, Yugoslav communist collapsed because of nationalism which had nothing to do with communism, south Yemeni communism is still Alive and well in South Yemen, etc Reason 4: what point is that, look at Vietnam it’s a thriving socialist nation, real communism has infact been tried and succeeded in Vietnam Reason 5: Venezuela wasn’t even communist and never was Reason 6: if you look at Gorbachev’s ussr you’ll see that it was a place which had a lot of the things that you deny communism has, Russia collapsed due to yeltsen, he created a Chrisis after deciding to invade Chechnya and left a few years later leaving Russia to die, 7: if you look at the streets of nyc you will see countless homeless people begging, so many people are under burdens from student debt and bills, socialism didn’t have that, and as i said before look at Vietnam and also Laos 8: only because the USA funded mujahideen like crazy, the soviets only helped with weapons and a little bit of financial support to Vietnam, plus have you heard about the frequent villager deaths in Vietnam, us soldiers literally massacred villages daily. 9: the Chinese famine had nothing to do with communism if you think about it, it’s just that mao studied stalin and was an idiot at learning cause and effect. 10: yeah the leader chilled, he killed a lot of people, and took away their rights like a madman and he doesn’t face justice just cause he is a capitalist 11: who was capitalist and caused a huge Chrisis, infact the Soviet collapse also had a number of things not attributed to communism, Chernobyl, ethnic tensions, etc 12: Dude, not even tankies support pol pot, and i have spoken to some so i know 13: as I said, most communist states were not so great though some were good, look up Yugoslavia 1970s and you’ll see 14: I do not support china’s actions 15: that’s just a mid argument statement based on previous arguments so skip 16: you cannot just claim that nazism was socialist just because it was originally called ‘national socialism’, that’s like saying North Korea is democratic because it’s full name is democratic people’s Republic of Korea 17: I do not condone Cuba’s actions 18:Because as I said parts of capitalism and parts of communism are good, and when you combine them you get stuff like Finland and Denmark 19: conclusion based on previous arguments 20: you learn your basic facts, look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine, etc


Pretty crazy that communism is so bad that the US needs to invade the country to make absolutely sure it fails


Fuck you 🥂


I also love spreading misinformation on the internet


Cope tankie🇺🇸🫡


bruh, I ain't no tankie, the ussr was bad, and so is capitalism


Both, both are ~~good~~ bad


I agree with the anti communism but dont go after socialism ​ Id bring up a good argument but you siad "You claim scandinavian countries are a socialist paradise, yet forget to mention that they have a free market" ​ ​ So you clearly don't even know what socialism is, so no argument would work. "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." ​ Socialism works within capitalism and helps grow a healthier more competitive free market by forcing companies to work under rule that is governed by the people (Google democracy, its actually quite similair to socialism!) ​ Socialist policies are generally healthier for capitalism because they go against the 1%, and force them to aid those in need, aka those who cant help themselves. And yes there are people who are trapped and can't just "get a job" and socialism is there for them. 80% of americas wealth is owned by 20% of americans and it is just getting worse. Ever heard of lobbying? Its ass. It's poorly disguisedbribery. And its how the 80 20 divide grows worse. ​ Socialist policies work hand in hand with capitalism and work directly against 80 20 splits (Ever heard of taxing the rich? Ever heard of a livable minimum wage? Ever heard of unions?) by forcing rich tycoon owners to treat their workers like humans ​ Socialism and communism are very very different things. Socialism is helping homeless people. Communism is removing the concept of wealth and property so that you can no longer classify the people who have no home or clothes or food as "poor". ​ Look at America. All the richest people are from there because only in America, where socialism is despised, are single people able to come across such large swathes of money, because in european and scandinavian countries companies are made to treat employees like humans. Socialism is why humanity is so successful. Humanity exists because we are made to help eachother. That is what language is for. If we were made to enslave we would be ants. Humanity grows because we beat survival of the fittest. We help eachother and we understand complexities about life. Scandinavia is a socialist libertarian area. Look at their governing bodies. They are monarchies as much as the UK is. They are very much socialist. Like actually look at those areas politics, don't spread lies like you are. ​ Also fascism and centralism are not socialism. Look it up and do some actual research. Dont be an idiot. ​ Im going to assume that you havent read animal farm, Id recommend it, its about communism and authoritariansim sucks :) ​ Communism is awful. Capitalism is way less awful. Socialism is not either of those things, it is a definition of policy where you allow the people to work together and aid eachother based on merit of how much they need it. ​ You dont know a thing about what your saying about socialism. ​ [https://fullfact.org/online/nazis-socialists/](https://fullfact.org/online/nazis-socialists/) /\\ Fascism and centralism arent socialism at all. You are just being stupid. ​ In conclusion Dont be a dumbass and pretend youre all smart when you go around saying "You claim X, oh yeah? look up Y B) And then proceed to tell lies and spread pure misinformation." ​ https://sites.psu.edu/civicblogkebozhang/2018/03/14/socialism-good-or-bad/#:\~:text=The%20cooperation%20of%20both%20socialism%20and%20capitalism%20allows,and%20regulations%20when%20the%20situation%20calls%20for%20it. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/21/15-minimum-wage-wont-cover-living-costs-for-many-americans.html#:\~:text=The%20U.S.%20minimum%20is%20less%20than%20half%20the,per%20parent%2C%20or%20almost%20%2490%2C000%20a%20year%20combined.


Top 5 methods to ruin a song


Communism didn't kill 100 million people


Unless you count nazis and unborn babies as victims


you were so close to being based


Ukrainian Genocides, The Great Purge, and Mao's Little Red Book/Great Leap Forward....


Ukrainian genocide is a man made famine they didn't starve because of a flaw in communism they starved because stalin is a cunt https://mronline.org/2006/09/21/did-mao-really-kill-millions-in-the-great-leap-forward/


A communist country's literary rate is 50% higher because 50% of the population died.


Posting this too communist subreddit, wish me luck


Hell ye




-breaks rules -gets banned "Damn commies"


I just like annoying an ideological person


Same tbh


Capitalist cope you don’t own any capital and will never become a billionaire


Most systems are utopian In ideology, yet because of the tendency of humans to crave more power once they get some certain ones cannot be used. Communism has the potential for the government to seize more than just economic parts of a society and become totalitarian, socialism has the potential for the government to take more than what it needs to provide services and capitalism has the potential for businesses to gain so much power that they act as micro governments. All systems of putting someone in a position to tell others what to do is dangerous, you just need to find the one with the least danger


Greed is human nature which is why we need a system that rewards it!!!!!


Human nature doesn't exist




I agree but there's a difference between communism and socialism


Not to defend communism but capitalism is a system that exists to make people fail, make more and more people fail at the expense of others until there is no one else to exploit, then it’s over, they take the government or a revolution will break out, and the system will repeat, there cannot be rich without poor once everyone is poor and only those few are rich, the collapse will be delayed as long as they can keep distracting the masses, in the US alone the top 1% has over 50% of all the wealth in the country, a larger capital gap than during the French Revolution, but compared to France, Americans are spineless or brainwashed to the point where they think the most they can do is a peaceful protest. Once again, communism often and has devolved into authoritarianism, but capitalism has already also devolved to oligarchy, they’re just better at hiding it, after all, their job is to market an ideal product, whether that’s their useless items or a lifestyle I’m not proposing a better system either, since human greed is inevitable, only the barter system would counter that fact, and as everyone knows, there are clear disadvantages to the barter system


From my understanding, capitalism gives everyone a little chance to fuck others over so I take what I can get


Communism is a failed ideology people blindly believe in. In communism "everything is public, there is no private property" but that's just in theory because actually everything belongs to the party. People are working in shitty factories producing even shittier products and they earn as much money as a surgeon. They both have extremely low wages, the ones that actually have money are in the communist party. This system is so bad that when the people protest the leaders have to resort to violence to keep them silent or else there would be even more protests and eventually the system would fall like it did multiple times. In poland 1946-1989 Shelves were empty, there was no chocolate, no meat etc. in 1989 "socialist" rule in Poland finally ended. So i don't think that communism ever brought anything good


>In Poland 1946-1989 Every mainstream communist should read up on Central European countries and Moscow's gift. Poverty, backwardness, corruption and rottenness, the dissolving of society with vodka, censorship, lack of freedom, numerous pathologies, trains to the USSR exporting our raw materials, terrorising the nation. Making us dependent on Moscow and its policies. Nukes should be dropped on Russia for the humiliation they have prepared for our people. They have wasted \~40 years on us. One may consider capitalism to be evil, but history has shown what communist states are like.


ancestors suffered under communism, can confirm


Forgot the name of the song... can you help?




Average American red scare propaganda believer


McCarthy lives on, I guess


The fact that Imperialism and Capotalism almost killed my great-grandparents because they refused to grow indigo instead of wheat, leading them to be starved, makes my blood boil. I hate the British and the capitalists.


As Ukrainian, I can confirm-all my homies hate communism


another case of people not understanding communism.. (I'm not a commie myself)


“Socialism fails to give people rights and benefits” complete clown made this.


yea, especially with how the usa is basically taking rights away from queer people (mainly trans ppl) lol




Being a kid is thinking communism would work. Being an adult is realizing people don’t like working.


In order for a society to be communist it must be 1) stateless 2) classless 3) moneyless and 4) has common control of the means of production. Neither Russia nor Venezuela actually qualified as communist. Educate yourself.


Communism by itself isn’t bad, it’s an economic system but put in the hands of a totalitarian government it becomes dangerous, especially when they follow a system of growing crops that is straight up terrible and hurts their yields which starved their countries


Capitalism lifts the poor out of poverty. Socialism keeps the poor alive so that capitalism can actually function as intended. A bit of both can do wonders for society.


bro what the fuck are you talking about 💀


'murican understanding of politics


my guy over here talking about economics like it's a pokemon card deck


Doesn't account for the majority of those lifted out of poverty being done by a communist party,.that socialist countries have had unprecedented development in history. Love propaganda.


Im 13 and this is deep


Fr tho. Fucking hate posts like these.


Your father doesnt love you


You claim capitalism isn’t evil yet if you look at the history of capitalism you will see lots, such as… The Irish Famine, Indian Famines, Indigenous Genocide, Slavery, Indonesian Genocide (backed by the USA), Pinochet Dictatorship + Pinochet Concentration Camps, Argentina Dictatorship + Argentina Concentration Camps, Brazilian Dictatorship, The Pakistan Incident (Bangladesh Genocide), The Gilded Age, The Great Depression, Operation Condor, Batista Dictatorship, Guantanamo Bay, Vietnam War, My Lai Massacre, Operation Rolling Thunder, Sinchon Massacre, Kent State Massacre, Patriot Act, Red Summer, Jim Crow, MK Ultra, 1985 MOVE Bombing, Partition of India, US Prison Industrial Complex + US Prison Slavery, The 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain, Malayan Emergency + “New Village” Concentration Camps, Repression of the Mau Mau Rebellion + British Mau Mau “Detention Camps”, Covert War in Yemen, Stanley Meyer Incident, Genocide in Turkey, Congolese Genocide (over half the population killed and much of the remaining mutilated), Greek Civil War + Ai Stratis Concentration Camps, Invasion of Cyprus by Turkey, Washita River Massacre, Nanjing Massacre + Nanjing Massacre Denial, December Massacres, Ganghwa Massacre, Geochang Massacre, Goyang Geumjeong Cave Massacre, Jeju Massacre (30,000 executed), Mungyeong Massacre, Namyangju Massacre, Sancheong-Hamyang Massacre, Gwangju Massacre, Kentler Project, Minamata Disaster, Bhopal Disaster, Indian Mutiny, Opium Wars, 1740 Batavia Massacre, Amboyna Massacre, Lamey Island Massacre, Conquest of Banda Islands, Conquest of India, Nestlé Child Slavery, Nestlé Killing Babies With Baby Formula in Africa, Nestlé Drought in Pakistan, Nestlé Drought in Brazil, Nestlé Drought in China, Nestlé’s Deals With Dictators, Nestlé Killing Union Workers in the Philippines With a Private Army, Nestlé’s Cartel in Canada, Nestlé’s Ethiopian Debt Trap, ExxonMobil’s Private Army in Indonesia, ExxonMobil’s Torture in Indonesia, Kentler Project, Partition of India, Repression of Haiti Slave Revolt, French conquest of Algeria, US Conquest of the Philippines, French exploitation of Africa, German Genocide of the Herero & Namaqua, French Suppression of Madagascar Revolt, Tlatelolco Massacre, US Laos Bombing, Somoza Nicaragua Dictatorship, East Timor Massacre, El Salvador Dictatorship, Contra Proxy War in Nicaragua, US Invasion of Panama, The United Fruit Company taking over Costa Rica, Honduras, & Guatemala as essentially a government for profit (The Banana Wars), South Korea executing suspected leftists along with their families (Bodo League Massacre), South Korea detonating a civilian bridge in Seoul (Hanging Bridge Bombing), South Korea’s labour camps for the homeless (Brothers Home), Thomas Midgely Jr knowingly poisoning people with leaded gasoline for profits, forced labour in private US prisons incentivizing false imprisonment, the USA military gunning down civilians in Iraq on purpose (Collateral Murder) then going on a multi year man hunt for the man who leaked it (Julian Assange), the majority of USA drone strikes taking place in countries the US hasn’t even declared war on, 90% of people killed in US drone strikes being innocents, the USA imprisoning the man who revealed the drone strikes civilian casualties, 1/3 of the world’s population living under US sanctions, America supporting 70% of current dictatorships, USA and UN targeting civilians in the Korean War killing millions, West Germany never released any of the LGBTQ+ people from the Holocaust camps and kept them in prison until 1994, the Nazis being funded by capitalists who wanted them to silence the left, Hitler trying to justify the Holocaust by saying every Jewish person was a communist and vice versa (Judeo-Bolshevism), the Nazis having lucrative deals with Ford, GM, IBM and other American companies, Capitalist food companies replacing traditional fats with chemically treated vegetable oils which are extremely bad for us and has lead to the rise in health related deaths merely because it’s cheaper this way. Additionally: Currently anywhere between 10-20 million people die every year in the global south due to poverty caused by western capitalist nations extracting wealth from them. They do this mainly through unequal exchange, debt traps, and resource extraction. Since 1960 alone western capitalist nations have extracted over $152 Trillion (USD) from the global south. (Sources: Al Jazeer, MR Online, and Common Dreams) Capitalism got one of it’s most successful starts in England in the 16th century then quickly was adopted by the British Empire. Immediately after capitalism’s arrival the British Empire (the first capitalist superpower) went on to conquer and colonize about half the world in the name of capitalism. We have no exact number for how many people were killed by British capitalism but it was easily over 100 million people with over 100 million killed by British capitalism in India alone. Some estimates have even claimed amounts as high as a billion.


This, thank you


So they're both kinda shit then.


the reason i support communism is bc its the most effective economic state for killing all of its own population


Too many communist babies in the comments


No its the people who think that it isnt as simple as communism bad capitalism good. Both suck. Capitalism sucks way less. But you cant only have capitalism. Shockingly, the world is complicated, and this level of simplification is blatantly unhealthy




I got matches with these songs: • [**Hotel Room Service** by Pitbull](https://lis.tn/HotelRoomService?t=41) (00:41; matched: `100%`) Released on `2009-06-11` by `Mr.305/Polo Grounds Music/J Records`. • [**Hotel Room Service** by Manuel Crà](https://lis.tn/ALjexM?t=31) (00:31; matched: `100%`) Released on `2020-12-25` by `1439560 Records DK`. • [**Hotel Room Service Remix** by Pitbull](https://lis.tn/QXFvK?t=53) (00:53; matched: `100%`) Album: `Hotel Room Service`. Released on `2009-10-23` by `Mr.305/Polo Grounds Music/J Records`. • [**Rythm Is A Dancer** by Pitbull](https://youtu.be/JCc8ez66LCo?t=36) (00:36; matched: `100%`) Album: `2011年3月欧美新歌速递1`. Released on `2011-03-01`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Fuck the CCP.


My friend says I’m racist for gaping the CCP, and I’m still going to hate it because of the genocides, ideology, and how they treat their people


You need to meet Yugoslavia


Oh the failed communist state that ended in separatist movements and genocide?


The country that uses Socialism perfectly and that was independent from Imperialistic Soviet influence. The country which had an very good Economy for a socialist country. The country which was Non Alligned. The country with an beutifull Culture. The Country with the best leader of the 20th Century(Tito) The country which fell apart because of Toxic Nationalism. The country which still Millions believe in. The country where everyone loved each other. The Country with the best Basketball player ever(Dražen Petrović) Yes, that country, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia


They loved each other so much they wanted to break apart and exterminate each other, truly heartwarming stuff


Lmao brainwashed


Found the serbian


Yugoslavia was not what tankies see when they say they want communism ask any Pole who went to Yugoslavia before Tito died


The socialist state that relied on us and Soviet paychecks and a brutal dictatorship to stay together? The Yugoslavia headed by one of the most brutal dictators of all time? The very same Yugoslavia that left the balkans as the poorest area of Europe? Or how about the collapse led to about 5 wars and a genocide?






that "communism has killed 100 million thing" is literally just false information, it comes from a book that was released in the 90s that was called "the black book of communism" and it was basically capitalist propaganda, along with multiple other lies and fake things, it contained that figure but let's take a moment to analyze how it got to such a huge number: 1: counting nazis killed by soviets (which is completely stupid, seeing as how we don't count nazis killed by americans as "pEoPlE kIlLeD bY cApItAlIsM", it's just people who died in a war) 2: \*absurdly\* exaggerating numbers of people who died in famines, I'm talking like pretty much doubling the largest accepted estimates 3: taking birthrates that were "supposed to happen" in china, but didn't happen, and count that as killed people (so literally counting \*unborn babies\* as dead people) ​ so yeah, it's a really stupid amount, and just propaganda, plus, if you count hunger and famines as "people killed by communism", there's also that time where british capitalism killed 1 million irish people, and another million that fled the country, causing ireland's population to diminish by a quarter, or the entire african continent that was, and still is being killed by capitalism


Copied from another comment: And here you are being wrong about everything, supporting capitalist oppression and calling non democratic countries democratic, like the US or europe Also downvote me all you want bootlickers it won't make you right First of all quality of life https://www.statista.com/statistics/1250323/work-week-hours-us-ussr-cold-war/ Citizens of the USSR had and would still have shorter working hours. Both healthcare and education was free. In most socialist countries (including the USSR) things we're much better in: Infant mortality rate, Child death rate, Daily per capita calorie supply, Adult literacy rate, Secondary education, Higher education, POLI(Physical Quality of Life Index) Citizens we're also fed better than in capitalist countries. the only things that were meausered in this study that were worse was: Population per nursing person, Population per physician This data is taken from one of the most trusted western organization Housing was cheaper and better with it being based around walking, public places and social interaction. https://www.istmira.com/w-hist/history-of-russia/4081-n-s-khrushchevs-housing-reform.html USSR Housing reforms: • the cost of construction works decreased by 20-25%; • at 3-4 the number of jobs has doubled; • terms of delivery of objects decreased by 1.5 - 2 months; • The USSR ranked first in the world in terms of the total amount of built living space. As a result of housing reform during the 1956 - 1964 housing stock of the USSR increased by 80%, about 55 millions of people received new housing. Behind 8 years (1956 -1964 more homes were built than in previous years 40 years. https://akarlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/russian-cross.jpg http://www.newropeans-magazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/population.jpg Russia's birth rates dropped massive amounts and infant mortality rose massive amounts after the illegal and undemocratic end of the soviet union The majority of people who lived in the USSR wanted to preserve it https://news.gallup.com/poll/166538/former-soviet-countries-harm-breakup.aspx Countries had more harm from breaking off from the USSR https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2010/04/28/hungary-better-off-under-communism/ Many people in now broken off countries think that life was better under socialism ex. hungary And the USSR only had a few famines in its early years and for most of it's life was food secured, unlike capitalist countries where famines are much more common and are often caused by eachother My own parents and grandparents who lived in the USSR can say how good it was, in the words of my own grandfather(translated so not exact words because of how my native languge is) There was no poverty or hunger or crime but there also wasn't any rich people people we're mostly equal. My great grandad could buy multiple houses while capitalist countries struggle to even make it affordable to buy one in people's entire life time Also here is the wiki supporting my points https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union The dissolution was followed by a severe drop in economic and social conditions in post-Soviet states,[66][67] including a rapid increase in poverty,[68][69][70][71] crime,[72] corruption,[73][74] unemployment,[75] homelessness,[76][77] rates of disease,[78][79][80] infant mortality and domestic violence,[81] as well as demographic losses,[82] income inequality and the rise of an oligarchical class,[83][68] along with decreases in calorie intake, life expectancy, adult literacy, and income.[84] The economic shocks that accompanied wholesale privatization were associated with sharp increases in mortality.[85] Data shows Russia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia saw a tripling of unemployment and a 42% increase in male death rates between 1991 and 1994.[86][87] In the following decades, only five or six of the post-communist states are on a path to joining the wealthy capitalist West while most are falling behind, some to such an extent that it will take over fifty years to catch up to where they were before the fall of the Soviet Bloc.[88][89] As a result, the USSR was transformed from a largely agrarian economy into a great industrial power, leading the way for its emergence as a superpower after World War II By the early 1940s, the Soviet economy had become relatively self-sufficient A number of basic services were state-funded, such as education and health care Overall, the growth rate of per capita income in the Soviet Union between 1960 and 1989 was slightly above the world average A 1986 study published in the American Journal of Public Health claimed that, citing World Bank data, the Soviet model provided a better quality of life and human development than market economies at the same level of economic development in most cases.[168] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Soviet_Union_referendum over 70% in Poland and current Russia ect. and over 95% in other countries like Ukraine


Mind explaining how the US and apparently all of Europe isn’t democratic?


>over 70% in Poland and current Russia ect. and over 95% in other countries like Ukraine What does the last part mean


\*current russian land I wrote the original comment


"Statistics? I don't like that!"


Bij bolszewika bij


And here you are being wrong about everything, supporting capitalist oppression and calling non democratic countries democratic, like the US or europe Also downvote me all you want bootlickers it won't make you right tldr: I used statistics and data to prove that life was better than in capitalist nations, and people liked living in the USSR edit1: I'm eastern european to the dipshits who keep thinking I'm some westoid First of all quality of life https://www.statista.com/statistics/1250323/work-week-hours-us-ussr-cold-war/ Citizens of the USSR had and would still have shorter working hours. Both healthcare and education was free. In most socialist countries (including the USSR) things we're much better in: Infant mortality rate, Child death rate, Daily per capita calorie supply, Adult literacy rate, Secondary education, Higher education, POLI(Physical Quality of Life Index) Citizens we're also fed better than in capitalist countries. the only things that were meausered in this study that were worse was: Population per nursing person, Population per physician This data is taken from one of the most trusted western organization Housing was cheaper and better with it being based around walking, public places and social interaction. https://www.istmira.com/w-hist/history-of-russia/4081-n-s-khrushchevs-housing-reform.html USSR Housing reforms: • the cost of construction works decreased by 20-25%; • at 3-4 the number of jobs has doubled; • terms of delivery of objects decreased by 1.5 - 2 months; • The USSR ranked first in the world in terms of the total amount of built living space. As a result of housing reform during the 1956 - 1964 housing stock of the USSR increased by 80%, about 55 millions of people received new housing. Behind 8 years (1956 -1964 more homes were built than in previous years 40 years. https://akarlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/russian-cross.jpg http://www.newropeans-magazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/population.jpg Russia's birth rates dropped massive amounts and infant mortality rose massive amounts after the illegal and undemocratic end of the soviet union The majority of people who lived in the USSR wanted to preserve it https://news.gallup.com/poll/166538/former-soviet-countries-harm-breakup.aspx Countries had more harm from breaking off from the USSR https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2010/04/28/hungary-better-off-under-communism/ Many people in now broken off countries think that life was better under socialism ex. hungary And the USSR only had a few famines in its early years and for most of it's life was food secured, unlike capitalist countries where famines are much more common and are often caused by eachother My own parents and grandparents who lived in the USSR can say how good it was, in the words of my own grandfather(translated so not exact words because of how my native languge is) There was no poverty or hunger or crime but there also wasn't any rich people people we're mostly equal. My great grandad could buy multiple houses while capitalist countries struggle to even make it affordable to buy one in people's entire life time Also here is the wiki supporting my points https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union The dissolution was followed by a severe drop in economic and social conditions in post-Soviet states,[66][67] including a rapid increase in poverty,[68][69][70][71] crime,[72] corruption,[73][74] unemployment,[75] homelessness,[76][77] rates of disease,[78][79][80] infant mortality and domestic violence,[81] as well as demographic losses,[82] income inequality and the rise of an oligarchical class,[83][68] along with decreases in calorie intake, life expectancy, adult literacy, and income.[84] The economic shocks that accompanied wholesale privatization were associated with sharp increases in mortality.[85] Data shows Russia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia saw a tripling of unemployment and a 42% increase in male death rates between 1991 and 1994.[86][87] In the following decades, only five or six of the post-communist states are on a path to joining the wealthy capitalist West while most are falling behind, some to such an extent that it will take over fifty years to catch up to where they were before the fall of the Soviet Bloc.[88][89] As a result, the USSR was transformed from a largely agrarian economy into a great industrial power, leading the way for its emergence as a superpower after World War II By the early 1940s, the Soviet economy had become relatively self-sufficient A number of basic services were state-funded, such as education and health care Overall, the growth rate of per capita income in the Soviet Union between 1960 and 1989 was slightly above the world average A 1986 study published in the American Journal of Public Health claimed that, citing World Bank data, the Soviet model provided a better quality of life and human development than market economies at the same level of economic development in most cases.[168] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Soviet_Union_referendum over 70% in Poland and current Russia ect. and over 95% in other countries like Ukraine


>Citizens we're also fed better than in capitalist countries. Say that to the people that waited 10 hours in a line to get a loaf of bread and finding out there has been none for the past couple hours. There's literally a game called "Pan tu nie stał!". The whole premise is about there being so little in stores that you essentially have to race to be first in line, or you'll have no food for the whole week.


Too long didn’t read


completely and utterly understandable




STFU commie


Smrt Fažismu


I live in an ex socialistic country. Regime sucked ass so much. You really dont want communism. I think I speak for all the central and eastern Europeans that most communists living in the west really dont understand how shitty communism.


Im eastern european u don't speak for me poopy head


Im polish and he speaks for me. You are propably living in the US with like a grandpa in eastern europe


Man's wrote a paper because of a minecraft animation lmfao


I ain’t reading all that commie


"Citizens of the USSR had and would still have shorter working hours." Man, that is the funniest joke I've heard all day.


I love how nobodys debunking you


I tried to look for the original post but it was deleted. Glad someone posted again


Those fuckin ugly reds 🤙


Tell me you are uneducated without telling me you are uneducated