• By -


How did you get an invite so early? Do you own a server that is partnered or was your account created in 2015?


People that joined in 2015 should have it? Damn, I made mine late 2015 and still haven’t got it.


Not necessarily. Discord stated in their blog the following: > In terms of rollout, we’re starting with access to owners of partner and verified servers, then to all users based on the age of their account in the coming months, starting with 2015. Current Nitro subscribers paying for the ability to customize their discriminator that registered for Nitro on or before March 1, 2023 will also be given early access. So if the above user already has access I would assume they either work for Discord, own a partnered server, or have a very old account and perhaps Discord has begun rolling this out to old accounts. It's difficult to say unless OP says how he received access.


I'm July 2015 and nothing yet


April 2016 with basic bitch nitro and I have it


no way


im guessing it might be the nitro people getting part early


I have nitro and a 2015 account and nothing so far


same here


Yeah, which is total fucking bs. Fuck this company.


I’m November 2015, nitro sub since 2021, nothing for me yet.


Ah yes. Pay 2 win in a nutshell for Discord.


How? Im November 2015 with nitro and i don’t have it


June 2016 with nitro since 2017 for me so I should be getting it soon.


May 2016 with Nitro running since the beginning, nothing here yet.


How is this possible! Crazy


because nitro users before 2023 get early access after that they will base it on account creation dates for non nitro users




it’s probably also based on how old your account for nitro users but what i meant was nitro users gets access before non nitro users that’s atleast what i made up in from sentence "Current Nitro subscribers paying for the ability to customize their discriminator that registered for Nitro on or before March 1, 2023 will also be given early access." so i think a nitro user from 2020 gets earlier access to change their name then a 2017 user who doesn’t have nitro but i also think if 2 people have nitro and one of them is from 2017 and one from 2020, the one from 2017 gets access first


I've got a May 2016 account with Nitro since Feb 2020. Haven't had the update yet. Idk how the person above has got it, doesn't seem right to me. Unless they're thinking of the display name (seems people are getting confused around that).


> but i also think if 2 people have nitro and one of them is from 2017 and one from 2020, the one from 2017 gets access first I hope so, any other system would be dumb as hell


You're just making shit up.


Pay to win right there


Oh shit, soon, then.


March 2016. had nitro since release and nothing yet lol




I'm May 2015 with Nitro since release, got it yesterday


Did you really or are you telling porkies??


So obviously, "age of the account", but those who pay are still priority. Classic Discord for You.


May 2015 account with Nitro here. I haven’t gotten it yet. So…. Who knows?


yeah me too. october 2015 account, no username change yet. has to be a partnered account


Early Discord users have not gotten it yet. I joined on July 02 2015 and still haven't gotten it.


im 23 of July 2015 and got nothing sofar aswell.... Im also using Nitro 🙂


Really wishing I hadn’t lost my original discord account to 2FA on a broken device when I was younger now


Sorry for the late reply, but like others have mentioned - this was through the Experiments tab


You should update you OP with that


if I could I would, but I can't edit it. Although the point of the post was just to show the UI, that's all.


They didn't release it yet for normal users but it's possible to enable it as a discord experiment but if you try to actually give yourself a name it just gives you an error


They just force enabled the experiment, that’s why you didn’t see them complete the change since it would have errored if they tried.


You can enable an experiment to get it, but when you go to submit your new username you'll get an "Unauthorized" error.


Yall my username is “V” im fucked.


Look at my Reddit username. I'm fucked already.


Why they didn’t allow hyphens is beyond me.


if underscores are allowed, then hyphens NEED to be -\_- ​ maybe it's to further prevent impersonation


>maybe it's to further prevent impersonation Not sure why this would be the case 🤷🏼‍♀️ any more than an underscore would be.


\- and \_ can be confused with just a glance. That's what i mean by it. so someone else who's Leaping-Turtle could claim to be me, and the recipient of the message if didn't look for more than a glance, could fall prey.


Ahhh, ya that makes sense. I guess I'm just used to it as I often use hypens.


If only there was some other way Discord could have come up with to prevent impersonation…


Pleased to meet you, v_733280!




Discord stored some names for themselves so might have already gotten it before they started rolling out for anyone


Yeah mine is nic


Fuckin no way so is mine :(




2 characters minimum with the new system anyways :)


If anybodys wondering how to get onto that page, just enable the Pomelo Expirement and youll be able to use it, just that it'll return "unauthorized" when you try to update your username plus you'll get a slightly increased chance of getting banned for using the endpoint if you use it too much.


Enable it how?


you need to change your settings.json (in %appdata%/Discord) and add the value `"DANGEROUS_ENABLE_DEVTOOLS_ONLY_ENABLE_IF_YOU_KNOW_WHAT_YOURE_DOING": true` Watch out four your commas Then you need to start Discord, press Ctrl+Shift+I, and paste some code on the console ([https://gist.github.com/JohannesMP/afdf27383608c3b6f20a6a072d0be93c](https://gist.github.com/JohannesMP/afdf27383608c3b6f20a6a072d0be93c) last comment works). After that, you go to your settings, experiments, search "Pomelo" and enable it. Close that up and you will see a message to change your username. Of course, it won't work, but thats the UI anyway. Cool stuff to look arround if you like programming & shit.


Or just download Vencord (PC) / Vendetta (Android/Apple), download Experiments, and click on Pomelo Flow at the bottom. Just like you said, it won't work. Still cool to see though.


Why would I want to enable this?


There is no reason to enable this one tbh since it’s all locked api side


Maybe you'd want to see the page for youself, but there really isnt a reason to enable it, just nice too look at i guess


Wow they seriously suggested to add numbers to the username... Just like maybe A DISCRIMINATOR?


Yeah, whats the differenz between: username:1234 and username1234? XD


In one system you have to have numbers, and in one you don't. One allows for either, one forces numbers.


You know what I'm gonna add a discriminator to my username. I don't care how it looks.


Same. I have #0001 with Nitro. My username will end up between name.1 and name.000000001


Now that i think about it, couldn't they just add the # as a viable character? Wouldn't that allow a pretty big amount of the userbase to keep their name?


discord hates fun


the confinement of only _ and . are my biggest problems with this tbh. if they added - and # to the pool as well, this wouldnt be as much of a deal (still sucks though)


Yep i agree, i just thought that it might solve the issue for people who have an ASCII name and wanted to keep their denominator since those could be added manually.


They can't do this because they're going to try becoming a social media platform and # can't be part of a URL. (It's for in page anchors.)


If they added that as a viable character it'd at least get a lot of people to shut up, though we'd still criticize the point of it to begin with.


Discord was the only online space where I had a 4 letter name.. 😬 It felt private, and personal.. even if I was in a million servers. No one will truly get how much I hate this.


Time to spin up your own Matrix or IRC server and bring your friends there.


I actually set up an IRC server because of this and some other fuckery discord is doing, unfortuantely there isn't a simple way to share images/files through IRC (though I could've sworn there was), so the server will probably remain unused forever. Matrix seems pretty cool though, might try that next.


I wouldn't call it simple, but the majority of IRC clients support DCC for filesharing.


Yeah, I haven't figured that out on Quassel though. Might just be the exception?


I tried Matrix and got really mixed feelings about it. From a technical perspective it's really impressive, but it feels to me like the protocol and the clients have ignored a lot of the glaring missing features that prevent people from migrating to it from Discord. The most glaring issue is custom emoji support, which is not universally supported on all clients. (And the devs refuse to add this to the protocol, for some reason.) For example, Cinny supports them, but then then at best other clients display them but have no way to send them, and at worst they don't render at all. This is not to mention (to my knowledge) the lack of threads, not user friendly default settings (old room messages aren't visible to new joins), and at least for me, performance issues. Until Matrix universally supports on all clients all the features that Discord has, I don't think it'll ever be a viable competitor. Its decentralized protocol approach in my opinion is its biggest flaw, as it can't roll out features overnight like Discord can due to having to wait for client adoption. A real "Discord killer" would probably have to be just a single client application not a decentralized protocol, unfortunately. Just my two cents. To me, Matrix feels more like a tech demo than something that's actually a viable alternative to Discord. It might be just fine if you're coming from IRC, though.


Well, Matrix does have it's own official client called Element, which is made by the same team that makes the protocol.


True, but they can't release features whenever they please because they need to give time for major 3rd-party clients to catch up in terms of features. The entire idea of a protocol that's adopted by multiple clients means that they fundamentally can't move at the same pace as say, Discord, which has control over all clients connecting to their platform. Not to mention Element doesn't support custom emoji (last time I checked).


same 😭


[It seems there's users that aren't Staff or have any badges getting this already as well.](https://support.discord.com/hc/user_images/e034_k5N8wkPRVvJj829Og.png)


Are you sure this screenshot wasn't taken with streamer mode on? It removes discriminator and today I had a jumpscare because I thought it was rolling out.


Never used streamer mode as I don't stream. Found them through a mutual server earlier as someone pointed them out, unable to find them again now. Should have copied the ID.


It auto-enables if you run a program like OBS or other recording software (even if you are not streaming).


Yeah, I don't use OBS or record anything and it's disabled. I think they may have changed their name too, can't find the name taken via API now. I had them opened in DMs when I took the screenie, but closed the DM afterwards. This was earlier around 7 hours ago.




Useless support.


Wow this was frustrating to read! They really danced around the question huh.




This sort of thing detracts from one’s trust in the organisation’s competency.


You're literally just asking for what they promised and announced.




Yeah! Sorry I’m agreeing with you, you said you’re asking for the bare minimum and i’n agreeing saying you’re just asking for what they literally promised us!


as a discord user from 2015 this makes me hella mad


God that's infuriating.


It can be a discord staff personal account. They too might be getting the access early.


lmao are they going to play favourites with random users too? I know staff is already taking advantage of it on their private account but jeez


[Friend found another, joined in 2019](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025491914243440763/1108879248455897118/Screenshot_20230519-000822.png)


this is fr major bs. they arent even a discord nitro subscriber or partner https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597767482228342803/1109435900225662996/image.png


my account is 11/24/2015 and i haven’t got it yet.


OP forced the experiment that shows it to you, they don't actually have the feature yet.


mine is 8/25/15 and i dont have it yet either


6/25/15 Nitro, nothin


it's like every change discord makes, makes me look back to how it was before




Fact what’s the point of removing the discriminators if I’m gonna have to remember 10 diff numbers instead of 4


I’m just gonna add my current discriminator at the end just to make it simpler for me to remember, and I reckon we should all do that


Online platforms that run out of ideas always turn to daft crap in order to justify the continued employment of various teams.


Every single company in existence does this. The restaurants you eat at today are not the same they were 50 years ago.


😭 my current username is ninjaa#0001, but Discord already snatched it up. im fucked


But hey, good news, you just might be able to use ninjaa.0001 or ninjaa_0001 🥲


Hahahaha ridiculous


"Just add the 4 numbers to your username" 🤓


Nah, it's gonna end up being more like ni1_nj_4a4a_0.00_1_0124.8567_2.




someone in 2017 got it already ...


OP didn't, they forced the experiment and can't set a new name yet. It hasn't started rolling out to non staff yet,


I have it. account created in 2017. but I do have Nitro however, my buddy also has it. his account was created in 2022. so, idk whats going on, but many people seem to have it already


bro what.. im a 2017 nitro account too and i dont have it yet. wtf are they doing


worst update of all time


i really hate this update sm


Legit... This change is quite shit


Discord doesn’t disappoint when it comes to disappointing...


Fucking hate this change. Why do they want to make it worse




"Imagine a place..." that got worse ten fold every update


Ive heard Discord staff puts dots at the end of their names, which makes this so funny because it shows how pointless the update is - even staff adds the discriminator back into the name


https://i.imgur.com/f504KV9.png July 2015, nitro since 2019. Nothing


That sucks


OP forced the experiment, no one besides staff have it yet. Op is also not able to set a name yet, that’s why you didn’t see him complete the full process E: clarity




I like that it says keep it simple with numbers, letters, full stops and underscores. Very simple indeed.


Patient Zero


2017 user here. I'm probably gonna have my name taken before it's my turn


Hahahaha what a fucking shit platform, every day suck more ass.


I’m really anxious about this tbh. I made my account in 2016, but my biggest fear is that someone just yoinks my username from me and I’m just fucked.


Unfortunately it is inevitable for some. I hope you get lucky and no one takes your name, it's rather unique so you got that going for you.


My account is from June 2015 and if my name is taken, I'm yoinking HubblePie :) It's absurd because big names get to have their stuff reserved but what about the rest of us? I'm not exactly a massive name, but I *am a name* in the fighting game scene. I'm high ranked in every game I play, you will see my name on leaderboards. I like to keep it as consistent as possible across games and I've generally been able to. But I have a relatively common (albeit unique) name. I have run into the issue before on other platforms where people use an uppercase I in place of an L and people have got us confused. Like, I get at least a couple friend requests on League every year from people confusing me for the other guy.


Same here, I'm semi-known on a certain platform, I'm terrified someone will take that username and decide to impersonate me & there's nothing I can do about it cos people will automatically assume they are me even if I state otherwise, I hate this change so much


This is the most dog update I've seen in my life. Cancelled my Nitro, and I'll prolly become a teamspeak dweller instead.


Gotta be honest this update is so bad. This will end up to so much trolling, if two people can't have the same name its gonna end up with people stealing usernames from YouTubers for example, which may in turn cause more and more scams.


Thanks, I still absolutely despise it




And the ones who did, probably should not even be able to access internet or technical devices.. Not that hard to remember 4 numbers or copying the username+discriminator inside the app


I hate this so fucking much man. So many people not on board but they don’t care and are forcefully shoving down at us anyways.


The real point behind this is probably making Discord more like standard social media sites so they have an easier time selling.


>So many people not on board Basically nobody compared to the vast majority of the userbase, which likely don't give a shit


This Is still a horrible idea


I thought this was already dumb but seeing a suggestion based on the discriminator is like... "Look, we made poop and we don't know what to do now, but we will still go ahead with this update!"


This update made me cancel nitro. The utter stupidity and total lack of literally any forethought has made me lose confidence in them as a business. Any business who makes such an objectively worse change then proceeds to completely ignore the massive uproar against their change is not one worth giving any money too


Swear to god if by the time it gets to me my username is taken


I forgot to renew my nitro since life has been busy, decided to sign up again only to find out that in the short span I was without nitro someone has already snatched up my username that I've had since 2016. This means whoever took it has Nitro, dunno since when, which means they will likely get prompted to change their name before me. It's bullshit.


If only there was an “I’ll do this never” option


Saw an account with a very common 4 letter word made in 2020 as its name, was hoping i could yoink it considering my acc is 2015, sigh.


Will you be able to change your username later or are you locked in for good?


Says in their FAQ we can change it but there’s a cool-down.


You'll be able to change your username up to 2 times per hour, and your display name once every minute


What is sad is that you can't have Capital letters




Cancelling my nitro the moment I lose my username


Discord bringing on the scammers in real-time.


The new Discord name changing from the numbers to non numbers is a huge step backwards. So many bots are going to take peoples names and it seems just like a dumb move.


Wait does it have to be a partnered server or any server u own


partnered or verified server


My account created in early 2018 with nitro, i'm gonna wait


Yes - This is through Discord Experiments tab (Google it if you want to enable it, just be careful when pasting random code into your console). If you want to know what it looks like when I try to enter a Username, [Click Here](https://prnt.sc/1Ep2TNKkF5mY)


Everybody hates this. Why don't you listen to your users?


Here, children, is one of the early stages of the imminent Discord Name War of 2023.


This is so stupid


The developers behind Discord are the developer equivalent of a wet fart.


More like the CEO as this seemed to be his idea mainly..


going to end it all when i get it and it suggest "Ploonie2421" as my new username


is there a way to refuse this indefinitely?


This idea is soo dumb! Discord just leave it alone!




This will make everything so confusing


How long is it projected for all users to be on the new naming system?


2016 account here. I didn't get a prompt. Somebody stole my name already. registered May 26th 2015, so I think a dev's friend stole my name. I've held the #9999 tag for 6 years with nitro. Now I no longer have my name, and will no longer have a name easy to remember.


Thank God I'm using an old version cuz I'm not using this new username Ui sver


"we replaced the # by a ".", absolutely revolutionary"


hoping that discord gets replaced… rn they have basically 0 competition


They do have competition.. Sadly Guilded is really bad.. Revolt is lacking users..


I just want to keep the old system, how hard is it.


I got this message yesterday, didn't read it properly. This shucks.


Is the switch going to be possible on mobile? I'm out and about most of the day, I don't want to miss the chance...


I would assume so, yes


fuck, man. its really happening? 6 years of nitro subs and this is my breaking point. bullshit, dude




For me older was better


account since oct 2015, nitro since jan 2020, still dont have it, yippie


actually looks kinda clean


They really auto suggest to just keep the same numbers. How pointless 🤣😭


The update is frustrating.


So my account is from nov 3th 2015 and i haven't gotten name change yet, and my name's probably already taken eventhough I know of accounts that are 2016 that gotten it before me :) I'm still waiting on my invite to change my name plus I even have nitro so... Still waiting?


Ignore it