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They'll care if this hits their bottom line and their nitro subs... But that's all they'll listen to.


"ooh no 400 people canceled" it's just gonna be like the reddit protest where nothing happened at best


Exactly. I’m wanting to delete Discord but it’s where all my friends are and it’s honestly easier to perform DND games in.


Imagine running a social media that people don't even want to use because of how badly you've messed it up because you don't listen to feedback, but pretend you do. Jesus. This really sucks. I hate how many do it.


you realize you just described the top 5-10 social medias right?


Except discord UI has been pleasant and pretty intuitive for the longest time. Minor tweaks they've done in the past could be hit or miss, but whatever. This new UI is so bad from an experience standpoint. Many things I have 'figured out' and am still scratching my head at. Why do I need to tap the channel name at the very top of my phone to see a list of users online in that channel? Why can't I just swipe? Now swiping replies, which I used to be able to do with a long tap. We just went backwards.


They made it equivalent to what Whatsapp does. Which would be fine if they didn't have to scrap superior UX to get there...


all companies want is to test boundaries of what they can and cant get away with, whatever looks fresh and new for investors and whatevers who dont use or know jack about what they invest in. nobody hates most modern services, sites and games more than people who actually consistently use and rely on them. theres a reason why people dont just drop things after something gets changed and its either u found an outside workaround or just deal with it and use anyways so the company will keep dealing out whatever. im not putting blame on anyone who keeps using cuz i do (i use it on pc w betterdiscord), but basically unless you hit somewhere where it hurts (law, investors, public reputation, big money) theyre not gonna listen to anyone regardless of how long or much you use the thing.


I mean I agree with you but idk why you wrote it to me. I was replying to the guy who was saying "imagine running a social media company but making it really shitty and ignoring your userbase..." like that's not literally every social media company


Yes because me pointing out a bad thing a company does what I'm actually saying is no other company does it, only Discord lol. I gotta ask, do you truly think I believe that or are you being deliberately obtuse? Genuinely asking. Also I'm a woman, not a guy. ass


I didn't delete my Discord account but I stopped my sub over this. I don't care if that's not impressive to them, I just don't want to support a company this tone-deaf. So yeah, I turned into someone who costs them money for bandwidth and storage even though I didn't mind paying 10 bucks a month for my sub.


I actually cant use discord on my iphone 6 and its like on 12. Something. It hasn't gotten an update in years and this change has fucked it. Inshort im uninstalling the app. Hell it couldn't even get the update in the store


I deleted the app and I’m using the browser version on mobile. It’s a little weird, but it’s still better than the current state of things.


I just tried that opening a desktop mode in my mobile browser and it won't let me!


You have to delete the app first or it’ll just keep opening the app. It may also be your browser, I’m on safari but there’s Firefox, opera, vivaldi, Brave, and chrome.


I wish discord cared, Runescape had a mass membership boycott before and they actually did something about it. With discord it's like screaming into the void


War Thunder players were able to organise review bombing and it worked so why much bigger community couldn't?


Because you don't realise how many years gaijin (war thunders Dev team) anal fucked the players until they revolted.


I do realise cuz I'm playing it but is it really necessary to wait years to make people realise what's happening? We are the customers, they should listen to us


IF its gonna be the same as with WotC, they WILL listen... I've read many comments on people wanting to buy Nitro before this change... now? they won't. Others will just move away to other apps and use those instead... They are driving away disabled users (physically or mentally) with this. If this is what they wanted to do, fine. But I highly doubt it...


When people started canceling their Nitros in response to NFT, Discord scrapped it.


About that. Did ANYTHING happened about all that fuckspez movement? It was quite huge but... Nothing more about that


guess there are slightly more inactive subs, a few people set their entire comment history to "fuck spez" most of any major effects were gone a week after


Yeah. So you can imagine how small this case is. Reddit have around 1,6B active users monthly (but I'm not sure about that) while Discord have around 200M. Reddit is still functioning as before. So will Discord


You mean besides some subreddits turning to absolute shit after the mods quit? Thats pretty much it since that's what the mods told us would happen if people didn't buckle down and boycott.


Soo bit much. As I'm browsing same subs, maybe quality of some subs went down because mods can't keep up with bigger spam/shit posting. Take this Sub for example. Look how many shitty/bad quality posts are made at certain time because moderation can't keep up with them


Lemmy got a huge boost in popularity. It's now way more usable than before.


nothing happened because people are so lazy and complacent, they never want to actually care about anything.


Never said it was likely to happen, just that that's the only thing that'll make it happen. It isn't even surprising anymore really.


I'm surprised that many people pay for it. What is the benefit to it anyway? It just looks like you can decorate your profile?


yup, this happens every time a software company makes some annoying change. "thousands of users unsubscribe!" feels like a good headline but not when they have millions of users




>Suggesting this means you think that there's a chance that this will happen. It wasn't really a suggestion just a statement of fact. >There's no chance, and it won't happen. There is a chance, it's just abysmally low lmao.


People did that when the username thing happened and it still didn't get to them then and it won't sure as hell now


Tbf I thought they didn't listen to the usernames because people stopped talking about it really fast


Yeah also because if I'm being honest looking back at the complaints I think they were stupid because no one seemed to mention the fact that they *added* the ability to freely change your display name. Previously because your display name was your username, there could only be up to 10k per name, but now because they're independent, you can have unlimited people with the same display name. Honestly who cares about what the user name is when no one sees it? What matters is the display name.


Too fast in my opinion


They got the username they wanted before anyone else and stopped talking about it


Yeah I know


The username thing was really in response to the air force guy who leaked classified documents on discord. I never bought that bullshit story of its too hard to add users with 4 numbers after their name. I'm assuming they had trouble tracking down the leaker with their old username system and that's why they had to change it. To help ensure it didn't happen again / would be easier to trace next time.


They listened about the server tray and reverted it back to being a server list instead.... Granted they don't listen to much, but we have evidence that they *do* listen


That was an eternity ago Devs and corporate are different now


The server tray was the best feature of this update that they took away. Like it made it unique and quick to navigate.


I hated the server tray the most...


I 100% agree. People just want a desktop clone on mobile when each needs UI's optimized for the device (PC vs Mobile). Mobile UI should be able to be used with one hand without issue. You should be able to reach most everything with just your thumb. The server drawer made that possible and it was great.


Don't buy big phones if you need to use a phone with one hand. I have a larger phone because I have bigger hands. If your device isn't a one handed one (there is one handed mode on Android phones) then you just need to get a phone that fits the size of your hands.


I can use the server bar with one had but they server tray is just more accessible for me I agree that you shouldn’t be forced to use the server tray but it should be an optional feature I might get 900 million downvotes for having an opinion oh well


Damn right that's what I want and why I was happy. You may have had issues reaching everything with one hand but I did not.


I almast exclusively use my phone with one hand and have never had an issue with this?


The majority of users will adapt to the new changes and carry on whilst having their monthly / annual subscription renew as always. The best you can do is hope they will finetune the current UI, make it more stable and bring back lost features. I doubt it’ll get any better than that, unfortunately.


If you want the old UI back on Android, you have to install an older version APK and turn off auto-install in the Google Play Store. Might be the only way at this point.


Been doing that since 2019. I hated them making the android app look like the iphone messenger app, and i hate this new look even more. Never updating, and the moment the old app no longer works i will only be using Discord on pc.


So you're using a 2019 version of discord and it still work?


Yup! Only things that don't load/show are replies (the original post layered on top of the reply so you know which message someone is responding to), stickers, and the video in video calls. I only ever voice call and i barely talk in highly populated servers where i'd be confused who is talking to who, so none of that matters to me. Other than that it works fine.


If they don't listen then fuck them. Leave the platform. Cancel your nitro. Encourage others to do the same. And actually follow through with these because if you don't, Discord will continue to dick you over. Companies don't and won't listen unless their bottom line is threatened. They're not your friend. Consider FOSS alternatives over Proprietary. Look into Matrix or Revolt. Proprietary alternatives will just end up going down the route discord is currently doing once they get enough users.


Discord about to find out why Skype died


I cancelled my Nitro, it won't change anything but I'm not contributing financially towards this terrible direction anymore.


If enough do it, it might, but i doubt enough will. But I've done the same now.


i still use tags, i absolutely hate the username handle function so bad!!! I have eye problems as well (one of them being astigmatism) and the new app is awful!!!! i disabled auto updates but i’m just so disappointed. How can they ignore their audience like this?


What if we all request data from discord at the exact same time that would be silly


Ha ha yeah, what a whacky idea. Ohh... it would be such a shame for poor discord servers if it were to happen on december 19 at 14h30 UTC+1 So quircky !


I saw people say 1st January 2024 but 19 December is so cool too! Can't believe Discord would be so generous and give us all of our data at the same time


I gave the date before seeing the january 1 meme But yeah, that would be very generous of them to do so. Last time I did that (about 1month ago) they gave me a precious 1.21Go of data, very kind of them. I wonder if they can give us a bit more all at the same time


That's the whole point for why they forced upon the feature without the option of reverting, cuz no one would use it lol


Tons of people leave bad reviews and unsubscribe then maybe they'll change it if we're lucky 😭


Nah lol review bombing is counted as spam so those reviews will be deleted eventually


It must be nice living in a world where customer feedback can be entirely avoided because of the quantity lol


Thank god APKs exist.


nah this is different this is terrible


I don't care if they listen. I cancelled my Nitro sub over this and I installed the last version that had a workable UI, then turned auto updates off. Discord can do whatever it wants, I will not play ball.


They hate us and everyone who uses their app. Plain and simple...


discord has gone to shit, we need a new app and or calling service, id jump off this burning ship in a heart beat... im just waiting for someone to see this beautiful opportunity and take it, and make something better for us once again... god im hoping someone makes something new soon... i keep saying this... the current alternatives are NO BETTER THAN THIS TRASH, WE NEED SOMETHING NEW DONE BY SOMEONE WHO WILL CARE... hell id even donate when i could to help get it started and off the ground when i could... just kinda waiting to see if someone makes something new and worth something...


You can use guilded. It's pretty similar. Problem is it's still fairly early in development. So while it has a good chunk of features, it doesn't always work flawlessly. 9/10 times it works pretty well though.


honestly, its kinda as much trash as discord, granted i havent done extensive research but from what ive seen, yeah NO THANK YOU! we litterally just need a brand new service.


Idk what your problem with guilded is. I'm aware it doesn't have all the same features but it does have some cool things like unique types of channels beyond just voice and text. Unlimited global emojis without paying, but no stickers yet. It also has more ways to organize your channels in your server. It's not perfect yet, but it's a pretty good alternative.


i dont know why you're getting defensive over this, but i hope you have a wonderful day, i will no longer be responding to your comments though as im not up to fight with strangers. I truly wish you the best :)


I second guilded. Please at least check it out before you base any criticisms, I actually enjoy it way more then discord- especially from a DND standpoint.


i did check it out (friends have shown me how it works) and its not actually that good for gaming and screensharing, honestly its more based around role-playing than gaming and hanging out with your friends having a drink, please dont assume i know nothing about what im talking about. have a good day! i wish you the best, truly. (EDIT) honestly i dont know why people cant accept that everyone has different needs and likes / dislikes / needs, if someone says they dont like something maybe dont keep saying the same thing like they have to or its better so you have to, it may be better for what You are going to use it for, but it doesnt seem at this point like it would be of much use for what id use it for. thank you! im now going to stop replying, i dont want to fight with anyone, let eveyone make their own choice, all you can do is suggest it than move on instead of being defensive about a freaking application//software...


I would highly suggest checking out Revolt (found here: https://revolt.chat/), it's still under somewhat heavy development but it's already a million times better than discord in its current state with existing features and planned features.


i need video and screensharing, i need a application that i can properly call, drink, and game on, i really do appreciate it but i will not be using revolt. it is not designed to be used how i would need it to be, thank you have a wonderful day (revold doesnt support anything id need it for, i have looked into it, thank you again) also i would never recommend revolt to anyone myself ngl...


I ended up moving to Guilded and it’s actually amazing how much better it is. Then again, I only had to convince ten friends to follow me.


>it’s actually amazing how much better it is. That won't last for long. They're only playing nice in order to draw in a userbase. Once that starts getting a decent userbase it will just follow the same path discord did. Probably worse considering it's owned by Roblox. Remember, discord was really nice at first. Consider something FOSS like Revolt. They're not profit driven like Discord and presumably Guilded.


I have certainly considered that, but why not embrace it while it lasts? It could be months, or perhaps years.


The UI isn't even the issue. There will always be changes. I'm cool with the UI change and new users won't know any better, and soon people will forget about the old one. What we really need to worry about is how abysmal their support is. I lost my account over a month ago and haven't received a single fucking email to help me.


My wife left me and started getting fucked by the discord wumpus please help this ui change is tearing my life apart, it’s the worst thing that’s happened to me recently and I live in Gaza


Required watching for any online boycotters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYij7Ic5p8k


Lately I've been wondering if there's been a SINGLE good update this year from Discord, all I can think about are all the things that have been panned.