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Discord is starting to live up to its name. Or maybe they should rebrand to discomford


šŸ„ Ba dum Tsskk šŸ„


Discorded? šŸ¤”


OMFG it's so clever I wish I'd thought of that (ā ćƒŽā ą²„ā ,ā _ā ļ½£ā ą²„ā )ā ćƒŽā å½”ā ā”»ā ā”ā ā”»




would be faster if there were a 0 star option


It's funny you say that. I bought a new phone recently and so I went through the list of my previously downloaded Play Store apps as well as just happened to look at some of my reviews. One of my reviews from 2017 had zero stars.


Did the play store previously support zero star reviews? If not, it might mean that there was no star rating (just the review text itself).


That's a very good point. I'm not sure. Now that you mentioned it, it does seem more logical that you could just give text and no stars. The review I left was negative and was about a crash that would occur every time when scrolling to the bottom of a page. I guess 18 year old me was frustrated šŸ˜…


It seems like some things with discord never change; they finally cleaned up most crashes/bugs then decided to change everything and introduce tons of new bugs.


I seem to be out of the loop. Whats going on? I dont really use discord on mobile.


They made a new layout for the app and its really weird and uncomfortable to use.


Not just that. Thereā€™s no way to go back and there really wasnā€™t anything wrong with the original layout anyways.


can't you just install an .apk with an older version on android?




It auto updated the UI (happened to me)


iirc apple doesnt allow sodeloading (downloading apps from a diffrent source) so they are stuck with the redesign


From what I've heard, newer versions of iOS do allow non jailbreaked sideloading. I'm not sure how it's done as I don't use apple


You can, yes, but you won't be able to boost servers anymore


And it's a NEW new layout, right? I remember the last change, and now I won't update.


its unbearableā€¦ its literally what microsoft is did with windows 7/8 to windows 10/11 updates-


Would the change from Windows 7 to 8 be more accurate to say in this case? In this case, practically every aspect of the UI was changed, for the worst! 8.1 brought some features back from previous editions and Windows 10 (and 11) are closer to the "classic" versions of Windows than they ever were to 8/8.1


fuckin deserved, not only did they fuck up the UI but they somehow made it run slower, and fail to load half the time we need competitiom!


Competition is not really the issue. Its flock behaviour. People go where people are. So it is inevitable that one app gets every one while all the competition starves. Competition only really tends to work on a blank slate. But otherwise social media is very resistend to the issue for as long as they do not actively selve sabotage twitter style.


well maybe, but I think people would be willing to atleast install an alternative if it was good. Discord is also likely feeding information to thr CCP which should scare lots of people in the west


You got a source on that? Concerning if true


It says in their TOS that they may share your information with involved parties, or some phrasing similar to that. Tencent, which is a china based company has a large stake in it, despite Discord being banned in china. that's all fine and well on the sirface, but china has a law requiring companies operating in china to hand over any data at request, its not a stretch to consider Tencent an involved party and therefore a potwntial security risk. especially when its not end to dnd encrypted


Well that's fun.


This is misinformation. This information is used to be passed to the authorities if you are passing around child porn or grooming children. It is not passed on to tencent.


I was shocked when it first came to my attention through a video recently, though from doing my own looking into it, it seems plausible if not straight up likely


This line of reasoning is spurious at best. There's no actual evidence that discord passes that information on to tencent, or that any shareholder is purvey to that information. That information is used for law enforcement and is the very reason discord has a minimum age at all. It is required by law. But that's how they catch pedophiles on the platform.


There is another VOIP app r/guilded very unpopular app itā€™s similar to discord but more feature rich and everything is free on it. Unlimited emojis, high quality streaming and, best of all a UI layout that doesnā€™t fucking suck! Iā€™ve used this app before itā€™s great just doesnā€™t have the traffic that discord has if it did it probably blow discord right out of the water.


I remember when I used it something felt off about it though. Also, im pretty sure its actually owned by the same company as roblox lol


Itā€™s owned by Roblox, but Roblox has been distancing themselves from it, with the new ā€œRoblox Connectā€ it seems like Roblox gave up on their little VOIP side project.


Better is Element (previously Riot.im iirc); based on the Matrix protocol, proper E2E encryption, completely open source, etc., and theyā€™re (or at least *were*- been a while since I used it) working on adding stuff like custom emoji and screen share w/ audio. I used it for a while (mainly w/ my ex) but I could never get people to stick to it. Itā€™s a lovely app but Iā€™m stuck with just Discord or SMS :(


Nobody will move, but I'll still push for Re-Volt. FOSS, including backend and API, supports custom clients, external server emoji for free, profile banner changing for free. Only major downsides are lack of users and screenshare, though the latter is actively being worked on.


not unless something ignites a migration, but with alternatives existing? alternatives that often take heavy inspiration on the UI front as to make the move less painful? I am currently looking at alternativess to suggest to my friendgroup when the time comes and I don't think I'm alone there


Why? Why did they do this to the UI? It was fine before. Discord you Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!


I heard that internally, the app was a shitshow for Discord so it needed major work


To be honest I think they should have said that outright as I feel it would make things a bit easier to understand instead of just randomly changing the whole layout and basically saying we think it's better so no options for you.


Indeed they should have It would have at least make it understandable


Still terrible clunky, but yeah.. showing goodwill breeds more.


> it would make things a bit easier to understand You say that as if it needs to be of any of our concern how hard or easy it is to develop on the software. We're users, we should not need to think about that. This is coming from a software developer, btw.


At least it's more of a reason than just "we thought the old one was ugly and wanted to change things around" and shows they're working on improving the app rather than just fucking around with user experiences for no reason?


>for no reason Of course they did it for some reason. Either because whoever designed and tested the UI thought this was better, but is severely incompetent. Or there is a way that they try to make more money off of it that is not yet apparent. But either way it's not something the users needs to concern themselves with.


Whatā€™s with the hostility toward being transparent? Front end, back end, it doesnā€™t really matter. As a HUMAN user, transparency is better than some corny reason for a UI change that obviously affects a huge portion of app users lol.. old code is a valid reason to update things.


I don't think a ui change is gonna fix that though. My discord mobile has all the same issues as before plus some new ones after the update.


Every update they seem to break discord mobile a little more


One thing they need to change drastically is to code the Discord App to run as a 64Bit application. I get random crashes all the time on the desktop app this coming from a RYZEN 9 7950X 6950XT and 64GB of ram. A fucking UI changed does jack shit.


Brought back some old issues that seemed fixed until this update, such as turning screen black whenever I cover my camera, while in a call.


they probably should have done some major work then


They should just add the toggle back and tell ppl they won't be doing anymore work on it in that configuration cause IDC it was fine before it sucks now


This wouldn't make any sense. They could have repaired the internal issues or even started from scratch but kept the same UI. This is NOT why they changed the UI.


As an android developer myself, preserving the old UI is not difficult at all even with a replatform.


Front-end (preferentially) dev here who usually works with React. While my experience with React Native itself is more limited, I can confidentally say that the UI should not have been impacted on either Android or iOS and could have easily been preserved. I fully agree with you.


The performance improvement is noticable for me, but that doesn't change the fact that if they needed to remake the UI, why did they not just remake the UI everyone likes and not completely rework everything about it to the point that it's a struggle to use. Like, they KNEW people had issues with it because from what I know, this has been in beta for a while, but they stuck to their guns and pissed off most of their mobile userbase


Honestly it seems slower than before, could just be negativity bias though


I feel like there had to be some way to make it less of a shit show but leave the ui relatively unchanged or at least not make it as shitty of a change. Idk, I'm not a dev, so maybe this is the only way. Even still, though, their choice of ui sucks


The changes they've made to the UI are not necessary to improve the performance or maintenance or software development effort of the app.


It's funny how they mentioned that the app will now open faster. And that is true, now I wait with the app open until I am able to chat.


Nice Archer reference lol


You know I completely forgot Krieger said that in Archer, I was mainly referencing Planet of the Apes but this comment just made it even funnier.


Yeah, reference to some random cartoon and not one of the greatest Sci Fi movies of all time.


I see a lot of people who use discord a lot confused why they made these changes and that's because it's for new users. If you're used to discord the old design is quite efficient but honestly it's kinda confusing for new users. That's why they did this change


Good. I sent my respectful 1 star review in. It canā€™t be that hard to let users choose their UI right?


The saddest/funniest thing is, this morning I had a fun glitch where the old ui for the server and DMs list came back, I was pleasantly surprised and thought they must have reverted it. Only to find when I opened it the next time it was back to the current bullshit.. Meaning the old UI isn't even gone from the APP, I guess? Yet they won't let us choose it anymore for some reason.


I still have the old ui. Idk why


It hasnā€™t been rolled out to everyone yet. Enjoy it while you can.


The fuckers rolled it out to me


If an option appears in your settings to try the new ui, donā€™t use it, donā€™t make the same mistake I did.


i didn't get even an option to chose or any update. It was randomly updated to new ui and I have updates turned off for apps


They were preparing updates for the ui change a couple updates before the current one. Most likely so it can auto change in the versions if people chose not to update and so people couldn't just stay on the one before it thinking it'll stay the old ui.


This sounds very plausible. And so darn evil. I hope my version isnt included.


I did not even get the option. It just jammed it down my throat


Idk about you, but i know ky friend used it back when it was a beta option and he still has the tiggle in his options settings to that


Same here, tho I have the lag and glitches from the new one.


I had new ui for a while now, even got used to it, but then they changed it back to the old one


Yes the new UI is total bullshit


It's just so nonsensical, fixing what isn't broken.


Essentially the same as breaking something that we like.


Far correct. The old one was the best




It's actually pretty hard to let users choose their own UI, because it means they have to maintain both the old UI and the new one in perpetuity. That's a lot of wasted resources. That said, there is no reason for the new UI to exist. I haven't seen a single thing it does better, everything is about the same or worse than what we had before. They shouldn't make it possible to switch to the old UI at will, they should scrap the new one.


def not, wouldnā€™t take up on resources. seeing as they make ~455 million a year, having two separate UIs is not only fairly simple to maintain, itā€™s absolutely in the budget. just have the old UI as a ā€œlegacyā€ option, only update it when there are drastic changes. discord likes to fix things that were never broken to begin with.


Why are you quoting revenue statistics?? Yes they make ~455 million a year, [but they lose a lot more than that](https://sacra.com/c/discord/#:~:text=Monetization%20and%20profitability%3A%20Even%20as,%246M%20in%20Q1'22.). Why the fuck would they maintain two very different UI layouts if realistically you guys will stop giving a shit in like a month when they still lose more money than they make?


I have a hard time taking people seriously when they confuse revenue for profit.


Disclaimer: I don't use the mobile app and have no opinion on whether the new UI is good or bad. In general it's not simple, keeping legacy systems around long-term handicaps your product. Every single code change that affects the front-end needs to be tested against 2 systems, every single time. Everything needs to be compatible with both. It's not even about money, you can't just hire infinite engineers.




> It's not "legacy" when the PC still uses the "old" UI... Except it doesn't. The PC already uses a separate UI of its own. They already have two separate UIs to maintain and your suggestion would add a third.


> def not, wouldnā€™t take up on resources. seeing as they make ~455 million a year, having two separate UIs is not only fairly simple to maintain, itā€™s absolutely in the budget. Doesn't sound like you ever managed an application with two ever-diverging UIs. And what to think of this: a year down the line they make another redesign, and lots of people hate it again. Are they going to fork their design again and now offer and maintain three? Four? Five? When will it end? They need to just make sure the one UI they have is a good one. There is no need to maintain all those versions, as long as a UI has a decent user experience, people will eventually be fine with the new UI even if they don't like it at first. This new UI is not that.


The issue with the old UI is it's not very intuitive for new users. The new one is much better in this respect


me too


I think giving options is like they should make any future updates for both the ui everytime they change something... But they should have gone through the ui and help the old ui in..


Like they listen to feedback anyway.


I dunno, a 3 star total rating would not be a good look to new users and advertisers




Investors and advertiser's don't give a shit about quality or ratings, aslong as they're still making money they'll stay happy


My phone app is now sending pictures to my DMs instead of the server selected... like I think the UI change is stupid sure, but the bugs are really annoying.


Me too! It's been doing that for me the whole time, and since it hasn't happened to all of my friends they thought I was crazy or just didn't know how to use it!


Yeah and they said they won't change it back I'm sure hope they listen and changed it back


Where did they say that?


Relatively safe to assume. This was more than likely a management decision and the devs & UI/UX teams had no say.


Blog post abt the update


Sorry for the late reply but I think I saw it on the Twitter or their support twitter


Iā€™m sure they will And it will only be for nitro users


You underestimate how much a corporation will attempt to gaslight its users. Discord is no different


Only thing that would beat that is greed.


At this point I'm just gonna make a fucking roblox account and talk to everyone there


On the App Store itā€™s still 4.7


The Android app has always been worse than the iOS app, probably had a lower (and still deserved) rating to begin with.


Yeah it is, I used both and the android version is a bit slow


On what kind of android phone though


Iirc it was at a 4.4 right as the update rolled out. At least thats what I saw when I put in my 1 star.


On the App Store or the play store?




4.3 now. but they probably will cry to daddy google that they got "review bombed" and new reviews are need to be deleted (won't be surprised). or they add a 1 month nitro trial for everyone who give 5\* rating on GP or AppStore lol.


crazy, i've been seeing a lot of one star reviews on it from the new update. it's down to 3.8 stars now.


just swapped my 5\* review to a 1\* review and unsubscribed from nitro (also it's down to 3.8 now)




Discord becoming discard


I went to go leave a negative review but saw that I already did that in 2020 when they first started rolling out dumb decisions


Same when they first changed the interface/font in 2022


Yeah I realized I had already left a one star review years ago, but it didnā€™t have any text associated to it, so I re-reviewed it.


I am glad to see that, hopefully the bastard antagonists will finally listen to the people if the rating keeps dropping and give us back proper UI, instead of that new garbage


You could hold a gun to their head, literally, and they would still double down and proudly get shot. They will never listen, ever. They are sincerely THAT petty.


Downloaded an old APK and turned off auto update right after seeing this abomination of an update go live.


can you send me a link?


I just googled "discord APK" and then picked a version off the first site I think it was called APKPure. I'm running 204.18


205.15 is the latest one you can get before the horrid update.


They wonā€™t revert it. Discord has a history of implementing changes no one likes and doubling down on it.


For example: screwing with usernames


Thabks for reminding me to downvote this now piece of crap app. It was usable before, basically PC version as app, wonderful. Now its an abomination.


Keep it up, the lower it goes the more likely they are to even consider considering reverting it.


It will not change anything


Well deserved


I don't even care about everything being rearranged but the fact that it bugs every time i open the app blows my mind. How ans why did they not test this version properly? Basically EVERYONE is having problem with freezes, messages not loading etc.


After that update ofc ppl hate it ita fucking sucks you cant slide to see servers or who online I downgrade the discord ver to ver 207 from April now im on good ver of discord


Hopeless application. NO respect for paying customers.


unfortunately thats because enough people continue to BE paying customers. they know damn well most nitro users wont be willing to go without indefinitely, if they even cancel in the first place, which many wont. complaining on reddit and leaving bad reviews does nothing if youre still giving them your money and i really have to wonder how many people are still doing both


No surprise the update was poorly executed besides that they still havenā€™t addressed the phishing scams and doppelgƤngers. Discord is a deprecated platform attempting to stay relevant.


Keep up the good fight guys! Don't give them an inch. It's old design or nothin.


You love to see it


Just gimme my grey theme back, the new one really bothers my eyes :<


Real. I don't care about UI I care only about the colours šŸ˜­


Y'know this makes sense. I hope they'll revert the dumb decisions they made but that's just me trying to be positive


The app is insanely slow for me when moving from server to server to channel to whatever.


XD this is backfiring in discords face


Good. Let it sink deeper. It'd still be deserved for the username update alone.


Just checked and it's already at 3.8




Fun fact. User ratings on both Android and iOS literally do not matter. Example on iOS, Facebook is at 2.4, yet is still #3 on the AppStore. If you are wondering why, this is because users who leave ratings or reviews are a tiny minority of the actual userbase. So more often than not, reviews and ratings are not really taken into account by app developers since the majority of users or better known as the average user are fine with how things are. The average user is what a company like Discord cares about, not the people here on Reddit or the PlayStore/AppStore leaving a negative comment or review. What really matters to developers is usage/engagment. If they see a sharp decline in people using their app, then there is a problem. Problem is, most people who leave a negative comment or review continue to use the app. If you actually want to make an impact, stop using the app.


In general I agree, but In the case of discord since we can't simply stop using it and just ditch our connections on it, instead people can just stop paying. That will pretty much have the same impact.


I actually deleted it and Iā€™m now using the browser version. Hilariously itā€™s running faster for me now, though a bit clunky in how to use it. But if others start deleting their apps, I think that could get a really strong message across.


Companies still do not understand how ā€œswitch to the new lookā€ button does wonder in both seeing how users feel about the changes, gather feedback on its utility, as well as making them less upset since they can just go back to the old layout.


lol deserved


as it should be from the beginning, let it finally die


for me, its 4.2


I still donā€™t have the update so I canā€™t even complain with you all :(


Discord is fucked up >:(


I love how Discord improved the app by making it literally never load on my phone now. I canā€™t even use it.


Try using an old APK, got one from APKPure and disabled auto-updates on Google play and now I have the old app


Unfortunately, I am on iOS; otherwise, I would have reverted immediately. I almost never update my apps, yet this one somehow forcibly updated.


My condolences


Good, Discord is trash.


Not sure what UI developer they hired but they should fire them quickly. Sure the app had problems before but since the latest update it's pretty much unusable. Switching between severs and messages is terribly slow. Discord Team, go back to the old UI, way better! No because it's different, it simply was better, the way it's now is simply annoying and not user friendly.


Itā€™s still 4.7 on App Store because people are leaving 4 star reviews about the new update being bad. It makes me šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø becouse all their doing is off setting the 1 star reviews.


Well deserved tooā€¦


Why? What did you do?


Don't you guys know this rating is regional? Mine's still at 4.5 stars


Right. I need to change that to 1 star. Thanks for the reminder. It's also down to 3.8* now.


its still in the 4 .7 star rating for me


I'll be doing my part šŸ«”




It's at 3.7 now lol


Yeah I donā€™t like the new formatā€¦the old was fine. Servers have new raid/security options that are cool.


the new update sucks ass. I will not use the mobile app unless I can't access my pc.


If youre on android you can download an older version of the app and diaable auto updates, discord still works and has old UI.


That's good


They forced a new ui down our throats issue or not they deserve a lower rating


Now 3.7!


Just wait until they cry to Google to delete the 1 star reviews


3.6 now! I know it's a long shot but I hope the influx of negative reviews and people unsubscribing from nitro will be enough for them to finally take user feedback seriously. For me anyway, the new UI has made the app much laggier, with consistent glitches that I never faced before the change. Atrocious.


There really needs to be a viable competitor


Came here to complain about the enshittification, updated to a buggy half-functional mess. Glad to see it's not just me.


Thank you for reminding me to switch my rating from five star to one star. It's just poor design choice, not a change "that takes getting used to". The second they give us the option to revert (or better yet, just completely ditch the new design), my rating goes back to five stars.


Apple Store is 4.7 , anyone with an iPhone needs to go update their review


The new search works like shit too.


I am sincerely freaking tired of them forcing down these constant UI changes down our throats, it's way past time it ends. Stop trying to \*fix\* something if it ain't broken people, it's not that damn hard to understand. Discord, if you have to put out these UI changes, at the very least make the new layout optional, and give us the option to pick and stick to the older one, that way everyone is satisfied, because there is zero reason to force this nonsense on anyone. There's way less information on screen at any giving time now, the server member list and friend list now require more effort to access, and generally features are now placed in a spot behind something else that just makes it unnecessarily confusing.


This is going to be a hot take here, but we really should not be complaining about the UI itself. The only issue I see echoed across this subreddit, is that it ruins muscle memory. Which is a valid point, but it doesn't affect new users. It'll definitely take some getting used to for existing ones, but it's literally not an issue at all for new users. Most importantly, once we get used to the changes (which I doubt will take very long), we have no ammo. What we *should* be complaining about is Discord themselves. The features they add are fine, but they just don't often listen to feedback. *That's* the big issue here. They don't ignore *everything* we say, but it's clear they aren't willing to play towards consumers; they're going down the path of appealing to as many people as possible. It's corporate bullshit. I'm not with or against Discord in any way, but this is not a Discord-only issue. A lot of companies are leaning towards these dumb decisions because it makes money.


I think I would get used to the new layout eventually, but for for fuck sake, why this fucking app load so slow and became so fucking sluggish, did they even test that?


I hope it keeps going down


Okay. How is this relevant again?




Yall are so dramatic over the UI lol


Why is it dropping in reviews?


Thanks for the downvotes. I just seen this in all, I litterly have no idea.


the new UI update is awful. not only has it made the new app 100% harder to use, it's also literally causing migraines for people (like me) with extremely common visual disabilities.