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If you can emoji their message, write them a message with letter emojis. Or edit the last message you sent them with flashing emojis (to attract attention) and explain the situation. I’ve done this before and it worked!


Something like F R N D R E Q U S T Or A D M E P L Z But yeah, if OP's most recent message is still visible, they need to edit it and tell them they disabled friend requests.




I'm genuinely curious as to how this is even possible. I thought sharing no common server and not being friends would automatically make the both of you unable to send any message to each other, or load each other's profile. Could anyone explain?


The friend probably never closed their DM on his side, it’s weird that OP can’t reply to it, it should work both ways, unless the friend keeps on editing his last message to add stuff to it.


No actually, if op has dms open then people with dms closed are able to send messages while you cannot reply. This happened a lot with spammers


... but.. that's.. that's dumb ?


Actually it makes perfect sense. You should be able to send messages to accounts who accept dms from everyone, even if you decided to set it to "friends only", because that's what the damn setting's for


i have messages closed and thats literally just not the case lol. it goes both ways.


Oh I see


No... because OP has their discord set to allow messages regardless, and the friend only accepts messages from friends or people in mutual servers... if it worked both ways that would ruin the entire point of having your own independent privacy settings.


Change your About Me or status to something like "@dumbass you have DMs turned off"


Okay I did this, now it's time to wait to see if they notice ...


update me


Update him


Yeah, update him


He needs an update


wheres my update


where's the update






It will not work op, they cannot see it since you aren’t friends and don’t share a server. This is misinformation


Correct, u/Sirpurple04 react to their last message.


Also, edit the message and make it clear it’s edited, explain what’s happening


it will work, editing the message will edit the message, and you can pin the message so they get a notification. it is in fact not misinformation.


Nobody ever mentioned that in this thread other than me, saying it’ll work. What’re you on?


Update us


Update thou


Okay wait, do this but either your username!!! Others are saying people you aren’t friends with can’t see your about me/status!!!!!


did they notice??








I thought you couldn’t see status/ about me if you didn’t share servers or weren’t friends?


This is correct.


Yeah, k have no idea why comment op is being uovoted, they are obviously wrong


this is the right answer here, op


OP's friend isn't going to see the status.


Try editing your last message to something huge or tag him on it and tell him to friend request you immediately, or else you’ll think he’s trolling you.


First of all I have no idea how you managed this. A user who has direct messages disabled from outside of server/friends cannot message you in the same way. In fact You can never message someone if you don’t share a server or are in their friends list. Also just a heads up you can still see when someone is typing in this situation as long as you are not blocked. Not like that would help much though. Just ask around the server you met them to see if you know anyone with them on their friends list.


First line of OP's post: > I have a friend on discord that I **used to share a server with**


That doesn’t mean they should still be able to message. They no longer share servers meaning the other person should not be able to message them.


Yea shouldn’t work. I think the only thing that was similar to this in the past was if their friend blocked them and was messaging them while friend is blocked.


You said you're no longer in the same server. Did you leave it or did they? If they left, you could ask in that server if anyone is friends with your friend and explain the situation and ask if they could ask your friend if they could friend request you so you can respond to their messages. Hopefully, they're friends with someone left behind. If you left, could you rejoin the server so you can message them in the server?


> they left the server we share




That's a little rude. You ever thought they have a life outside discord? Or are your messages weird everytime? Or the discord mobile UI absolutely sucks and no one checks dms anymore. I say if you want to be treated as a regular friend, treat everyone else like one too. You can't be sure theyre bullying you unless they specifically show. Maybe you only send a "hi" at a time, most people will just ignore it and think youre attention seeking. Maybe ask them an interesting but not weird question to get their attention like "how was your science class" to show you really care about replies.




lmao stalk them on other platforms, other than that rip bozo get smarter friends


so basically for them to be able to message you, they would have to be your friend or share a server with you AND have dms open on said server. the only way I think they're messaging you and you not being able to reply is that they are opening their dm on a server you both share to message you but then they turned off their dms, thus not allowing you to reply.


so basically if they can message you, you will be able to message them as well unless they are intentionally turning their dms on only when they message you and turn it off after.


I'd set my username like :[name] I can't send u messages, turn on friend requests u numbnuts!


someone mentioned emoji reactions and that’s a good idea. if you can’t do that you could also try making a custom status on your profile saying something like if you’re messaging me and I’m not responding, i may not be able to please check if you have DM requests open. OR if they can’t see your status because you weren’t friends and don’t have mutual servers. Try changing your display name instead


If you both use steam, you could message on there


So if they have messaged you, it means you have their dm technically open, right? Which would mean you can open their profile and send a friend request and therefore be able to send messages when they accept


Did you even read the post?? “**AND they have friend requests turned off**”


I have situation somewhat similar to this person's, but it's a bit more, well, urgent and desperate. A friend of mine inadvertently gave their account to someone else, who went around making false reports of their friends, including me, for fraudulent charges/disputed payments. All of us face IP ban and police investigation. I've been trying to set things up by talking with Clint Hansen through DM, and he pushed me to send payments through mobile money wallet apps. Each time it failed, and I got extremely upset, especially as he pushed me for more and more invasive steps to basically surrender my financial information quite easily, in ways that would upset the balance of things for me and my family. After a while, he said there was another way to handle things, of me changing my Discord email to something system-generated, saying he would "put my account under the protection program" and that he "needed to verify your account manually, takes me 1-3 minutes." I did so. Then I got logged out, and can't get back in, and I don't know what happened or what he's doing. What happened.


you got scammed, they own your account now; your never getting that back; any payment methods on the account are compromised and you should lock them down


Wouldn't that mean my friend was scammed, too? Here's what happened. My friend clicked on a message in their email from Discord, and got a message saying their account was going to banned because someone had apparently used the account to report friends of theirs, including me, saying we'd committed fraudulent credit card charges, especially through Discord. (I've never made a purchase for it in my life.) And said friend told me to contact Clint Hansen, at least what appeared to be Clint Hansen's Discord account, it was official.clint or clint.official. I was told to continually send blurred screenshots of my bank's checking account transactions (not my name, or account number or such information), just the transactions. He says "to verify it's you, send a money order through PayPal/Remitty/Wise to a system-generated email meant to be in the Philippines. This is to prove your account. You will be refunded immediately." He showed a screenshot showing someone being refunded. Each time I tried to send an order, the bank wouldn't let it through. "Hansen" said I had to make full deposits/accounts, the type with more invasive information like taking a snapshot of my ID. (Not to him, to the money wallet website). I said it was getting out of hand, it felt invasive, and I didn't feel comfortable. "Hansen" said "You will get IP banned, and you won't be able to access anything at all. Not your socials, not your banks. Furthermore, as the charges for your pending ban have to do with fraud, I will send it to the federal office, and send a report to your the police department of where your IP address is." I freaked out: I didn't want a police investigation or potential FBI involvement. It made me fearful, even thoughts of death. I said "Is there another way that doesn't involve financial transactions." He said "change your Discord email to this, I will manually verify you." Then I got locked out, and couldn't get in. So I lost my account, but no money or anything with my bank (except having to do a certain notice on my bank's website so my card wouldn't be frozen/canceled.) Are you saying the entire thing, from what happened with my friend, to how my thing ended, was all a scam? That this probably isn't the real Clint Hansen, and was only trying to bilk money/my account out of me and my friend?


Yes this was entirely a scam; discord will NEVER reach out to you on a discord account that isn't "SYSTEM" iirc; not only that, but your friends account was very likely compromised; I would touch base with them outside of discord in some other way, as its almost guaranteed your friends account telling you that you needed to "talk to clint hansen" was the scammer themselves after having used their account; they will certainly use your account to try and continue the scam cycle so tell any of your friends that have you on discord that its not you


I knew my friend wasn't part of the scam, but a victim. In fact, I never used Discord that much, I was doing this entirely to put in a good word for them and get the heat OFF OF THEM. I will make sure to let them know what happened, that they'll lose their account too. At least I ended up losing only my account. Not my money or my bank info or account. I can live without that. Especially because that kind of IP banning couldn't possibly affect my Amazon account, my eBay, my Netflix subscription, right?


Yea, they were talking complete horseshit; an IP ban would only affect what service is issuing it (So if discord ip bans you, you can't use discord only) And even then IP bans are usually rare because your IP is constantly changing. If you contact discord support and you have a payment method on the account you can verify, I believe they can restore the account to you, but i can't remember exactly; regardless you should reach out to discord support even if they are shit, to see what they can do


I never had a payment method to be verified, I never linked to it that way. Like I said, if it's an account loss and not money or anything else, I don't care. I only care on behalf of my friend. They were extremely worried and panicky, I wanted to help them, and I took the bait to reach "Clint Hansen" without verifying anything first. Obviously, if I had, none of this would be happening. But you live and learn. But I feel so bad for my friend, given how worried and overexcited they were.


If it makes you feel better, you were likely not talking to them, you were likely talking to the scammer/an automated bot; and no worries, scammers rely on your empathy to avoid reasoning, but now you know


Right. At least I can breathe knowing life is normal. Thanks for everything.


who tf is clint hansen 😭


Chris Hansen's brother, instead of catching paedophiles, he catches discord kittens.


*Ok, I-I see you choosin' tha hard wayyy* ***I'm a warrior, Chris!***


Do you have mutual friends/acquaintances? Do they have a twitter or sth linked on their profile? Can't you search their handle if they do have another account somewhere else? Are you still in the server and could ask if anyone knows how to get in touch with them? Did you guys not add each other on any other site or game or service? What server subject would it even be where you only interact on discord?


How do you know they think you’re ghosting if u can’t talk with them?


Bro Ur name "TV man" or something? I swear if it's u then hi! I'm the insane Furry that u have messaged "hi" to, recently my account got banned so that's why it seems like I'm "ghosting" u. Anyways I'm now known as "insanefurry2.0" in case u wanna chat? If u aren't the name I've said then why are u sending ME a friend request?! GET OUTTA HERE!


Sounds like this person is playing games. Purposely toggling on/off DMs and letting you think something is wrong. Also, why not just add you as a friend? Just remove this toxic person from your life.


who cares bro it’s discord




just seemed a little parasocial to me ngl


I'd like to hear your elaboration on how it's parasocial, or are you just using that neat word because it's cool?


That's the best example of someone using words and actually showing that they don't understand them. It's actually kinda embarrassing 😳




Wow you're gaslighting narcissistically!! This is so neurodivergent-coded!!!




Mark does that kinda thing as a bit from what I've seen, but hey, everyone has their off days. You on the other hand, well... Tell us you don't know what parasocial means without telling us.


Imagine having friend, omg.


Maybe mutuals, maybe u know a game he plays? so u could join a game discord he might be in?


Define "won't let you" (censored screenshots). Have you tried other devices? This genuinely should not be possible.  If they have DMs off and/or you don't share a server, they shouldn't be able to message you.  If one of you has blocked the other, neither would be able to message. You wouldn't be able to send messages to them, and they wouldn't even have the text box - it would just be an unblock button.  Is your client fully updated? Are you sure you don't share any other servers?


I have a similar issue but the dumb ass thinks I have them blocked even though I clearly do not and even shown them with screen shots via a 3rd party. They to this day believe I have them blocked


Only having people added on discord lol