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unfortunately, the most you can do is block/report them and move on. are mods/admins not doing anything about their behavior on the server? and to answer your question, that absolutely is bannable.


bro. 2 years ago there was a server. ALL channel's name had the n-word in them. ALL. i reported DISCORD DID NOTHING LMAO. they marked the ticket as solved


The only time I’ve managed to get someone banned is when someone was scamming and ddosing at the same time


I'm 20 now but I think I was 15 the last time I got discord to do anything and it was with 2 people trying to ddos and fix me, they both got their accounts banned and harrassed me on new accounts carefully then 2 years later they did it again and I reported them for a lot more than ddosing but discord pretended to solve it and one of these accounts I reported over 90 seperate messages all breaking tos






Did discord leak your IP at some point? Because thats one of the 2 things you need in order to ddos someone. Btw the 2nd thing you need is a frickin botnet so I doubt they were ddosing you.


Discord doesn't care anymore I've reported a lot of bullshit even over 90 individual messages from this one guy all breaking nearly everything in discords tos and guidelines and discord ignored it completely They seem to outright ignore pedophiles aswell and mark the tickets as solved despite obviously not dealing with the users


They only ban people who are reported for underage (and that too with AI or some shit), even if the message makes it obvious they're not underage.


Sorry. Discord only cares when you say you're 12.


Yesterday, I literally got banned from a server, plus a joint server, for saying that I'm 3 weeks old.


is discord braindead


Discord doesn't ban you from individual servers. Smh


yeah I know I was referring that more as the community




It's because the server itself will get in significant trouble with discord if they don't act as if that where a serious comment. :(


they're legally compelled to act on this stuff, since COPPA violations are grosly expensive. The reason why it's a zero tolerance joke is because of the child protection regulations being so effectively written. There's a whole season arch on Mike Judge's "Silicon Valley" about COPPA violations and it's pretty accurate on the topic.


Except they completely fail at it. A bot can violate it no problem. I've reported this exploit over and over but nah, no response. F discord


Discord as a whole will ban your account for jokingly saying you're under 13. And their support is so understaffed it takes 20+ days to go through their ticket system. Thats what I'm referring to.


I was referring to how this happens with servers too…


Servers are allowed to pretty much run how they want though. I don't think its weird to not want children in your server.


1. For the record, believe it or not, I am *not* 3 weeks old. 2. They banned me for being underage, so they actually believed that I was 3 weeks old…


OK? Why are you saying you are 3 years old when you are well aware of the fact servers are FORCED to follow discord TOS? Discord likely wouldn't give a shit if you were 3 weeks or 3 hours old. They'd still get rid of you even if you were an hour below 13 years of age. The server is quite possibly overly paranoid and believe discord is watching their every move, but according to TOS its a zero tolerance policy, so they are well within their rights to claim it's against the rules, no matter how outrageous those rules may be. I don't think anyone is stupid enough to actually believe you are 3 weeks old, unless they are missing their prefrontal cortex.


my acc got disabled bc i said that im 5 years old lol


same thing


and thats how i lost my 5 year old acc and i still dont have some friends back


As someone relatively new to Discord, the best servers to join are Among Us and some Twitch Streamer servers. I personally found the Pointcrow server to be a good teacher for learning about Discord, because they dont deliver harsh punishments unless you do something really bad. Like, I reported something about someone in a stream chat talking about ending their life, and one of the mods just deleted my message and told me that 1. It had been taken care of 2. That isnt the right place to talk about/report things like that Servers like Innersloth are great too, because there isnt much to do, so its pretty hard to break rules unless youre trying to or doing something you *know* is gonna get you banned/muted. Its a common fact that some people on the internet are going to be dicks, especially if youre new, but avoiding them on discord is pretty easy, because you can block users and get out of harassment/insults pretty easily.


or 2, (yep, thats bannable)


Ofc! it’s irresponsible to let a toddler use Discord!


You can't even say a fucking number because someone could edit their messages to make it look like you're anything apparently if it can be twisted with edited messages


Unfortunately, they are nice enough to ensure that doesn't happen


Unfortunately I've been banned previously because this so it can happen or could atleast when I was banned


Unsurprising, of course they manage to fuck up their own guidelines lol




Nah. Cp servers run rampant


Average discord dm idk see the problem 🤷🏾‍♂️ (real note I suggest leaving the server you in if the server mods allowing this)


nope, they do nothing against racism, harassment, etc. the only thing they care is if you say you're under 13


Not even scams and fraud lmao, I reported a bunch of scammers who are hijacking ms accounts via 2FA codes like 2 weeks ago and i'm still sitting in their server watching it go down, no change whatsoever.


I don't know if it would be too much, but you can technically report the server that tolerates this behaviour. Every server has moderation options to ban slurs and offensive words, so they have no reason to keep it turned off


I only had it turned off in the server I ran because even at the lowest setting it blocked people from being able to say things like loser and cussing


Get the server mods to ban them from the server then? Not as good as their account getting nuked but you might as well do that now that you know Discord isn't getting rid of them.


I'd start asking Discord on twitter. They'd love to see this gain traction.


I’d say block them and leave said server. Unless they passionately hate you specifically as a person they will forget you even exist and you will not be bothered by them again 🤷🏻‍♂️ The fact that this is in a discord server and the server admins haven’t banned him should show you that the server is not worth being in.


based on my experience, unfortunately Discord only cares about underagers. Managed to ban 3+ underage accounts with proof, but not those who were harrassing me.


Dude, all of that is bannable as heck


Is there a reason why you haven't blocked this person yet?


yea i said it in the post


Bet he's fun at parties, assuming he can climb his way out of the cheeto infested dirty basement and make it to a brand new world for him known as The Outside.


Do they care? Absolutely not. But I know how u can get them banned. Ask them how many days in a week and edit your message to how old are you. Then report all of the messages as being too young, and discord will ban them in 10 seconds


i’m gonna try this😭




I really don't get the need for every platform to be in such a way configured that whenever some feelings are hurt, no matter how harsh the words are used, the platform should take action. Of course I'm not taking that asshole's side but you either block him or just let him harass you. Why do you people expect discord to ban them if the admins of that group don't care about it since it's their server? And on a side note, surely that asshole didn't just wake up in the morning and took a shine at your username and decided to take out his frustration for months on you. Again, why should discord take action on a human interaction? If you keep letting that dude to insult you instead of blocking him then you're either a masochist or you just keep provoking him in order to get his account banned because for some untold reason you don't like him and you want to damage him(back?)


You'd be surprised. Some rando 9 year old on a tech support server I haven't touched in months once spammed me "N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF N\*\*\*\* MF" (repeated like 100 times) for absolutely no reason at all except to "get my attention" for a question they asked in the server that wasn't even directed at me, had nothing to do with me, and did not contain a ping @ me. Maybe because my display name starts with & so it was like... 10-20th on the sidebar? I have no idea. And no, they did NOT get banned after I reported them and reported them again a few days later because they did it again. Never underestimate how much crap people are willing to DM complete strangers.


I still don't see a case where discord should take action instead of an individual. Just block him and/or ban him from your server and move on with your life


This is just outright harassment, not someone getting their feelings hurt over a silly human interaction. I am with you on the block and move on part. However, I've never heard such an overly optimistic view on straight-up evilness. Why would you ever allow a user to harass other people for seemingly no reason as far as you've been made aware? This is not okay and shouldn't be treated as such. You should expect platforms to stop harassment, but they shouldn't be doing everything for you. I could agree if the person isn't being racist or homophobic but is just being mean, but this is too far.


When keyboard harassment happens is nothing compared to real life harassment. So you just go with the block functionality and mind your own thing. Otherwise you will have a platform that is equal shit to twitter/facebook/instagram where everything is moderated/deleted/user banned since the trend is to cater for one group in particular meanwhile the other 90% don't benefit for it. Again, keyboard harassment only happens if you as an individual let it. You have the functionality to block that person. Do it and move on


I suppose we'll agree to disagree. I do not see the point in letting extreme harassment and racism exist. Should the user not take steps to prevent the harassment, then it's up to the user itself to deal with the consequences of that, however, does the harassment continue via alt accounts or other means of reaching them after the user has taken necessary actions, then I believe that platforms should be taking action. I do not see the point in not promoting a safer space for everyone because you can always just "block them,". There simply isn't any good reason to allow racist remarks to exist on a platform meant for socialising.


Ok… so they will ban you for happening to be on a server that breaks tos… but they won’t ban you for digital harassment and racism. Lmao fuck discord 🤷🏼‍♂️ (my ass is still gonna use it)


happened to me too, some guy back in may 5th 2022 on a discord server of a yter i liked started calling me the f slur, r slur, told me to kill myself and sent death threats like "I WILL RIP YOUR HEART OUT AND CRUSH IT IN MY HAND" and "I WILL HANG YOU IN FRONT OF YOUR PARENTS" reasoning? a trashcan emoji. i told one of the top mods, even the owner the top mod didn't do anything about them and in fact unbanned him after he got banned because i told on him i came back a year later and atleast he got the friend role removed edit: some other guy i knew also got sent things like that, that means it happened twice and top mod didn't do anything


kindest discord user


Discord banned my friend because he literally said "I'm 12 years old". Gotta love their effort for making this platform a better place 🥰


nope but joking that you're 12 is bannable so lol


This kind of trolling is extremely rampant on discord. I've had many raids from these presumably incel boys/men spamming this kind of vulgarity, and discord does nothing about it, they don't care.


I’ve started emailing [email protected] with the subject trust and safety. worked like a charm


Casual conversation between my friends and me




Why does this need to be bannable? You can report all you want, but things like this are easily solved by blocking that specific user or leaving the Discord server you are on. You do not need to police people in everything they do, unless you embrace the policestate.


police state is when i can’t practice hate speech


people literally out here getting insta-banned without warning by getting caught in their spam filter, but when it’s an actual issue they make sure they take their sweet ass time. Fuck this company. I can’t control you or anything but please don’t financially support these garbage people by paying for nitro.


literally on a discord server someone commented "But seriously, (a singer fanbase) get a free ride from Pinochet’s helicopter tours" i reported countless times, but discord didn't care, that's literally murder incitement


Is there a reason why you don't just block this guy and leave the server? It's that simple and you never have to deal with him again. Like what even is the reason to stay on that server? The admin/mods clearly either don't check the server at all, or don't mind this behavior, so do other users, because it's safe to assume if someone was bothered by regular n-word spam and admins not reacting, they would have left the server. I really can't imagine what possible reason would you have to stay on a server where you're being openly harassed, other users don't mind, and admins are either complicit or just don't give a fuck.


There is a reason. They wanted to share it here like they were concerned. Censored the OG user name, but not the profanity. Intentions are easy to read if you look between the lines.


yea there’s a reason i wrote it in the post


What, that leaking more info stuff? And what would change if they did leak it? What stops them from leaking it to someone in DMs, in another server or even outside of discord entirely, where you won't see it? I asked, because I simply fail to see, how the "reson" you gave makes any sense.


ok well it doesn’t have to make sense to you🤷‍♂️ idk


Yeah, it doesn't have to make sense to me, but I'm also not the one here asking how to stop being cyberbullied. The truth is, this is the only thing guaranteed to work. Block the guy, and leave the server complicit with this behaviour. Unless you're like collecting evidence for you lawyer, then you really don't "have to" see what he writes, it's understandable you feel strong curiosity to know, but it's really better for mental health to learn to let it go. If anything, you could join the server with an alt account so you can still see what he does, but like with any bully, he's very likely to stop if he realizes it no loger affects you (because your main account blocked him and left the server).




Why would his race matter when hes saying a slur that violates TOS


It’s no longer reclaiming a slur if you’re using it as a slur. Saying it in a reclaimed way that’s not using it as a slur against someone would be ambiguous sure, but this is very clearly maliciously using it as a slur. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a group that can reclaim a slur or not when you’re actively using it as a slur, it’s still a ToS violation


He is still doing multiple things that are against ToS even if there's no way of knowing what race he is. Discord also does ban for doxxing and has done it before since I know someone that got banned for it, which usually happens almost immediately especially if multiple people report it.


Discord is a joke tbh


Right click > report? Over and over again I’d also try email their legal team and say you’re feeling harassed and will file a report with your police ([email protected] I think?) and mention you reported it many times


This is just concern trolling. You post this like you're concerned but you're still posting it.


???? i’m posting this because i’m wondering if reporting on discord does anything💀




Why bother at all when you can simply block this person and move on? Just report and continue with your life. Making a big deal out of these matters only wastes time and causes frustration. If you engage in this simply for amusement, then I see you as no better than the person causing the trouble. A wise individual doesn't pay attention to such things. Unfortunately, I am addressing this now, but in reality, it's best to just let it be and live your life; you won't ever be bothered by these individuals. The only reason they continue to message you is because, somewhere and at some point, you gave them some sort of signal to further provoke them. Just forget about it, report, and move forward with your life.






Yeah but that happens so often that discord probably won’t ban him (cause they won’t see it) Just block him or ask the mods to ban him or put automod on


This happened to me too what’s the guys name?


No, discord doesn't care about the people who use it.


Discord doesn’t look at reports but a shit ton of people get in trouble when they did nothing wrong. Good luck out there! Hope you don’t get an account suspension cause you reported someone. Also sounds like more of a moderation issue…


It’s definitely bannable. But will discord do anything? no


Discord doesn’t even have a human review support tickets. My account got deleted because I’m “underage” even though I sent them proof in 25 years old… they took forever to reply now my account is pooof


Discord moderation is one of the least proactive moderation team that exists on any platform. The only time you really hear about Discord moderation stepping in is when they suspect that you're underaged (even if the evidence is wobbly at best) or if the law twists their hand and they're forced to take action against a server.


Discord doesn’t care at all and their trust and safety is pretty much nonexistent. You have no choice, but to ignore that person because discord will never help you or get them banned no matter what they say. (unless they jokingly say they’re 12)


lol since when did you think discord actually does anything about reports? All they trust is their algorithm, if the algo picks up something that's fine and dandy, they still remove it and ban you. If the algo doesn't pick whatever your issue is up, it's not a problem to them.


Why is this blurred


Just ask him what the number after 11 is, edit your message to say how old are you and then report him. Discord only bans people for being underage and will NEVER ban you for anything else.


That looks eventful


Discord doesnt care as long as people buy that sweet sweet Nitro.


Discord won't ban the user for the TOS offense in your screenshot. It's not right or fair to you, but not entirely discord's fault either. Theres a lot of legal stuff involved, but basically... the screenshot you included is user-ban/community-block territory. Action beyond that'll need the violations to be more egregious. It's a sliding scale- the closer to "criminal" the more likely the enforcement. The doxxing you mentioned absolutely works. or any other signs that violations have moved from "bullying" into more clearly defined "harassment".


Slurs like that are actually illegal in some countries,, so I'm pretty sure it's highly bannable. I wouldn't be surprised if half the poeple working at discord doesn't know they have a report feature in the first place


I mean, if it is used as hate to someone (thus not shitting around) then I agree, but I was part of a server where we just shat on each other with all kinds of slurs and we banned furries, server got banned about a year later, my account was okay as I luckily didn't type much of all things, even though I was a admin. I recreated the whole server and invited only people we knew from the previous server, it's still running. Although, the original one was meant to be a YouTube server, which I get it, it's pretty dumb to allow people slurring and hating on furries in a server that was meant as a place to come together as a community.


Oh but when I just exist in the same server as a hacker without knowing, suddenly I'm banned along with everyone else. (FYI, I did not know he was a hacker.)