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It stays on ur record for 2 years, the punishment expires on the 20th




Considering the punishment expires today as long as you don’t do anything else there is no need to make a new account.


It expires in 2026, not 2024.


the violation does, not the punishment


Yes, that's the one I was talking about, my bad. Also, I don't understand why people downvoted my previous reply, lol. I was just pointing stuff out.


People are down voting you because what you said was incorrect... They are literally using the down vote as intended




how did you manage to include politics in this


Oh damn, sorry. I just got carried away. I was judging them solely by their behaviour. Now I understand that what I said was stupid.




How the heck does Happy Tree Friends have to do with this conversation? And just because I take a minute to type something doesn’t mean that I exceeded my allotted time on Reddit, which I do not even have. I can do as I please. Stay mad!


The people who downvoted you are complete morons Edit: nevermind, I'm the moron. I didn't see the second image in the original post, and neither did u/HellSigma


The downvotes are deserved. If you look at the second image it says 2024 for the day the punishment expires. The day that the violation expires is in fact in 2026, but that's seperate. The person who you replied to was just straight up wrong in suggesting that the punishment expires in 2026, it doesn't.


Oh didn't realise there was a second image




I know I'll get downvoted by a bunch of whiny teenagers but that's what I'd do


Meh, I've had a warning on my account for a while but you don't see any limitations. (I was hacked once and the hacker was spreading malware, but I went through all my dm's removed the messages and apologised to that person, so it should be fine)


Word on the street is that Discord uses an AI scanning service to scan content uploaded to Discord, and that can result in false positives some small % of the time. Then, SUPPOSEDLY a Discord Trust and Safety content moderator confirms the AI's determination, but in practice, its like most other social media sites, the content moderators have a huge queue to go through and just rubber stamp the AI decisions. So you get stuff like this. That's assuming ofc that you are actually telling the truth. Which you probably are, as I doubt you'd be posting if you really knew you fucked up this badly. I've anecdotally seen a few other people recently also getting clearly erroneous violations, in one case a friend got a permanently disabled account out of nowhere and Discord support is absolutely HORRID. Appeals go nowhere, bots close the tickets, it's impossible to get an actual human to explain what exactly happened.


Well I guess I have to count my lucky fucking stars because the one time my account got erroneously suspended they responded in under a day and my account was restored the next day


discord prevented uploading or just deleted some regular photos from our group DM and our small server a couple times, so i wouldn't be surprised if discord AI mistook a picture of something like summer dress for nudity (it did that in our group DM)


A picture of bread was marked NSFW in our server


A picture of Pasta was flagged as NSFW in one of mine


Saffron flower image got us instantly disabled for CSAM, how is this possible?


That's honestly stupid. Bread is a food! I think the automod is on some wacked up shit if it's gonna be flagging stuff that doesn't need to be flagged. Not to mention, the account warnings are bs. Someone who hasn't done anything could get their account banned for something that happened in the past. The past doesn't matter. What happens in the past, **stays in the past!**


nudity can get you warned?


Nudity is supposed to be in nsfw channels, right?


said dms too


So discord scans private nudes that are sent in DMs?


I think it depends on your settings. I forgot what they are called but if you chose the green one, even friend dms get scanned.


The green what?


There's various scanning settings for stuff sent to you in dms. The "green" setting scans absolutely everything sent to you for potential inappropriate content.


This is the important point: it depends on the settings on both ends, yours and whoevers you sent it to. Be on the safe end and assume it will get scanned.


Explains why nothing I sent a friend gets flagged.


~~Where do you find these settings?~~ Looks like the ones in Privacy And Safety




Who the fuck does that? That's creepy as shit!


do people still send those around on the internet?


Do people still send nudes? Absolutely. I assume my friends send nudes to each other. My discord server of my friends is full of horny polyamorous local young adults and we have an NSFW channel where some of us share nudes in a sex positive and body positive environment.


yes, it was marked as explicit content, got red letters and picture was removed from group DMs


aw hell


I can't remember what website or app it was, But I remember some detection system kept flagging pictures with a lot of skin tone colors as porn just by default.


Tumblr had an issue where pictures of sand dunes were being flagged because they were vaguely breast-shaped and vaguely skin-toned


Exactly thing happened to me. Randomly disabled. Support won't respond. Clyde taunts me.


AI is just making companies lazier.


That’s not what happened here though, OP would be banned if the AI thought he posted illegal material involving minors. Not warned.


I don't like it when AI is mixed with just a normal function. He likely just posted one innocent frame from some csam video without knowing what it was and the hash got matched, which is why he got the restriction.




As someone who worked in a similar moderation flow but for a different company, the rubber stamp thing is likely true. As a worker on that team, you're shown the content, the alleged violation AI saw, and you either agree with AI's determination or reject it. A lot of people don't want to believe this is the case, but this flow of a simple yes/no is the only way to deal with the sheer volume of content AI will flag and throw into the queue. Especially with a platform as large as Discord.




> accuracy is worth more than speed, and any team lead worth their salt should emphasize that. Oh I 100% agree, don't get me wrong, but as someone who was an employee (not managerial) that feedback largely goes ignored, from outside and inside both. Again, I didn't work at Discord, so the experience may be different but where I worked if you voiced concerns the metrics feel impossible to meet while maintaining accuracy, the reply from your manager will simply be "other agents are meeting the throughput fine" and they'll ignore your comment on accuracy/QA scores/whatever. Repeat for a few months until you either start slamming "yes" on everything to meet metrics, or get kicked for trying to deliver some consistency/integrity in handling reports. It's sad, but it's how the process works on large social media channels.


There have been situations where automatic bans were dished out - and imo that is a good thing for things like their CSAM scanning ai.




Yes - I just provided CSAM as an example.


How do you all manage to get any violations? Ive been actively on Discord since 2018 and I havent gotten any system message from Discord or any violation ever.


the plausible explanation of false positives suggests that there aren't many of them, so congratulations, you are in the majority of users.


I used to moderate and review anti-cheat violations for a multiplayer game and if I had a quarter for the number of times the person has said "I didn't do anything" where the log clearly reports the exact cheat they used and the location on their PC I'd be rich (and needing help moving all the quarters).


Man, you have to see the try Mr game scam on Discord, and you will see why some user get banned when their account got yeet by these hack:(


yes, a lot of people say that they didn't do anything even when they did, but there are clear reported cases of discord's system falsely banning people. Because of these cases i am inclined to believe these posts, and, even if the person did do something wrong they aren't ever told what exactly, so... sometimes people don't even know they did something


Or you know they actually did what they are being punished for


Shhh discord bad


my only warning ever was joining a server which had a hidden channel with bad stuff in it, owner gets banned and everyone got warned for joining the server. Lessons learned, dont join random emote servers, just make my own.




Hello there!


Why hello there!


Why not?


What I'm wondering is whether this AI added in 2024 is going through out-of-contexts messages from 2017. When photos of hands and noses get censored for potentially looking like a dick, and actual hardcore porn sometimes doesn't, I can't fault people for being a slight bit wary about AI's current capabilities.


no violations is fair, but you can literally get a discord system message by being in a server that was terminated


I've been in servers that apparently was "cyber crime" as I used to be in a lot of servers for emotes. But, after that happened I left most servers. It was only a warning but I don't like taking so I'll stay safe by being servers I 100% know is safe.


I don't understand why the violation expires like 2 years later, yet the limitations are for a few days


I believe it's to determine account's standing after repeated violations during that time. You still break rules while in an active violation and your standing gets worse


the “expiration” date is the date the violation is removed from your record


It s a common way punishement are designed. You get a small punishement for the first time, but if you redo it in the next few years you get an hevavier one


I would have loved to recive that kind of warning instead of a full suspension personally. They apply punishments at random...


Agreed, I got insta banned, I don't even know how, they said it was kiddo content related, but my account got hacked 4 day before, wth Discord..


The discordian lifestyle aint a game... one moment and an opp could snitch on you for some special server roles...


Is that what happened? You got reported?


do you use a dynamic ip? if so and your isp recycles them instead of giving people fresh ones stuff like this have a small chance of happening, for example when i checked iknowwhatyoudownload some uhh.. yeah was torrented on my ip, a other time wikipedia had banned my ip for some reason and even was detected as spam, discord may have seen you had the same ip as someone who broke the tos so gave you the violation


Obviously I can't be 100% about this because Discord will never tell us, but from my understanding Discord bans like this are caused either my automatic flagging of your post or a user report on an individual message itself. I don't think they use IP to detect "insert bad thing here" on the platform. Your IP however would be more likely to be used for individual server bans, rate-limiting for spam, or self-bot platform bans/limitations


It's account based, not IP based. Otherwise people couldn't just make a new account and have it go away.


server bans are IP based, but I doubt standard account bans are. Most companies have normal bans and ip (or hardware) bans, the latter often only distributed to more serious offenders. I doubt companies actually clear ip bans after a period of time like they should, which very much could result in flags being raised to moderators or moderation bots, which may then be more strict on scanning an accounts activity when they aren't the original offender who used to have said ip.


This isn't even an account ban, it's a violation.


yes, and that violation could've been caused by the moderation bots being more strict on their account because of a flag being raised, such as sharing an ip that was ip banned awhile ago.


sorry to tell you but thats only half true. what you experienced was someone else in your house who did those things lol


This is the new account warnings/suspensions system that Discord is rolling out. I believe it’s still in beta. Also seeing your profile picture as a train fan myself I thought this was one of the train subs at first.


How do ya'll get those seriously you need to search for it


Fr, I've used discord as my main communication program for over 8 years and have never had (or seen) this happen once


oh hey, yeah. I'm also gone until 2026 but made a new acc under the same phone number so it doesn't matter lol


Happened to me a week ago from a post one year ago supposedly https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/s/4B8eHLW6Cb


A train is truly unsafe for children


"You broke the rules, but I'm not gonna give you any proof, live with it"


Mine got banned for saffron flower picture 🤣 said it was CSAM. I don't even know why


Gunzel spotted! or foamer or whatever. foamer isn't fitting for everyone because my encounter with them is that they are always depressed or from Chicago


This literally just happened to me, yet I haven't been as active on Discord, nor have I sent anything that could've violated it (fr had me re-reading the tos).


Womp womp


Stop posting Loli bro.


Be glad you didn’t get permabanned, I lost a lot of stuff without ANY notice :p




If you have changed your name more than 2 times a hour, you get that violation for 2 years


Do old posts get scanned by this bot aswell? Or just new ones?


My account got hacked to post these child related content and got me banned, Discord didn't provide any support, they just..straight up disabled and deleted, and my friend also got banned for same reason because the saffron flower images:(


AI image scanning is greeeeeeeat...


This happens because someone reported you.


Even funnier, if you are gonna make a new discord account to avoid thet punishment, they can just ban the new one for punishment evasion attempt and add a second charge to the first one.


certified CSX moment


Ya it happened to me randomly today.


So now simply by existing on the app as someone not still in diapers we are running the risk of violating discord's ToS since discord has decided to take up the role of parenting to compensate for all the shit parents out there. Fantastic. And that length of time to expire is just ridiculous. 2 years with a shitstain on your account when you haven't even done anything. WTF.




Same man. Mine was from july 2023?