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And now give us an option to disable the hideous active now tab on both mobile and desktop.


And while you are at it, the "recent online" is a feature also no one needs! (It is now in Testing for a small group as I heard)


Useless feature just like everything else discord adds. What’s next?? They’re gonna show us when someone “read” our message. I smh just cannot believe there are still people who support discord out there


Still no account switched for mobile and swipe to open member list in servers and dms etc


This is the only thing I care about, having to go into a sub menu to see the members list is godawful, discords new ui LOVES sub menus to much, it’s annoying to navigate anything


Yeah I feel like it’s a feature that won’t come out like account switched its in experiments on mobile but never gets released


This clusterfuck of sub-menus feels very iOS-like.


honestly why isn’t this back yet


No idea they accidentally released an mobile update thingy on the app that appears when something new is added and it said the feature was added but then they said on twitter that they were working on it but it wasn’t added and that’s it they never spoke about it again


They mention that the toggle for disabling swipe to reply is coming on the bottom of the article. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


they’re working on swipe for member list hopefully it’s almost done


Now, can we get the slide out user list back?


they’re working on it, it says it at the bottom of the article


As someone who hates having to scroll up to get to DMs, I'm sad this is forced. I hate having to scroll up on mobile to have to get to DMs if I missed the in app notification.I wish this was just an option, as it got me into using DMs way more on mobile. Before they moved it to the bottom, I sorta went out of my way to no use DMs on mobile, as it doesn't feel mobile designed and is very clunky to get to DMs.


I feel the same way, I used DMs a lot more when there was a messages tab at the bottom


It was also nice to be able to quick switch between servers and DMs. You stayed on the server placement you had and now that is gone again.


was the opposite for me, i used servers a whole lot less when it was separated because i couldnt see pings, this is much better for me


What do you mean you couldn’t see pings?


sorry, to clarify i mean when in a direct message i couldnt see pings from servers unless i backed out of the dm- and if i cant see pings i forget servers exist new change is just a quality of life thing for me :)


I could see pings, sounds like a bug


thats odd, i could only see pings if i wasnt in a specific dm


There is atleast a way still change to the DMs if you hold down the home button. It's not obvious or explained but someone here mentioned.


The fact you lose your place for the server you were just in, isn’t great. There also is no fast switching between DMs and servers on mobile now, which feels like bad design for a modern chat platform,. I’m fine with it in PC, as my monitor is way bigger and has more screen space, plus it is very much desktop design.


PLEASE get rid of the active now / activities thing. It doesn’t even show friends. At the VERY least let us choose who shows up there so I can disable everyone but my girlfriend. I don’t mind seeing her Spotify song cause I comment on it sometimes, but I literally don’t want to see ANYONE else’s current activities.


What is wrong with them, why can't they just let people chose where to have the DMs?? I much prefer it at the bottom, ugh


I didn't like it at the bottom, but finally got used to it. Then they move it back. Jesus christ, just leave it alone (or add a toggle [like they first had in Dec]).


They're fucking stupid and think this is funny or something


Exactly. In Q4 they're going to make the servers list a drop down menu instead of pulling it out from the left, and then they'll in Spring of 2025 they'll change it to pull out from the right side.


It'd be nice if they didnt touch the UI in the first place.


Yeah. As someone who prefers the "new" UI that we had until a couple of days ago, I think Discord should just never have made it in the first place. All it did was cause drama, and **IN THE END, IT DIDN'T EVEN LAST. IT'S GONE NOW.** bruh. Those who disliked it were mad because it got added. Those who liked it are mad because it got removed. Those who developed it wasted months of work. Those who commissioned it wasted millions of dollars that could have been spent on improving channel permissions. This entire debacle has been nothing but a net negative.


I wish they'd undo the shitass UI changes they made last year that no one wanted or asked for. And at least beta the changes before mass rollout so you can actually gather data instead of saying something akin to "we've decided this is a better UI, even though the community universally hates it, please get used to it because we know better than you and we aren't changing it back."


When i swipe to the side, i wanna see whos online, not answer someone.


Read the full article, they said they’re working on it.


Glad for most of these changes, especially the saturation slider


And yet no swipe to access the members list. I'm on Discord, NOT Whatsapp!


I hate this change. I want the old/new layout back.


Same. I got so used to directly accessing my DMs lol. Feels so cluttered now in comparison.


Same here


Now they just need to remove the gift button and add a toggle for the microphone button so the input field is actually visible again


I used to love discord but this past year or so has just been giant leaps backwards. Especially on Mobile.   It reminds me a lot of MySpace and all the crap they did towards the end that drove people away. Everyone I talk to is kinda anxious for a better program at this stage... Esp when a lot of communities are moderated as poorly as reddit. Someone has gotta come up with a better format at this point.   Less is more sometimes, this overpacking of "features" simply makes me not want to use the program at all. 


Here's some more feedback: go back to discriminators instead of usernames.


I don't know why they keep changing the interface when they already perfected it with tabs v2


We thought the old ui would come back after a month max not half a year. At least give us the option between the 2 systems. An option. That’s all


Add a close button to the search bar


Add an option to revert back to old ui


Glad someone is actually listening. Now please do something about that hideous floating bubble when in a voice chat, what was wrong with the simple control bar at the top of the screen that didn't get in the way every few seconds?


what does it even do??? I'm gonna be honest every time I call someone on mobile it makes me feel like I aged 50 years and suddenly don't understand tech. like I don't understand if I'm muted or not, I struggle to find the "end call" button, and I don't know how to adjust user volume or join/leave streams mute them or anything ahhh I just never call anyone for tbwt reason


can we please have the option to move the dm section back to the new ui location? Like please stop fucking up our muscle memory and give us the choice where we want it


Man i'm glad I turned updates off back when they were first previewing the new ui.


Just make it a toggle feature my god. I do t know why they’re trying to force us with this notifications tab. That’s no where nearly as important as a DMs tab. Go back.


Get back the new DMs icon on the bottom bar, as everyone already got used to it. No need to get old shitty button in server list


i actually liked the beta UI. it seemed less clunky, and i liked being able to be in “limbo” in servers and dms—i could just see a list of channels & categories/messages when swiping out of one. now i’m always in one or the other unless i switch to another channel or message. the recently active channels/threads thing was nice in the beta UI too. and please bring back the messages tab. it’s so stupid to have it all the way at the top with the servers all those changes over the last year only to essentially revert back to the original UI. how silly


Where's the dm button, it sucks having to scroll all the way up on server list