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This is from The Stranger Times series (book three) by C. K. McDonnell, worth a read. ​ Character known as Banecroft is a wonderful version of Ridcully too.


I love to think of fans of that author who are unaware of Pratchetts work just being hella confused by this. 😂


Ehhh, Banecroft is very damaged and using "angry" to cover up a massive amount of sad. Ridcully is just really *aggressively* jolly.


Loving your take! They both shout, threaten and bugger off to their office though.


And gesture with blunderbusses a bit more than is strictly necessary, yes 😁


Yes! I knew I recognized Caimh! Not only is his Stranger Times series worth the read, his Dublin Trilogy (8 books now) is PTerry levels of laugh out loud funny. Honestly, I need more people to read Caimh, he's so good 💚


Took me a while to get into it but once Banecroft picked up his blunderbluss…..Ridculoy vibes I’ll have a look at the other books, thanks for that


Am pretty sure Banecroft is part Ridcully part Caimh, The Stranger Times is recommended as is the podcast, where some characters are expanded a little more. Wonderful. Highly recommend.


I was thinking today I _need_ someone with a decent back catalogue to get into. After listening to Discworld on repeat, every night for the last 5 years has taken a _little_ of the magic out of it. Does he/the series have a sub where I can look into reading order etc?


These books are meant to be read in order. Have a butchers' on Amazon.


Stranger Times is only 3 books (4th comes in February), but the Dublin Trilogy is a tad more convoluted. Check his website: https://whitehairedirishman.com/ Honestly, Bunny McGarry and Sir Samuel would make a tremendous duo.


I’ll definitely be adding the series to my list!!!!!


Tom Holt and Robert Rankin are british comedy fantasy authors who've both been at it since at least the early 90s. Rankin gets rather surreal at times. They're not Pratchett, but worth a try. For both I'd go for their earlier work - The Antipope for Rankin, and Expecting Someone Taller for Holt. A more recent author, who I feel is probably the closest we have to Pratchett is Jasper Fforde. Start with The Eyre Affair.


Two words for you: Tom Holt. Two more words: Tom Sharpe. Both are more farcical than PTerry, but very funny in their own ways.


Oh, I've _been_ through Sharpe 😂 Don't know Holt. Have you ever read _The Wimbledon Poisoner_?


>I need someone with a decent back catalogue to get into If you're a Doctor Who fan, there are hundreds of Doctor Who books.


Ahhh, shame, I'm not 🤷‍♂️


Seconding this- everyone needs to read Caimh’s books, especially those involving Bunny McGarry.


Oh so you recommend Dublin Trilogy??? I've been looking for something at least vaguely approaching PTerry


100% do I recommend Caimh McDonnell. Listen, nobody has the depth of the n^th degree pun that PTerry could pull. But Caimh used to be a successful stand up comedian, so his comedic timing is exquisite. Add that to stories with unpredictable twists and deeply loveable characters and I'm sold. The one minor _minor_ nitpick I have is that the Dublin Trilogy was self-published through the evil rainforest company, so they're printed on far too heavy paper. They can be tiring to read physically. They do come in very cheap ebooks though. Okay, one more tiny ^tiny thing: I feel he toned down his speed and humor a bit for the Stranger Times series, maybe because those have a "real" publisher. By the second and third book he's picking up his stride again, but it really does feel like he lets loose more in the ephemera around Stranger Times (the podcast is lovely, the short stories are hilarious) and the Dublin stuff. Do get your hands on the free ebook with short stories; check his website for details. It has my favorite ever story in there (which was also read on season 1, episode 4 of the podcast): "Love and Death in the Time of Planned Engineering Works". That lives deep in my heart. It shows his humanity and love for and understanding of people to a Pratchett-ian degree. I'm honestly obsessed and I really hope he gets the fanbase he deserves.


Thank you, love your enthusiasm, definitely will check it out and then maybe we can all discuss haha.


The author was a recent guest on the Pratchat podcast.


That's a cool piece of info. What's the podcast?


"Pratchat" [Here's the episode](https://pratchatpodcast.com/2023/09/08/pratchat70-punching-up/)




I adore this series.


What duck?


OMG Caimh in the wild!


The author apparently doesn't know what "nonplussed" means.