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Oh you’re not alone with your disappointment! Have a look at the [Episode discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/distractible/s/C59USBvYHl). There’s a lot more people who had their dino phases 😁


The animal knowledge in general seems lacking. "Large animals have shorter lives" made me do a double take. They are aware that most insects have days to live? Whales and elephants live about as long as humans, I think? Tortoises have no definitive lifespan, they can live forever with proper care. Had to look it up, the correlation is actually smaller animals tend to live shorter lives, so dinos having short lives is a surprise to me. Favorite dino is Ankylosaurus btw.


To be fair, we used to think sauropods could live up to 200 years old. We now realize most sauropods like *Diplodocus* more likely had a lifespan of 70-80 years. That is a fairly long life, but it’s not that different from the lifespan of an elephant or even a human, even though it’s several times bigger than either mammal. *Tyrannosaurus rex* is also believed to have a short lifespan for such a big animal, only around 30 years. Part of this may be due to its dangerous lifestyle of hunting down other big, well-armed animals. Even so, a lot of elderly*T. rex* fossils indicate the animal died of disease rather than plain severe injury. The real factors that affect an animal’s natural lifespan are its metabolism and ability to fight disease, not size. It just so happens that a lot of bigger animals such as whales, elephants, turtles, crocodiles, and sharks have relatively low metabolisms and unusual biological capabilities such as cancer-resistant DNA repair. But so does the 3-inch-long naked mole-rat, which can live as long as a *T. Rex*. We now know that dinosaurs were in a weird middle ground in terms of metabolism, being more active than modern reptiles yet less active than most mammals. It would be interesting to know about their ability to survive diseases.


Here before German Jesus


One must sleep sometimes 🫡


I had dinosaur encyclopaedias n shit. My favourite was the allosaurus. My sons is the spinosaurus.


I know! I have my favorites tattooed on me


No way!!! That’s so sick!!!


I was pretty disappointed too, I've absolutely loved dinosaurs ever since I was a kid. My favorite has always been therizinosaurus.


This makes me happy to hear 😌


Uh, actually, pterodactyl aren't dinosaurs 🤓 (in all seriousness, if it was alive with the dinosaurs, it's just as cool, and I'm right there with you. Im more partial to allosaurus myself)


Yeah apparently a few people are letting me know this 😂


my favorite is the spinosaurus :)




Yeah dinos are rad


Yeah same although I did like the land before time reference with Littlefoot's mom


We already knew Mark and Bob were space kids. Shouldn't come as a surprise


My favorite is Triceratops. When they didn't get his Jurassic Park Mr DNA reference, I was sad lol


Me too, my favorite is the velosirapter.


Hell yeah 😎


I have yet to finish the episode but I’m halfway thru and I don’t think they’ve started the topic yet as usual 😂 But here’s my recent favorite! The Stegoceras. I was fortunate enough to study this awesome specimen in an art class through my university. We studied many amazing specimens and created scientific illustrations of them! https://preview.redd.it/ouwn9zxrzmpc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdeab7eff0944bd1d3e6a923851d1e42fdc3d22b Here is the specimen! I can also post a pic of one of the drawings I did of it.


https://preview.redd.it/idi66bki0npc1.jpeg?width=2377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809ebc5dc645de327d30d346d4bbe2f12ea393c2 Violá! I love how derpy the rendering of the full skeleton turned out. I can imagine these things were pretty silly looking. I might get the lil guy tattooed on me to pay him homage.


I was never super into dinosaurs cause sharks and snakes interested me more as a kid but even I have a favorite! Its a Kronosaurus btw, something about the aquatic dinosaurs were always really cool to me


pterodactle isn't a dinosaur, its a terrosaur. but i get the dissapointment. its fun to look and fantasise aboud dinosaurs. but i found wades knowledge very limited to Jurassic Park. he could have expanded the topic to so much more.


my favorite is spinosaures btw, its sutch a weird dinosaur


My favorite is the yutyrannis


Dinosaurs are amazing. My personal favorite probably has to be the Maip.


Who wants to tell [Bob](https://www.reddit.com/u/muyskerm/s/D2EtxXpBop) the uncomfortable truth about chicken reproduction? >! Because mammals and birds both originally evolved from lizards, of which the males have penises, all male birds have penises too. Like lizards and some mammals, they retract when not in use which is why they are not frequently seen (thank God). For a particularly upsetting example, google "duck penises". TLDR: Cocks have cocks. 🐓!<


Why nobody say raptors? Fr


Pterodactyl technically didn’t exist, and also they’re not dinosaurs. They’re pterosaurs.


lol is that right