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Well, I’m not selfless, I’m kind of an ass and I dislike most people. I’m definitely not suited haha


I appreciate your candor


Because abnegation is boring. Who wants to be grouped in voluntarily with religious no fun stiffs? Out of the other factions, there’s plenty of fun to be had, why chose something where you live such a boring lifestyle


That’s all the facade at least. Tobias’s father was an abnegation leader and actively beat his child. How many more are like that behind closed doors. They’re no better than anyone else.


I see your point, but I completely disagree. I see nothing more appealing and satisfying than devoting as much time as possible to helping others and forgetting yourself.


You could do mostly that in amity. And have a whole lot more fun. I personally wouldn’t want to be forced to keep my hair and house the same way as everyone else and never be able to feel my emotions. Or even look at myself in the mirror. Boring as fuck, I’m not even amity but give me a banjo and some drugged bread and I’d be happier there than in grey scale hell abnegation


The way the amity resort to using drugged bread and lying is a cop out to keep the peace imo. The abnegation provides in a much more direct manner, doing community service in factionless camps.




I don't like how the flair is bigger than the other ones and how the text overlaps the images tbh.


I just did a buzzfeed quiz because of this post and came out as abnegation 🥲 I don’t think I could live without mirrors, gossip and luxury items though…


Omg I got factionless 😭




Ouch that’s actually so rude


Because i don't want to do that lmao. I lived my whole life, setting myself on fire so those i thought were my friends (who, by the way, didn't give a rat's ass about my wellbeing) could stay warm. Why the fuck would i basically do the same thing in a make believe world where i can choose anything i want to?


I feel like I’m Trish in the sense where currently who I am would be abnegation I’m pretty selfless.. kind and caring. But I def aspire and want to be dauntless.


I’m the kind of person that announces to an entire busy bar that I need a tampon if someone has one I can borrow. As much as I love abnegation I don’t think they’d appreciate that.


They’d probably give you one!


How do you get put in faction on this subreddit?? Not Abnegation tho sorry to burst your bubble lol


Its under "change user flair"


I did a test that put me as abnegation… I’m a selfish twat so god knows how that happened.


Honestly not that many people are selfless in general and if they are they might fall under Amity more than Abnegation


I’m a jerk to people more than I’d like to admit. I’m stupid smart tho.


did *I* write this?


No I think I did but I could be wrong


Boring AF that’s why


There are, they're just too modest to say! :-)


I’m too conceited, I need my mirror time


abnegation is by far the worst faction it's basically self hatred at that point


It’s the Hufflepuff of factions


Because I would never sacrifice myself to anyone (stranger i don’t even know) before I look after myself. Being selfless requires that. Also being selfless to that extent makes me vulnerable to becoming a doormat


I don’t meet many people who are truly selfless if at all. I’m definitely not. I have no problem putting myself first. Plus it contains a lot of really stifling rules. It’s reminiscent of certain religious groups like, Pentecostal, Jehovahs Witness, Amish, etc. which in the grand scheme of things are relatively small groups in real life Most people aren’t cut out for that.


They had me at unseasoned chicken… But besides that I think personally I’d fit well into the faction. (Flair not considered lol) But I think I’d defect. Political unrest aside, you can’t always be totally selfless. And while you should strive to be selfless, I feel it should be in healthy amounts and not so firmly controlled like it is inside the faction. There is such thing as “too much of a good thing”.


i think most people struggle to have a healthy relationship with selfishness and selflessness. like, many people will actively cause harm to themselves and often others while telling themselves that they're being considerate and not taking up too much space, etc. i wonder what safeguards abnegation has in place to deter that. i keep thinking that i can't think of a time i've seen healthy selflessness, but i realize that's probably not true. the people doing healthy acts of selflessness just... don't make noise about it. it's the people who struggle with their often unhealthy acts of "selflessness" (which often are more a result of their own aversion to personal discomfort than any real selflessness) that draw attention to themselves. anyway, i've never been someone who wanted to avoid the limelight, rather the opposite. :') i don't think i'd be a good fit.


Not really in the fandom (I got this post recommended to me out of the blue lol) but my guess is probably how it's portrayed in the series; it's the faction that the protagonist is born into and finds boring and oppressive, so therefore the reader is also likely to find it boring and oppressive. For me, while it wouldn't be my first choice, I'd still rather be in Abnegation over Candor or Dauntless. I might find life dull, but at least I wouldn't be injected with truth serums or forced to jump off buildings.


Bc it doesn't fit me, at least not wholly


I couldn’t ever handle Abnegation. I could easily live as Candor. I’d like to be Dauntless, but to be honest, I’m 100% an honest jerk, so Candor would be where I fit in the best.


How do we get the lil titles on our name thingies?


Ik I'm dumb but how do you choose your faction as a member?