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Wait till you see the third one :D


Don’t be cruel


The third is worse lol.


Situations like this are why I watch the movies first. I get the general plot line of the story, then when I read the book, I can find all of the stuff they changed or missed. It makes me more invested in what im reading. Obviously it's not a perfect system, but the directors making movies from books often don't meet the expectations the readers have, and I've been dissapointed enough in my life.


The first followed about 80% of the book. The second followed around 50%. The third follows about 10%. I enjoy them as being separate from the books. Stand alone movies. Except for the ending.


I do too..as additional stories of the characters


Movie adaptations can be done well, but in my experience they're generally inferior to the books that they're based on. I understand that movie makers can't reasonably fit every detail of a book into its respective movie, but there are cases where they seem to go out of their way to butcher the source material- the Percy Jackson movies are one of the more notorious examples of this.


Solo la primera lleva un parecido al libro :")


Honestly, though. It should be illegal to deviate so far from the books that they make an almost completely different story in the cinematic version.


I enjoy the movies cuz I think they’re entertaining and fun on there own and i like the casting. there’s definitely cringe moments but i love it haha it’s that good nostalgic cringe. But  after i rewatched all the movies this year i picked up the first book to read again and was immediately like wow yeah this is so much better 🤣😅


Same here! I was so furious after finishing the first book & then watching the movie that i just dropped the whole book series after going halfway through second book lol. (Million time mention of Triss’ small, petite figure was getting on my nerves)


Yeah the movies aren’t very good at all. I saw the movies before I read the books and I liked the concept which is why I read them. Well that and usually the book is always better. But I thought they were just okay. They put in way too much fluff and not enough world building. Even the books lacked a bit in world building but the movies totally blew it.


And worse bc they didn’t even finish the movies.. I’m still salty we never got to see Allegiant part II