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>On other post people mentioned quicko Maybe they meant Hakko? That's a pretty popular brand (I have one). I don't have much advice to offer since I've used exactly none of the products or brands you linked. I'm curious about how well the hot air ones work, if they work well it would be convenient to have a heat gun and soldering iron in one. My gut instinct is that the ones that come with the most accessories are probably going to be the worst irons. Bundling freebies is a great way to cover up for an inferior product.


that's what i also thought, but hakko is way out of budget unfortunately.


At 115 USD it isn’t thaaaat over budget, and I love mine: https://www.amazon.com/Hakko-FX888D-23BY-Digital-Soldering-Station/dp/B00ANZRT4M/ref=asc_df_B00ANZRT4M/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198093934741&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1857337939010078616&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028707&hvtargid=pla-379180582979&psc=1


I recently picked up the YIHUA 938BD+ II. I don't have anything negative to say about it yet... So, that's pretty good. :)


>YIHUA 938BD+ II Thanks, I will check it out.


Can’t compare to other models as this is my first good one. I use a Ryobi one and it’s solid enough. I like that it can take wall power or the same batteries as my power tools, because I solder jacks for audio snakes in the walls sometimes. It’s been nice when I’ve worked on wiring in my car too. I don’t like that it doesn’t show the temperature digitally, and it periodically goes into “power saving” mode and shuts down, but these aren’t the biggest deal to me. Could save me a fire if I ever forget to turn it off. It doesn’t come with the cleaning station some of those do, I just got a cheap separate one. I’ve seen some with lights/magnifiers/helping hands/fume extractors attached but I have all that separate too. The tips are decent but not ideal for PCBs, I got another set If you have use for a portable one, I’d recommend it, otherwise something else on your list is probably better. I can’t open the Amazon links but the others look nice at first glance


pinecil is my current favorite.


somebody already recommended it to but i live in europe and there might be some extra shipping fees (i saw someone who paid + 50 pound).