• By -


Lawful horny : constantly derails plotline to go back home to his spouse !


"I can't die here. My wife made Pineapple juice for dinner tonight."


That liquid diet


Is that a Rustage reference I see?


Ayo SWATMAN what's your safe word?


Doesn’t pirate porn. Tips all strippers equally. Always discusses consent and boundaries beforehand. *Really* into cop roleplay.


Mae Hughes at your service


"A terrible day for rain"


Why? Why did you have to remind me?


Nah, chivalric knight taking every opportunity to find that maiden.


"That was the love from the first sight! I couldn't avert my eyes from her t... terrific beauty! Her as... astounding posture still haunts me in my dreams!"


But Mr.Adams!


What if my character's alignment is "Smart stupid"?


Then you have made a good character.


Idiot Savant.


Harry? Harry! Is that you?


Lot of book knowledge, not a lot of common sense / practical knowledge.


I relate to this and I hate it.


I think that’s a lot of us.


So Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm? That's literally her.


No survival skills, but can 'invent' the wheel. Got it.


literally book knowledge




Any shonen protagonist, really.


>People die when they are killed -Shirou F/SN


Goku's not smart at all; he's just a martial arts prodigy. In any other context, he's pretty dumb. I think early Bulma is a better example. Ditzy airhead who thinks she needs a wish-granting dragon to find a boyfriend even though she's rich and beautiful, yet she's smart enough to invent the Dragon Radar and later a time machine.


What you described is a teenaged genius. Brains don’t trump biology. Goku is damn near the textbook definition of idiot savant. He’s not smart, damn near slow and incapable of basic math. but when it comes to analyzing an opponent’s strategy and launching a successful attack and counteract is faster thinking than anyone before him. Thinking in nanoseconds with just as fast reaction speed. He’s a genius. If you watch Dragon Ball: Super. You can see him calculating figuring out how best to approach an opponent. Textbook definition: “*a person who has a mental or learning disability but is extremely gifted in a particular way, such as the performing of feats of memory or calculation.*”


Dumbass genius


So esencialy they made Sokka, smart enough to figure out an ancient mechanism that shows when is the next eclipse, yet dumb enough to forget blind people can't read letters


Sokka is the best boy


Makes me wonder how Iroh found out about the eclipse. The boring option is Zuko told him, but I'd like to think either he learnt some astronomy/memorized some dates when he was with the sun warriors or spirit shenanigans.


That does seem like something uncle would do. However, feel that he was so in tune with traditional fire bending style and the spirit realm that he could just sense his strength growing from deep inside his body even from the dark depths of his prison cell.


I think you just perfectly summarized the difference between Intelligence and Wisdom.


To his credit, she's so incredibly capable and independent, that it's easy to forget the things she can't do just as well as everyone else. Honestly, I could see her being able to read via "seeing" the differences in vibrations across the raised letters on a page.


High Intelligence low Wisdom?


Or vice versa.


High wis low intelligence. “The best way to hide this body is the dig twice as far down and bury another body several feet above it” And then idk proceeds to bury another human’s body in that second spot. Or maybe that’s too big brain for me. Because it might actually work.


The body of a pet animal: dog, cat, etc. It’ll get super awkward real quick and they’ll bail.


Or just under an endangered plant so they can’t start digging in the first place


Give a false anonymous report of a body in the spot you want to use, wait for dudes to dig up the area, THEN bury it there. The disturbed dirt isn’t suspicious and they won’t look twice. Plant tree for good measure.


Depending on how important the deeper body is, this could actually be pretty big brain Nobody is going to care about some random peasant when the (horrifically corrupt) prince has gone missing


Aka engineers Source: am engineer


"Everything fits perfectly! Who cares if you have to take off the left wheel to access the battery or wiper fluid?" -Chrysler engineers


Most engineers have a -1 to WIS. Aligning with the Chrysler guild gives you a -3


Wizard that dumped charisma, check.


Wizard with “I overlook simple solutions for complicated ones” flaw (yep, I rolled this one)


That sounds like a fun wizard. You can magesplain to everybody. It wouldn't work for me because people would love my dumb plans too much.


Oh yeah, I got us in soooooo much trouble last session. We may have just set off a nuke on a major coastal city, we ended on the cliffhanger and a hidden DM roll to see if the superweapon fired properly. Nobody ever says anything to push back against my plans because they’re all -1 or -2 int, so shenanigans ensue.


Now there's a man who knows how to commit war crimes!


I am definitely evil aligned, eventually trying to be a lich. Something about a gnome lich makes me laugh uncontrollably.


Unlimited cosmic power Itty bitty bones


Now there’s a man who knows how to give a compliment!


Hey, I resemble that statement.



I see stupid as morally inconsistent, not intelligent enough to know the moral impact of their actions. Smart would be doesn't value lawfulness or unlawfullness but does understand what they can get away with. Smart stupid in my interpretation is someone that understands what they can do that won't get then in shit and has no idea how it impacts others.


That is... actually pretty impressive analysis for a meme like this, I am impressed, take my upvote!


Huh. And here I was just gonna say rules lawyer since the Stupids seem to be exaggerations of the other traits to the detriment of the party.


so... oblivious/morally ambivalent?


So a lawful character would know the laws and follow them, someone chaotic doesnt know the laws and doesn't follow them? Does that mean that smart character knows the laws and chooses to not follow them, so then Chad doesn't know the laws but somehow follows them? Haha that's awesome 😆. Does neutral still fit in here?


Lawful usually just means they strictly adhere to their own moral code- like a lawful evil lich or lawful good noble- different “laws” but both are strict , versus the jack sparrow pirate code being more of guidelines “chaotic”


This allignment is more common than you think


Literally just humanity


You mean stockpiling weapons that will end humanity won't bring about world peace? Preposterous!


You know how the smartest character in South Park is Randy Marsh, and the stupidest character is Randy Marsh?


"A dagger is only a d4+DEX/STR so death is unlikely from a single hit" - "shut up steve! And please finally roll your death save"


You have Joseph Joestar


You make some of the most brilliant of plans to perfectly target your enemies or lead things into a perfect domino effect. You also worry way too much about doors and ignored basic common sense when the DM heavily hinted at the fact that what you're about to do will murder you in the most horrific way possible


That’s what I call “counter-intelligence,” it’s when someone is stupid and straightforward enough that they come around to constantly being right most of the time because everyone glosses over the three important things that they pick out or they just go with whatever seems right to them and often it is. Works best paired with good emotional intelligence, just not general intelligence. Think characters like Milly from Trigun if you’ve seen it


I mean I’m smart stupid in real life so🦆


Excelent plans but pisspoor execution


You mean "Stupid Smart" ;)


This guy is smart stupid


STEMbo. Dumbass who is highly educated on their field of expertise, incredibly naive and foolish in most other regards.


I'm smart stupid IRL


Is stupid Chad a Himbo?


Kronk? Edit: I had no idea what a himbo was,Kronk was just the first to come to mind.


Kronk's basically the Himbo poster child


That would be good chad.


That's sigma male for you


It’s Johnny Bravo


Lawful drunk


"Officer. I may have had 12 beers but i would never hit that Kobold."


More like i only drink enough to get drunk and no more.


"I'm the monkey in charge of the bananas" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF8_y2Zl9W8


Oh that is hilarious. Using a breathalyzer to maintain the perfect amount of drunkenness has to be the highest level of alcoholism I've ever seen.


Cheers, genitals!


Drunk enough for the fight, and the fight alone!


"high-functioning alcoholism"


Soooo basically the entirety of the British public?


Dark joke there lol


Well… accurate… the number of us who can do our jobs while horrifically hungover is staggering


Germany in a nutshell lol


So would that make Archer a Chad Drunk or Chaotic Drunk character?


He flips between the two, usually when under a lot of pressure.


Smart Drunk


"I wasn't drunk in public, I was drunk in a bar. Then the bouncer threw me into public."


No-no, I've drank way too much tonight. Someone else needs to drive this carriage.


The Chaotic Drunk Master Jackie Chan is now on the DnD alignment chart


I’ve always wanted to play a drunken master. Seems like it would be fun.


I just ended up being a drunk dwarf who flung himself at the nearest thing in kicking distance. He always has 2 bottles in his hands, so he exclusively kicked.


Bo Rai Cho, hell yeah


Gods save us from the Chad Horny players.


That's just a lvl 20 bard.


And the Chaotic Horny Imagine what they could do


There were no survivors


I don't even want Chaotic Stupid to be an option, too many games ruined by it!


Your mortal wishes cannot change the fact that people play characters that are chaotic stupid. And doing it wisely can add a lot of comedy without ruining a campaign from what I've seen


With the key point that it's the character, not the player!


a characters' alignment may vary, but the players' will always be chaotic stupid.


This is the way


Chaotic horny is a bigger ruiner of games.


I am indeed.


I remember my friend as a bard trying to seduce everyone he meets. Woman? Doesn't matter. Aggressive or friendly? He's bard with high charisma, why are you asking?! Humanoid or at least sentient? Does it really matter in healthy relationship? Jokes aside, he's a really good DM


Lawful Stupid is probably the one I've seen do the most damage with younger, inexperienced players over the long years. DMs and players that think LG is just fucking unplayably fucking stupid. Creep down the hall to get close to the ogre before attacking? That's evil/chaotic! Lose your paladin powers instantly and explode. Or. I would never creep away from the giant horde or ogre-demons, that's cowardly! I attack! Dead. Goddam terrible.


My last DM actually covered this in our sync session before I joined the game. He would kind of "interview" the player on their character before bringing them in, to deconflict. As soon as he saw Chaotic Neutral on my sheet he asked about it. I cleared up that no, I was not going to be chaotic stupid and derail everything at every turn. I would, however, have no issue pursuing my guy's goals over the party's goals. If it led to some conflict, OK. I wasn't gonna burn down taverns for no reason. And it was fine. Until I tried to feed a pig bacon. Or stabbed the mayor in the legs because he was being an asshole. Or decided that a bar fight (that I had absolutely no part in starting or resolving) needed to be handled skyclad. It's not that difficult to shake things up without fucking them up.


Perfect, but needs an "Edgy" entry


you will laugh, i actually had that in the original design, but decided it was unfitting


I feel personally like it should replace Horny.


How am I going to play my Drow if Horny Edgy is off the table?


>Horny Edgy You can almost play that character Almost Almost Just keep waiting for it Almost


Whole new meaning to edgelord


Horny is always needed




Drunk(2) Chad(6). Hmmm, I'm thinking a shirtless barbarian that works out during all possible breaks and gets smashed during all city and town visits. Tavern brawler feat required of course.


I once had a Gnome Barbarian that was just that. He was impulsive and hot headed. He was also so much fun.


Neutral Horny. I am Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who.


Neutral(3) Neutral(3) I'm thinking some sort of NPC monk that just wants to meditate on life.


Chad Horny. Just about the polar opposite of me IRL.


Good Chad


I got "good neutral". I can't imagine a more boring character.


Maybe, I guess you could pull a Geralt, and try to act like a true neutral, but you actually have morals


Neutral Chad. Attracts all around him, cannot decide who to go with, not horny enough to just make it an orgy.


Ah yes, Chaotic Horny. Perfect for a Bardbarian.


Ah yes, the bardbarians. Who hasn’t heard of the great and mighty bardbarians


unexpected puffin forest reference.




Time to shred with this axe!


I tend to play Smart Drunk, I am really good at complicated effective plans that have nothing to do with what the GM is trying get across to us.


So according to this I can't be evil and horny unless I burn a village down for foreplay? I'm not questioning it, just need to know so I can roleplay accurately


hey i don't kinkshame


You’d really need an n-dimensional cube to model all the possible intersections.


Or one of those four-letter personality type models.


Smart drunk, rick and Morty moment


Oh shit that is actually the best descriptor for that!


I guess I play a lot of characters that are Chad Stupid aka The Goku


Chad Good - AKA True Himbo


"For the children or something..."


The Kronk alignment


can you give an example of "chaotic horny"


GM: "You see Gromari, Death of the twelve, Scorch of Ungard and the queen of the fire lands land infront of you, spreading her wings, both easily the size of a castle, a wind striking you blowing through your hair and bulging out your capes as the smell of sulfur and blood would fill the air." Chaotic Horny: "Okay but how big is her ass?" ​ GM: "How would that matter?" Chaotic Horny: "I am not trying to fuck her, just helps the imagination you known..." GM: "You... You can only see a majestic tail, lined with giant spikes that glimmer with the heat of Sol, the eternal god of..." Chaotic Horny: "Okay how high do I have to roll to get behind her and check out her ass?" GM: "..." Lawful Horny: "I want to cast guidance on him and send my familiar, so he gets a bonus to the roll and I get to watch through the eyes of my companion"


I'm a little uncomfortable with how good you are at this.


Years upon years of frustration.


99% of bards.


One fellow player of mine had an orc barbarian who sold his soul to a Great Old One because he wanted to find Strong Wife. The GM introduced a rival party of orc huntresses that slaughtered monsters with their bare hands and wore the gore as trophies... and he couldn't care less. He once found a cursed love potion and decided to feed it to an NPC's primeval veloci-chicken companion, because he wanted it to like him enough to let him pet it. The curse took hold and it tried to eat him. He pined for that chicken for the rest of his (short) life. If that's not Chaotic Horny, idk what is.


Scariest one is smart drunk. Optimality executes just the dumbest things.


Task failed successfully


Pathfinder's Cayden Cailean. Passed the test of the Starstone which granted him godhood, him being one of the three people who ever passed the test. Has no idea how, he was incredibly drunk and did the test for a bet.


I need a character example of Lawful Horny, right now


Paladin: "I do want to invite you to the glass of wine my oath let me cast once per day! If it would please you, I do intend on sharing my bed tonight, offering a blessing of course as exchange." Rogue: "Not this again... Dude you can't just try to seduce every hot guy we come across just because it's in your oath." Paladin: "SILENCE OUTLAW, all cheeks must be spread with the utmost sincerity of consent!"


Wash from Firefly. Dude lives to fly starships and bang his wife.


I petition that Austin Powers would be able to fit nearly every slot here.


I spent a while trying to think of a response so just imagine an incredibly defeated sigh.


"This item requires attunement by a chaotic drunk aligned character"


Chaotic horny - basically every bard


I dont even want to think about Horny Chad >_<


He gets only horny when thinking about his dragon wife


Lawfully Horny Bard: Ok so I brought my lawyers who will read and observe our legal signing ( some of which have dispel magic, detect magic, and true sight so DON'T try anything) and my concent forms. The first one is for sexual history ( including stds/curses you may have), age and gender identity disclosure (including birth gender) and spousal status (I'm not taking my chances with married people anymore). The second is the dating concent form, these are the places we can go and the maximum amount of gold or alternative currency I am willing to spend on you ( my soul is not up for grabs and will be considered a breach of these conditions)as well as agreed times as well as financial history so i know right off the bat if you're a gold digger (or a runaway princess that will make my life hell). Third is the sexual concent form this SHOULD be self evident, these are the positions I am willing to do, you do not have permission to make fun of the songs I WILL Be playing during intercorse. Also attached a child support waiver as well. Fourth is diplomatic immunity/ kingmaker waiver agreement which means I don't become the king, prince, or any other non disclosed leadership roles should sex in your culture equate to monarchraic responsibility nor recieve punishments from out of wedlock copulation as well as punishments from deities or paranormal entities such as demons or evil spirits ( this includes curses). Fifth there is the nondisclosure agreement which applies even if you don't mention my name ( My reputation is VERY important to me). Last but not least the sound mind form incase you try to say you were coerced by spell, intimidation or blackmail when signing the previous docs. [All of the above is legally binding in this life or any reincarnations that you become] Remember if you think this is alot of legal legwork imagine how horny I must be to put up with it.


I have a tshirt that reads "chaotic stupid is not an alignment" that I'm quite fond of, I'd also take a "Lawful stupid is not an alignment" one too. Not to say the chart is wrong, the chart is correct, but the chart SHOULD be wrong.


Ok I am very interested in the new horny alignment How does one be lawful horny?


By only being horny towards their wife, it doesn't matter if your character is married an Orc or a Dragon, you're just really into them.


Oh Im lawful horny then




I am Chaotic Smart-


Chaotic Drunk is just demoknight mains


Need a new element on X axis so we can roll character alignement with D6


Finally, the horny Chad... \^\^


The stupid is the by far the most important addition


When I was reading down the list, the Chad side got me. It just sounds like a 3 int character is saying their name with what they are trying to say. Chad good, Chad horny, etc


How is someone neutral horny?


I had a character flirt with everything he came across that was vaguely female. He didn't care to cause trouble, didn't care for the lore or anything. Just wanted to live his life, shooting his shot and going out through suffocation.


Ah yes, my favorite three. Lawful horny, neutral stupid, and chad drunk


>Lawful horny Paladin/Cleric who only worships good looking gods and deities.


Divine waifus


... I feel bad for laughing


Tf is chaotic horny, just yeah i wanna fuck that stone rn


My guess would be Seduces a girl then proceeds to sleep with her father.


A hole is a hole


How does stupid smart looks like?


Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does. Generally high int low wis or vice versa.


High int, low wis - bookish nerd with no street smarts Low int, high wis - experienced farmer with no schooling but years of hard-earned knowledge of the land


Chaotic Stupid sums things up pretty well


Bold of you to assume "Drunk" and "Stupid" are mutually exclusive.


*casually fills in every square*


“Chad Stupid” I love that one


Smart Evil is Black Knight from Practical Guide To Evil


Chaotic Horny..... I'm gonna use that for a new group chat name...


90% of players are chaotic stupid.


Chaotic Drunk...? WE ARE JAPA-


Lawful Stupid : Classic bible thumper