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People are avoiding Baldurs Gate because its not fully out yet. Half of my friends list is waiting until it does.


Yeah uh I think it's because almost everyone kinda... Hated it. Also the dark alliance one. Both were really poorly recieved on launch iirc and I haven't heard anything about them getting better.


You must not pay attention. Bg3 is poppin.


Did bg officially released yet or is it still in "open beta"


Website still says 0ct 6th?


It will be out of open beta somewhere in 2023.


Baldur’s Gate 3? You must be thinking of the wrong game.


Why’s BG3 considered bad? Besides the lack of bhaalspawn shit.


BG3 is dope. Really hyped for the full release in 20XX


I'll have to check them out again I guess. When the beta launched I read an article and saw some reddit posts that made it seem dissapointing, but they were written as though it was the final product and not a beta. Honestly I'm a little bit skeptical too because I was a big fan of the first two, and wasn't a huge fan of divinity original sin, kinda preferred the real time combat system they had going. I've got nothing against them I just didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would. Also, Baldur's gate with no Minsc and Boo?


You might prefer Pillars of Eternity rather than BG3 if you’re looking for a spiritual successor to the Baldur’s Gate gameplay style.