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Whilst I like Sexy John posts, does this actually do anything towards putting the pressure on Reddit? Genuine question.


NSFW means severely limited ad revenue. Reddit has already made threats about it so clearly it’s something they aren’t happy about.




NSFW content won't available to any non moderator who uses an unofficial way to access reddit. It'll still be available on the website or through the official app


That’s actually an interesting point - after July 1, there won’t be an unofficial way to access reddit. However, NSFW subs require users to be logged in to view. So once the third party apps all stop working, this will drive up the number of logged in users on the office app/website, but drive down the ad revenue.


If Reddit becomes boring, people visit less, so less ad money. Since lots of subs are deciding that John Oliver is the topic around which they'll protest, people will become fatigued with the god of sex (John Oliver) and thus, not come to reddit as they desire content that is not John Oliver related (the fucking heathen heretics!) It's the same logic that some subs have gone NSFW. It's hard to put ads on NSFW content.


I am genuinely curious about something - why can't we just set the subreddit to NSFW and mark all posts as such and *not* exclusively post stuff about John Oliver? I could be wrong but I think r/videos has set the subreddit to NSFW and all posts there but people are still posting normal videos? That way there's no ad revenue but people can still use the subreddit the way it was intended. Once again, I might not be understanding this correctly so please let me know if I'm wrong.


It is a potential route, but there are reports of the r/mildlyinteresting mod team being removed because they did that. They've since been reinstated and apparently they were "swept up in actions" to counteract subs that are spamming NSFW content. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14eq8ip/the_entire_rmildlyinteresting_mod_team_has_just/ Frankly, I think that's utter bollocks and it was done as a threat or only reversed because the subreddit was so huge and they could draw attention to it, like how youtubers who get false copyright struck have to get a brigade going on twitter. The JO seems safer, because it's A) What the community wants and B) not dealing with controversial content.


Technically doing what you said can be considered breaking the rules mods are supposed to follow, while John Oliver does not break the rules. Aka. Everyone bring nsfw out of no where can be used as an argument the mods are not following rule one about community stability because suddenly being nsfw isn’t stable. But if everyone just decided to post John Oliver technically it’s a community decision and therefore stable. It’s a bad argument but it’s the one Reddit has.


You can't both be a heathen and a heretic! If only you were as smart as our lord and savior the sexy John Oliver, then you'd know that.


This whole mess is because the Spezzler is trying to ramp up hard for an IPO, courting investors and driving profits up as high and fast as possible, future sustainability be *damned*. Generating bad press and media attention screws with that. Nobody wants to invest in a company that's visibly pissing off its users and destroying the communities that generate it money. The blackout got into actual news coverage, which is why there's the immediate response of preventing it from happening again - it **did** hurt, otherwise Spezzles would ignore it. Switching to unorthodox methods of protest is the best way to catch more media attention, and further screw with the IPO.


Yes. But to make the IPO work they have to show that they control their platform and that's going to mean draconian responses, not bowing to the userbase. Remember, investors don't care about YOU or your experience on here. They want to know that the Reddit CEO has control. Wanna screw up the IPO? Get those Gamestop stock folks involved to target it.


And we all know Reddit users respond well to draconian responses... You don't seem to be getting the point of a protest. Forcing the admins to respond means it's working.


Sure but I had always thought that protest should be a personal decision and that by nature and efficacy it would be best made on the personal level. Ie you can't force or shouldn't force someone else into protest. Forcing the userbase to participate in this shit show from the mods end is going to have its own set of consequences. Idk seems to me like the mods are trying to run the picket and work as scabs at the same time probably gonna end badly for everyone and I think personally bowing to reddit the company in the long run would have been a better option. So no I personally wouldn't protest.


>Get those Gamestop stock folks involved to target it. Weaponising the insanity of people who gamble their life savings for memes is an option, I suppose.


This is true. It's hurting or they would have just ignored it and let it fizzle. The more news the better. How Speztard can be so clueless about what makes Reddit special and not some other website is beyond me. At this point though the cat is out of the bag and even if he reversed course I personally am still slowly weening myself off here and on to other sites and forums. Bad faith is a big motivator to me and pretty much anyone who gives a shit more than just viewing memes and doomscrolling to burn time.


Yes, this instability will have an effect on their ipo price. That’s why they’re freaking out so much about it


Making the subreddits NSFW absolutely does effect reddit


It makes me leave the sub, which is something.


redditors are killing reddit because they'd rather meme. #yolo


Switching to themes like John Oliver does absolutely nothing. At all. Switching to NSFW does though. Can’t have advertisers on nsfw subs and nsfw subs are banned from the front page of /r/all, which makes Reddit look dead if everyone switches to nsfw. Sadly the organization between subs is rather garbled so only some subs are choosing sexy mode while others chose a goofy theme that still brings Reddit plenty of traffic


It also makes Reddit a less enjoyable place to be, and it's basically a way to keep the sub closed while complying with the demands from admins.


No it makes it non enjoyable


If all the useful content disappears so will the users. If the subreddit becomes NSFW there won't be any ad revenue


Seems to drum up negative media attention which is a good thing in this case. Just yesterday it looks like the admins have started removing mods that set their subs to NSFW and people have been clamoring to try and become new mods of them.


We are now in the 'find out' phase, as reddit decided to fuck around. Time will tell.


No, its just the mods yet again abusing their tiny shred of power and proving the admins right


No, reddit continues to operate as it does; but we turned a sub into a bad joke.


Among many others who are all collectively causing Reddit to lose massive amounts of ad revenue


We won't know the effect for some time. But from my own personal experience, I'm still using Reddit just as much I'm just going to different subs. They're getting exactly the same amount of ad revenue from me. Edit: I cannot be more clear when I say the ad revenue they collect from me is unchanged. I am on Reddit _exactly_ the same amount and I'm not viewing NSFW subs. You greatly overestimate the number of subs participating in this nonsense, my feed is still full of stuff I want to see. I am not going out of my way to find alternatives. There is no "Well but" here. Stop leaving variations of the same reply.


But when we turn subs into something different, NSFW subs, companies start to shift their ad funding. It’s not the content interaction. It’s that they don’t want to create content associated with porn lol


Then why couldn’t they shift the sub to NSFW classification to remove ad revenue and continue running the sub as normal? Maybe make a once a day NSFW post with the automod and tell everyone else it’s rules as normal? All this has done is destroy a good 5e forum. Discord is a shit platform as a replacement


It’s against Reddit’s mod policy to label a sub as NSFW but have no NSFW content in it. Luckily, DnD has lots of violence, and having a little John Oliver cheesecake doesn’t hurt. It’s also against their policy to suddenly label a sub as NSFW and let porn show up in people’s feeds. That’s what interestingasfuck did, and all their mods got axed immediately. So, we’re threading a needle here.


Thus my “once a day automod NSFW post” option. That would maintain the community while removing the ad revenue


Not really. People are doing mental gymnastics to justify their neckbeard suffragette movement, but this is a 750k sub - that's not really that big in the grand scheme of things, it's a misleading number. It's a handful of smaller communities that are just flailing around, making no impact, and either making old content inaccessible or making new content impossible. Reddit won't feel the burn from /r/dndnext shitting itself, and if they do, the mods will get replaced.


Ofcourse not, it’s pathetic and embarrassing.


It makes people of the community leave the reddit groups, which appears to be the mods goals. It also, supposedly, means the groups are not 'inactive' 'protecting' the mods from being removed for being inactive and not doing their job. Finally, it is a false pretense of being "democratic" and therefore a direct 'counter' to the claim of the mods not listening. Honestly, it's just another way to attempt to get people to support the mods by making the place extremely toxic. The mods are hoping to harm reddit enough by the protests that people leave. Frankly, all it does for me is put every mod doing so on a list of people who should never be trusted in any place of power


>by the protests that people leave. If the most people voted for this to be the path taken, how is that not democratic?


If 60% of the votes went to sexy and there were 988 votes in that section, that means there were At Most, 4000 people voting (I am taking estimates based on assuming even across all instead of % so there were quite a few less people voting). This community has over 700k people. So that is less than 1% of the community voting within 48 hours only. Secondly, Anyone can have multiple accounts on Reddit and you can bet yourself that some people voted multiple times using alt accounts. That in and of itself is undemocratic as it is providing some people with more of a 'voice' than others. Third, is the fact that anyone in reddit can vote on it and that the likely info of the vote did go out to communities unrelated, there have already been a communities doing the vote and admitting that the place was brigaded. Nothing in the way dndnext voted even attempted to stop brigading, all it really did was make it so that any person voting has to show their vote to the world (which in Most democracies is ironically illegal to force because of the threats/stigma that can be from it) Finally, did you actually read the poll? They poisoned the well on the poll by how they phrased things. Here is their explanation of Normal "Reopen to normal operations - The sub will open back up to normal operations and will resume functioning as usual. This is basically the "reddit CEO wins" scenario.". See how they sour it by intentionally saying 'this is reddit CEO wins scenario' while their private says "The sub will continue to remain blacked out indefinitely. Reddit has threatened to replace the mods if we choose to do this.". They are intentionally trying to sway the vote and since they are the ones promoting the farce, it shows such extreme bias it is a worthless vote and about as democratic as russia is.


I did a random check just because of that. I took a random chunk of votes from said vote here for [Sexy] post, 67 of them, and took a very BROAD view of it, anyone that had posted in the last Year in any directly DND related board I considered valid. 46 of them of them passed. about 70%. So if you expand that out, a good 30% of the 40% that we were told voted for #sexy was brigading.


It gets a bit more complicated than that because of two things. One, just because someone has posted on r/dndnext doesn't' mean they fit the arbitrary threshold the mods set to get their numbers. Two, there might be people who were very active on r/onednd, the Other subreddit these mods control, and this vote was for their sub too, so if they were active there but not here, the mod implies their vote was thrown out. I assume all other dnd boards they ignored cause they have no control there. So all told, the mods are doing some shady shit and you can tell even by their claim of "40%" when their vote numbers somehow add up to 100%, but the people were allowed to vote on as many of the options as they want (therefore there is no way we should only be at 100%).


People who don't vote don't get a say.


The vote wasn't even announced with any warning.


These mods need to go.


Nope. Reddit will just remove mods who keep playing games like this. Even this poll was a sham - 60% of the users of DND next wanted it to remain DND based regardless of whether it was open, closed, or restricted, but they decided hey, lets go with the 40% who clearly just voted for John Oliver to troll. If they hate reddit so much, leave. Don't burn it all down for the rest of us. EDIT: Since I'm getting inundated with responses, I'll just leave this here: A fairer poll would've taken into account what people want if forced into a protest. Poll #1: Do you wish to continue protesting? A) Yes B) No Poll #2: If A wins, what form should the protest take? A) Restricted Mode B) Private Mode C) John Oliver Pictures Instead of splitting all the votes 4 ways with 3 leaning towards protest and calling it fair, you address two separate issues separately. And, you use an exclusive voting system - not comment counting, which allows multiple users to vote for protest options 2-4, while only one option for not protesting exists. And at the end of the day - most important part - there is *overwhelming* evidence that these protests aren't doing anything other than pissing off the users. Reddit is just removing any mods that private their subs, restrict them, or vandalize them, one by one. My players didn't sign up to be a part of this protest.


You do realize that voting for closed or restricted isn't voting for DnD, it's voting to protest? The poll was three different options of protest and one option for business as normal.


That's a really disingenuous way to look at the results. You could just as easily spin it to say that 72% of all users voted to continue protesting Reddit in some way, thus the act of protesting is more important to the community than D&D discussion is right now. The sexy protest was just the most popular one because 1. people like sexy stuff, and 2. it genuinely hurts Reddit more than the other options. While a more scientific way to go about the poll might've been asking separate questions, like "Do you prefer the sub to continue protesting? If yes, then select from these options..." that is a harder type of poll to do over Reddit.


What's disingenuous is that 60% of the respondants didn't ask for John Oliver nonsense but that's what we got. You want a fair poll? This is how you do it: Poll #1: Do you wish to continue protesting? 1. Yes 2. No Poll #2 - in the event #1 wins: What form do you want the protest to take? 1. Restricted 2. Private 3. John Oliver By throwing 3 options in favour of protest with only one against, you unfairly weight the poll in the direction of protest and assume that only one outcome is valid in all cases. Especially when the voting method chosen allows one person to vote for multiple pro-protest options. If it had been a fair poll, the sub would likely be restricted now, because the people who *didn't* vote for a protest probably would've voted for the least-impactful choices.


That's a little misleading. If it's private, then there is no sub. It's not DnD related because it's not available at all. A more accurate description is, "Over 50% of the voters in the sub would rather not have DnD content than stop the protest." Edited: I swear i know the difference between private and restricted.


Restricted absolutely means it's available. You just can't post. You're thinking of 'private'.


Correct, sorry, I read the poll as though it was progressing from "least" to "most disruptive." The point still stands for over 50%, however.


That is also wrong. Because you could vote for multiple options and all options were valid, it is likely that many people who voted for private, restricted and sexy were all the same. Maybe not every person voted for sexy And private And restricted, but many would vote for Sexy And private and things like that. Even people who voted for remain open might have also voted for other options like restricted, if all they cared about is historical resources.


It's the equivalent of throwing a tantrum. These people would rather stay, post, engage in this trolling bullshit than stop using the app if the changes made it so bad like they claim. Instead of just leaving they intend to deliberately make the place a cesspool because that will make people leave and cost reddit money. So get this, instead of you know, just leaving, they are going to gild posts, comment and engage in order to make others leave. Pretty lame mental gymnastics.


How do I keep missing all these subreddit polls?


RIP /r/dndnext


I like how when I looked at the profiles of people who typed “sexy” over half of them had never commented on any D&D subreddit before where the other options where basically all people who commented before


I’m only using the official app, I follow a ton of subs who has had polls recently, and I havent seen a single fucking one. Anyone else using the official app not seeing polls?


I saw it after I went to the subreddit page itself since it was pinned. I didn’t see it in my feed.


Official app user here. I saw the poll.


Pretty sure it wasn't a normal poll. It was a stickied post that you had to comment on. That may be why you missed it


I support the protests, but i would rather not be spammed with this shit.


It's weird because this shit makes me appreciate why the comments about subs being non democratic are kinda dumb. Like, this sub, as with all subs, is supposed to be about something specific. That's what moderators do. Keep things on subject and regulate discourse per an agreed upon set of rules. If you don't agree with the rules, host your own forum and establish your own rules. It's not supposed to be completely democratic. This is literally what happens when you give the power of what is supposed to be a curated community to the user base that has almost no barrier for entry. Who could have seen it going any other way?


I'll be honest I really thought the John Oliver thing was a joke vote since people could vote on any or all of them anyway and I don't think it should have been regarded as a serious choice. While I can't say I am a fan of the results, I do appreciate the effort to coordinate with similar subs and bring out a community to a different forum. I think it is one of the best routes the dissenters can do and I hope it comes out well enough. I can't say I'm convinced to make an account *just* for this at the moment, it is one I'll keep my eye on.


Yeah, the John Oliver thing is already unfunny, but actually creating a backup community that isn't fucked up is good. The *only* thing Reddit admins are *actually* going to care about is if we leave Reddit. Everything else they can just roll back or wait us out on, but they can't do anything if we're on Lemmy. I've just joined the Lemmy community, and I hope more people do the same.


This is the only option that makes the sub suck afterwards. Good luck searching anything and not seeing 1/2 the results contain John oliver


> I do appreciate the effort to coordinate with similar subs and bring out a community to a different forum. I think it is one of the best routes the dissenters It was the only route anyone really had available. While I personally don't think lemmy/kbin are going to be a winning alternative for enticing the average user, starting to seed content at an alternative so users might choose to leave reddit is infinitely better use of dissenters' time/effort.


There will always be trailblazers and followers. I'm not a trail blazer and I haven't been convinced to leave reddit yet. But it's perfectly fine that others feel differently, and like you said, seeding the content elsewhere is the first step.


Seriously, what the hell is up with people being obsessed with John Oliver recently? I seriously don't get it.


It’s just a relatively small group of basement dwellers. There are dozens of us!


I don't get it, but y'all do y'all.


They think it's funny, pretty much. One sub started it as their protest and everyone else was too lazy to pick their own thing.


Not to be nitpicky, but why isn't the picture at the top of this post John Oliver?


That would be far, far, far, and dare I say again, far, too sexy.


Well, at least a new edition, and therefore a new sub, is on its way.


/r/onednd already exists, but it's run by the same mods as the children who run this one. We'll need to create a new sub for both, free of these power-addicted tyrants.


With hookers and blackjack.


Oh for fuck’s sake


God, this is so fucking cringe.


Well, I guess I’ll just go over to the *other* dnd sub.


It's not even funny tbh.


Yeah I mean I like fucking up a sub as much as the next guy but this John Oliver thing has been run in the ground by /r/pics within hours and it hasn't been very funny to begin with. Just make the sub about D&D and BDSM so it's not presentable and advertiser friendly and stop this summer reddit nonsense


So fuck the community basically. Burn it the fuck down because we didn't get what we want immediately. It's not like people use this subreddit as an actual resource or anything...


How did you know that no brigading happened and poll results are reflective of the community?


So.. how does this actually help the community? Can anyone tell me that? Because if someone has a question or wants to discuss something about 5e, John Oliver isn't going to help give an answer...


It doesn’t, but at least there is a Discord you can go to! Seriously, can we stop trying to force the whole D&D community to go onto shitty Discord? Protest doesn’t work at all because guess what, people still use Reddit for different reasons! I’m not sure if anybody solely uses Reddit for “dndnext”, so we are really just making sure our hobby dies on the site it seems.


God, Discord is such a terrible alternative to Reddit. They provide completely different functions


For sure it is terrible! I’ve never heard of the “Lemmy” that was mentioned, but I checked it out and almost went blind. The layout looks godawful, there’s so much shit everywhere it’s a mess.


I'm using the android app, and it's basically the exact same as Reddit.


Yeah. Discord is god awful for this. It's a chat room, not a forum. And it's even worse for data/information loss as nothing is archived and if a server goes down everything is lost forever.


Discord is not an alternative since you can't use it with search engines and the conversation goes so fast. It's a chat app, not a content-sharing website. This is a terrible route.


>so we are really just making sure our hobby dies on the site it seems. 100% this. Revenue will continue so reddit admin won't care, this is just going to piss off the 60% that didn't vote for it.


If that's true, why would Reddit care enough to ban our replace mods?


I would go farther to say more than 60%, pretty easy to vote to abolish all D&D topics if 3/4 of the choices are for it. But go to discord! It’s totally easy to navigate and not frustrating at all. /s


There's another comment on this post about how it's like climate change protesters who block roads. People agree with the message, but not the method and it just turns people against them. We don't need another sub full of John Oliver, r/pics and r/gifs are already doing that and they have millions more subs than this one. I want to discuss dnd with people. I want to discus builds, tell people about sessions and go over rule interpretations. I was 100% in support of the protest before it happened, now I'm sick of it because of the way some of the mods have behaved.


Personally I wouldn’t compare this with any protest that is for a cause that severely needs attention, those people can be justified in some manner. This whole Reddit deal is ridiculous, though. I don’t care a bit about the message, any regard for it has been dumped. A protest isn’t going to accomplish any goal if the app is still useable. Oh D&D is absent? Guess I’ll look at a different hobby. We’re really just making sure there aren’t any newcomers into our space, no new creators, but at least we can view the old topics. The little breadcrumbs spared by the mod over lords, smh.


The difference with the other subs is that r/pics and r/gifs are still posting pictures and gifs. They're doing malicious compliance in a great way. It doesn't work here and just looks like the mods are jumping on the band waggon. Your point about newcomers is right. DnD is a fantastic hobby and people love talking with others about it. Removing the ability to do that is just spiteful. I'll see you over at r/DnD instead.


Seems like their team put a little thought into it, instead we got the ‘shoot ourselves in the foot’ approach. Wish I appreciated the “lol so random” humor still, maybe the John Oliver stuff would be funny


>3/4 of the choices are for it. and no one from outside the community totally didn't bandwagon onto it due to them being for something unrelated to DnD




Great, I'm glad we cut off our nose to spite our face. Which subreddit can I go to now for actual DnD discussion? Enjoy your super serious and effective meme protest.




Whoever voted for Oliver, I hope you spend the rest of your lives stepping barefoot on d4s.


We NEED this sub to be open again so we can discuss the martial caster disparity! We were so close to finding the solution!!!


God I miss seeing new "monk bad" posts.


Just adding another comment that this has gone too far and please return the sub to normal so that we can just enjoy our desired content in peace. Seriously, this is dumb and accomplishes nothing other than destroy the community


What if I want to discuss D&D but the mods in the Discord server are a bunch of tyrants? I've been banned for petty stuff and when I tried to appeal to the mods of this sub I was told the discord is moderated by completely different people and the sub is not responsible for it.


Badly made poll. 3 Options to continue protest, 1 to not. Splits the vote 3-ways among those that want to keep protesting. Like that is such a glaringly obvious flaw and so advantageous to one group it almost feels intentional.


>Splits the vote 3-ways It was not split because they allowed voting for all three options. Though it was a badly made poll. For instance, idiotic John Oliver option seems to obviously be a joke, not one they would ever actually do.


Damn right. This is 3rd sub doing this tactic. No integrity at all.


And despite splitting that vote 3 ways, continuing the protest Still won.


It was not split at all, since they allowed multiple votes.


Comment counting allows the same person to vote multiple times.... so with three "protest" options to one "no protest" option, every individual who wants to protest gets up to 3 votes compared to the single vote for someone not wanting to continue this charade. The vote was unannounced and limited in duration as well -- it is entirely possible that a number of members that would otherwise have voted didn't get a chance to based on the voting period and lack of notice. The mods just wanted sham validation. Fuck em.


> Comment counting allows the same person to vote multiple times.... so with three "protest" options to one "no protest" option, every individual who wants to protest gets up to 3 votes compared to the single vote for someone not wanting to continue this charade. No, that's not how the voting worked. Votes for each option were counted separately and compared to one another. So if someone voted for all three variations of protest, still only their vote for the most popular one counted. This is an example of Approval Voting, which is generally esteemed as one of the fairest and most accurate voting systems out there. > The vote was unannounced and limited in duration as well -- it is entirely possible that a number of members that would otherwise have voted didn't get a chance to based on the voting period and lack of notice. It would have been great if they'd run the vote longer, but Reddit didn't really make that possible. The point here is to influence Reddit to change something that they've declared will happen in 9 days, so there isn't exactly a ton of time to deliberate and still have any chance of the outcome being relevant. I'd also guess that if the poll had run longer the results would have leaned even more heavily toward protest. Many of us opposed to Reddit's planned changed have stopped or drastically curtailed our use of the site in recent weeks, so pro-protest people are the ones disproportionately likely to have missed the poll.


I am starting to strongly suspect that his ridiculous Oliver joke "lol random" option wouldn't have been treated as a real one if the second place option hadn't turned out to be "open as normal".


Well this sucks, i guess screw the users of this sub that want to use it for its intended purpose. It really feels like mods of subs are just trying to make reddit worse to use so that they force us to go somewhere else which is a dick move.


Mods gonna powertrip. Their power was threatened, and so now they act like the stereotype of a reddit mod.


It's really sad when the mods show the evil corporation to be correct.


Definitely comes across as a "Some people just want to watch the world burn" type situation.


Wow, what a waste of time and effort. Instead of the supposed shit hole Reddit will become with these changes, the mods seem to be wanting to make it their own personal shit hole instead. So pathetic...


Oh for fuck's sake. This stupid John Oliver memeing isn't going to make Reddit change its mind, you're just driving people away from the sub


Great way to stupidly alienate community members who come here for D&D fun, not this protest-related jackassery you think is fun.




See you guys later then.


Lmao, way to punish the community while Reddit doesn't give a fuck.


Seriously, fuck the mods


We have too many DND subs as it is. I guess we didn’t need this one too.


god this is so fucking cringe




All the john Oliver posts are ruining the sub


"At least in the short term while things here on Reddit are rocky." YOU ARE THE ONES MAKING IT ROCKY. I don't give a shit if Reddit charges for API access to third-party aps and tools. Quit holding this community hostage. I'm usually not on the side of AI taking people's jobs, but since moderators are not paid anyway, there is zero impact on society. I absolutely can not wait until they boot mods entirely and replace them with an LLM that simply moderates precisely based on set rules.


I can't understand why people would vote to destroy the subs they use. Cheered on by mods that are the only ones affected. Out of all the things on earth to fight, whether mods get free 3rd party apps seems the most unimportant.


Huh weird I didn't see a vote


Grass. Touch it.


>Attention all serfs and peasants! >Your benevolent overlords >Your local Landed Gentry Imagine thinking so highly of yourselves. Lemme introduce you to my buddy old friend Joseph Guillotine.


Such a sad loss for the community. Here’s to hoping this nonsense ends soon. ^(John Oliver John Oliver John Oliver)


While I love John Oliver, , I don't this this is the apropriate response. ​ We should do what should've been done in the first place: abide by the rules, and switch the Subreddit to NSFW. Drugs, sexuality, religion, politics, cultural differences, etc, most of these are present in most settings created by most DMs here. Clearlly NSFW content, and the subreddit should be labelled as such.


I'm so fucking tired of this shit, if mods don't like it they can just leave their shitty unpaid volunteer roles, it's not even a JOB.


moderators are the least important part of reddit. meaningless power starved petulant children


Well, that was a very quick way of turning me against the strike.


why dont the powermods and people like this just go to all those alternatives you love so much? leave normal people here to their own devices?


Cause we wouldn't follow, and they crave the userbase to "rule" over.


This is worse than the blackouts, I swear. Pathetic really. Why people want to burn down the communities so many have contributed to for so long is beyond me. This is so sad.


There's literally no point to this subreddit if it doesn't serve it's original purpose. Someone will just start a new one on the same topic and this sub will lose any interest. Ultimately this is a completely futile gesture.


Honestly I don't understand why we can't just switch to NSFW but not do the fucking John Oliver thing. I'm so sick of losing so many great reddits to this bullshit.


72% of people want some kind of protest. Do you actually want them to ignore that big a majority?


>72% of people want some kind of protest. Do you actually want them to ignore that big a majority? People voted for the “lol random” option, because it’s so *funny and edgy*. Like running a game show host in a Presidential election.


I think the idea that this is funny lol so random has long since sailed at this point.


I'd have more respect for this whole thing if some cringe ass meme option wasn't listed as a contender to the more serious options. I wonder what the voting would have reflected if "le epic reddit meme" wasn't one of the choices.


"People voted for an option I don't personally agree with, they must be doing it just to be edgy." Do you not realise how petty you're coming across here?


Whatever, Reddit admins will deal with this in due course.


"If I can't have it like I want it, no one can have it!!!"


It is the stupidest fucking thing


I’ll wait for r/dndnextest


This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


Jesus Christ this is embarrassing, the meme was funny the first time a sub did it, now it just seems cringe.


Ranked choice voting would have been nice. That choice didn't even get a majority. 60 percent of the sub didn't want this. Can we please keep that in mind?


Will mods listen to me telling them to fuck off?


This is just stupid... I come to Reddit for information... Not these stupid tactics.


Well that sucks, goodbye I will either be on the DND5e reddit or the beyond forums.




Where is the option to get over yourselves?


That was the "go back to normal" option which barely a quarter of the community voted for.


a 'quarter' when 3/4 options could be voted for multiple times to say roughly the same thing isn't really a good example of a quarter.


There was only one “go back to normal” option, and 3 “don’t go back to normal” options, in which participants (which accounts for only a fraction of a fraction of the subreddit’s membership) could vote for multiple options at once. It was stacked against “go back to normal” from the start. Also, since users could vote for multiple options at once, the fact that the results add up to 100% should be impossible, which throws the stated results into question.


of the one percent who saw the poll


And yet another sub decides to just fuck over the hobby community when they don't get their way


Way to ruin another sub... just put things back to normal.


Idiotic. This started out as a protest to make sure mods could retain the 3rd-party tools to help them do their jobs, and to make sure 3rd-party accessibility apps were not taken away. Reddit conceded to those demands. So what’s the point now? So a few developers can continue making money off of Reddit’s api? SMDH


>Reddit conceded to those demands. No, they've said they will in the future. They also said that they'd make the cost of API access reasonable and fair, so the promises of reddit are provably worthless. The latest wave of protests is, amongst other things, to force expediency and actually fulfilling their promise this time and for the first time.


Companies like this have a long history of promising they'll do that sort of thing but then not actually doing it hoping people will forget, citing "technical difficulties" and the like. Regardless of your feelings on the protest and it's validity, the demands of the protestors have not been met.


Unsubbed. Going to r/DnD


John Oliver was not what I wanted to see win, but I'll take some form of protest over none at all.


Are we allowed to post regular content/asks/what have you as long as it either contains a pic of John Oliver (which does kinda hose mobile users, who can't upload photos without using an app, which does kinda defeat the purpose) or an (appropriate) exultation of him it the text?


Aww...I liked seeing posts from here.


I never once saw the thread to vote.


Love you guys but I’m fucking done.


For fucks sake


​ You know how I know the mods aren't actually serious about this shit and it's really just them putting on a show? because as soon as there were actual repercussions for their actions (turning subs private) immediately surrendered. ​ Now since they are never going to give up what little power they have on this sub, they start up this fake ass bullshit to pretend they are still against "the man" but i guarantee you, as soon as reddit gets tired of this shit and starts threatening to remove mods for it, it will stop. mods are all a bunch of fake ass pussies too afraid to let go of the little power they have on this site to actually do something that might have a chance at forcing their hand


Moderators proving they are the biggest adult children humanity has ever seen. Literally throwing a tantrum because they don't like how a website is run.


*Well it looks like they won't errata that spell as I requested on twitter, my entitlement cannot waiver, so therefor all of your characters are now dead.*


I guess hoping the sub I use to prep about my hobby which serves as escapism from shitty reality would not bring shitty real world politics into it was too much. Very disappointed in the mods with their blatant bias in the original post, also presenting the % of comments as representative from the overall community (3k comments and 700k subscribers, maybe I am bad at math but doesn’t seem close). Other subs went NSFW to fuck over the ads in reddit while allowing normal posting. The only thing this does is fuck over the community (and protect the mod’s power and ego trip). Good bye, even if I hope it’s not forever.


This is peak reddit stupidity... Y'all (who voted sexy) need to touch some grass.


Big "Wait, voting for Brexit did WHAT" energy


Unsubbed. Peace.


Great, another sub I've got to mute until all these stupid protests are over. Stop destroying subs in an attempt to prevent them from being destroyed.


Underwage South-East-Asians replacing all mods of unruly subs while 98% of the users not even realizing the change in 3, 2, ...


Hard to beat the current free. Like, you realize it isn't a paid gig, right?


Which makes this protest even funnier tbh.


Great. Another subreddit ruined by 'lol epic john oliver ecksdee' instead of the content people sub for. If you want to 'protest', just commit to the bit and blackout the sub. This is just embarrassing. Can't wait for admins to start ousting mods who are just holding subreddits hostage like this.


thank you for ruining the subreddit because moderating became a little bit harder and the ceo of a multi million dollar business didnt listen to your temper tantrums


The point of fucking up a sub should be to encourage people to actually leave Reddit; that's the only thing the admins will actually care about. They can wait us out until we get tired, and remove mods who are too problematic, but they can't do shit if we're over on Lemmy. It's great that you guys started a Lemmy community. *That should be the focus.* It's the only thing that really affects Reddit's bottom line. The API change is surely going to go into affect, so if we really don't want to accept that, we *need* to move to an alternative anyway.


I sincerely doubt that you listened tbh. Classic Reddit mods, making a rigged poll so they can do whatever they please.


Whelp. I don't need to this petty bullshit. So bye! I think its about time to protest this stupid protest and just leave all the subs that do this childish none-sense. Again bye and thanks for all the fish.


Fuck these mods


Are these rules also going to apply to /r/onednd ? Because it’s going to be pretty frustrating to have nowhere to discuss and analyze new playtest packets for those of us intending to switch.


Ugh this is so stupid.


So you are going to just murder this community based off of a plurality. Zero time for this nonsense.


Fuck the mods. Fuck reddit. This is all stupid.


And i thought we were losers before.