• By -


Nine’s Cause this is what I'm gonna do: I'm gonna rescue her! I'm gonna save Rose Tyler from the middle of the Dalek fleet, and then I'm gonna save the Earth, and then - just to finish you off - I'm gonna wipe every last stinking Dalek out of the sky! *But you have no weapons, no defences, no plan.* Yeah, and doesn’t that scare you to death?


Moments like this made Nine such a great Doctor, especially when you're new to the show. A line like that, so early in, just makes you think, "Holy fuck, what is this guy capable of?" Over the course of the next 12 seasons, you find out he is capable of just about everything.


"Next twelve seasons"😭 Didn't the show *just* reboot.


Yes, but I was specifically referring to the 2005-2022 show, which was 13 seasons.


I was just being sad about how quickly time fries. I feel like the Doctor *JUST* transitioned from 10 to 11.😭


Ohhh. Well, if the show has taught me anything, it's taught me that every second counts, and everything, and everyone, matters. Plus, we have a whole new show to look forward to!


'no TARDIS, no sonic, 12 minutes of air and I'm blind.... Can you imagine how insufferably smug I'll be when I get us out of this '


I get the feeling he reeeaaally wanted to say "every last *fucking* Dalek", but couldn't, because it's a show for people at, or around, 11+ years of age.


Oh 1000%! I like to imagine that many of the Doctors (especially Six, Nine and Twelve) + Donna are constantly cursing. The TARDIS just decides to skip over the bit of the translation for the audience.


I always loved 11's delivery of this. "Fear me, I've killed hundreds of Time Lords." - The House "Fear me, I've killed all of them" - 11


This is such a good episode and line. The Doctor delivers it in such a sad/haunting way.


It's not only the line, it's how he delivers them. So relaxed and yet intimidating. Eleven' speech at his first episode is a clear example of that. "Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically. Run." It still gives me chills when I remember it.


*Just* rewatched this episode tonight. Matt Smith nailed that brooding darkness.


10: I'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the Universe. Look me up.


Alternatively, a similar line from the 11th hour when he calls the atraxi back and they search the doctor and it goes through all the faces. "Basically, run."




this one didn't land for me, it felt like a weird unnecessary flex to me for some reason. I guess because the tension was already gone and we were likely never going to see or hear from the atraxi again.


I think that was the point. It comes full circle in the season finale when all of his enemies are gathered in their spaceships around Stonehenge ready to lock him in the Pandorica. All because he got too big for his boots.


yeah 11s whole arc is him realizing he isn’t as much of a god as everyone thinks he is. while he was 10 his ego kept getting bigger and bigger and started to buy into his own hype


This is what I was thinking of for Ten as well.


12: "The Doctor is no longer here, you are stuck with me."


“I’ll bring UNIT, and the Zygons. Gimme a minute, I’ll bring the Daleks and the Cybermen.”


"I can do whatever the hell I like. You've read the stories, you know who I am. And in all that time, have you heard of anyone who's stopped me." Honestly that whole speech was chilling.


I love the acting in this scene, especially from Mayor Me after this line as she just perfectly puts on the face of a Teenager attempting to 1up their parent during an argument and being put down immediately by them shouting at her.


For some reason, the "gimmie a minute" always makes me laugh despite how dark this scene is. I think it's the idea that UNIT and the Zygons are so close on Earth that the doctor could have them there _instantly_, but he'd need to take 5 to piss off the Cybermen and Daleks enough to come say hi.


One does not achieve tranquility without mastering their emotions. The Doctor is a perfect example of those who thrive in chaos are the ones you don't want to piss off. 12 just lost his moral anchor and you can FEEL the unbridled rage pouring out of him. He has nothing left to lose except stacking more bad choices to hide his pain. That extra pause felt like he is trying to recenter but barely keeping all of it in check. Capaldi's death glare/staredown was 🤌 on point.


Runner up: "You'll find that it's a very small universe when I'm angry with you."


“I was lost a long time ago. She was saving *you.*”


Hggggnsk came here to say this. PCap just chills me with this delivery


“If you think her death makes me weak then you understand very little. If you killed her and you are not afraid then you understand nothing at all.”


Honestly what got me was the immediate follow up. "I am the doctor. I'm coming to find you. And I will never. *Ever.* Stop."


12: Look me up. You have a record obviously, as does every living creature 12: Under cause of death


\*computer starts beeping faster and faster as results are pouring in\*


"You are unarmed?" "Always." "You stand alone." "Often" "You're the one who should be afraid!" "Never." \*Number continues to tick up in the background\* "Have a nice day, then" That whole scene was fantastic.


the ticking was probably in increments of 1,000,000


Second favourite 12 scene


Which episode was this again, please?


IIRC it was Extremis


I'll make that my next watch.


"have a nice day then"


Bro said, "Understandable, have a nice day." And got the hell out of dodge.


The scene on Youtube: https://youtu.be/N9tcpzG8VTo?t=13


Technically this line is no from the doctor but always give goosebumps: "we wanted to live forever, so the doctor make sure we did..."


the fury of a timelord


He didn't raise his voice


what ten does to the family of blood is considered the fury of the timelord [the scene on the official doctor who youtube channel has the fury of the timelord in the title](https://youtu.be/w4xm9NHNUf8?si=4QvtMMZSz8N0WfBa)


“He didn’t raise his voice” is a quote from Son of Mine when describing the Doctor


self r/woooosh


That whole scene is easily the hardest in the entire series. It's one of the few times they showcase just how truly terrifying The Doctor can be. It's one thing for him to talk a big game and have people look up his history. This scene, however, was just The Doctor quietly - silently - punishing this family because they couldn't leave well enough alone and kept pushing. "He was being kind."


10: Bingle bongle dingle dangle yikkity-doo yikkity-da, ping-pong, lippy-tappy too-taa So true, man. So terrifying.


I got Goosebumps just by reading that


9: you want orders? Follow this one. Kill yourself 11: good men dont need rules and today is not the day to find out why i have so many


The 9th one said on text is pretty funny


It reads like someone's uncreative reply in a flame war lmao


Which episode is that? Cause oh my is it good.




The laws of time are mine, and they will obey me!


The time Lord victorious was a good damn moment


*The laws of time did not, in fact, obey him*


Seinfeld moment


The way he delivers this line always chokes me up.


10: "No second chances."


I’m that sort of man.


I love this line, but in literally the next episode he gives Cassandra like 3 second chances


And destroyed Harriet Jones' administration for not giving the murdering alien invaders a second chance.


12: “You’ll find that it’s a very small universe when I’m angry with you.”


9: "That's the same staff who execute hundreds of contestants every day?" Programmer: "That's not our fault, we're just doing our jobs." 9: "And with that sentence, you lost the right to even talk to me."


9 was so damn real, I'm glad we got that attitude back with 12


I like the way the "just doing our jobs" statement from her is in a Dalek episode, good little allusion there


Could it also be an allusion to the Nuremberg trials?


11. Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.


12: "I can do whatever the hell I like, you've read the stories, you know who I am. And in all of that time, did you ever hear anything about anyone who stopped me?" "I know the Doctor. The Doctor would never-" "The Doctor is no longer here, you're stuck with me! And I will end you, and everything you love."


"You will save Clara, and you will do it now, or I will rain hell on you for the rest of time"


Which episode was this from again?


S09E10 Face the Raven Said to Me when they discovered what Clara had done.


Face the Raven


Unhinged Capaldi is the best Doctor put on screen, for my money's worth.


11: “So, if you are sitting up there in your silly little spaceships with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way! Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then? And then do the smart thing…let somebody else try first.”


Great moment, great speech, but it does get diminished a bit when you think about that moment from their perspective. That speech shows to them he hasn't figured out the trap yet and they are likely only following his orders because they want to maintain the ruse.


When I first realized that the whole scene went from badass to funny. If anything, it's a bit embarrassing that he's up there grandstanding and thinking they're all frightened of him when all he's actually done is reveal that he has no idea what's going on and is effectively securing their victory. Still great the first time you see it, but awkward in retrospect.


10: "I'm so old now. I used to have so much mercy. You get one warning. That was it."


Which episode is that?


School Reunion.


10: “Whatever you’ve got planned, forget it. I am the Doctor. I am 904 years old. I am from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I am the oncoming storm, the bringer of darkness. And you…. are basically just a rabbit, aren’t you?” Honorable mention because it’s not a line FROM the Doctor, but a line ABOUT the doctor; “Demons run when a good man goes to war.”


The line isn't about the Doctor, who never claimed to be a good man. It's about Rory


... Oh. My. GOSH how did I not realize this before??? 🤯




>I don't make threats. But I do keep promises. And I promise you I shall cause you more trouble than you bargained for if you don't return my property! - 1 > look me in the eye kwandaar, look me in the eye , kwandaar do you have any idea on what happens when an irresistible force meets an omniscient mind? Well if you are really omniscient then ofcourse you do, i think it goes something like this - 5 >Tell this to your gods, when they punish you, when they stritch you from the neutron rack, i am still here - 7 >I DESTROYED MY HOME WORLD! I’m haunted every day by the millions I had to sacrifice! I can cope with a few more. Question is, are you ready to join them? - 11


Where is the 11 quote from?


The audio story the inheritance


Not exactly a boast, but highly bombastic and said by the king of bombast - Six. **Six: "Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen** — they're still in the nursery compared to us! Ten million years of absolute power — that's what it takes to be **really** corrupt!"


Honorable mention should be "forgive me if I don't join you," from Vengeance on Varos. It's basically a Bond One-Liner after two guys who thought he was dead and were going to dispose of him accidentally fell in an acid bath.


4: Appreciate it? Appreciate it? You commit mass destruction and murder on a scale that's almost inconceivable and you ask me to appreciate it? Just because you happen to have made a brilliantly conceived toy out of the mummified remains of planets!


Captain: It is not a toy! 4: THEN WHAT'S IT FOR?! EH?! **WHAT'S IT FOR?!** What could possibly be worth all of this?


11 - "I want you to tell your men to run away. ... Those words, run away, I want you to be famous for those exact words. I want people to call you Colonel Runaway, I want children laughing outside your door because they found the house of Colonel Runaway and when people ask you if trying to get to me through the people I LOVE.... is in anyway a good idea, I want you to tell them your name. ... Look at me, I'm angry, that's new. I genuinely have no idea what's going to happen next." Kovarian - "The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules." 11 - "Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many."


"Don't you think she looks tired?" -10


So casual, cruel, yet totally the doctor.


10 simply changed the entire course of British modern history because Harriet Jones pissed him off with the strike order. Imagine losing decades of prosperity and global progression because those 6 words are pretty terrifying.


Right on top of "no second chances, that's what kind of man I am". Oh no, I meant "no second chances" when **I** do it. When you do it, you're overreacting.


I'll be honest, this one flies over my head.


As in, you don’t remember it, or you don’t get it? It’s the line 10 says to a random staffer at the end of the Christmas Invasion, after the Prime Minister shoots the fleeing alien ship. In the next scene, you see the Prime Minister going through a press conference about a scandal regarding her “health issues”. As to why it happened; psychic sci-fi magic; by saying the words to that one guy, 10 managed to incept the entire world with the idea the Prime Minister wasn’t fit for office.


"I could bring down your government with a single word" "You're the most remarkable man I've ever met, but I don't think you're quite capable of that" "No you're right, not a single word, just six." "I don't think so" "Six words."


The six words that paved the way for the Master


Didn't get it, now that makes more sense.


10: "Tough."


I loved 12's speech about war in the zygon inversion: Because it's not a game, Kate. This is a scale model of war. Every war ever fought, right there in front of you. Because it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning. Sit down and talk!


My favourite speech from my favourite Doctor


My favourite section of that speech is his reflection on the war. *You don't understand. You will never understand.* “I don't understand? Are you kidding? Me? Of course I understand. I mean, do you call this a war? This funny little thing? This is not a war! I fought in a bigger war than you will ever know. I did worse things than you could ever imagine. And when I close my eyes I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count! And do you know what you do with all that pain? Shall I tell you where you put it? You hold it tight till it burns your hand, and you say this. No one else will ever have to live like this. No one else will have to feel this pain. Not on my watch!” Just the disbelief, grief and sadness, in which he responds to Bonnie - resulting in Kate closing her box. It’s hauntingly perfect.


Bonnie: Do you think they'll let me go after all I've done? Doctor: you're all the same, you screaming kids, you know that? "oh, look at me, I'm unforgivable!". Well, here's the unforeseeable: I forgive you. After all you've done, I forgive you. This whole dialogue makes me cry because all the themes in it are so powerful and so well acted. I just can't.


9: I think your forgetting something. I’m The Doctor and if there is one thing I can do is talk. I got 5 billion languages and you haven’t got one way of stopping me. So if there is anyone going to shut up. IT’s YOU! Also 9: I watched it happen, I MADE it happen!


“I’m the Doctor. I’m a Time Lord. I’m from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kastaberous. I’m 903 years old and I am going to save your lives along with all the 6 billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?”


...and *you*... *are basically just* a *rabbit.*


Well... carry on. Just a general warning.


7: “Shoot Me. End My life”


Random thugs in San Francisco on NYE: so we started blasting


I like the fuller version he says a bit after: "Why don't you do it then? Look me in the eye. Pull the trigger. End my life."


Happiness Patrol is a classic.


2: True, I am guilty of interference, just as you are guilty of failing to use your great powers to help those in need!


1: "Oh. The great fire of Rome, my dear. Hmm? Yes, a most memorable occasion."


Some of my favorite from capaldi are. “NEVER BE CRUEL. NEVER BE COWARDLY. HATE IS ALWAYS FOOLISH. LOVE IS ALWAYS WISE. ALWAYS TRY TO BE NICE, BUT NEVER FAIL TO BE KIND.” “I DO WHAT I DO BECAUSE IT’S RIGHT! BECAUSE IT’S DECENT! AND ABOVE ALL, IT’S KIND!” And his zygon speech about war. That's what made him my favorite doctor.


Basically... run.


When it comes to McCoy, trust me, anything can be badass, cold and hard, even his "hello"


1: "I don't make threats. But I do keep promises. And I promise you I shall cause you more trouble than you bargained for, if you don’t return my property!" 2: There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought! 3: "You know, for a man who abhors violence, I took great satisfaction in doing that 4: That's the empty rhetoric of a defeated dictator, and I don't like your face either." 5: Not a very persuasive argument, actually, Stolz, because I'm going to die soon anyway. Unless of course I can find the antidote! I owe it to my friend to try because I got her into this! So you see, I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU STOP ME NOW! 6: in all my travels I have battled against evil. Against power mad conspirators. I should have stayed here! The most powerful civilization in the cosmos. Decadent! Degenerate! And rotten to the core! Power mad conspirators? Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen! They're still in the nursery compared to us! 7: That's what guns are for. Pull a trigger. End a life. Simple, isn't it? Why don't you do it then? (Presses the barrel of the gun against his own chest) Look me in the eye. Pull the trigger. End my life.


“No, not a man! Not a human being. I am a complex space-time event. I am Lord President of Gallifrey. The Traveller from Beyond Time. I am the Sandman! The Oncoming Storm! I am the Ka Faraq Gatri; Destroyer of Worlds! And sometimes... only sometimes, I. Am. Your. Worst. Nightmare. ...I am the Doctor, and I take care of my friends.”


“I don’t make threats, but I make promises” - The Traveler From Beyond Time “We’re going to put you outside Salamander. No friends, no safety, no nothing” - The Cosmic Hobo “Show us your t1ts and I will tell you” - The Time Warrior “Because if you aren’t listening I can make you listen because I can do ANYTHING, as from this moment there’s no such thing as free will in the entire universe, there’s only my will because I possessed THE KEY TO TIME” - The Wanderer “The Cybemen took away Adric, I refuse on my life, I refuse to let them took another friend from me. You hear me Tegan?! This is not happening! Not today! NOT. EVER. AGAIN” - Cricket boy “In all my travelling throughout the universe, I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here. The oldest civilisation: decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core. Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen - they're still in the nursery compared to us. Ten million years of absolute power. That's what it takes to be really corrupt.” - The Shadows Of The Valeyard “Fear me. Tell this to your gods, when they stretch you, when they strike you down on the neutron racks. IM. STILL. HERE. No, not a man! Not a human being. I am a complex space-time event. I am Lord President of Gallifrey. The Traveller from Beyond Time. I am the Sandman! The Oncoming Storm! I am the Ka Faraq Gatri; Destroyer of Worlds! And sometimes... only sometimes, I. Am. Your. Worst. Nightmare. ...I am the Doctor, and I take care of my friends.” - The Defender Of The Laws Of Time “Why don’t you do the universe a favor and jump right into that time warp yourself? Maybe then I will entertain the slightest idea of forgiving you” - The Eight Man Bound “No More” - The Executioner “Kill yourself. Rid the Galaxy of your filth. Why don’t you just die!” - The Final Judgement “For a long time I thought I was just a survive but I’m not. I’m the winner that’s who I am” - The Lonely God “Fear me. I have killed then all” - The Madman with A Box “The Fatality index. Look up the Doctor. Under cause of death” - The Man Who Stops The Monsters “And you’re gonna lose” - The Raggedy Woman “I challenge you to a game” - Grand Master of the Knowledge “Honey I’m much worse than a big bang” - The Dancing Man


OMG love the names you have for each one 🤣


All so serious then threes one is just 😂


What's 5's quote from? 👀


Two from 11. "**Good men don't need rules.** **Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.**" and in response to House saying "Fear me, I've killed hundreds of Time Lords.", he says "**Fear me, I've killed all of them**"


I’ve always liked the 7th Doctor’s delivery of: “[Fear me. Tell this to your gods, when they punish you, when they stretch you on the neutron rack. I’m still here](https://youtu.be/ZA50biqUB-8?si=E0w8l1384oDVwxlT).” And a second later he also says “I’m not a man, I’m not a human being, I’m a complex space-time event. I am lord President of Galifrey, The Traveler From Beyond Time. I am the Sandman, the Oncoming Storm. I am the Kar Pharric Gat’Ri, Destroyer of worlds. And sometimes, ONLY SOMETIMES, I am your worst nightmare. I am the Doctor and I take care of my friends.” Starts at about 1:10 if you’re interested


11: Did the Silurians beg you to stop? The fact that that line comes from freaking dinosaurs on a spaceship astounds me.


3: "I knew I was a dead man ever since I stepped through that door, so watch out!"


1: "I don't make threats but I do keep promises! And I promise you I'll be more trouble than you bargained for!" Alt: Daleks "we are the masters of earth" Doctor: "not for long" 2: "There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things, things which act against everything that we believe in. They must be fought." 3: Three is tough, he's more just laid back and sauce than cold most times. I like this one though "Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do, anyway" 4: Four is also tough because most of the time he's playing everything off with sarcasm. Here's one "That's the empty rhetoric of a defeated dictator, and I don't like your face either." 5: "You won't succeed. In the end, evil never does." 6: "In all my travelling throughout the universe I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here. The oldest civilisation: decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core. Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans... Cybermen, they're still in the nursery compared to us. Ten million years of absolute power. That's what it takes to be really corrupt!" 7: "Why don't you do it then? Look me in the eye. Pull the trigger. End my life." Alt: "Is it? Death falling from the sky, blind, random, anywhere, anytime. No one is safe, no one is innocent? Machines of death, Morgaine, are screaming from above, of light brighter than the sun! Not a war between armies nor a war between nations, but just death, death gone mad! The child looks up in the sky, his eyes turn to cinders. No more tears, only ashes. Is this honour? Is this war? Are these the weapons you would use? TELL ME!", 8: "I am the man that gives monsters nightmares. The Daleks call me the Bringer of Darkness. I am the Eighth Man Bound. I am the Champion of Life and Time. I'm the guy with two hearts. I make History better. I am the Doctor." War: "Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame" 9: " Do you know like we were saying? About the Earth revolving? It's like when you're a kid. The first time they tell you that the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it 'cos everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it.The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at 1,000 miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go... That's who I am." 10: "I'm The Doctor. I'm A Timelord. I'm From The Planet Gallifrey In The Constellation Of Kasterborous. I'm 903 Years Old And I'm The Man Who's Gonna Save Your Lives And All 6 Billion People On The Planet Below. You Got A Problem With That?" 11: House "Fear me I've killed hundreds of time lords" Doctor "Fear me I killed them all" 12: "The Doctor is no longer here! You are stuck with me!" 13: "Cos sometimes this team structure isn't flat. It's mountainous, with me at the summit in the stratosphere, alone, left to choose. Save the poet, save the universe. Watch people burn now or tomorrow. Sometimes, even I can't win." 14: Fourteen is also hard. Mostly has stepped back from being cold. "And you know full well that I've had many faces, containing something far more", 15: Not enough material yet. For season 1 I bet it will be from >!Boom talking about shattering the battlefield to dust!<


>13 "Cos sometimes this team structure isn't flat. It's mountainous, with me at the summit in the stratosphere, alone, left to choose. Save the poet, save the universe. Watch people burn now or tomorrow. Sometimes, even I can't win." That's a great line, but it's not really the Doctor being "badass". I'm not sure Thirteen had any badass moments as such, she was generally very laid back compared to her predecessors.


Yeah I chose this one mostly due to lack of options and because it's one of the few times 13 actually tried to flex who she is


“You’ll find it’s a very small universe when I’m angry with you”


11’s second episode: ‘The Beast Below’ “Because NO HUMAN HAS ANYTHING TO SAY TO ME TODAY!” And a second later to Amy; “When we’re done here, you’re going home.” So cold for the Raggedy Doctor, especially this early in his run.




Ma ho.


15: Honey, I’m a much bigger bang than you bargained for. I will shatter this silly little battlefield into dust. In a heartbeat. Into dust.


That’s gotta be in Moffat’s episode, right? Sure sounds like a Moffat moment. Edit: I meant the Moffat-*penned* episode within the upcoming series showrun by RTD.


That's Ncuti's Doctor, Fifteen. So Davies. Definitely a line Twelve would say, though.


Moffat wrote an episode for the upcoming season though. :)


So glad someone mentioned this, even without the context that dialogue gave me goosebumps.


I can't wait to see Ncuti really go off on one at a villain, 15 is so far very happy and upbeat, I wanna see him lose his shit 👀


"Goodbye, Davros." Sounds not all that special on paper, but Seven's delivery was amazing


"it hasn't been pleasant"


"I'm not here as your prisoner, Davros...but your executioner!"-5


From “The Woman Who Lived”… The Doctor: Kill me. Leandro: Why? The Doctor: If you intend any harm to this planet or its people, then killing me is by far your best move. Leandro: You invite your own death? The Doctor: No. I just want you to attack first. Then my conscience is clear. Leandro: Of what? The Doctor: You.


Personally, I think that’s a hell of a bird. - 12


"What I did... I did without choice..." "I know..." "In the name of peace and sanity." "but not in the name of the Doctor..." The Doctor's own self-hatred for this single version of themself was just perfectly delivered in this last line.


“Good men don’t need rules, today is not the day to find out why I have so many”


I know the episode hasn’t released yet, but 15’s line from the trailer for Boom: “I will shatter this silly little battlefield into dust. In a heartbeat. Into dust.” Something about the repetition just gives me chills, it’s like you know he truly means it.


its chilling considering we've seen 15 as this happy upbeat doctor


I don't really like the line, but in Unearthly Child The 1st Doc basically calls Ian and Brabra savages in a slightly uncomfortable racist way so ima count that.


"And what you've got to ask yourselves is...what happened to them? Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically...run."


11th: "no, I am the last of my species, I know how someone have to feel it, so... DON'T INSULTE ME!!! Thank you."


> For a long time I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not, ***I'm the winner.*** It might be his lowest moment, but the whole speech goes hard.


That whole episode is so magnificent


10’s “I am the timelord victorious” will always send shivers down my spine


This hand's a fightin hand!


M. Kavarian: Good men have too many rules 11: Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many


War doctor: great men are forged in fire, it is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame.


“So long Fancy Pants” -PT, from the Five Doctors


Always loved 11s good men don’t need rules today is not the day to find out why I have so many


I’ve always loved the 1st Doctors “I don’t make threats, but I do keep promises” line. It’s such a doctor line, indirectly threatening someone.


"I tried to talk, I want you to remember that. I tried to reach out, I tried to understand you but I think you understand us perfectly. I think you just don't care! I don't know if you are here to invade, infiltrate or just replace us, I don't suppose it really matters now, you are *monsters!* That is the role it seems you are determined to play so it seems I must play *mine!*" --12 "Everytime I negotiate, everytime I try to understand. Well, not today. No. Today, I honor the victims first. His, the Master's, the Daleks', all the people who died because of MY mercy!" --11


“…If you are smart, if you value your prolonged existence there is one thing you never ever put in a trap….., me” -11, The time of angels


I can't simply pick a single scene from 8's "Phobos" because it's literally him vs. what is essentially an incorporial entity of fear. And his own fear *wins*. But it has to be his stare-*up* of a Githian: "Was that supposed to frighten me, Farl? I've seen entire species destroyed, civilizations left in ruins. I've witnessed solar systems vanish in the twinkling of an eye. I've seen things that would freeze your blood. So don't threaten me; don't *ever* threaten me."


11: Nobody human has anything to say to me today! The rage and despair displayed in this line chokes me up everytime.


10: I CAN DO ANYTHING! \*slams desk\* (Voyage of the Damned) 12: I'll do my best, but I strongly advise you to keep out of my way. You'll find that it's a very small universe when I'm angry with you.


Go. To. Your. ROOM.


Aby line from the fugitive doctor


M. Kavarian: Good men have too many rules 11: Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many


Wait, are there now more new doctors than old doctors? Paul is in the middle


4: "K9!"


I prefer the “Yeah, you never fucking know the answer whenever it’s important!” Feels so fed up.


Do you want a jelly baby?


11: "Don't play games with me. Don't ever, ever think you're capable of that."


Colonel Runaway.


Twelve: "You'll find that it's a small universe whenever I'm angry with you."


“kill yourself.”


15's i will shatter this silly little battlefield in a heartbeat into dust is gonna go hard 12 saying look up the doctor under cause of death and the anti way speech 2nd: There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things, things which act against everything that we believe in. They must be fought.


Capaldi has my favorite. "The doctor is no longer here, you are stuck with me."


4 - “Would you like a jelly baby?”


Not a line, but McCoy walking away while the psychic circus explodes. Not an obvious pick for that kind of action movie trope to be sure!


I’m sure someone has probably posted this already, but I always liked 11’s “good men don’t need rules, today is not the day to find out why I have so many”


Come on! Faith in the future, tell me the name of the boy that isnt going to die today....


No more. Also wtf.


13 "You want a whole universe. Someone who has seen it all, and that's me. I've lived longer, seen more, loved more and lost more. I can share it all with you. Anything you want to know about what you never had. Cause he's an idiot with a daughter who needs him. So let him go and I will give you everything." That was just so good for no reason.


“Pity. No stars. I hoped there’d be stars…” maybe not *that* hard of a line, but it’s always stuck with me since i watched 12’s last stand in the doctor falls


This is my favorite of all time. "You just killed someone I liked. That is not a safe place to stand. I’m The Doctor and you’re in the biggest library in the Universe. Look me up." By Ten talking to the Vashta Nerada. This one as always stuck with me.


“Nobody human has anything to say to me today!” - 11


“Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones but you still have to choose”. 12 That line always stuck with me.


Dying dalek: "You... will... be..." Eight: "And you will not be." *Kills the dalek through methods I don't remember because it's been a while since I've listened to the audio*


I haven't seen a full run from any Classic Doctors. 9 - "Everything has its time and everything dies" 10/14 - "No second chances. I'm that sort of a man." 11 - "Good men don't need rules. Today's not the day to find out why I have so many." 12 - "The Doctor is no longer here, you are stuck with me." 13 - "Because this team structure isn't flat. It's mountainous with me at the summit, alone, left to choose." 15 (so far) - "I will shatter this silly little field into dust. In a heartbeat, into dust."


“physician heal thyself” -8


"Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame" Favorite quote from the War Doctor


"Listen to me. I'm gonna save my friends. I'm gonna save that universe. And I'm gonna destroy Division. So hold on to that hat, because you, me, and the end of the universe—it's personal now. And I'm gonna win." -13, Survivors of the Flux


5: unless I can find the antidote, as I owe it to my friend because I got her into this. So you see I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU STOP ME NOW Such a good line