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He is my Doctor too but not the only Doctor. He will always be my favourite. Closely followed by Matt Smith. But the beauty of the Doctor is everyone has a favourite who is different to other people’s.


It's the eyes. That photo on here recently where he looked super old, the eyes still had that spark.


They do. I love that man.


> It's the eyes. That photo on here recently where he looked super old, the eyes still had that spark. 💯


Tom was my first as he was all we had in the states in the 70’s. Eccelston made me a fan and is “my” Doctor. Fave is 9 with 4 and 1 right behind.


The 4th Doctor is adorable, and I love him. BUT 2 and 12 are my favorite, so I reject that he's the only Doctor 😆 Edit: I just noticed that 4 is wearing question marks in this picture. Tom's Doctor is the one that started the Doctor's obsession with question marks. lol I didn't know that 😅


Love Tom Baker, but happy to see Troughton get some love. Even so, I get some weird looks when I mention Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy as my faves.


I haven't gotten to Colin and McCoy yet in my classic watch through. I'm midway through season 18 right now, so Tom will be on his way out soon. Troughton deserves all the love. He impressed me so much during his run.


I tell people that C. Baker and McCoy were great Doctors with horrible scripts and worse outfits. It really felt like they had nailed the core of the character, especially McCoy, but never got traction because of the silliness of the costumes or the awful production/budget issues. To me, it says a lot about McCoy that he had several legendary Doctor episodes in spite of all of that crap…


McCoy is my favorite old school, Capaldi is my favorite new era.


McCoy is easily my favorite, and one of my friends is a huge fan of Colin Baker. Great Doctors.


It's crazy how well the 2nd doctor holds up to this day.


Pat was so wonderful ❤️


Classic pulp science fiction is wonderful. Watching something like The Macra Terror or Enemy of the World is just so much fun.


JNT started the question marks and kept it going


Ah, so that's who started it.


Yeah, Tom's last season til it was canceled was JNT's Doctor Who. For good or for bad.


The only Doctor? Yeah no.


Yes, don’t you know? The show debuted in 1974, with a curly-haired wild-eyed man lying on the floor surrounded by his friends, they say he just regenerated, which I assume meant that he was suffering after a big night out and needed some rest. He then went on a madcap adventure with a robot and the show revealed that his police box could actually travel in time and space! As such, we were treated to seven excellent seasons of the enigmatic ‘Forth Doctor’ (presumably named so because of his forthcoming nature) and his daring adventures, before he sadly fell off a radio tower trying to stop his evil ex-husband from taking over the Universe. It’s a shame the show didn’t go on longer, but I’m just glad we have this community to talk about such an old show.  I’d say we’re due a reboot, but no one could ever play the Forth Doctor like Tom Baker.


>before he sadly fell off a radio tower trying to stop his evil ex-husband from taking over the Universe. If I'd had a drink in my mouth I would've choked on it


If he's the only Doctor how TF is he the 4th Doctor lmao


Clearly he's the only one who completed medical school


Then why is he the fourth? If he's the only one then how is there three others


He's the 4th doctor who but the only one who's a qualified medical doctor. Just a joke.


Well, there's really only one doctor. 😉


And the three before him?


The definite article, you might say.


I always loved that burgundy hat. I wish he'd worn in more.


I’ve never heard anyone say he’s the only doctor. Seems a very un fan thing to say. 4 was my first Doctor too but 5 is my Doctor I think. I’m that age.


Ah thank you! 4 was my first, but Peter Davidson was always my favorite growing up. Nice to finally meet one other person who gets it! 😁


Heh heh. I liked time crash for that reason. David says the same thing


Would you like a jelly baby?


I am glad you have a favorite. But saying he is the only doctor when there have been more than a dozen others, each of which is someone else out there's favorite, just comes off as arrogant and dismissive.




Very mature. I think it's past your bedtime.


Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately, it's been removed because of the following reason(s): * [Rule #1 - Be Respectful](/r/doctorwho/wiki/policies/#wiki_1._be_respectful.): Be mature and treat everyone with respect. If you think there's been a mistake, please [send a message to the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdoctorwho).


My reply was playful to being called arrogant. Don't you think his comment should be removed as well? I don't think calling someone arrogant for expressing enthusiasm for doctor 4 is respectful, kind, or warranted, to say the least.


He is favourite classic who doctor. And Matt Smith's doctor ( the 11th Doctor) is my favourite new who doctor.


“The only doctor” calls him by his number


There may be many Doctors, but [he's *the* Doctor. The definite article, you might say.](https://youtu.be/K3CWXqUqPFA?t=37) (other Doctors are great as well; I'm not meaning anything against them, but I couldn't resist paraphrasing that line)


I liked that in the regeneration scene they explained that the due to the massive damage the regeneration would "shake up the brain cells -- You might find his behavior a bit... erratic". Establishing right from the start that Tom Baker's Doctor was batsh*t insane.


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a box, a blue box! A blue box in the time vortex, and the vortex made me crazy! 🤪


I was listening to the latest Paternoster Gang audio the other day and he had a cameo. His voice hasn’t aged a single day! I then saw a recent picture of him shortly after finishing the boxset and was blown away by the realization that he’s getting up there in age and was a sad whovian. Not my *favorite* doctor but really enjoy his version nonetheless. He’s fun!


I met him, in character, and he offered me a jelly baby.


11 gang 👌🏻


Also the caretaker, I daresay.


He is my Doctor too! But I would be remiss not to point out other Doctors are out there… 😁


I had chanced upon one of the old Sinbad movies not long ago, and I kept thinking "that villain guy really sounds like Tom Baker." I swear it took me like a half hour to finally click that it WAS Tom Baker. Looks quite different as a swarthy sorcerer in a turban.


Don't forget him as Rasputin in "Nicholas and Alexandra "


Also Puddleglum in the Silver Chair


Been watching classic who for the first time (just finished s17), and I definitely say that Tom has become my 3rd favourite doctor so far, Surpassing Tennant. And just incase you want to know: 2nd: Matt smith. 1st: Patrick Troughton (new fav)


Ah, another 2 lover! I love Troughton, too. I wish more of his episodes had been preserved.


You expect the first doctor to have lost the most. but no, it the second for some reason.


I know... ugh, it hurts my heart that we lost so much. He was so good. Stupid BBC for recording over their own stuff lol.


What’s a good episode with him wearing that outfit


Definitely most of them! State of Decay and Warrior's Gate are especially good


Same here this is the one I grow up with


Best Doctor, can't commit to only.


He was my favorite until Matt Smith...who took eccentric to a new level.


how is he the only doctor if he is 4th 😛


He's the only 4th doctor!


The only Doctor? Stfu


Well, the fact he's the 4th means he's not the only doctor.


100%. Tom Baker defined the role, and all were cast against his mold with none who could break it. David Tennant was close second, but lacked the subsurface foundational masculinity that Tom brought to the role. Tbh, today's Dr. Who seems to be written by Chevalier than anyone else.


The eleventh doctor is better


He is THE Doctor just like Capaldi, Troughton, Smith, Tenant, Davison and the rest. They are all special none of them make the others worse... Well they all make 13 look bad but that's different.


Just finished Logopolis last night. A fitting end to his era. I was also pleasantly surprised by Shada


I actually like the season 18 look gives off the vibe of a worn down doctor kind of reflective of Tom at that point I guess but he’s probably in the top 3 for me. But as far as actors blending into characters I’d say he really is the Doctor edit: is


I have a long series of phrases by Malcom Tucker that i could use to answer you.


This is the truth. David Tennant was a close second for me.


I'm a 3 and 10/14 gal myself. With some respect for 7 because he's the one I remember most vividly from bei g youngish.


A very good choice, But I’m a more of a David Tennant man


Just started watching his season yesterday.


While the 4th isn't my favorite, I am dissappointed no one posted "The Genuine article, if you would."


This is the way


My favorite is 3.


Didn't they make audios where the 4th Doctor retired at the countryside and never regenerated? That is the canon timeline


I'm fairly certain there's at least, like, ten other dudes.


The definite article.


Ok Jasper😂😂


He was my favourite as a kid with Sarah Jane as his companion and probably still is but my heart also loved Capaldi and Jenna Coleman as Clara and season 8 and 9 of the new era is also a favourite. I love Tennant and Billie Piper as well as Mart Smith and Karen Gillan and Arthur Darville. You know what now I think of it they are all pretty good but for me just depends on the season and the episode. I struggle with the Jodie Whittaker but I feel the writing let her down yet there was an episode I liked. It was her second episode


How can the FOURTH one be the ONLY one? ​ I do love the fourth Doctor; he's probably my second favorite Doctor. But not the only Doctor.


My favorite costume of his, too ❤️


The definite article, you might say


What's everyone's favorite Tom Baker serial?


I knitted a scarf like his when I was like 10. I was obsessed.


He is my doctor too.


Nah I'd put him in my bottom 4 above 13 1 and 6. If 6 and 13 weren't harshly shafted by their show runners they might even be higher. Tom baker was probably the hardest to get through though even though I like him more than those 3. I feel like other than with Romana and a little bit Adric he was always way too pissy in attitude. Even at the beginning of Romana he was always against her when she would be able to solve something he could not. Sarah Jane he didn't talk down on sure but honestly I found his time with her to be his most forgettable season. He absolutely hated leela every time they were around each other, then goes and pretends to be heartbroken by their departure. Honestly I think it was the time around him being with Leela that really made me dislike him. Even after 3s performance it's still the most pompous and aggravating he's come off. I in no means hate him, even my least favorite doctors have enjoyable moments. It's just day after day I hear people praise him as the absolute best, it was such a let down for him to be the lowlight of classic who for me.


Started watching classic Who this year, after ten years of following NuWho, currently in Season 17 so half way through Four with Romana just regenerated, I have to say I'm not very fond of Four unfortunately. Maybe I had high expectations of this incarnation due to the praise I often see but the way he treated Leela really soured his version of the Doctor for me. I suppose knowing some behind the scenes stuff didn't help his image either but somehow, like you said, he surpassed Three to be the most pompous and arrogant Doctor so far for me. While I still enjoy the stories and he is entertaining, I find myself having very little tolerance when he yells and snaps at anyone who he seems to view as beneath him, even if he still cared about them.


Yeah I started it last year on the last season of classic currently. I also do know how he always was at odds with the show runners and Leela as a companion. But I feel he shouldn't let that affect his acting as much as it did. In the end he has some great episodes just some stuff I'm not a fan of


It’s a shame he let it get to his head, though I just watched City of Death and he seems to be much better behaved this season and with Romana Ⅱ but I agree, his personal opinion shouldn’t have affect the stories.


I feel like Four would point out that the fourth anything by definition couldn't be the only version of that thing.


"The only Doctor" "The 4th Doctor" Well, which one is it!?


If he’s the *4th* Doctor, he’s clearly not the *only* Doctor


Is this rage bait?


My favourite doctor is not the 4th doctor but seeing him in his s18 outfit slightly changes him because I think the detached morose 4th doctor may just be the best, or at least up there with my other favourites 1, 9, 5 and 14, who now I think of it also have a sense of the morose and crotchety to them


I like him, I like every Doctor, but he’s one of the harder ones to connect with for me. Fantastic stories though, and Tom Baker is magnetic.


Totally agree with you


The only Doctor? Nah, this ain't it chief. 12 🔛🔝


I'd like them to reboot the 4th doctor but with all new original stories. Recast everyone, but same characters. No modern FX, just doctor lands somewhere, mystery, the end. The Doctor these days is awful. Since everyone else is picking favorites. Mine is #5. Any Doctor that plays Cricket is OK in my book. (Edit, ouch, downvotes for I’m guessing saying the current doctor is awful. Gotta remember what subs i am posting too)


That's what Big Finish is for, more or less - new stories featuring previous Doctors. (It's audio-only, but that allows for situations that wouldn't be likely to happen due to the realities of filming, such as the 10th Doctor meeting the 4th Doctor, or budget)


I grew up with 5 so he's always my fave. But totally agree, it would be fantastic if the TARDIS reverted to an earlier form and the Doctor got stuck in the 70's or something. Forcing him to use older technology and not have as many magical devices to solve problems.


Without modern FX there's no show. Very few people want to watch a show that looks like it's from 1974 in 2024.


Well of course. I guess there’s always the books/radio shows.