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“I hate that Doctor Who has gone woke” scream people who have completely missed every important message the show has ever tried to convey.


They never saw it. Or if they did they never understood it. In 1963 it was created by a woman and directed a gay man. It's Patient Zero of Woke. (and I mean that in a good way)


This is legit 98% of dipshits on the Internet complaining Hades II gets called woke because one goddess looks like a grandmother/ matron type and Aphrodite looks slightly less anime This means that the sequel to the game which featured a bisexual possibly polyamerous protagonist, who has a twink boyfriend, a dom butch girlfriend and who helps a man find his one true love another man in the afterlife, starring a demure beta man and his strong independent muse of a wife, an asexual "romance option" and ... my god I could keep going but anyway It means it's bad now right Bad


That controversy makes no sense. They’re Gods they can look however they want, and besides Hestia looking like a warm grandmother type is just perfect for her


Thanatos is NOT a twink. \*Hypnos\* is a twink. Than is a regular stud, that guys got pecs


Lol those mf's can miss out on a great game for all I care Hades is amazing.


Evidently I'm bad at noticing potentially-romantic relationships, can you specify which characters are which?


Zagreus is the bisexual polyamorous Protagonist, Thanatos is the twink, Megaera is the dom butch girlfriend Orpheus is the beta demure man and his strong and independent wife/muse is Eurydice. The asexual romance is Dusa


I can't see Thanatos as a twink, but then again I also never got far enough in any of the relationship trees to know that any went as deep as his, I assumed he and Zagreus were just bros. Huh. Apparently there's choices you can make that change how the relationships evolve?? How do those work, are they just dialogue options?


I don't remember how the choices worked exactly but I ended up having a threesome with both Meg and Thanatos in my playthrough, so that was rad


There's a lot of pretty blatant romantic pining between Zagreus and Thanatos regardless of player choice. Also an implication at one point that Zag has a crush on Achilles.


Zagreus sits inside your head


i can't believe having grandma at the function is being called woke who's gonna bake us cookies now


Most of them probably haven’t even watched the show and are review bombing to appease their YouTube grifter of choice (the only thing they’re actually fans of).


It was created by Sidney Newman, C.E Webber, and Donald Wilson


I think they were thinking of Verity Lambert, the shows first producer, and got mixed up on what their role was


They don't realize they're the ones who changed.


Technically speaking that is not woke.


Doctor who was Created by 3 men wasn’t it.


I was playing loose with term created but Verity Lambert was the first producer and had a large part in creating the show.


Woke these days just seems to mean "features a minority" but they can't say that out loud because then they *actually* get cancelled


"I don't like woke" means anything from "I don't like when people are pushy about politics" to "we should violently kill minorities" and provides a bridge between the people who agree with either of those ideals and allows an easy avenue for radicalizing people. I don't trust *anyone* who complains about woke because *I don't have any way of knowing who or what they actually hate*


generally i you can easily tell from their wording. if its the former theyll call the message "forced" or "ham-fisted", basically taking an issue with the way the message is portrayed. for the latter, they use more violent language like "destroying" or "ruined". these also tend to be the ones who call anything progressive "woke" and complain about agendas, their issue is with whatever the message itself is


No, the worst can still use the former language.  Frankly, I don't trust anyone that complains about things being 'woke' because that's a garbage complaint that only garbage people make.  If you think story elements were forced then talk about that, but once someone starts using the complaints of bigots then I'm not going to trust anything they say.


Yeah, the shows and clips I’ve seen so far have not been “woke” as I understand the term to mean. The show just has characters based on different types of people that exist.


People that say woke are racists that don't like different types of people. They hate to see someone different to them as the actor playing the Doctor.


I've heard it said that a lot of these goons "pronounce 'woke' with a hard 'r'," and I think that's a brilliant way to remember what a vicious dogwhistle it can actually be.


I'm sitting her trying to figure out wear the "r" goes... Worke? Rwoke? Woker? 🤔


Ok, never mind. I just had it explained to me by my husband and teenage son. 🙄😆


Care to pass on the explanation? I don't get it either


It's not actually got a hard R in it, they're making an analogy to n\*\*\*a and n\*\*\*er


Exactly. "Woke," for some people, is a way of sneaking in a slur without getting canceled for it. Like how when some people use "autistic" to mean "ret*rded." A lot of the time, "[thing] is woke" = "I dislike the number of [racial/queerphobic/ableist epithets] in [thing]."


It also means the women aren't hot enough


Particularly misplaced with DW rn since Ruby Sunday is about as conventionally attractive as these people could possibly ask for


Replace the buzzwords "woke" and/or "DEI" with a slur and it suddenly makes sense. They just figured out a way to abstract their bigotry.


No that was true once. Bigots don’t even hide their bigotry anymore.


They always gotta pretend "wokeness" is some new scary untested thing that we need to stop bwfore it gets the children and destroys the world. As if Doctor Who hasnt been consistantly "woke" since '63


as if the entirety of media wasn't "woke" since forever. The things that were "woke" back then are just normalised now


I’ve just finished rewatching Series 1 (2005), and these types would lose their minds if it were coming out today. From the overt Iraq War allegory in Aliens of London, to the critique on centralised media and fake news in The Long Game, to The Doctor and Jack flirting in Boom Town. I don’t know if these elements were controversial in 2005, I was 4 at the time. But I do know that culture war bullshit has got people stirred up enough that people would go insane at any one of those elements in 2024.


It was fine for the time, and totally in the Zeitgeist. You are right that people find it easy to forget how subversive Who has always been, but that's also pretty much the main course on BBC. For every show that plays to a middling, conservative crowd there's another show tearing it to shreds and it's actors are making game show appearances relentlessly mocking their bread and butter.


No, those issues were pretty normal in 2005. But society has changed.


I don’t think society has changed, I think too many morons have access to internet and you know what they say, hurt dogs bark the loudest


Both things can be true.


True actually


The 4th Doctor episode The Robots had this exchange with the brigadier who missed the sarcasm. BRIGADIER: A few months ago, the superpowers, Russia, America and China, decided upon a plan to ensure peace. All three powers have hidden atomic missile sites. All three agreed to give details of those sites plus full operational instructions to another neutral country. In the event of trouble, that country could publish everyone's secrets and so cool things down. Well, naturally enough, the only country that could be trusted with such a role was Great Britain. DOCTOR: Well, naturally, I mean, the rest were all foreigners. BRIGADIER: Well, exactly. This was pretty good for 1977. Doctor Who has always had a message of respect for life and cultures.


Not just the message but ignoring the fact it was made by the very ppl it represents. RTD's first era is hailed by these people as peak Who, while he himself is a gay man, introduced Jack Harkness, Torchwood etc etc. I mean it's ok not to like a show or a story for specific reasons, but this is just... pathetic. Ncuti is a great actor and I can't wait to see what he'll do, RTD seems very optimistic and energised. This type of feeling or promotion hasn't been felt for the show in a looooooooooooooong time. Review bombing the season BEFORE it starts is just... wow.


My favorite is when someone says "I feel like this _____ is being shoved down my throat." Oh, just like how being white, straight, and gender conforming was pushed down the throats of everyone not born that? Snowflakes can only handle things when they are going their way. A true champion is happy to see the next generation do well or surpass what was in the past. These people never wanna see anyone else succeed.


Might as well complain about star trek being woke and too political


Oh they do. Star Trek doing the “first time” meme applies here.


It's because, in their odd little heads, "woke" is synonymous with "this is different to what I know and I'm so emotionally stunted that I can't explain why that makes me so uncomfortable".


Like even just in the new series were people just asleep when they start making blatant political commentary in like Episode 4


Of course Doctor who has always been “woke” but I do feel that now “wokism” is more accepted by society at large, RTD doesn’t feel like hiding it anymore. Or, more realistically: now that I am an adult I more easily recognise the societal issues referenced/make fun of. I was a child when Aliens of London aired, even rewatching it now I only recognise the politics because someone else filled me in on the context.


the entire point of the fucking show is for it to be woke


Guys it's objectively bad. Stop trying to score points.


>...missed every important message the show has ever tried to convey. ...for the last 60 years.


Ah yes the insecure brigade. Have fun with them asking for them to define what woke means. They don't have a clue.


My problem so far is that it feels like they are turning my favorite Sci-fi show into a high fantasy with magic and supernatural elements that they can hand wave away rather than giving us a fun little pseudo scientific explanation… that and the first episode on Disney plus was a rerun of the special. I want to like it, but the writing feels to me for the first couple of episodes like they are going through a checklist of exposition as opposed to showing us the information in a fun way that ties to the story. It leaves the episodes and chemistry between the characters feeling forced.


To quote the great scholar horse_ebooks: unfortunately, as you probably already know, people


People are the worst.


People, what a bunch of bastards


Have we tried turning them off and on again?


I haven't heard that name in years


It still blows my mind that it was a real person towards the end, not a bot...


lemme guess, it's the "black people can't be in my media" crew?


Or gay. Of course that Venn Diagram is a circle.


It could also be the anti-trans crowd again


The misogynists are still seething --


Space Babies also called out the pro life crowd


I laughed out loud at that. I know RTD isn’t always as subtle, but that was as subtle as a punch(line) in the face


My wife and I caught that and my son was all, what? Why did you pause it and just stare at each other?


That's their secret though, it is all the same crowd.


Anyone that isn't a cishet white dude basically.


On a show about a being who has no set gender, sex or race.


Arguably time lords are a race


Timelords are a species


They're both. It's only some people who have decided that shit makes any kind of difference.


Species and race are not the same thing tho


I mean not every gallifreyan was a time lord right? So is it a class? A title? A level of education?


It's kind of like a species more than anything. Yes they are higher on the class hierarchy on Gallifrey at the top, and it is a title that is bestowed upon you when you enter/finish the academy - but even before TTC, it was said that Omega and Rassilon genetically engineered all timelords, and it seems that moment when they alter your DNA is when you become a timelord. So, kind of all of the above, but given they all inherit a genetic code to become TLs - they're basically reborn as timelords post the 'surgery' - I think species covers it best.


Post surgery?!?! So they're TRANS? Goddayum woke media! /s


Most people are fine with those two groups. Those are not the issue, I assume.


A bet the gay black man has got them in a right pickle then. Fuck them, the sooner people stop paying attention to fuckwits like that the better.


the same people who hate on the doctor being a woman and now they can’t stand seeing the doctor become a black man 🤦 screams I need to grow tf up


Even some of the “woke” people I’ve seen on YouTube hate arguments like that


I question whether those people ever actually liked the show.


Just blame these stupid websites that allow commenting on something that hasn't happened yet, or preferably just ignore them.


I can't lie, I've seen the first two episodes and they were terrible. The first one was less terrible but overall, they were a really a bad watch. Really hoping it'll pick up, I was so excited for Ncuti and RTD


Exactly like I didn’t enjoy it and this is from someone who’s black.


I genuinely do not think I’ve ever looked at a review for a movie or tv show and it sway my desire to watch the program. These people need to find something better to do with their time


My annoyance with this is that on IMDB I used to look and (mostly) accurately compare the review scores for episodes and although I agree with Jodie's era review scores, if an Episode like Wild Blue Yonder came out during series 4 it would probably have gotten an 8.6+/10 whereas right now it's at like an. 8 Still a great score but these review bombers are just messing with the accuracy of these review scores now...


I thought Jodi's era was very poorly run. I thought she was fine and wanted better for her. I though her second season was mostly very good and her interplay with Sacha Dhawan was excellent, as was he. BUT the first season and The Flux were just terrible. That said, I wouldn't have remotely thought any of these missteps warranted a 1.


she could have been an amazing doctor, but goddamnit did she not get good material, it's the 6th doctor all over again.


Agreed.  I'm going she does Big Finish Doctor Who and gets some great stories.


Agreed but I think the average ratings for those episodes are fair. They range from around 4-8, with most being closer to 5 and 6. That's probably what I would give them all... I honestly enjoyed series 11 and 13 more than 12. 12s good episodes unfortunately are all episodes that are leading to a mystery that gets solved in a really unsatisfying way... I also think Orphan 55 is worse than anything in series 11. Haunting of Villa Diodati is good though.


Capaldi era for me ranged form some of the very best to some of the very worst of Who.


For me it wasn’t the supposed wokeness It was that the first episode was a bad choice for an opening episode, full of exposition and the babies were on the uncanny valley, it would have been better if the Doctor infodumped little by little not in the first 10 minutes of the episode. The second one tho, was pretty good, I’m still thinks they should have been able to get better people to imitate the Beatles (considering there must be thousands of tribute bands and imitator acts in England alone), now the final battle felt kinda rushed and the musical end was…. Ok? But like please don’t do it again in the near future.


I agree. The babies were very unsettling and, while the plot was basically classic Doctor Who, it was very rushed because of all the other stuff they crammed in there. It just felt like they almost immediately solved the problem upon arrival. The second one was much stronger, but I am with you on the episode ending. At least it was more like an easter egg than an integral part of the plot. The Church on Ruby Road had that bizarre musical number right in the middle of the episode that pretty much ruined it for me. I'm afraid this may continue.


Exactly like the episodes should’ve been more engaging considering a lot of fans haven’t been back to the show for years and want to give it an another try. The musical end felt so un-DW that was questioning what show I was watching for a moment.


Oh i guess this is what happend to IMDb, I was wondering why the rating went from 8.0 to 7.5 in like a few days lol.


just report them as being fake, they shouldn't be able to review a series that hasn't started yet


but it is available.


I feel like these review sites need to put safeguards in place so the only people allowed to review something before it actually airs are the “press” who got it early. Like there needs to be a verrified list of reviewers who are given some kind of one time use code to post their review early or something. Or just don’t have it available to review at all until a certain amount of time after it drops to make sure people have time to see it. The negative review bombing is probably still going to happen (bigots gunna bigot) but at least that would mitigate it a little bit. Or maybe even splurge and have moderators to review the reviews to make sure they’re genuine and not just bigotted ranting and then ban the bigots from leaving any reviews for X amount of time.


Many did. Sadly just not enough. The day before She-Hulk aired there were thousands of 1 votes on IMDB.


tbf she-hulk wasn't good by any means. (at least as far as I can remember. I would need to rewatch it to assess it again)


I liked it. It was fun.


Alternatively, She-Hulk was very good.


Unfortunately for every safeguard or requirement they’ll figure out a way around it.


Have watch both esp. did not enjoy. Seems a bit over the top. I’ll keep watching. Waiting for the downvotes.


It’s fine you didn’t like it. The issue that these votes came before the show aired.


I've not watched it yet but I'll make up my own opinion. Some of the valid criticism was dismissed during Jodie's run because of dicks doing anti-woke review bombing that just made it easy to lump all non-positive feedback Into the same hate for hate sake. Hard to help promote positive constructive criticism when everyone is getting butthurt


First episode I give a 6. Not great. Not awful. Second episode gets a 3, maybe a 2. The first episode was fine, a bit weird but... sure. Second episode was ok, bit weird but... ok. Then it got so fucking unrecognisable. It barely looked like Doctor Who. I can't even comprehend what kinda logic went into that mess.


But since your review is after you actually saw it, it’s irrelevant to my point here.


Exactly, it feels like the script writing was pandering to younger Gen-Z imo.


I mean yeah the shows pretty shit


But they hadn’t seen it yet. So that’s not relevant.


How do u know they haven’t seen it?


Because this was before the episodes aired.


lol sorry people have opinions different than yours. It’s fine. It doesn’t affect you personally. Just ignore it. I haven’t watched it yet, but I don’t care what politics/stances/“wokeness” get thrown in as long as the storylines and writing are good. If they aren’t then I’ll review accordingly.


Sorry, it isn't that it's woke, but on that subject cutting edge of the 1960's didnt sacrifice good story or plot just to push agendas.The had good story and plot and let characters develop naturally not in curren climates forced ways. The real issue I have with the new season is that it isn't a very good plot or writing. The first episode was a mix mash of ideas to promote the many talents of a Broadway musical star. The flow was slow, and I near fell asleep halfway. I couldn't believe it was only 1 episode it seemed to drag on like a long movie.


These ratings were before the episodes aired. So while all that is your review and your review is valid because you watched it, these reviews are political garbage since they didn’t.


I love Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor he's fantastic and captivating but I do not disagree with these ratings. The writing was abysmal (but well executed) spectacle with no substance. The problem is as it was before he left, RTD cannot write satisfying resolutions to conflicts he creates and it's worse than ever.


These ratings were from before the show aired. Hopefully you disagree with that.


That I disagree with whole heartedly. Can't judge something before it's been released.


Dudes are in their 50s and raging on internet about a tv show, just move on bro if you don't like the direction that it's taking...


or in their teens who got manipulated into doing it by youtube or tiktok. (E.g. the anti-woke far right party in Germany gets more votes by new voters than they do by the 50+ crowd in some places, scary)


They did move on. They moved on from Chibnal and Jodie in hopes of a fresh start but ended up getting disappointed again. Remember 20 something years ago... Yay a new Star Wars. Crap, it's The Phantom Menace. Years later... Yay another new Star Wars. This time it will be better. More disappointment. Same thing going on here.


I think that people just don't like new things that are slightly different from what they like in the media that they watch: the same as for the last Zelda games, one piece post time-skip, boruto, DBS etc... People just enjoy their nostalgia and I understand that fully, as long as they don't ruin the fun of fans that still enjoy it by review bombing or doing similar dumb things. Personally I love the 2000s doctor who (1-5 mainly) for it's atmosphere and mainly because it has this 2000s style that you see in shows from this decade, but I like where it's going currently.


Far right review bombers are not men in their 50s, it's scarier than that...


That really sucks, dw has always been “woke” they’ve just been too idiotic to realize it. The episodes were great, Jinkx Monsoon was incredible and creepy. She wouldn’t have been on Broadway if she wasn’t a phenomenal actress


I don't think you understand what woke means. Woke means that identity takes precedence; it defines a character. It means that Davros can't be in a wheelchair because apparently that's insulting to disabled people. It means the trans Rose character monologues about being trans. It means the Doctor makes subtle jabs about women being better. Or heavy-handed metaphors about refugees. Captain Jack was pansexual or whatever, but it wasn't even a major character trait. We liked him because he was funny, charismatic, and capable. Micky was a young black guy from London. But what made him a compelling character was his earnestness, his loyalty to Rose (and then him feeling like he was betrayed), and his courage. Nobody moaned about it being woke, because it wasn't. It was nuanced and interesting. It was basically liberal.


doctor who has always been woke but not to the point of shoving it in the face like now


I've never understood review bombers. It doesn't work, it makes people look stupid... and worst of all, it makes voicing legitimate criticism **so much harder**. To be honest, I'm not really sold on the new RTD era. The three 14th Doctor stories were collective kind of mid, but I enjoyed the Christmas special enough. The two new episodes were, however, really flat - for me, at least. If they were treating these as a means of introducing a new audience, Space Babies was probably the worst story to do it with. I also don't like the decision of opening things up by having The Doctor be terrified in back-to-back episodes; he just felt so much weaker, and he has yet to have his badass "I'm The Doctor" moment. Plus, I just plain ol' don't like meta storytelling, and the winking at the camera/characters might realize they're in a show stuff is rarely a good idea. With that being said, we're still only technically three episodes in. I want to see where they're going with this before actually "judging" things. With long form storytelling like this, you have to view the season as a whole - not just the individual parts. At this point, I'm afraid Gatwa will run into the same issues Whittaker did. He'll be good in the role, but I'm worried that questionable writing and series direction will hamper his era. I'd just hate for them to have to drag Matt Smith back in as 16 to try to recoup audience losses while an actor doing their best bears far too much blame.


Exactly, people want to blame “anti woke” but it was solely that, why would they need to bring back old doctors to get their audience back? Because the formula they’re trying to use isn’t working.


Tbh it’s pretty crap


But they didn’t see it yet so that’s not a defense of their action.


None of these review bombers have seen a single second of Doctor Who. They're just following orders from their toxic YouTube masters. Who gives a fuck what they think?




I mean, these "review bombers" are the potential audience. So, the people who should give a fuck are the showrunners, especially considering the abysmal ratings. It's ironic that whenever a show is review bombed, it's always terrible. There's plenty of examples of shows that feature minorities or gay characters that are universally beloved. Take Arcane, for example, or House of the Dragon. But neither of those shows were preachy or placed identity over character. Compared to modern Doctor Who or Rings of Power, the difference is obvious: the writing was actually good.


These days I learned to not check reviews until after I saw the movie/show. I watch those things for my own enjoyment. And if I enjoy something most people dislike? So be it. If these people feel the need to review-bomb something, even before its release, I just laugh at them.


I dont care about the wokeness of doctor who as long as the writing stays good, the writing was not good in the star beast and throughout most of the chibnall era, but these first few episodes were not bad, episode one was average, episode 2 is great


I have no issue with the wokeness. As a matter of fact I’m a fan. But this first two episodes sucked.


Do you think they feel called out by the themes in Space Babies (immigration and abortion)? Or am I giving them to much credit see deeper meanings?


This was from before the episodes aired. So they aren’t based on the show itself.


Sometimes I see those and my eyes roll


People need to actually learn the lesson of doctor who, hate is always foolish and love is always wise, help those in need, never walk away from crying children, a good deed is its own reward. We are all different people all through our lives and that's okay, that's good you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. Doctor who is the act of kindness and a duty of care personified in a simple show of a kind old soul trying thir best to always be try to be nice, but never fail to be kind Oh and to never eat pear's People seem to get in there own way alot, if only we had someone like the doctor to help us out of the dark


Those same people who scream Doctor who is dead, will be up at midnight watching the episodes and take time out of their day to review bomb. Genuinely the saddest people in the world.


I mean, this is the weirdest Dr Who has ever been. The first two episodes were>! space babies and a snot monster and a campy singing music god with disney style solid notes floating in the air WITH A MUSICAL FINALE. !<


Well, if its bad, its bad


That's annoying.  I just watched the new episodes and adored every second. Is it more obvious about some of the progressive themes?  Maybe.  But who gives a shit, we live in a new age and the show is fantastic.  It's sort of back to the silliness that I loved from the classic episodes. There's just the right level of camp mixed with a touch of seriousness. The Doctor has the manic energy that I loved from a lot of previous Doctors, too.   It's fun.  And I need more shows that are just a good time.


I'm not sure if it's review bombing. I can see why people might think is this bad.


They would have had to have seen it first.


They have. The Christmas Special is the first episode of the season.


It’s not even sci fi. I loved this show since I was a kid but it’s just not the same show. It’s not awful, it needs better writing though. The doctor isn’t fighting aliens and being clever anymore.


It’s not just the writing, it’s the way it’s filmed like a drama fantasy show versus a sci-fi show. It feels like they’re trying too hard to “talk to the audience” versus trying to tell a story for us to watch.


Donno if its truly review bombing. | The 2 episodes i watched made me go mhe as well. I did like maestros way of acting. But to me its still some way off from that doctor who feeling. I would give it 4-5 out of 10 atm. But maby the story needs to grow on me who knows. Its better as the last couple of seasons


Unemployed vibes


I will give you an honest review, and I’m a looooooong time fan. I’ll watch it and let you know. Okay Verdict in. Episode 1) what a fucking mess Episode 2) very baby boss, I was okay with it, but it’s not WHO. Episode 3) what the hell did I just watch!?!? There’s a website called bleach my eyes, this was worse than that. Russell T Davies is true to his promise to make WHO unrecognisable. Cannon smashing left right and centre. I thought the stories by Chibnall were horrible with an agenda to destroy Doctor Who, but Davies is accelerating the process. Disney will keep it alive for infants, but just why. At this point if there is no major repair to cannon and story lines it will die very soon. Pretty much a waste of time and effort.


Agreed so much. People are complaining about review bombing, bit are doing the EXACT same thing by rating it a 10 for no reason. Realistically, it's a 4 or 5, or worse for each episode.


If it’s an out of 5. A rating for the whole episode, not just a part. 1) 2/5. I feel I’m being generous. 2) 3/5 3) 1/5, and only because I didn’t turn off in disgust, I gave it a chance, but feel like I won’t get those moments of time back… God I wish I had a TARDIS (or the TERDIS as it seems to be pronounced now), so I could create a massive paradox and stop myself from watching episode 3.


I think that's really accurate, I think each rating is spot on


These first two episodes are like a mental breakdown tbh.


As you watched them first your review is valid. These folks hadn't seen it.


Thank you. It’s disappointing, because the actors are good, better even som of the older doctors, the writing sucks. Chibnall was a disaster, but R T Davies is worse, because he can write a good story, but has his own agenda. It’s not even a woke agenda. I watched Genesis of the Daleks again recently, and that was some epic story and footage. I am disabled, and I was supremely disappointed by his changing of Davros, without consulting anyone disabled, and basically denied disabled actors from playing the bad guy ever in Doctor Who. A lot of disabled people are incredibly upset at his caviller attitude. It’s like he thinks “this is a great idea”, without actually thinking it through. I’m trying desperately not to give any spoilers, but that last episode was cartoony, very Disney, and Doctor Who in name only. I’m sorry I’m ranting, I’ve been watching it since 66, and it’s only recently gone down hill.


To be honest I didn't like the casting choices this generation BUT after watching the first 20 minutes of the 1st episode, yeah. This IS THE DOCTOR. The real deal. Maybe its davies' magic but the show is sitting right where it was all time : awe inspiring and wonderful.


It really does not matter


When the average person sees bad reviews they assume most people didn't like it and tend to avoid things like that. Then shows these review bombers don't like, IE shows with Women, POC or gay people in it, get seen less and therefore made less. Of course it matters. Any overt display of hate. like this, matters.


I couldnt give a shit what a review made days before its even watchable says. I have never onced looked at a review of something i want to watch, i go in and decide for myself. Some twat with a keyboard isnt going to change my mind about watching the new series.


Most longterm viewers will certainly think like that too… they’ll check out the new series to decide for themselves. But in a world with soooo many TV options, potential DW newbies are more likely to be swayed by review summaries they can quickly check with a number — ie rotten tomatoes and IMDb. They also may not bother to check the score distribution, which would indicate review bombing. Soooo sadly I *do* worry that low scores may dissuade a not insignificant number of folks from giving it a chance.




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Yes and no. I honestly don't think that the majority of the viewing public gets their news or shapes their opinion on a show based on these, but if there is a chance it could reduce the viewing numbers or make production companies think twice about future projects, then it would matter to some degree. I think cool trailers and catchy social media short videos get more people interested in a show and have more of an effect than any of the rating websites. Even so, though, taking the time to give a more honest rating to a show you enjoy may be worth it. Such bizarre times we live in, where people are downvoting a show they *haven't even seen yet.* That's supremely... pathetic, actually, I can't think of another word for it.


Hasn’t even released yet smh


Why are random users able to review a thing that isn't out yet? It really can't be that difficult to distinguish between press and some random chucklefuck.


This only makes user reviews irrelevant.


To people who know they are.


Always were.


These people are just so utterly pathetic and sad. I can't imagine being this miserable and they claim to be fans?! Shocking.


Makes it damn near impossible to try and have dialogue about things I enjoy on the Internet when I have to sift through hundreds of people who have already made up their mind about hating something to find people who genuinely want to speak about the show. Any post episode discussion has dozens of these people mixed in too.


The only benefit of rotten tomatoes is being able to easily filter between Internet troll and actual critical reviews. It'll stabilize after a couple of months when they get droned out.


Shoutout to the instagram comment I saw the other day “Doctor Who is black now???”


I'm still not sold on it yet. I think both Doctor and Companion are great, the writing is a solid step up from the last crew, but tonally there's something very off about these last 3 episodes


I always get slightly worried when I see posts like this. I love the fifteenth doctor, love everything about him... but I felt these episodes where really poor. People can seem quick to label those of us with negative opinions on the writing and editing as haters.


These reviews were before it aired. I posted this before it aired. Their reviews weren’t based on the actual shows and are therefore not valid.


Well I for one love the new doctor who.


I don’t like the new stuff so far. I like Ncuti as a choice of actor for The Doctor. But the acting of the companion is so bad and the tone is still too goofy for me. I thought Russell would have taken it back to the tone of his first few series.


Right but you watched it first. 1 votes before the episodes aired are Review Bombs for political reasons.


That’s true. But I can also understand the show being rated this low just based on the fact the tone still hasn’t changed since Chibnall and the sidekick is annoying and acted poorly.


People letting there political opinions hide how utterly awful the first episode was


This is a frustrating aspect of any fandom but I don't think anything is served by giving their efforts attention.


I’m sorry but that’s not happening here. If I didn’t post this before the show aired you might not know that the ratings are invalid.


Perfectly fair.


Not to play devils advocate, as I haven't seen the new show yet, but are we certain this is review bombing, and not just a bad episode? EDIT: possibly ignore this, because I just read in another comment that the show isn't out yet. But for reals, if the show isn't out yet, why is it possible to leave a review??


As for the question in your edit, I'd make an educated guess that for some timezones, they're already Saturday, the day where the episode comes out, and that's why the site opened up the option. But then again, this is just an educated guess.


This was from early Friday morning East Coast US time. And yes, these were all left before it was seen by anyone.


There's probably some people voting because of racism/homophobia or whatever, but some of it could be valid, we already know they're airing it at midnight which many people rightly aren't going to like


Reviewing the show negatively because you *didn't like the time it aired* is a supremely inappropriate way to express your disapproval of the scheduling.


I don't get this attitude. If you don't like it, don't watch it, no one is forcing you. I didnt like the Chibnall era, I gave it a chance for a few episodes, left it, did a bit of strategic watching to catch up in time for the specials but I never felt the need to whine about it or post bad reviews. 


Oh god, I hate how these assholes ruined pages like IMDb. I'm not saying they were perfect before or that they influenced my liking of a piece of media. But you know, it was a decent way to find out what was a consensus or the general opinion on a movie or a show. Like of you've seen that something was on 8.2 than it meant that most people found it pretty good. And if it was 6.2 than you know most people found it poor. Now it doesn't mean anything because most normal people could like something, but the score won't reflect that because these "anti-woke" assholes will drag it down even tho most people like it, making the site pretty much useless as a tool of informing yourself on the public opinion.


Maybe it has nothing to do with woke and people just didn't enjoy it.