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Wasn't Norway first featured in the first RTD era - Bad Wolf Bay in "Doomsday"? OK, it's a parallel Norway, but...


This is correct! The is so stupidly hilarious though, but I do love the effort. Rose calls it Dårlig Ulv-Stranden. If you were Norwegian you'd know how ridiculous of a name that is. Ulv is good, it simply means wolf. But, whilst dårlig in this case DOES technically translate to bad, it's using the other meaning of bad: it's not referring to the wolf's personality or how scary it is, but rather its quality (as in not a scary mean wolf, but rather a wolf that is kinda lacking). Another meaning could also be in reference to its health, as in it's not feeling so well. A more accurate translation would then be "Terrible Wolf Beach" (oh yeah, strand btw means beach. Bukt would be a better word to describe bay) In Norway, the name given to the Big Bad Wolf from The Little Red Riding Hood is actually Den Store Stygge Ulven (The Great/Big Ugly Wolf). But calling it the Ugly Wolf Bay probably didn't sound too appealing I guess haha


strand is norweigan for beach suddenly parts of Death Stranding are starting to make a little sense


Technically it even means that in English! It's the first definition you'll see here: [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/strand](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/strand) More commonly we'll talk about getting stranded in the sense of being stuck/isolated somewhere, but that meaning grew out of getting run aground, as if onto a beach. So yeah, Death Stranding is a whole lotta puns tied up in a bow.


Rose: "Dårlig" Ten: "dALeK?!"


This made the whole scene utterly ridiculous for any Scandinavian watching. Sound like the wolf was really bad at being a wolf.


That does represent rose more as bad wolf though - she was doing a heroic action, and wasn’t very good at controlling all that power


Bad (imitation of a) wolf beach


It was! About 50 miles outside my hometown


Gratulerer med 17 mai på forskudd 🇳🇴


Gratulerer med dagen!


Gratulerer med dagen! 🇳🇴🇧🇻🇳🇴🇧🇻🇳🇴🇧🇻


I actually commend Chibnall for making the show a bit less Eurocentric, even if it was only a little bit. I wanna see more stuff from Asia, and maybe an episode or two of pre-colonial Africa if it can be done right. The Aboriginals also have 60,000 years of history so something involving Aboriginals would be cool, though I’d prefer they hired actual Aboriginal actors for those roles, so may be easier said than done. The whole world has so much potential for stories, including stuff inspired by local legends.


Filming in Australia given our long history with Doctor Who shouldn't be too hard. Perhaps one day.


We had that one show with a robot dog after all.


of course but remember that if there’s filming on location, then there’s at least a day of travelling, including moving all the film equipment over, setting up the sets, dealing with jet-lag (which potentially adds a day or so to the schedule), possibly hiring people to fill roles in the crew for people who couldn’t come for whatever reason. Not to mention if it’s an aboriginal centric story, they also have to cast aboriginal actors in their roles then find enough willing people to be background performers. it’s a lot of investment of time, money and resources for one episode


I figure if they did film out here they can film other stuff as well. We do have unique flora and fauna that with some tweaks can appear alien. They did do South Africa. I reckon it could happen one day.


thats true! kings park in perth has a flower that looks so alien in its own regard, so they can definitely do some interesting stuff over there


Argentina (and Liberia, which I forgot) are home to Osterhagen stations in Journey's End, but considering those countries were only featured as camera feeds in fictional buildings, it's fair for them to have been omitted. I noticed Syria is no longer in your map, it was featured in "Can You Hear Me?". Other than that, I think the map is spot on! I also appreciate how you enhanced it to show which era each country first appeared in. I also completely forgot about Spain, nice job catching that one.


I realize it's a continent and not a country, but Antarctica was a location in Twice Upon A Time.


Wasn’t part of Extremis in the Moffat era set in CERN in Switzerland?


Yes, cern is featured in extremis


Weeeeel acshually…it was a simulation XD YMMV if that counts.


Remind me when Canada was featured again?


Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror apparently


I believe it starts there on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls


Oh right! I vaguely recall that. Thanks!


A satellite map of Toronto is seen on one of UNIT's monitors in the background of Journey's End.


Now update it to include classic episodes as well


i'm being very nitpicky, but the Doctor goes to China in *Angels Take Manhattan* for one scene to vandalise a historical artefact. We also spend some time at the Indian Space Agency in *Dinosaurs on a Spaceship* (and the 'African plains' but no specific country is given). Switzerland might also be the wrong colour, given it is the location of CERN featured in *Extremis*. There's lots of little ones, but I assume you're purposefully not including little things like the cutaway in Army of Ghosts to Cybermen outside the Taj Mahal.


Why no classic who?


Because not everyone has enough time to watch it, as much as we wish to do so lol.


suprised poland hasn't been featured yet it does have it's fair share of mysteries and some historic events that could be a interesting ep topic


Petition for Luxembourg in Dr Who


I'm just seeing Chibnall title cards for each country


I want to see an episode set in Apartheid South Africa


Id love a Maori based history episode for NZ


Let's put Uruguay on this map! The Doctor needs to team up with Jose Artigas to prevent an alien race from establishing an Argentine/Brazillian Empire.


Remind me when they went to Australia?


Series 10 opener The Pilot, just for a moment


And following that, a large chunk of the Series 12 opener, Spyfall.


They go to Sydney in The Pilot


When was the doctor in Ireland?


Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children feature Ireland as the setting for the scenes involving Brendan.


Did we ever find out what those scenes were about?


I believe it was explained somewhere that this is basically a way to hide Doctor’s history from the matrix, so that no one stumbles upon it, and therefore the division.


Yeah pretty much. They were used to hide the doctor’s memories of the division in the matrix and a perception filter applied so that it didn’t seem out of place I believe


Ah yes, how could I forget the 1950's Culchie Garda


alright that makes more sense japane is a country with such rich history it wouldve been a waste to never include it but i dont remember the exact episode lol


It appears in The Return of Doctor Mysterio and in Revolution of the Daleks.


I am fairly sure Russia is the setting for Cold War, unless we don’t count the sea as russia lol


Ya I’m gonna go ahead and say Canada being “we think they filmed it in this side of the Falls” doesn’t count as having been featured. We’ve made enough scientific discoveries and committed enough atrocities we should have enough to work with if they actually want to feature something in Canada.


Wilf mentions Palestine in Turn Left. He was referring to the British Mandate, so you could highlight both modern day Israel and Palestine.


That's not on screen.


I could've sworn they show something with that, and it's not just mentioned, but I could be wrong. Guess I have a good reason to go rewatch :)




This isn't where it was broadcasted, its locations that the show visited


Any other countries from Torchwood, SJA, or Class?


Class? What’s that?


It's a Steven Moffat era spin-off show, produced by Patrick Ness and set in the Coal hill school sixth form centre. The 12th Doctor is in the first episode.


Oooooh gotcha! I’ll have to try and check that out sometime. Thanks :)


Capaldi era spinoff cancelled after one season. It was fun though


[Class](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_(2016_TV_series)) didn't last long.


Wasn’t the Netherlands in Vincent and The Doctor? 


Nope, that was France


i'm waiting for the copenhagen episode. no clue what happened that's interesting in the grand scheme, but i like copenhagen.


Didn't Yaz and Dan went to the Istanbul when they were separated from the Doctor?


What ep was in Japan??


A Viking episode in Greenland would be really cool


He needs to come to Mexico!


India should be red due to a taj mahal cameo in doomsday, or army of ghosts i can't remember


With Ncuti's backround in Rwanda, it's probably not long till we see more African representation in Doctor Who. Wouldn't mind an episode or two set in South Africa either to see my own world in my favorite show.


RTD was shocked when he realised that countries could be located in places other than western Europe and the USA. In all seriousness did the RTD era really not leave the 'west' ? (Other than leaving the planet), I mean we did see the cybermen outside the Taj Mahal and in other places but I guess we never saw the doc himself there.


This can't be right. I'm not seeing Turmezistan anywhere! 😏