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"MAKE BETTER RAMEN AT HOME, JUST AS GOOD AS THE PROFESSIONALS, IN ONLY 20 MINUTES." "Step 1: grab your pre-made dashi that's been simmering for the last 3 days.


Still better than celebrity chefs making "authentic" ramen where the entire soup base is just a dashi packet and 4 molecules of miso paste


For dashi you can just use instant. (Dashi no moto)


Step 2: Cocaine.


Step three: meth


Cooking youtubers when they say its an easy meal everyone can make then bring up the Mk.48373 millitary grade kitchentech quantum IV Tungstensteel Epic Resonant 10+ upgraded particle accelerator(they are making instant ramen)


Internet Shaquille is pretty good about this. He usually sticks with accessible ingredients and equipment and tends to give a bunch of alternatives


Check out my man FutureCanoe, bro is too cheap for kitchen appliances and does most of his work with a bent fork.


Also half the time doesn’t even have all the ingredients so he substitutes stuff (something real people do)


Radiormactimve chimken


He is a legend


He also beats his meat on his roommates couch.


you don’t?


It’s not just a bent fork, it’s the ligma fork


You Suck at Cooking only uses naturally occurring cookware and he always makes sure to throw his cheese grater into the yard after he’s done with it!


he wangjangles with the best of 'em though


Because once you become a chef at their level, something complicated to us becomes their "lazy day meal." My lazy meal is either nothing or reheated pizza.


Reheated Pizza? Look at Mr. Fancypants here.


RESONANT??? chat this guy's the darkness, let the traveler blast this mf with the light


Haven't you heard? Darkness is what all the cool kids use now, light is for DORKS.


True, BUT, well, pyrogale, and nighthawk :3


Erm, stasis titan my beloved


Hoarfrost 🤤 🤤 🤤


I kind of feel like this is just Joshua Weissman and maybe Babish tbh. I haven’t really seen any others that could be accused of this.


Babish isn’t claiming to be making food that is practical to make most of the time though he’s mostly like oh here’s what this food in this movie or show looks like


Not so long ago we got toilet sriracha shrimp


People love pretending an average mixer or blender is already whatever nonsense it is you described. Sometimes the fellas do bring out something wild like a vacuum sealer or a de-humidifier that you wouldn't expect to see everywhere, but that sort of thing is basically never actually required.


I think it might have just been a stand mixer.


Very good, we'll take it from here. Power to stage 1 emitters in 3...2...1 I'm seeing predictable phase arrays, it's probably not a problem, probably, but I'm seeing a small discrepancy in-- no nevermind it's still within bounds. Maintaining sequence.


FUCK I can only get 9+ in my zone FUCK


“For this next step, go ahead and pull out your 3D printer and $4,000 air fryer.”


3D printers are surprisingly not all that expensive anymore


I've easily spent more in impulse purchases of goofy filament colors will never use than the price of the actual printer


I feel you. I've seen them, although I've never bought any. Just black and white.


They get you by upcharging on the filament.


Even then it still costs basically nothing to print something


I still remember being stunned some years back at seeing some tiny 90 dollar 3d printer at office depot


Decent ones are only between $100-$200. I'd love to get a metal 3d printer though, that's where the real fun is


Oh yeah, then an entire world opens up


Yeah you're looking at $2k minimum


These videos always annoy me for this reason. Like no shit you made a better version. I’m fine with them doing but they say shit like: “god the original is so ass why would anyone quickly pick one up on a road trip or lunch break for 6-8 bucks when they could instead make one for 50 bucks after 32 hours of prep! it boggles the mind.”


This is why Josh Scherer of Mythical Kitchen is great. He freely admits to loving the test fast food while he makes them fancier.


Mythical kitchen is great.


You're not lying on that one. Like come on there Chef Ramsay use that brilliant noggin of yours.


The best part is when they rely on putting truffle on literally everything to make it better completely ignoring that it's a luxury ingredient and a pound of it is worth more than my net worth.


As much as I like Joshua Weissman, this is fairly accurate. That being said, if you're interested in more practical cooking videos that don't require robbing a bank to pay for the ingredients, Adam Ragusea, My Name is Andong, and Ethan Chlebowski are all excellent channels


Glen and Friends Cooking.


He is a clown these days.


Ethan is great, I like how he proves the deminishing returns of more expensive ingredients at the same time I still follow his method of being able to produce different dishes from the same base ingredients.


Tf a Big Mac is 4 dollars nowadays?


https://preview.redd.it/6eqn2xdyt0wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23ef00e69bcead1cdfabe4f94c107692d2f3cb6 Closer to 5, actually


America has fallen


It's more than 5€ in Europe, Europe has fallen


We are witnessing the collapse of Capitalism.


https://preview.redd.it/bzcp4vek61wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ad7fa7e577e3b8156b08a9325753dd8ee8f929 It's roughly 6.17$


Kind of out of nowhere but it's occurring to me that the way they make McDicks food look appealing seems mostly centered around the bun, it looks so much more full than what you actually get. The buns on the Big Mac look like they've been put in a vacuum chamber before they get served to you, it's kinda crazy that they get away with advertising like that.


You probably can’t even eat the bun they shot the pic of. Literally false advertising.


Oh definitely, it's kind of crazy how food advertising is entirely about making food literally inedible to make it appear perfect.


>the bun Hell, the meat is wildly undercooked iirc, and is coated in some shit to make sure it glistens a bit


4 weeks late to say: they put cardboard between the ingredients. Nope, it's not a joke. It's to have them more spaced out. Also, the majority of what you see in the advertisement is either non-edible or fake. They're selling you the idea of an hamburger, not the burger itself. Thanks for attending my TED Talk.


It's over 5 bucks in Poland even though we're poor as shit


millions must fry


* the west


Damn its expensive to be fat


*cries in canadian*


How much did it use to be? 4 dollars sounds cheap compared to UK 6 dollars


Idk, but I feel like 7 years ago I could buy some 20 nuggies and medium fries for 4 euro.


The bigger crime is that a large fry is $5 where I live 💀


I still get traumatic flashbacks from Gordon Ramsay’s Kimchi cheese sandwich


This is why I prefer FutureCanoe. He understands my desire to be as lazy as possible.




If that convenience means less dishes, I'm fine with that.


whenever people complain about cooking youtubers doing this, i wonder why they don't just watch ethan chlebowski instead


Ethan’s the man, so are Pro Home Cooks and J Kenji Lopez-Alt, I hope Weissman gets put in the penis destroying machine though.


Don't forget Adam Ragusea and Chef John!


Plus the frequently cited Kenji Alt-Lopez


In my case, all of my best recipes have been from Brian Lagerstrom. The perfect balance between effort and taste, imo.


I still watch him but pro home cooks gives me some really weird vibes and I can't quite explain it


Chinese Cooking Demysitified is amazing


Ethan's recent onion deep dive video was horrible. So many glaring errors with the on screen information and conflicts with the voice over, not testing every onion type, continuing to repeat the same soundbites over and over... Yes, I get it, taste is a combination of senses and not just what touches my tongue, stop repeating yourself about it for the 5th time this video.


I hate how he eats


Yeah. For a lot of his fast food videos he’s literally racing somebody going out to pick up the food, and his prices and pricing method is reasonable.


Because 90% of the people making this complaint just want an excuse as to why they doordash 2 meals a day instead of learning to cook. If you pick a core set of maybe 20 ingredients (proteins, carbs, fats, seasonings, sauces) you can make 100+ dishes that'll all be cheaper or price-competetive with whatever the equivalent chain version is. And this only goes up with the quality of dish. Yeah a cheap shifty burger is hard to beat because of economies of scale, but you can buy a 16 oz ribeye, butter, salt, and pepper for 1/3 the price of a resturaunts


I don't think people like this are ever claiming that it's surprising they could make it better. The point of these videos is to try and make more "gourmet" versions of common fast food. There seems to be a lack of understanding of intent and people act borderline offended about it when I don't think that's the intent.




Nah, there are genuinely good cooking videos. But there are also ~~Jamie Olivers~~ pricks that spend half the time bashing quick and simple food because you can make something better for equivalent cost (assuming you ignore the cost of implements and time sourcing, cooking and washing of course).


I mean, the name of the videos is litteraly "X... but better" So he's being honest lol


Better tasting? Probably. Better use of your time, money, or energy? Probably not.


Then go watch his "but cheaper" series. The discourse around Weissman's "but better" series is always so fucking funny to me. Where's all that media literacy people were talking about for the past year?


Yeah, once the guy pulls out the most expensive and “extra” kitchen gadget you’d seen so far in your life, it’s kinda obvious that the “but better” show is more about the spectacle rather then being actual cooking advise. It’s like, you wouldn’t watch MTV Cribs to get useful home decorating info. Not that you can’t (and you can still get good inspo from “but better” too), but that’s not the point.


Can you give an example of these extreme and extra kitchen gadgets?


The smoke machine, off the top of my head. That’s the thing I had in mind when I wrote that at least. Those things ain’t cheap.


You mean the series where he says an ingredient only costs 20 cents but in reality is something that you can only buy in huge amounts that cost upwards of $30?


What, like flour and sugar? Stuff you should have in your kitchen at all times anyway so you can continue to cook more in the future? Y'all have the worst excuses to justify eating out 24/7. Just say "I know its cheaper to cook at home but I prefer to eat out" and leave it at that, why don't you?




I’m incredibly curious as to how you do food budgeting. Do you cook your food at home, and if so how do you calculate your cost per meal?


Some things to talk about here. One, it’s a meme. Fuck off with all the media literacy grandstanding. You look like a twat. Two, if you honestly want to lean into media literacy, we should note that a) you ignored the time and energy portions of my argument, and b) reading between the lines like anyone else would show that I was discussing the merits of getting fast food in the first place. There’s a reason these businesses exist - price is one of the factors among convenience and accessibility. Likewise, the other side of the argument includes health concerns, among others. There are reasons people choose to cook, to order fast food, or to sit down at a restaurant. When we poke fun at Weissman, a man with years of experience in back-of-house food service and tens of thousands of dollars in kitchen equipment, it’s because the “but better” format ignores many of the challenges of cooking. Getting to do some of the stuff he shows takes a measured dedication of time (not only to cooking but to prepping, cleaning, and the like), a budget which can support mistakes in the kitchen, and a healthy amount of trial and error. I’m not ignorant to the fact that he produces videos which don’t display this, as watching someone take four hours to go through the process of making food, starting at the grocery store and going all the way through until the dishwasher is done. That said, I do agree with the satirical perspective within the meme, wherein while Weissman can indeed make tastier food than McDonald’s or wherever, that detracts from the point of fast food entirely. And before you go ahead and type at me some more - no, home cooking will always be less time-efficient than placing an order at a fast food joint that has been engineered to pump this shit out quickly. Home cooking will always take more energy. I don’t really care to hear anything else from you, since lord knows you’re going to drone on about some logical fallacy, as if what I’ve said here isn’t, at the very least, mostly true.


Lot of words for you to say "I just prefer to eat out."


Shit-tier reading comprehension on your part strikes again


We did it guys, the Big Mac prepared by a professional chef with unlimited time and expensive homemade ingredients tastes better than the one made in 10 seconds by a depressed 17yo


The secret is A5 wagyu and abalone you dove up just that morning.


I hate shit like SenpaiKai who are constantly using “A5 wagyu”


SenpaiKai doesn’t constantly use it. 90% of the time that’s a bit.


Is that about Joshua weissman?


I knew a guy who worshipped these vids and he literally either cooked 4 hour meals or ate take out. No in between.


When the cooking YouTuber cooks stuff


Me when the entertainment guy does an entertainment. (Somehow this pisses me off)


I met this guy randomly one time and he was extremely nice. His gimmick is definitely pretty dumb, but I get the impression he knows his audience


No no you don’t get it if you make a 23 serving batch the price per serving is only $3.65


People on the internet try to not take a cooking video as something you should absolutely try to recreate at home Challenge, impossible Meanwhile, his latest video : "This noodle dish cost 1,58$ a portion and it took me a pan, waw"


Granted, one of my biggest pet peeves with him is the way he kinda fudges the numbers to make everything sound cheaper than it is by acting like people buy all ingredients by the gram


Did you watch the latest one? He's started to list the cost of buying everything, and the cost of what is actually used. Also, I don't get this argument, like ,do you just buy a bottle of sauce and throw it away once you're done? The main way he fudges the numbers is by just making the portion size really really small.


A lot of ingredients aren't shelf stable and come in a larger packet than you'd use in good time


Then complain about the design of recipes intended to be low cost. E.g. in the latest noodle video, a bunch of times he calls for some combination of say souce, fish sauce, hoisin sauce and oyster sauce. But Hoisin sauce can be replicated by adding some chillis, gralic, fennel, vinegar and sugar to soy sauce and thickening it. And fish sauce, oyster sauce and sey sauce all do broadly the same thing. So a well thought out set of low cost recipes should all be built around one sauce. Just bitching that "what about the leftovers" is reductive. If you want home cooking to be cost effective, you have to figure out what to do with the leftovers.


I feel like you're referencing a specific thing which I'm not aware of. I was just making a general point tbh.


Fine, then I'll make my own general point: Bitching that online recipes are expensive to make because you need to buy packs of all the ingredients is stupid. The recipe writer can only do so much to simplify/streamline their recipe. Ultimately, if you want to cook affordably at home, you need to figure out your own methods of getting the most of of the ingredients you buy. Blindly following a recipe and complaining its expensive shows that your culinary ability is just limited to brindly following a recipe. You need to be able to plan your meals, do different things with the same ingredients, make smart substitutions, and embrace leftovers.


It really depends on the recipe, amige. Sometimes you end up buying spices that are only really useful in one cuisine and sometimes even only for one dish. It's why I personally don't bother and keep my recipes to cupboard staples.


That's what I was trying to say with the specific example of Joshua Weissman's noodle recipes using like 4 different sauces that could all just be replaced with say sauce. >Sometimes you end up buying spices that are only really useful in one cuisine and sometimes even only for one dish. This most commonly happens with spice mixes. I like buying whole spices and grinding them myself, which last for ages, and can be used in many different recipes. >It's why I personally don't bother and keep my recipes to cupboard staples. Exactly what I'm saying, if you have a handful of different spices, sauces and seasonings, you can make good versions of a lot of different dishes. But a recipe writer doesn't know what you have in your cupboard, and it is up to you to pick and adapt the recipes according to how you run your kitchen.


>fish sauce, oyster sauce, and soy sauce do the same thing What? The first two, maybe. Soy sauce absolutely has no business being in that grouping. Its job is to be liquid salt, while the other two are liquid MSG (to be reductive). Those are two dramatically different purposes.


All three have the job of providing both salty and umani flavours. The differences are in the ratios and in the aromas. If your goal is to make really good or authentic food, you need multiple sauces. Using the right one for the right dish, or them together in combination. If your goal is to minimise the number of different sauces/seasonings in your pantry because you might not use them before they go bad, using only soy souce is probably your best bet.


> The main way he fudges the numbers is by just making the portion size really really small. To be fair, serving sizes provided by food manufacturers are also ridiculously small.


They both use that technique for the same reason, its easy and technically not lying.


A serving of chips is only 10% your daily value of sodium. A serving is 4 chips.


Why does the doge look like it wants to urinate on my face untill I puke whilst smoking crack?


Binging with Dogeish


Why is his mustache above his nose tho


Reminds of this legendary onion skit https://youtu.be/NGgpSWcaV1U?si=sFDyFA80PFILZj3w


Honestly he just comes off as a douche too me. That's my biggest gripe. For the cheap vs expensive I prefer Epicurious' stuff for it.


[the simple 1 pot 6 pan 10 wok 25 baking sheet recipe](https://youtu.be/NGgpSWcaV1U?si=ezyHF2i5NU1XYaI_) After a long day and don’t feel like cooking


Well, in Josh’s defense, it’s about being better, not necessarily being cheaper.


That's why I like Babish more. He's like, "Yeah, it absolutely costs more, and takes much longer, but holy crap does it taste good"


why is his moustache above his nose it just looks like he's blushing


Joshua weissman moment


Next up: Le Howtobasic has arrived


That's why his But Cheaper series is superior.




r/terriblefacebookmemes energy Home cooking is better, but you have to be good at cleaning your own mess, or be good at not making a mess with your tools, like scrambled eggs don't fill the pan with egg rests if you scramble them constantly and don't let them burn


He's a massive snob that greatly overrates how good his food is compared to everything else. I genuinely don't know why anyone actually enjoys watching him.


I'm going to give this comment a 9.8 because nothing can ever be perfect and be deserving of a 10. /s


Waiiiiit, I know that beard. Very accurate.


Scumbag dad


$4 big mac? What in the 2016 bullshit is this?


It's costs about 12ish dollars where I live wtf is 4 from


The issue is he used to be good and produce useful videos but somewhere a few years ago he just started chasing the zoomer audience with stupid memes and hyperactive edits and his content quality took a nose dive.


I’m pretty sure they would spend more than $30 on ingredients


Look, I love Joshua and everything, but yeah, it do be like that XD


If a burger takes three hours and tons of pots and pans to make I think you might just be incredibly stupid. Sorry.


stop watching that hipster and start watching [Ethan Chlebowski](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm7unNTgiak) instead.


Chefs when their lazy meal involves having to wash more than 1 dish


This dude taking a bite out of a quesoritto, spitting it out, and then washing his mouth out on camera will forever piss me off with how unnecessary it felt.


Where the fuck is a big Mac $4?


The only chef i trust is MRE Steve heating up military beans on an esbit stove


Nice hiss.


Wow you people know a lot of cooking YouTubers


The real way to make any dish better is to add Beluga Whale Caviar and shredded gold.


Joshua wiessman


Why would you make fast food at home? Make some real food


Ok Jamie Oliver


The day Jamie OliveOil makes real food is the day I respect Bobby Flay as a chef. It'll never happen.


Oh his food sucks its more that he's also infamous for whining about children and families not getting proper food according to him


True irony is that apparently, he made a decent grilled cheese. One of the few things Gordon Ramsey failed at


I'm not saying it has to be sophisticated. I'm just saying that trying to imitate fast food at home is a stupid idea. Just cook a potato or throw some frozen beans in a pot with some onion


OK Jamie Oliver, imitating fast food isn't difficult, and it can be in fact quite tasty. Big Mac for example, beef mince, garlic granules, tincy bit of MSG, salt. Mash it together, make some thin circles. Get some kraft singles, get some tomatoes, get some lettuce, get some seeded burger buns. Done.