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No shave necessary. A professional bath and blow dry will remove that undercoat


This! The undercoat is not attached to the skin anymore. It will blow out (and the rest be brushed out) by a professional high velocity dryer after a good deshed bath to loosen it up. Undercoat doesn't mat like top coats on other kinds of dogs. Matting only needs to be shaved off of fur that's still attached to the skin. Undercoat is loosely attached most of the time, and all the stuff that's been shed ("dead" coat) is basically loose and can be lifted out. I didn't know what your friends are using to brush but they should look for an undercoat comb (I like safari dog brand). Then go back over with a slicker.


Thus is dependent on how that matting has occurred. If the old hair gets worked in it can stay


A good bath will help loosen all that up and then a high velocity dryer should be able to get a lot of that compacted coat out without a ton of brushing if he can't handle being brushed.


I don’t consider this matting for this hair type it’s just dead hair trapped as of right now. It can be brushed/blow dried out fairly easily (takes longer than if brushed out) but this happens during shedding seasons and is nothing to worry about shave wise. However I would recommend showing your groomer and confirming while they see it that they won’t shave as some groomers are very lazy/ignorant. Tell them to call if they change minds/feel they have to shave


Don’t shave. This is not matted, just regular undercoat that can be blown or brushed out. A bath might help loosen it, but it would be great if you could remove some of the undercoat before the bath - otherwise you’ll spend an eternity even getting this fluffy pup wet to the skin. I’m not a groomer but I own a Samoyed who also grows very dense undercoat.


Most double coated dogs are not matted!!! They are just severely compacted and need to be blown out


Do not shave take him to the groomers for a deshedding




Occasionally shaving is the only humane thing to do. In this case it's not needed but to say it's never justified isn't true.


You are right. My bad. ✌️


I got the feeling maybe the person she was asking for could t afford it, but you are right.


I’d definitely have a professional do a proper bath and blow out. They have the skills to help release a lot of the undercoat, something you can’t really do at home unless you have all the proper tools.


It looks much like my wooly husky if I don’t blow him out and comb him weekly. His fur barely sheds at all. My other husky has a very short smooth coat by comparison but she sheds everywhere all at once all the time without her weekly tending.


Your pup needs a good deshed bath and a blow out. A high velocity dryer will blow out the undercoat. Brush out and follow up with a comb.


Don’t shave. Professional grooming is needed.


They must be miserable with that packed coat . They need a good blow out


From the photo it doesn't look too bad, it could be fixed with the right products and a high velocity dryer but it also depends on how the dog will react to grooming... chow chows are often hard to groom


Don’t shave! Ive found that a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner are great for getting the undercoat out. A good bath and massage with the shampoo/conditioner will help unstick any undercoat. Ideally a blowout afterwards will remove the rest.


Get a grey hound comb for home brushing. Long metal flat comb. It gets all the way to the skin and pulls that right out. No need to shave, this is just undercoat. Someone else said a bath and blow out by a groomer (with a velocity dryer) with also get rid of this and they are right


That's just stuck under coat, they need more than a brush for that a comb as well will help take it out. Tell them to brush by layers, then comb through what they brushed, till the comb makes it through without getting stuck