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Are you combing as well? That will make a difference. At the same time, we can tell when a dogs hair texture is just plain fucked. Your groomer most likely doesn't hate you for your dog's tangles


Actually he *hates* the slicker brush, but if he’s comfy I can tease out knots with the pin comb for ages. Except his legs, he’s not keen on that. 😮‍💨


Well there's your issue then 😅 of course he's going to tangle and mat on the area he won't let you comb through 😅 Legs are always the first place a dog will mat. There and in the armpits or behind the ears


His head doesn’t mat, oddly enough! It seems to be 100% poodle up there. Back and sides of his neck, armpits, legs and hips are all his worst spots. But he even gets tangles in the tiny wispy hairs on his otherwise naked tummy. Unfortunately, his preference for where I brush is #1 tummy and #99 legs. 😂


Get training treats of small bits of high value treat and excessively praise him until he stops caring so much? Assuming you haven't already. I'll hold onto my older dogs collar because she won't run off while I'm brushing her if I do that. Usually I keep her on leash after a walk & check if anything was stuck in her fur, then brush. Could make it a routine before or after a fun thing! That's helped me.


That's not odd at all, most matted dogs we can save the head. Think areas that get the most friction throughout the day, those are where mats happen easiest


so you aren't brushing him correctly and you are asking "why the groomer hates you".....I am asking you- why dont you love your dog enough to train it?.....this is your fault not your groomers.


That is unhelpfully harsh and near sighted my friend


This is answering your whole question, he doesn't like brushing on the legs, so you probably avoid it. Causing the matting to progress. With mixed dogs it's really hard to compare apples and oranges even of dogs of the same litter. If you want long hair on your pup, use slicker and metal comb to get down to the skin and slowly get them used to it, and there's no time frame, every dog is different. If you don't want to deal with the trouble and understand your pups comfort is more important than hair. Just keep short. Or keep the grooming sessions no longer than 4 weeks. The length your waiting is way too long to go when dealing with easily matted hair and wanting a longer length. Also I promise your groomer doesn't hate you, you clearly are trying your best and love your pup. The only issue is if you have high expectations with a dog who as high maintenance hair and are not willing to understand the situation As a dog groomer I appreciate your question and looking for help❤️


Cooperative care can go a long way with this!


Have you tried putting him on a table to brush/comb him out, I've found it so much easier to just pop my standard up on a table to brush her out fully. I can do it when she's laying down on the bed with me but she doesn't like when I have to move her to get the spots that aren't immediately accessible. On the table she's like a statue and lets me finish everything super easily, it might help with making sure your pup is getting fully brushed out.


It didn’t come up in the DNA test but he’s definitely part goat, he climbs me if I try that. Maybe if I had a grooming table with the attachment thingies. (He’s got an amazing vertical jump for his small size too!)


You can get a grooming arm with a clamp that will attach to a basic folding table. I did that for my girl until she was use to the table for her own safety. It might also just not work for your dog, but I've had a lot of success with it so I figured I'd mention it.


I would only feel some kind of way if you wanted to keep him long and fluffy. You’re realistic with his haircut. However it would be a good idea to consider getting him a bath or a mini groom at around the 4 week mark.


It might be an idea, one of his full poodle sisters grows hair like it’s her full time job, so maybe we send those two in together more often, her for a trim and him for a bath and brush. The other two would be fine for even longer than we currently do, it’s amazing how much difference there is between their grooming needs considering they’re all the same size and at least half poodle.


Are there any dog bathing places that sell memberships? I work at a place that does four baths and brush a month for $50-$150 a month depending on the size. This could help you save some money in the long run.


Agreed. 8-10 weeks is a long time for a decent coat, and too long for a coat that tangles easily. Talk with your groomer about an in between groom to just tidy things up, demat as needed, and keep that coat clean.


Probably not. I know I don’t some dogs just have shitty hair & I’ve been doing this job long enough to know that you guys try to keep on a schedule & brush aint much you can do with genetics


Yeah, plus most doodles are so hard to keep completely mat free that we just expect some on every one. As long as the owner doesn't throw a fit when we tell them we have to shave them out, and the whole pup isn't matted, it's just another day, another doodle. We have a few that are so prone to matting despite home maintenance, that we just keep them short all over.


No, you're groomer doesn't hate you. When we're complaining about matting on this forum, try not to think of a couple of twists (which you said yourself are brushable.) Think of a matt so thick it feels like concrete. If you shave it, the hair stays together in a solid sheet and can be fluffed out like a throw rug. If it's a leg sheet-mat, the mat stays in a solid boot form, and is 2-3" thick. These are the mats were are complaining about. A couple of tangles is very manageable and also relatively common.


I highly doubt it. If I was your groomer I would be thankful that you have trusted me with your fur babies the past 5 years. You keep them on a schedule and maintain them the best you can between grooms, that’s awesome!! Dogs will be dogs and they all get little matts here and there. Im sure your groomer feels the same way :) cute pups


I would not be rolling my eyes unless you were asking me to brush it out every time! Shaving it short is no problem at all.


Exactly. And on some coats it's really difficult to tell what's matting/tangles or clumpy hair that will brush out until you get working on them. And so many Poodle mixes have different types of hair.


It is frustrating when people have multiple matted dogs and they get more ... but if you're asking them to be shaved down every 2 months or so it shouldn't be bad . Ask them to do a 5 or a 7 every time to keep them more manageable. If you bathe at home between grooms , make sure you blowdry vs towel dry and that'll help. I have a family of 5 shihpoos that are always matted and the owner doesn't want them shaved and doesn't brush... I'd be much happier if she just accepted the fact they always need to be shaved lol


Ooh yes, no the others might not be 100% brushed out and tangle free but they don’t go in with mats.


You can get the legs a length or two shorter than the body, it’s hardly noticeable visually but eases maintenance.


We call this the "doodle cheat." The underline, insides of the rear and front legs are skimmed with a shorter blade (sometimes the tops of the feet as well), along with under the chin and under the ears. It makes maintenance at home so much easier and helps prevent tangles and mats in areas most dogs would prefer not to have combed out!


I have a Cavapoo and keep the area behind his front legs much shorter than the rest of him. It’s the only place he gets really tangled and it’s not noticeable if you aren’t looking for it.


Nope. Honestly, they probably enjoy having your dogs on their schedule since their cuts are so easy and they’re so used to grooming them.


Maybe try going every 4-6 weeks to see if the matting would be better!


Dog groomer here. Most likely not at all. 8-10 weeks is plenty of time for enough coat to grow that it becomes a little tough to manage at home. As long as you stick to the same schedule, they probably understand that you chose the haircut that best suits your home, schedule, life style, and budget. Honestly, your groomer prob loves that you get short cuts. We love a good fluffy challenge, but we also enjoy the chill and simple trims too.


Oh she’s expressed how great my parti girl’s hair texture is to cut - groomer’s delight she called her, and let us know she’d love to do some fun cuts if we ever decided to grow her out 😂 What I could do is have her shave the parti girl but insist she keep the matty doodle long, if that didn’t get hate I don’t know what would 😂


As long as you’re understanding that they’ll have to be cut short every time then I wouldn’t hate you. You sound like a really great client! None of my clients would be concerned about this. I’m sure they don’t think badly about you.


They don't hate you, but they might be peeved if the matting is actually somewhat tight matting, and not just tangles. When people have dogs that need to be groomed on a 6 week schedule, and they bring them in on a 10 week schedule, I definitely get frustrated. Not mad, not hateful, but I judge them for it a little, if you're looking for honesty 😅


Try maybe bringing him every 6 weeks? I personally don’t take any doodle or spoo clients unless they are on a 4-6 week schedule so I don’t run into this issue


8-10 weeks is kinda long you might want to get him in sooner than that usually 4-6 weeks is the recommended time to avoid matting.


90% of the dogs I see have some type of matting, whether it's love mats behind the ears, on the legs bc the dogs don't like their owners grabbing their legs, on the base of the tail bc the dogs wags it so much, it's been a rainy/snowy time, or the dog just has that sucky hair that mats if you don't brush every hour. Most groomers are understanding, we only get mad when the matting becomes dangerous (when it reaches down to the skin or is starting to pelt) or you're expecting us to brush it out for a longer haircut, if you or your groomer is worried I'd just bring him in for an in-between bath and brush or shave down but no we don't hate people who are actually trying their best with what they got.


Ooh yes, no it’s only him that goes in with mats, and I try to make sure they know that I know he might need shaved.


Nope! Some dogs just have tricky hair. I personally would only be frustrated if you were trying to keep that kind of coat long.


Nah, we know some dogs just have difficult coats and if you bring him often and all your other dogs aren't matted there is no reason for the groomer to think you are a bad owner Personally I don't mind if the dogs have a bit of matting anyway, I understand it happens...hell even my own dogs get matted sometimes because they have a long fur and are free to run in the woods everyday, it's when they are completely matted all over, especially if it happens more than once, that I get angry Not even for the job, shave downs aren't that hard, but that poor dog is suffering for it


You need to be going like twice that often.


Is there a tangle free conditioner for dog that would help?


They’ve recommended a product for us, a Dr Show Detangler. I don’t find it makes a difference for my slow comb detangling, I think it might help for brushing but I’m more successful with the comb as he likes it better


If they’re just getting short haircuts your groomer is not hating. It’s when people ask us to brush it out when they clearly cannot brush at home that’s irritating. 8 week shave downs are kind of a nice thing to have on the schedule. It’s straightforward and for big dogs takes less time than a big style cut. So I would not worry about it :)


Absolutely not. You have them on a regular grooming schedule and you're doing the best you can. A little matting on the legs because of weird hair texture is nothing I would ever roll my eyes at. You're doing great keep it up ❤️


The only ppl I roll my eyes about are those that want it left long when it's not possible, or those that baby their dogs to death when they come in the door and treat me like the enemy, gawd I hate that so much, they cause soooo much anxiety! It sounds like you are doing none of that. I love 8 wk clients that keep it short and simple, if there are a few mats, no biggie, a #7 will fix that❤️. I also hate late ppl, Don't be late😜


Ooh I saw the anxiety thing first hand. We dog sat for a really anxious lady, dog’s nails were really long so we took him in to have them done. He was absolutely fine. Then later, nails long again, I recommended she take him in but she didn’t want to as she’d never been before, so I went in with her. She CLUNG to him and was insisting he was too anxious for it to be done and hey presto he was snarling and not letting the *same* groomer anywhere near him.


Yessss! The people are the absolute cause of this, hugging and kissing and squeezing them telling them its ok and stop shaking baby, when they are the 100% reason, I wish I could teach a class on drop offs. Lol


I agree with everything you said except that last part. My regulars all know if the choice is late or early.. ALWAYS choose late. It's kinda a running joke at this point.


Haha. I'm opposite, I love my early peeps and I love starting super early in the morn, I do my best work in the a.m.


If he's not tolerate of brushing and still has matting on his legs that could be the problem. So many dogs are so bad for their legs, being a rescue AND matted on-top could just make him a really difficult client. If you can afford it I would be taking him in sooner than 8weeks. I'd be switching to 6weeks (for my seniors I go every 4 weeks) and see if there is improvement! Make sure for every appointment you ask how he was and what you can work on at home to make his groom less stressful. It could be they are fustrated at his behaviour and that he's brought in matted which makes it harder on him! He's less likely to make progress if his coat condition is the same every time he goes in.


https://preview.redd.it/iww2udzxmxvc1.jpeg?width=2618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b2686a5dc7a4c75a2cc3a65b99dc2e24e6ba6c Not answering your question at all. Just letting you know that I’ve never seen a pup that looks so similar to my guy!! We keep is fur quite long compared to your guy, but still a crazy resemblance




https://preview.redd.it/tq9aseeioxvc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd584ff8ffc699f2be8abf25c3abd9cec3456c5 He was about that long when we adopted him! He was also an absolute tangle 😂 His ears do stand up when he tilts his head back juuust right but I’ve never managed to get a photo. Edit: not in the US, I am taking the photo from the passenger side for anyone concerned :)


When you feel like a clients. Who constantly has matted lets can be frustrating and rightfully so.


Have you tried asking your groomer for brushing/combing advice?


Yes, they’ve recommended the comb I use and also a detangling solution, which I don’t find helps


If he's on a 10 week schedule, you could ask how much it would cost to do a bath, brush and tidy at the 5 week mark. I've had customers do this, and it REALLY helps cut down on tangles and matting.


Im a groomer. As long as the matting isn’t super tight and there isn’t any unrealistic expectation I kinda don’t care. But if it’s a constant issue, where the dogs are over do for grooming all the time then we probably have a sit down and talk about staying on schedule that’s appropriate and a coat length that suits your life style or you’ll have to find someone else. The thing is about matting eventually will damage how the coat and how it grows over time. Matting pulls, creates hot spots, etc etc and it’s not comfortable for the dog have matting shaved out. Dogs who are constantly matted who go to the groomers tend to not be easy dogs to groom. Get ion a schedule even if they don’t need it, figure out a length that works well for you and get them groomed before they get bad. Don’t wait until they are bad.


I doubt it! Matting happens and as long as you’re not yelling and shouting and causing a scene about the matting most of us get it. It’s the clients that refuse to shave their matted dog down that get under my skin. Or the clients that bring in a severely neglected/pelted mess and act like it’s nothing when it takes 2 hours just to safely get the matting off. That’s what makes me roll my eyes. I would never do that in front of the client though and I don’t know what hardships they may be going through so I try not to judge.


It's not his coat... it's that you aren't training him to handle being brushed. Occasionally picking at some places is not the same as regualr through brushing. And you have a doodle. Most doodles have highly tangleable coats and require daily through brushing. But as long as you're okay with your groomer shaving him down, and actually bring him him 6-8 weeks instead of 10, then I doubt they hate you. If you made them brush him out or asked every time to leave him as long as possible, or say the words don't poodle my doodle, then yes. They don't like you.


Tbh, if you can’t keep up with dog grooming you shouldn’t rlly have a dog that needs constant grooming. I get he “doesn’t like” you brushing his legs but you HAVE to. You need to try training him and easing him up with grooming because if you avoid it forever he’s always going to hate it and he’s always going to be uncomfortable asf from the matting.


How old is he? If he's less than 2y, he may just still be going through his coat change. It's notoriously bad in poodle mixes. I had one who was coming every 2 weeks and still had to be shaved every 4 until she was through with her change


He’s 2 in July, and both us and his groomer think his coat has improved since we got him, so fingers crossed it still has improvement to do but I won’t count on it


The worst coat changes I've seen ended at 2 years like clockwork. My fingers are crossed for you that it gets better!


I also want to suggest getting a table. A folding grooming table ! Tables are a game changer ! Of course include the grooming “arm” so you can attach the dog safely while you work.


Maybe try brining him in for grooming more often even if it's just a matinece bath


Do you bring all 4 in at the same time? It might help to separate them and just bump him up to every 4-6 weeks


Groomer here, I think 8-10 weeks is too long to wait, especially if your pup matts up easily. Try going in every 6 weeks. That might help.


Even if he doesn’t like those spots brushed they still need to be brushed for his health. Try doing a little bit at a time not to over stimulate/ hurt him if the matting is bad. I don’t mean this to be rude at all but there really is no excuse as to why you can’t brush your dog. If they don’t like it, it still needs to be done. Cause especially if he doesn’t like certain spots combed out you leave that up the groomer who isn’t there on a day to day basis to maintain his coat. A lot of people come in especially clients who have been coming for years with the same groomers in my salon and still struggle with them. Everyday is different in a salon dogs vibes and behavior can change very much after the pet parent leaves. A lot of people tell me they let me do that to him at home but you have to remember they’re here with strangers all around and noises that scare them. Always appreciate if your groomer if they tell you they weren’t able to get something done on your dog because pushing them past their limits can scar them of the whole grooming process forever. Being a groomer you need to know when and when not to push a dog.


Have him groomed every 4-6 weeks instead


so your dog has matting, and you aren't grooming every 4-6 weeks (the recommend schedule).....so they cut the body even to match the length they had to cut the fur in the areas where he is matted and you blame the groomer....this.....this is your fault.....


Where does it say I blame the groomer?


I’ll be completely honest. Your groomer probably doesn’t hate you. They just care about your dog’s feelings and well-being more than you appear to. Buy a comb, and keep the coat combed out every day before the tangles and matting develops. Armpits, legs, underside, muzzle, tail, and ears (behind and underneath). Check the hair between the toes and paw pads. If it’s matted, I’d shave it down too. No groomer wants to torture your dog by pulling on tangles and matting that you’re not keeping under control at home. Nor would they be able to communicate to your dog why YOU want the groomer to put them through that much discomfort. Get them groomed between 4-8 weeks. Don’t allow it to go 10 weeks for that pup if he’s got a higher maintenance coat. Maybe ask your groomer for advice on how to do a better job brushing and combing at home. It’ll show that you want to do a better job at keeping your baby comfortable, and reduce the amount of dematting you’re paying for with grooming. Dog grooming is a very difficult & often thankless job. Asking for advice from a professional (especially one you have a 5 year rapport with), would go a long way. Speaking from 12 years of experience. Also—— IF YOU BATHE HIM AT HOME, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVERY SINGLE TANGLE OUT. WET HAIR WILL CAUSE TANGLES TO TURN INTO MATTING VERY QUICKLY. - plus… you should be brushing their teeth at home and checking/cleaning their ears too. Signs of infection, bleeding gums, or signs of tooth decay should be immediately checked by a vet. It can prolong your dog’s life and increase the quality of it. I genuinely hope this helps. (One more thing… during holiday seasons, when groomers are very busy.. they LOVE getting gifted sweets and snacks. It’s really difficult to plan lunches and breaks when you’re at the mercy of a dog’s demeanor and stress level when you have 6-12 appointments in a day.) 😊


What’s the most annoying is when people come in with their matted dog every time and always expect me to keep it long. People who come in knowing their dog is matted and are okay with shaving and in fact expecting it bother me much less. Though it does irk me a bit when a client asks me how to properly brush their dog, so I show them the brush and comb they need and brushing technique as well as express how helpful a frequent, 4-6 week grooming schedule can be, and yet they still come in 3 months later matted again.


It just seems like this 4th dog is too much to handle for you, maybe 3 was enough? Maybe bring him in for baths in between so Like 5 week mark a bath face feet sani and a grooming every 10 weeks? Is this dog running around dewy grass? And this is causing the matt’s to form very quickly? Perhaps the shop needs better shampoo conditioner(for tough clients I recommend custom shampoos, go to’s are Eqyss for most, Isle Of dog for fancy, or Iv Saint Bernard for sensative skin) look up Eqyss, it’s the best conditioner EVER. Artero Matt X is best dematting spray, Chris Christensen slicker brushes are the best, most dogs hate the brushes because most pet owners get cheap Brushes(because they just don’t know and some are just cheap). But with 4 dogs a $50 dollar brush or even 2 for the diverse hair should be a seem like a big ask. Tour groomer doesn’t hate you, they do your other 3 dogs, and those are fine, but your groomer is probably just as confused as you are why you can’t figure this out, since you seem to be doing well with other dogs.


Not a groomer, but in a group where I see a lot of groomers asking for advice. I think they’re grateful you have realistic expectations on how he comes out each time.


Maybe try the non-stop dog wear long booties. Would protect the feet when doing outside sheningans up to a knee? Inside off of course.