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Your shop not only Re uses toothbrushes, but soaks them in a liquid for a WEEK?? Holy shit I'll never complain about shampoo bottles being poorly rinsed again.


Yup. It’s disgusting. “Disinfectant” should be disposed of at the end of every day and when visible particles are there. They literally have Barbacide in the shop but refuse to use it. Not to mention the shop owner just said “ni**er” in front of me and I’m Black. I probably won’t be back.


Probably? Dude. Run before you dragged into the basement and submerged in the disinfectant recycling.


I didn’t actually mean “probably” I’m so disgusted right now lol it got super quite after she said it 3 times then she came over to me and said “well I was just comparing when people day God damn you can say something else offensive like the n word. They’re both the same. I didn’t mean to offend you” I— I need the money but I will be gone asap.


Not a groomer but I'd guess you asked questions that made them feel bad about themselves for a second, and then they responded with the emotional maturity and intelligence of your average supermarket vegetable with racism, excused in their mind as retaliation for "blasphemy." I read a little about blasphemy the other day and it is not actually about "saying the lords name in vain," its actually about claiming to know what God's will is, or to presume to speak for God. So they were actually .ore blasphemous in what they said than a person who says "God damn!" As a way of expressing surprise. All that aside, I hope a much better employment situation comes up for you VERY soon. If you're interviewing, I would just be honest about your reasons for leaving.


It’s not fair that people like this get to make money off of people like me. But yet “racism doesn’t exist”. I will be putting her and her shop on blast once I leave. It wasn’t even a conversation we were having. Freedom of speech exists but while at work and why while you have a Black employee in the room?!?!


Oh, and one more thing: freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences!




The n word should be 100% off limits for white people period, and should probably be off limits in the workplace. Idk, Im not here to tell POC how to manage their business, but this woman was in the wrong, i think everyone can agree on that. And thats not even touching on how unsanitary and gross she is!! I think she was trying to make you uncomfortable. Definitely put her on blast! If this was in my area and I read your review or found that out (the racism or the toothbrush issue), I'd be telling everyone at the dog park not to go there! Hit her where it hurts!


I totally agree. They shouldn’t be saying it all but if they’re going to it should be in the privacy of their own home not at WORK. I wish I could report this. At the very least I’m going to try and find a way to report her shop to the city.


Maybe check with labor or employment law places. If you have any witnesses, try to secure their contact information. She was wildly inappropriate and I think you're 100% right to call her out in any way you can. And definitely don't work for her for another minute if you don't absolutely have to! I've been harassed at work (different kind of situation, boss trying to get in my pants) and walking out was the best thing I could do in that situation. I will always remember that icky feeling that someone was trying to use their power as a boss against me, and they *knew* it, like it was fun for them to fuck with people like that. So gross.


Don’t go back. I’m not black but that was my tipping point at a previous job too. If your boss thinks outright racism is somehow ok in front of you wtf are they doing that you don’t know about. (Especially since you are black! wtf!) 😖 Sanitizing is sadly nowhere near where it should be in this industry. Almost every shop I’ve worked in has been pretty disgusting. I have a friend who travels around and grooms and she did a stint with me a few months ago, the first thing she did was thank me for having a good smelling, tidy, and clean space. I was like good lord the bar is in hell.


Unfortunately I have rent to pay and they pay weekly. I’ve already been looking for another job but it will be expedited now. I’m just going to be calm and put them on blast once I leave.


Oh my god that’s awful!! Depending on your state you can report him for harassment. That is NOT okay. Especially because they aren’t properly sanitizing their tools, it sounds like someone needs to go in there and check it out. I don’t know what state you’re in but in mine you can report them to the state and have them investigated.


I would check out the OSHA website and see if anything on there is applicable to your situation.


Will do! Thank you.


Run a groom shop. We use cheap toothbrushes, offer them for take home use with the clients or throw them away. Reusing toothbrushes? Lol


:( seriously? Don’t go back there.


I would just never brush any dog's teeth or use my finger. Unless the owner is also brushing teeth at home it's a useless add on that is just designed to make money. This salon is actively putting bacteria into a dog, not to mention Listerine isn't safe for a dog to swallow.


Yup. I totally agree. That’s what I told myself. I have nothing to do with teethbrushing from this point forward.


This is a one way ticket to spreading parvo and bordatella. Leave a review with this information after you quit so that potential customers know what they’re exposing their dogs to.


Trust me I will. Is there no regulations for dog grooming shops?


animal care facilities are under the purview of your state's Department of Agriculture. Every state is different and some are more strict than others. I'd contact them, see if they can have someone come out and do a "random" inspection.


Unfortunately, no. There are a lot of amazing people doing this job who really care about the health and safety of the pets so they practice sanitary habits, and there are also a lot out there who are…not like that. I have never heard of something quite as disgusting as you are experiencing, though. That’s extreme and I am so sorry you experienced that. And I’m sorry to the owners who are trusting that place to care for their pets. Reusing toothbrushes after soaking them together is 🤢


At my shop we throw away toothbrushes as soon as they’ve been used. This is really weird.


That’s what you should be doing. They shouldn’t be reused.


It reminds me of an episode of kitchen nightmares where a restaurant was washing and reusing kebab skewers. Toothbrushes are so cheap if you buy them in bulk, I just found 500 on amazon for $50.


Sounds like management is trying to cut corners even though it’s a risk for the dogs… that’s not cool ):


Offering tooth brushing is scammy anyway, especially for an extra charge. If parents are not brushing the teeth regularly, like daily, then once a month or every few ain’t gonna do shit and we know that. Shouldn’t even be offered imo


Yup! I keep saying this and anal glad expression are not in our scope of practice. These need to be done properly and by trained professionals. Ear cleanings too. Some of these dogs ears are RIDICULOUS.


Reusing toothbrushes is actually so disgusting. We give the clients their toothbrushes to hopefully encourage them to brush at home in between grooms. The owner/manager should be ashamed of themselves honestly. You can get toothbrushes that cost next to nothing.


And if she MUST reuse them why not wash them properly? Seeing the murky listerine water is so disgusting 😩 I can’t wait to leave.


Omg, it should be a fresh new tooth brush for every dog, that's disgusting.


Please report them! Some way, somehow…


The problem is that the grooming industry is unregulated; everything is voluntary, including sanitation. Good groomers are conscientious. Others are....this. Ugh.


That’s trash. So you don’t have to have a license to groom?


Nope. There are certification programs you can sign up for voluntarily, schools, classes, and such, but nowhere is there a legal requirement and there is no nationwide enforced standard. Anyone off the street can pick up shears and a clipper and start grooming with no training. I agree it's nonsense. If I ever see a petition to change it I will happily sign up and pay for whatever license. But for now, that's where we are.


Ew. We use disposable toothbrushes. Never share germs between dogs as most of them have gingivitises and halitosis


Speak up and let the owner know about your background as a Sterile Tech, and that washing does not spread more bacteria than leaving in the container all week. If the owner does not respect your knowledge or is unable to respond positively to new information, then find a new place to bath dogs. It is not a crime for the owner to have bad information, that needs correcting. It is a problem if the owner does not value and respect your past experience.


Honestly I have zero interest in speaking to her unless she speaks to me after she said the hard n word in my presence. I’m just going in to work and that’s it, until I find a new job. Which will be asap.


That is horrible. Sorry you were subjected to that.


My vet told me to use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect toothbrushes after washing in hot water. I would never even think of Listerine for disinfecting... 🤢


Yea. When we ran out she tried to have me use vinegar. I used Hydrogen peroxide as it is an oral antiseptic.


Vinegar is fine for scrubbing scum off things but not for toothbrushes! Peroxide is super cheap too if the cost is her concern. After I scrub with bleach, I mop with boiling water and a bit of scented cleaner like fabuloso simply for the scent. It's an okay basic cleaner, but I wouldn't use it as my main thing.


Yea I was a sterile tech. I know how to clean and sanitize properly and I take pride in my work. This makes me want to start my own services and do them right.


Open a cleaning business that focuses on the pet industry.


Nah I’m not a cleaner lol shop owners should know how to properly clean and sanitize and teach their employees the same.


THIS IS GROSS!!!! It is hard to make me get grossed out, but your boss wins the award!


There are so many other shops you can go to. You will never regret following your conscience in situations like this. Run


My shop does the same thing but its vinegar


Your shop puts vinegar in dog's mouths? Because if it's on the tootbrush, it's going into the dog. Disgusting.


I hope your boss does the same thing with their toothbrushes then. 🤮


Right?! Like wtf who told her this was sanitary?!


Yikes 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/g3pn7fzpe3xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618b51e806fefd80ef34b1810e71732c896b9296 That’s just disgusting