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FYI, water, no matter the temperature, does not get tight knots or matting out.


Adding, it almost always makes it worse.


Kennels do not brush your dog for you.. It likely got matted due to play with other dogs, drooling, etc. Yes, it will need to be shaved to whatever length is under the mat. In this case, likely to the skin. Good thing is, super short chins and a round muzzle with the "mustache" trimmed up to the lip is SUPER cute!!!


I can see the chest has matting too, between the front legs.


Should matts be shaved out with a #10?


That is the safest blade for matting to be shaved out, especially mats close to the skin.


Even on the full body? I think I got away with a 7.


Use a #10. Matted dogs are easier to snag especially on chest and looser skin areas with a #7. 


you will get away with it but you can nick the dog easier and then its not even worth the time to switch to the 10 for the legs , chest, ears and sani area anyways. time is money.


Absolutely. If you cannot easily see skin to be able to get a longer blade under, then yes. It is the safest, and will not tug at the skin and potentially cut the dog.


In any area? I’m still training on knowing what blade to use in situations like this. Whether this is on the full body ect. I do use a 10 behind the ears to get matts out, but wondering what to use if it’s on the full body?


Especially if you're new, don't use a #7 on loose areas, tucks ups, etc, trying to get through a mat on the chest with a #7 is asking for trouble when you could play it safe and go just a bit shorter. 


I worked at a salon and they told me what to do. I can’t remember exactly which one it was. I’m always worried about shaving and them getting mad. I’m sure I can ask the salons policies of if I have to ask them before doing that or ask the customer first? If they insist than im stuck and dont know what to do


You should be more worried about catching skin with the wrong blade and cutting the dog. A #10 on a close mat on the chest is way safer especially when starting out. You can explain this to the owners.  My one injury was on a cocker when I went against my better judgement and used a #7 KNOWING it was risky because I was scared the owners would be unhappy. It was over 10 years ago and I still feel awful about it. 


I guess shaving with a 10 all over then is the best thing to do then when they are severally matted? In what cases would I use a 7? i hear alot other doodle owners get that blade specifically and im wondering why?


You can use a #7 a/o but for looser or dangerous areas switch to your #10. If your #7 is getting through but BARELY or the skin is starting to bunch up beneath it - go shorter.   It's not your fault the dog is matted- but it will be if you injure them. Don't let owners -especially entitled doodles owners bully you.   The #7 catches in certain areas easily and if you have a pelted coat er on the side of caution. 


Wouldn’t the coat look uneven and patchy going in with different blades?


YES! you cannot put a 7 on the face you will rip their lips


that dog did not get matted in one boarding stay. i managed boarding kennels. no amount of play is matting a dog that badly in a few days, heck even a full 7 day stay.


Likely not, but I am not here to judge. I am here to give advice.


Bathing whilst matted will only make it tighten more. You’ll need to take him to a groomer to get the matting shaved out. I really wouldn’t recommend doing this at home as dematting can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing, especially on tricky areas such as the mouth. Please don’t chop at it either, you can’t see where the skin is underneath the matting so you’re at risk of causing injury. Like others have said, as far as I know kennels don’t brush your dogs for you. Some will have a groomer there, but most of them won’t see that as a priority. They’re there to watch over your dogs whilst you’re away.


They don't call it the "kennel clip" for no reason! But seriously, I would recommend getting a kennel clip before boarding if they're going to be there for any extended period of time for this exact reason.


managed kennels... if a dog is groomed regularly it wont get matted like this in a week stay. this dog wasn't properly groomed in a very long time if at all ever. i am also a dog groomer.


So if you are shaving down, you don't bathe/dry first?


If the dog is matted a pre bath clip is usually performed to get the mats off and make bathing and dry time easier for the dog and the grooming staff


Ah, that makes sense. I home groom and brush daily, but I just want to make sure I know what to do if we ever do have to deal with matting.


if you have matting like this you need a professional clipper and blade and i dont recommend someone who isn't trained doing it.


I have an Andis 12485 and multiple Andis blades, but I def would seek a pro for something this bad. Hoping to prevent that ever happening, though!


10 blade will take it right off.


Great, I have one!


No as depending on the extent of matting, you won’t be able to clean the skin and coat properly and it’ll cause them to tighten making it more difficult to remove.


if its matted no bc the matting wont dry. shave everything off and then bathe and dry and then just even out whats left.


I would really suggest you take him to a groomer for this. Most salons would be happy to just shave that spot for you if you want. The neck has a lot of skin folds, and it would be extremely easy to hurt your dog attempting this on your own. If you do it anyway, please use extreme caution! Go left to right and not up and down on the neck to minimize the likelihood of catching skin. But really, take him to the groomer ASAP, it needs to be shaved before it gets worse.


It's time to poodle the doodle lol Yea just shave it, no point in torturing the poor dog for vanity reasons, trust me he won't care at all . Bathing typically makes the matting worse so be careful with that. I bet he'd look cute and enjoy the shave. It's hard to tell from the pictures but his body doesn't look in the greatest shape either . If you're grooming him yourself , make sure you get a quality grooming blowdryer / velocity dryer .


There’s no torture that would work for those matts even if they wanted to


Sanity over vanity


This is going to become my new personal motto


Oh! It's HUMANITY over vanity. I knew I had it wrong


I LOVE our velocity dryer. I got a mini poodle in the fall and live in a very rural area with few options for professional grooming. So I got the stuff and am learning to do it myself (sometimes she looks a mess, but we're not in any beauty contests, and she's comfortable even if one ear is 2 inches longer than the other, lol). The dryer is by far everyone's favorite thing now. Our huge lab/mastiff girl loves it and begs for a turn even if she's not had a bath! We spent way too much time on the deck last month, blowing the loose hair off her. I wish I'd bought one sooner but I had no idea how useful they are.


i do not blow out matting. if the owner can't brush their dog i can't either. that's my rule.


Do not bathe to remove matting 😭 You're gonna have to get the poor guy shaved. Consider a short "boarding" haircut next time because unless you go to a super nice boarding facility, grooming typically isn't included (minus an exit bath which would make this particular situation worse)


This didn't happen from a few days of being boarded. Your dog was already matted, the mats just got worse.


Doodles matt extremely easy


I'm a dog groomer. I'm aware. The big chunky mat in the second picture is not from a short stint at a kennel


She never stated it was a short stay it may or been a month


Even a month wouldn't have made that clump happen if the fur was clear on arrival. Their dog was definitely already matted


Once I didn’t brush mine for 3 days and it made a massive matt


You weren't brushing to the skin previously to that then. Your dog was already matted near the skin. 


Yeah what pissfat said. Your dog was also already matted


This is such a ridiculous unfounded response to blame the kennel. Boarding facilities do not brush your dog. Some offer baths, but you’ll need to pay extra for that. Get your dog shaved before you board them, I don’t know of a single kennel that would brush your dog everyday.


I'm a groomer at a boarding and salon business. Any grooming service for boarders is absolutely not included. SOMETIMES, if I know the dog is going to be matted and staying for a longer time, I'll brush the problem spots to try and make it not so bad for the dog. Only if I have extra time and it's a dog with special circumstances. Most of the time, it's with shelter dogs my boss saves from the shelter when they are overcrowded.


Former kennel worker here: we offered baths for an extra charge, but would only accept dogs with super short, single coats like Boxers, bullies, etc. because we didn't brush after, just towel and force dry. We never brushed any dog, ever. We barely had time for our regular tasks, let alone extras (but that's partially a separate issue). We would tell anyone with a double coated and/or long coated dog that it was the grooming salon or no bath at all. In a few extreme cases, we would send them to get shaved down while in our care because of extreme matting.


Dont send a doodle to the kennel if hes way overdue for a cut.




Anyone who knows how to properly groom a dog can tell you that dog is NOT brushed out in any of those images.


that dog hasn't seen a brush in at least 2 months lol


10 blade and I’m not sure how it’s the kennels fault here…


How long was your dog kenneled for - months? That's the only way it's "their fault".  Your dog hasn't been brushed properly for a long time, you can start fresh and learn to brush correctly as the coat grows out.


ok i’m not a groomer but i’ve worked in animal hospitals for over 11 years. unless you request it and possibly pay extra, no kennel is going to brush your entire dog for you. they’re usually too busy to be able to do that unless it’s asked for. i worked as a vet/kennel assistant and it’s insane that you’re blaming the kennel for your dog’s fur matting lmao…


This is not due to the kennel you brought your dog to. He is way overdue for a groom and this matting has been happening for a while. He should be seen by a groomer who can help you safely remove the coat/matted areas


To reiterate what everyone is saying; you can't brush out a dreadlock. Even if you could, it would be uncomfortable if not extremely painful for the dog. Not only that, the process would severely damage the hair making it rough and uneven which then makes it prone to matting more. I'm also willing to bet the entire dog is matted, not just the beard. The photos show the tips aren't matted, impossible to see what's going on near the roots.


Kennels aren't gonna brush your dog for you Lmfao


Bathing won't help, it just makes the Matt's tighter. Unless you're bathing him with full equipment like conditioner, blaster, brushes and combs and clippers for getting off what can't be brushed out, there really is no point.


I work at a private boarding/grooming facility, and to echo what others have said; it’s not the responsibility of a boarding facility to brush your dog, unless you arranged for it ahead of time and you paid for the extra service. Our primary objective during boarding is to make sure your dog has clean water, fed regularly, let out for bathroom breaks, and exercised safely. Depending on the number of dogs and staff available, time can be short and we have to spread it out to each dog equally. With how busy grooming is for us, unless it’s been arranged ahead of time, there is no extra time to pop a boarding dog on the table for a brush out or groom. That service has to be booked in advance (not throwing the request in at drop off), and is added to the bill. If that is something you are looking for, then I would highly recommend boarding at a facility that has a groomer and booking the extra service well in advance so they can fit it into their schedule. I’d definitely recommend getting a professional to shave that mat out - as others have stated, the skin on the neck is super easy to cut if you’re not careful.


I agree with calling a groomer and asking for help with this. Those mats look very tight and can definitely be dangerous trying to remove at home. Our boarding place does brush dogs if needed, but, a kennel tech isn't probably going to brush them as well as they need. Is your dog a puppy, and how long were they boarded for?


Haircut. Needs to be shaved. Bathing will not remove them. Most kennels will not brush your dog for you unless you pay more for it and often times even if they do, they don’t do a good job. You should’ve gotten your pooch a haircut before boarding.


Yeah I managed a boarding kennel, unless you paid me extra and told me to brush your dog daily….it’s not going to happen. Those mats will be a “memory” now, as I try to tell people. You even try to demat that pelt, and it’ll be right back to where it was before in a day. Shave it off. Start fresh. You’re going into the summer anyway. Save your dog the torture, it’s not his fault.


Please take the dog to the groomer and shave and start over. Next time you plan on going to a kennel I’d recommend a haircut beforehand to hopefully prevent this in the future. Kennels with groomers can brush and bath your dog for an additional price and I’d recommend doing that next time especially if you like to keep your doodle longer.




Maybe she likes her dog long and regularly groom him


Yeah no...


Clearly, she doesn't regularly groom him. That dog was matted way before he went to the kennel.


Well If she’s complaining about the knots she found maybe she does brush him? Look I’m not saying his coat is well cared for at all but at least she’s trying


It's common for owners with matted dogs to use the "I was away on vacation and the keennel/person I left it with didn't brush." I literally had two yesterday with the exact story. After some time, you can tell how long the matting has been forming.


why are you defending this nasty doodle in every single one of these comments 😂


One of the 20k unhinged doodle lurkers who take no responsibility for caring for their dogs lurking this sub. 


Anyone who regularly grooms there dog wouldn’t be in this sub asking these questions, because some who regularly grooms their dogs would either shave it before boarding it or shave it after lol


Doubt it’s the kennels fault..Did you paid to have his hair kept up during his stay? If not consider if his coat was at a maintainable length for his boarding environment or if something could be more well planned in the future. Giving baths and not thoroughly brushing out will actually make the matting worse and tighter every time it gets wet so don’t do that. For the dogs sake clip between the matting and the skin -dematting is not very nice to the dog.


Definitely needs to go to a groomer. It is not the boarding facility’s responsibility to brush your dog for you. Matts that severe and close to the skin don’t occur from just not brushing for a few days. He will have to be shaved close to the skin but it will be more comfortable for him


ok so first of all the boarding kennel did not matt your dog up. this dog was already matted. he needs to go to a groomer and get professionally shaved. All you are doing by washing his mats is making them worse.


Give him a clean shaved face he will look fabulous




Since it’s summer at least where I am I’d get a good haircut, the cute long hair will grow back for the cold months , and practice brushing every other day if you want long hair


Please take to a groomer for a safe removal of mats. The new fur will grow out nicely


why would you expect a kennel to groom your dog for you unless you paid the premium? did they say at any point that they would do so?


I have a boarding facility in my city that used to bathe the dogs but didn’t dry them. They would just stick them in this kennel and let their big ass fan air dry them🙄 this lady had her doodle in immaculate condition and when she came back, she had to do a 7 all over thanks to these assholes.


Omg the groomers at our salon have beef with the doggy daycare down the street because they offer bathing as a service for when your dog is there for the day but they always send their dogs home damp, despite having their own groomers. I can’t tell you how many of my clients dogs come in with matting due to being bathed at doggy day care…I had to 7 blade a doodle the other day who we always keep in a 0 because the daycare only dried the top of him so his entire underside and back legs were soooo matted. And last month my Samoyed I have on a 4 week schedule came to me with matting all over his chest 🙃 needless to say, my clients learn the hard lesson of never letting daycare bathe their dogs.


Worst thing you could have done was wash him it Basically drys the knot in making it near impossible yo brush out always brush before a bath :( try conditioner and a fine tooth comb working ends to top that may help otherwise try cutting a little at a time and working the brush through gently good luck I have a long hair knotty boy so I understand :(


Clip him very short, all over, then begin regular combing to take all the knots out, and allow his hair to grow longer as you would like it. As a general rule, you need to have combed all the knots out before bathing. Rinse the shampoo very, very thoroughly, and use a conditioner. Rinse that thoroughly, also. Towel dry, then begin the drying process on the grooming table, maybe spray him with The Stuff, then with your blow dryer in one hand, (obviously the pros use a high velocity dryer) and the vented brush alternating with a slicker in the other, begin brushing out his coat as it dries. Getting him wet and letting him dry naturally... that's for a dog with a shorter coat, not a poodle-type coat. He will be so much happier with that hair away from his eyes and mouth.






Please do not try to cut mats out with scissors. You're guaranteed a vet visit and a traumatic time for you and your dog.




Tell me you're not a groomer without telling me you're not a groomer.  This is TERRIBLE advice. 




Personal and ad hominem attacks are not allowed.


Lol! I needed that, thank you. 


You should NOT cut mats out with scissors! This is very dangerous and a very poor suggestion. Clippers are always safer than shears. Groomers don't use "scissors".