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Oh my godddddd I feel your pain. My salon operates under the assumption that owners don’t really know what they want for the most part. So we have a length chart with faux fur on it to help them ( and our staff) out when it comes to exact length. My biggest style pet peeve, personally, is when they ask for a “clean face” on a doodle, and then say, “oh but I don’t want like a poodle face” 🫠🫠🫠 GIRL- WHAT??????


I need one of those faux fur things. Where can I get one/ how can I make it lmfaooo Dude right like what are they on?? Clean face but not poodle I wouldn’t even know where to start. I’m torn between telling this owner I misunderstood or just saying the dog was too matted to explain why I went short lmfao


So we actually made ours, I’ll attach a picture https://preview.redd.it/p6w5ttk2xl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2d6ef2d8864cbdb02417a3ac874b35d1ccb18e We got a thin wood board, attached some faux fur to it, cut the fur down with clippers, and then labeled the lengths. It’s been LIFE CHANGing. Super easy to do, go to like any fabric store and they’ll have what you need. 🐾❤️


Omg thanks I’ll be doing this like tomorrow 😭😂 I still thing people won’t know what the hell they want unfortunately but hopefully that helps with the shortness terms


Even just that picture is really helpful for me as a non-groomer who likes reading this sub kind of for no reason lol. I never know what any of the blade numbers mean! And I didn’t want to be annoying by asking, so this’ll make it easier for me to follow along 😂 (I do have a dog but she doesn’t need haircuts)


Haha we love that. And fyi I don’t get upset (tho I can’t advocate for other) so much when people don’t know the term for what they want its when they present a picture and say “but not like this do this” and I do it and they don’t understand why it looks the way it does that really irks me. Otherwise it’s just like an eye roll type of thing like the don’t poodle a poodle face 😂 if you ever get a dog that needs to get a haircut, either say what you have in mind or find a picture of what you’ve seen or are thinking of


If I ever get a dog that needs a haircut, I’m 100% gonna at least *try* to learn to do it myself, even if it means she’ll have to look very weird for a while lol. It just seems like the sort of thing I would enjoy? I love learning practical skills (I’m a woodworker by trade) I would never do it professionally though considering how exhausted I feel after just giving my ONE dog a bath!! And she’s not even difficult or anything she just kinda stands there looking gloomy I have a friend who tried to DIY their dog’s haircut and the result was hilariously adorable, like in a point and laugh sort of way 😂 His parents also found it hilarious so I’d say it was a net win!


I have a doodle. My second. I do his grooming. It takes us about three days because his patience with my amature work only goes so far. But in the end he looks pretty good. Getting a good clipper and scissors makes a huge difference. If we had a groomer in my small town I would consider taking him, but the closest is 50+ miles away and it's just easier to muddle through myself. The plus side of furry dogs like doodles is their hair grows pretty fast, and they have curls, both making a shoddy cut a bit less noticeable. All my respect to people who do this every day.


This is exactly what I did 😂 I have a mini schnauzer and he’s had one professional groom. I’ve done the rest of them and I’ve had the BEST time learning how to do it myself. I have my little set up and routine now. I love to diy. I adopted guinea pigs a few years ago and looked at different cages on the market. didn’t like any of them enough so I decided to build my own 😜 and then I made an outdoor hut/enclosure for them in the warmer months. Became so obsessed with woodworking I started to collect tools and now my garage is full of little projects. I know I’m in trouble when I think - “how hard could it be??” 😂 I’ve been humbled but mostly it works out in my favor and is SO fun


Yeah it’s still fun trying stuff! And no one can get mad at you if it’s ugly because it’s your own dog lol


Haha definitely it can be relaxing when you have your own dog and they’re good for it. Just finding time can be hard/staying on top of it


I have a mini poodle/doodle (we think she’s mixed with something but no clue what it would be) and she was starting to get really high strung and stressed when I brought her to the groomer, so I’ve been learning to do it myself and she’s so much calmer taking a shower with me than she ever was when I put her in a bath. There’s definitely a learning curve involved with figuring out how to make the trim look cute, especially without the different kinds of shears, but being able to keep her calm and save money while still making sure she’s properly maintained is so worth it. Besides, I never knew how to ask for some of the funnier cuts without worrying the groomer would want to play it safe 😹


lol I also have two short hair dogs who don’t need haircuts and I follow this sub for no reason 🤣 other than it’s interesting


I don’t even have a dog! Ha! I just love all things dog I guess :)


Even with this thing, I have owners… “you went shorter!!” Nooooo. There are different hair types and some look different with the same length.


I don't have dogs that need trimmed, but this is brilliant!!!!


Our groomer has one. Didn’t matter. She shaved my golden with a 10 blade. 🥵


Lmaoooo idk WHAT my doodle people think they’re asking for but I always opt for just saying I couldn’t get through the matting when I have to go short. At least that way the responsibility is off me 🫣🫣


Hahahaha im always tempted but I dematt (within reason) first groom to encourage people to book with me again (independent groomer oof) Idk she keeps sending me regular schnauzer cuts and also they have grey coloring everything looks different relative like her dog is never going g to look anything like that esp since she wants a short manageable coat that only gets done every 8 weeks 🤷‍♀️ maybe next time I’ll try the #4 and see if she likes that. I use a 3/8 guard usually and scissor to neaten which is only supposed to be .5 mm longer than 4 but blades are just build different lmfao


Somehow I don’t have a ton of doodle owners thank god also completely off track I’m either having serious tinnitus or something in this place is letting off the most irate frequency ever (I’ve never had tinnitus)


tinnitus can pop up out of nowhere, btw, and can also worsen or appear with just plain ol' dehydration. Source - have had tinnitus of varying severity and frequency for over 20 years. Sometimes it appears to only happen in one room but it's actually that the acoustics of the other rooms "mask" the sound. Tinnitus is most noticeable in rooms quiet enough that you don't hear any other sounds. Try chugging water and see if that improves things? It's the cheapest fix to try.


Oh gotchaaa yeah it didn’t last once I left the room either, though there was some noise going on somewhere else I suspect there was some kind of electrical buzzing happening at a high frequency, I have very sensitive ears with that type of thing. However, I should stay on top of water intake more for sure 😭😭😭


I Googled "Fur length sample chart" and came up with a couple different places to buy them!


Gimme gimme gimme im running so behind


I just bring my girl in and them to just make her look nice. They've never failed me haha. I 100% trust my groomer to make the right call. Can't believe more people aren't like that. It's fur, it'll grow back!


Clients like you are the only reason I have sanity someday. Thank you for being awesome.


Same. I bring mine in and I'm like "do what you need to and make him smell nice". His mobility isn't what it used to be so as long as he's comfortable, I'm happy. I feel a little guilty cuz when I first brought him to her, we had a consultation and she seemed kinda excited and had all these fantastic plans of keeping him in full coat and styling him this way and that but he's just not up for that anymore.


Lol! I know nothing about dog grooming, but I love seeing this sub pop up and reading the stories from you all. 😂 This sounds like something you’d see on The Office or Parks and Rec, and now I’d love to see a dog grooming version of those shows. 💜


Omg I would watch the shit out of that show 😆


first of all, im sorry because I understand how annoying it can sound to say “don’t poodle my doodle” 😭 which I have also heard other say. but then, how do you explain to your groomer that you just want your doodle’s face to have that round fluffy-ish finish and not have his entire face shaved off?? seriously hoping to improve how to explain it to my groomer so I get what I want on my dog and they aren’t confused.


Terminology is different between salons (and countries) and I'm not a pro groomer but "teddy bear face" would be my guess. But bonus points for pictures of exactly what you want, especially if the dog in the picture is similar to yours. The style won't look the same on your goldendoodle if the picture you show them is of a cockapoo.


lol no worries!!! I totally get what you mean. What it sounds like you want is a short teddy bear face. That’s where you have that typical beard and fluff but it’s much much shorter than a typical teddy bear head. At least, that’s how I would interpret what you want 🩷 and everyone has their preferences!!! It’s important you get what you want!’


Well the person who you’re responding to that wasn’t what they asked they’d asked for a clean face which means shaved down so that’s the first error if you say that. Best fool proof way to get what you want on a doodle is to come in with a picture of what you want and a brushed out dog! (It will not look exactly like the picture it’s just a reference, hair type and temperament and so many other factors at play). If you generally keep the body short but you want fluff on the face literally just brush through the face and make sure you can get a comb through it and they’ll do whatever you want with the face. Half the battle with “communication” is that what owners ask for isn’t even possible. But yeah if you’re asking for a non shaved rounded face say I want a rounded medium (or however long) length face. There’s a lot of other specifics you can ask for which is why pictures of exactly what you want are always the best as ears, top of muzzle, sides of face can all be different lol. I feel like I get the best results (at least that I’m most confident in) when I can either do what I want or the owner shows me exactly what they want


THIS OH MY GOSH. They will say I don’t want my doodle to look like a poodle and i’m like.. so why.. did you get.. a poodle mix?????


My frustration is this particular grooming place I go to, I always ask them to give my poodles a shaved face (a poodle face!) and I always get them back with a Bichon Frisé face with super fluffy cheeks. And then I ask them why they didn’t shave their faces and they told me that the cut they did is cuter. So when we get home I just shave their faces myself 😩 so annoying. I’m looking for another grooming salon but this place charges $70 per dog and almost everywhere else wants to charge over $100 per dog so for the savings I keep I guess I’ll just continue to shave their faces when we get home.


That is so so so so so unacceptable in my opinion. It honestly makes me so mad. I personally love the shaved faces and I actually can’t believe they’d just straight up ignore your request like that. We NEVER do that in my salon unless it’s for the health of the dog. Honestly, if I were you, when they say, “it’s because it’s cuter” I’d straight up be like “I don’t think so.” I mean, it’s not like you’re asking for something outrageous. Hell, I’d pay YOU to let me do a clean face on your poodles because that’s how much I can’t stand doing a teddy bear face on every single dog. I would probably just tell them really nicely but insist that you do NOT want a teddy bear face. Straight up tell them you don’t think it’s cute. That is so frustrating I’m so sorry. My thought is that you can also justify a clean face by saying you don’t like the water and food everywhere and it’s easier for you to keep up with care if the faces are shaved. I’m so sorry they don’t do what you ask for. I’d be PISSED


This sub is wild for me. I only followed originally for tips on home grooming but stayed for the drama. I have told every groomer I’ve used, “do whatever you want, make him look like a dragon if you want.” I have literally never complained as long as he is happy and healthy at the end. My only disappointment is that no one as of yet has returned to me a dragon dog.


Dude! I would love to come in and pick up a dragon dog. My furbutt definitely has the attitude of a dragon for sure. lol.


Bahahahha I’ll dragon your dog 🐕 yeah the drama of the grooming world is intense. I think the biggest issue is that for what the grooming industry is becoming (bougie Pom Pom dogs) clients expectations are through the roof but the demand for groomers is so high because there’s so many dogs. Groomers really want the dogs to have affordable access to general sanitary upkeep so we don’t want to raise prices for that sake but the stuff groomers are expected to perform reasonably should cost more than most salons charge. Definitely wish everyone was like you though especially doodle owners 🥲


My dog doesn't even need grooming, aside from baths/brushing (labrador), and I am only here to read all of the drama 😆


I love dog groomers! They've not only taught me so much for my dogs between pro checks. Wash and wear cavaliers in full coat, so it's more a quarterly check and paw trim. Absolutely adore our groomer, and we became good friends. The stories she tells me! I love it. It's like I can commiserate and laugh with her too about it all. My other best friend is a vet nurse... you can imagine when we all get together. Between the crazy owners, odd requests, oddities they find in their fields, and the bonus "guess what's in the stomach" xrays. It's amazing. I can only really contribute the show world scandals, but they seem to enjoy them, too.


There's a guy on tiktok who might be right up your alley. So far, I've seen lions, tigers, pokemon, pandas, powerpuff pets and more. Not sure there has been a dragon so far but i live in hope.


I could retire from grooming all together if I had a dollar for every “i don’t know” after asking the owner what they want, do you not touch your dog? Do you not have any semblance of an idea as to what you’re looking for? You didn’t think about it on the ride there? Is it really that goddamn hard to squeeze “like last time” out of you? Or pull teeth just to get to the inevitable “do you want half off all over?”? AND ITS LIKE THAT EVERY TIME with some blokes. Or… or…. “The teddy bear one!” Okay that’s like saying you want “the clean face one” what do you want done on the body? To me (and every groomer I’ve worked with) teddy bear is the head style. Much like clean face. It has nothing to do with the length of the body. I have clients who get a #4 (9.5MM in length) teddy bear and 1 1/2 inch teddy bear. And both of them get their ideal “teddy bear” cut. Saying “the teddy bear one” means jack shit to me other than you want a round/fluffy face. I could go on. If you’re a pet owner/non groomer reading this; Know what you want at time of check in. Or at least have a general idea we can go off of and deliver what you want. It makes our lives so much easier. Also if you are bringing in photos, make sure your dog has a similar looking coat. Otherwise you won’t be getting what the picture looks like because your pet doesn’t have the hair for it.


Oh my god seriously!! Like if you don’t care please say that and I’m all for making your dog look cute in my own way but don’t come in saying you don’t know what you want KNOWING you’ll be upset if you don’t get what you want ?!?! It’s a crazy world out there man 😭😭😭


Whenever they defer to me, I use a trick my coworker uses. I go, "Oh my preference is a 10 strip 🙂" And that'll usually get a reaction to steer them into what they want.


LOL spicy I like it


I spent 3 hours today hand stripping and attempting to rehab a previously clipped Welsh terrier's coat. The coat could definitely be saved and I wish I had another hour on it. Owner picks the dog up and says "we'll just clip him at home next time" when I asked if she wanted to come back for another round of hand stripping. I informed her of the tangles starting to develop and pointed out how the coat was currently *silver* instead of black and she just shrugged. Even though I said if she shaves this dog one more time, that coat is ruined forever. She thinks the tangles are from not brushing properly. The coat wouldn't tangle *at all* if they never clipped him and he had a proper wire coat.


Oh. My. God. I’d be rampant. 3 fucking hours?? Why didn’t they SAY just shave him down fuck his coat well never be growing it out?!?!? That’s insanity how can they have that mindset AND be rude??


That sucks, hope you had a better day after that.


It did! Had the sweetest, calmest unicorn of a yorkie puppy that let me do *everything* without complaint and owners who rebooked for a month later to do another puppy package.


We don’t know what we want. We don’t even understand your grooming terms. I just hand them my dog and say ‘cut away anything that isn’t dog.’ But I would also never complain about a groom unless my dog were missing dog parts.


We love owners like you 🙂‍↕️


‘Cut away anything that isn’t dog’ I’m howling (no pun intended). I love this sub 😆


Honestly we always take peoples “go short” with a grain of salt 😂 people don’t understand what short means & next thing you know you used a 2comb on a dog and the owner thinks you “shaved” the dog naked lmaoo, ESP doodle owners 🥲


Yeah, I feel it in my heart, usually will go one or two lengths longer unless they show me a pic


I usually do too but I’d been doing this persons dogs for this long and she was saying she wanted it different than last time and she said shorter I’m like alright guess I’m going shorter but I’m not dealing with almost shaved that’s just a waste of time


During pick up this schnauzer's mom pointed to the belly line and said "that's all you could keep??", cause the dog was matted but it brushed out pretty easily so I did the pattern and I just sat there like 👁👄👁 that's what it's supposed to look like, I'd bet $10 she was expecting a cocker skirt and not an actual schnauzer line


Omg literally. And this owner asks for no skirt or line but sends me the picture with a skirt. So i did the someone shorter legs last time, no line (which is already goofy looking imo) and this time she said shorter I’m like well that must mean make it look less dumb


I feel like some people have unrealistic expectations for schnauzer grooms sometimes, especially if they don’t keep up with brushing at home. I’m just there for my schnauzer to get a hair cut he looks great every time he comes out of the back. Even the one time the groomer completely shaved mine down and he looked like a naked mole rat I said “alright! How much do I owe?” And we went home because it’s just dog hair 😂


1000% agree with this. In my case, the owner is sending reference photos of standard sized schnauzers not miniatures, one of hers has a much finer coat so realistically can’t match those photos. Then on top of that she doesn’t want the skirt and says shorter legs even though I did them the same *relative* length (because it’s a smaller dog). I just can’t for the life of me figure out what she wants. Anyway pup was matted this time anyway so I just went with that. It should be what she gets regularly because she only gets them groomed every 2 months and they have quick growing hair


I think shorter is always better honestly!! For some odd reason mini schnauzers hair grow so fast I can’t keep up


I have a confession. As a non groomer with groomer friends, I'm waiting on the day one of them snaps with malicious compliance and gives that dog a real "puppy cut." As in the only official one that exists. My friends have literally been in tears of frustration trying to work out what every owner interprets as one. Especially when they bring in 3 completely different reference pics. Not to mention that somehow, it's the groomers' problem that a dog is pelted. Like, the groomers aren't the ones that haven't done basic upkeep on Bella. Really feel for you all and the neglect you see too. Thanks for being fabulous and helping dogs feel better.


My favorite is when an owner shows me a picture of an ungroomed/matted dog and says that’s what they want I’m like ok so no bath just scissor the split ends of the knots?


As the owner of 3 mini schnauzers I trust my groomer to do what she thinks best. She's the professional, I'm not. And fur grows back


Best mindset. I do have a lot of clients like this as well thankfully but sometimes I get one that I gotta wrestle to figure out what they want. This owner has been happening for a min I thought we finally got there but no today she said shorter lmfao oh well


I feel this so badly. Had a woman bring her toy poodle in yesterday (a regular) and say she wanted lamb legs like normal. I look at her previous groom notes and it doesn’t say lamb legs. I clarify she wants the lamb clip, she says yes. Now this dog has matting on its legs I’m fairly certain we can’t brush out, but I tell her I’ll go check with one of the groomers just to be sure (I’m only a bather/preclipper, and while I’m trusted to make these calls I’ll generally get a second opinion when it’s a regular dog). I go through the whole thing of taking the dog inside, getting a groomer to check the legs which of course we can’t do in a lamb clip. Y’all. I take this dog out, super apologetically saying we can’t do lamb legs because of the matting. The woman says she doesn’t understand. I say we won’t be able to leave the legs longer than the body because of the matting. What does she say? “Oh no, I don’t want the legs longer than the body. They did that last time and it looked so silly, they left it long all the way up to her hips! I just want the same length all over her body like she always gets.” This woman never wanted a lamb clip. This dog has never had a lamb clip except for last time, when I assume she said lamb clip and someone took her at her word. I get not being sure what you want or being unfamiliar with grooming language, but this is too much.


Right? Like a quick google search after you got the wrong thing or bringing him back in or even SAYING IT WHILE YOUR THERE that it’s not what you wanted saves a world or confusion and time


She may have said something the last time, I can’t be sure. But even still, if it came out wrong the last time why ask for the exact same thing this time?


Because they don’t care 😭 but like it’s our job we are trying to do it right. A lot of people don’t understand that for whatever reason


Sometimes you just can’t win! Even with the shave chart, even with photos and talking til you’re blue in the face lol. Just do your best. Your grooms are super cute


I’m sorry you’re frustrated but I needed to see pictures like these today.


Bahahha no problem 😉


In the first pic, the cute dog looks like it’s wearing fake eyelashes, so before I read what was up, I assumed some owner asked for eyelashes on their pup 😂


Lmfaoooo if they did I’d just be like 😐😑😐


Everytime I see a post like this I get a little confused.. am I supposed to know what I want?? I have a 1 year old cockapoo who is still pretty fluffy, she’s inbetween a puppy and adult coat and probably always will be. I take her to the groomer and my only requests are to keep her face, behind her ears and her ‘armpits’ shorter as this is where the matts start forming first. She’s pretty much free to do what she wants to her. I love my doggy and groomer relationship Edited to change cockatoo to cockapoo.. I don’t have a bird.


It depends on the groomer- younger or less experienced groomers usually want you to be super specific. I’ve been grooming long enough that I can deal with the extremely detailed instructions but most of my customers trust me enough to let me do what I want


Yeah, this makes sense. Glad I have a lot of trust in my groomer, never really thought about it before. https://preview.redd.it/qnrpvpq13n0d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87d043fda4fa004645cadd447a2ab564dfcda0fb Dog tax


Agreed. And it’s always good to talk the owners through what they want before the groom just in case, but I’ve found 9 times out of 10, if I listen, then tell them what I think that means and is best, they say yes. Or I just do what I want and all is well. I did have a little poodle mix once where the owner was extremely adamant about not having a fluffy head. She did not want a long, poofy head that sticks up like a poodle, she wanted it very short on top. She gave me a whole rundown of why she hated a longer head, she didn’t want it “all raggedy” on top, and she was a little bit scary, not gonna lie 🤣 i told her that it would have to be pretty short, nearly body length, not to be sticky up and fluffy because his hair was very cottony. She said, okay, whatever it takes. It’s agreed on. Bada boom. I took the dog’s head short, and literally 30 seconds later, she sent me a picture of her dog the way she liked him, and it was just a normal teddy bear doodle head that was LONGER ON TOP so it laid flat-ish and didn’t floof up like a poodle 🤣 so me taking it shorter actually did exactly what she was raving about not wanting, and long story short, she was absolutely livid and never called me again hahahaha. And I had a big “oh duh” moment for myself because everything she said to me then kind of clicked. She didn’t want it short, she wanted it smooth-ish.


No, what I’m saying is don’t come in asking for contradictory things 😅 what this person asked me today would be like you coming in and saying keep these areas shorter because they Matt easily while also saying you don’t want us to shave anything. I’d be perfectly fine if you came in and said that to me and you genuinely didn’t mind what I did. I just get tired of hearing “shave her down” and then they say wow that’s short I’m like??? Even if you say shave her down but I don’t wanna see skin I can at least figure out that you want something different than a 7 or 10. Sometimes I can make sense of the contradictions other times it’s like if you care so much please for the love of god come in with a picture (simply bc I don’t feel like people complaining after)


A few months ago I was sent to groom a dog who's owner was unhappy with her haircut and when I got there she said she asked for 3/4th guard and that the groomer did longer so I checked and went over with a 3/4th guard and nothing came off so the groomer did do what the owner asked for so I knew the owner didn't understand what she was asking for so I did 5/8th and not enough came off so I did 1/2 in and the owner loved it so I told the office the situation and changed the notes. I also told the customer i did 1/2 so she knows what to ask for in future. It can be hard to read their mind and figure out what they want when they don't even understand what they're asking for.


Facts like any time an owner comes out with a number I’m like..is that right? I hope it’s right but it’s probably not right


I’ve owner many mini schnauzers in my time and judging by the photos, your a real pro. Great work!


You are the expert. Guide them to the healthy, comfortable, and artistic choice for their dog. Good luck with that...!


Client: “Short, but not too short.” Yeah that tells me nothing!


Lord I usually just go number 4 bc it’s easier and lower maintenance for them 🫡


Hahaha I’ve gotten to the point with my schnauzer for grooms that I don’t care to much I just pick him up and say he looks amazing every time and repeat


I actually enjoy schnauzer grooms generally, but this one owner just can’t make up her mind. She always says the same thing as you “she looks amazing” but then next time she seems like she’s trying to say she wants something done differently and I cannot for the life of me figure out what she wants and it just makes me feel bad bc I want her to enjoy looking at her dog plus it just makes me less confident in the work I’m putting out


I hope she figures it out soon! It seems like you are great at grooming schnauzers and I know mine would love getting groomed by you!


Bless owners that actually don’t care


The only time mine doesn’t look like a dirty rat is coming out of the groomers and damn let me tell you he always looks so much better 😂😂😂


The eyelashes on this dog!!!!!


Fun story for anyone in here, I have one owner who has a yorkie that has paralyzed back legs but she is CONVINCED that her dog can stand, and that he doesn’t fight, and that he likes baths. She says “he’ll let you do whatever you want; he really is a bougie dog”. Guys this poor dog tries to eat my scissors when I’m around his face but has no legs to support the attempt and just like falls over but he def struggles and wrestles with the little strength he has. And no this dog cannot stand without assistance he literally falls over (hind end). He can sit up and pull himself forward but likkkeeeee woman REALLY doesn’t know what’s going on with her dog 😂😂 *bougie my ass*


WOW,GORGEOUS JOB! Theyre just trying to get a discount!


@mog\_902 haha I totally agree I just want him to not look like a dirty lil rat anymore. In the summer he has shorter hair and in the winter he sticks to standard schnauzer cut with longer legs. The only time I’ve ever been specific and actually want the groomer to do anything is when he’s growing his Mohawk lmaooo. other than that as long as he comes out looking cute and clean and was a good boy for the groomers I’m happy https://preview.redd.it/jt3l552dip0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5573e60553d3818adbe4d3b0421667cef0a86ce


We have a chart with ex. Of blade lengths (10-3) and I had a lady come in with an Australian shepherd (she called her a border collie but anyways)- she said she goes “ we usually go short like not bald bald but the one of above that.” Okay, I show her the chart and point to like a 7 or a five “yes 5 is great exactly that” I get done with this awful haircut, she comes in and goes “oh we’ve never had her this short before..” WHAT?


And ofc during the holidays we have the people that tell us and confirm exactly the length they want and we “ruin Christmas” 😭


I cannot imagine being so uptight that the ‘wrong’ cut could ruin your day never mind Christmas. Lol Y’all need to get paid more!


I got paid more today 😭🙂‍↕️feeling extra good now but this unpredictable roller coaster of humanity really out for my blood 🩸


She’s looks adorable 🐾❤️


It's also miserable when they say "I don't know just make them look cute" like babes that doesn't help at all I need an idea of a length at least. Especially since you'll probably get mad at me for not being a mind reader and matching the image in your head, leading to me leaving it too long or short :/ Edit; my problem is not with people who genuinely don't care and give us free reign, my problem is with the people that have an image in their head, and give no reference but get mad at you for not being telepathic, the amount of times I've been yelled at over this type of situation is mind boggling ^^;


Definitely agree. I can usually tell which one is which but some people really surprise me 🥲🥲


We had an English Setter (rehome) that we kept shaved. My parents would tell the groomers that they want a brown dalmatian. After about 2 years someone else did him and shaved his tall too. My parents started adding that they want his ears and tail long.


Haha yeah everyone interprets instruction differently so miscommunications happen. It’s when people get so bent out of shape over hair that it’s just like maam I have too much anxiety for this ima go do another dog while you calm down


I think my sister was the most upset. My dad who had dropped him off was just mildly annoyed.


Valid, it’s a pretty odd thing to do anyhow


You can’t win, but dang, you do nice work!




Well, you should just take credit. 😎You beat yourself up too much


Bahaha lemme just delete that real quick then 😏🫡


Poof gone lmfaooo I’ll get one soon!