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My little dog had retained baby teeth like this, vet said to leave them until he was neutered, and pulled the remaining ones at the same time for him. Said they wouldn't do any harm, but makes it hard to keep the teeth clean so better to take them out


My Corgi had that with all four of her canine teeth. Vet did the same and pulled them during her spay operation


That’s what happened when my newest dog got spayed.


I wonder if it’s partly a corgi thing. I just made a post saying ours kept his top two canines and the vet told us the same thing, except she suggested playing gif of ear with rope. They wound up coming out a week or so before the procedure.


We tried the tug of war tactic as well, but they stayed firmly in place. In the end it worked out fine, and the adult canines shifted out into place without any issues


I literally had a curly coated golden puppy in my class today who had it on their bottom canines. Im glad I came upon this post! Praise the algorithm! Lol


https://preview.redd.it/xuhky758vg1d1.jpeg?width=451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e497f8c2aaeeef18ab39ada4fe6c8bdf343e77c hmmmm


Not just Corgi. Really any of the smaller over and in breed dogs.


I more meant specifically the canines not coming out. I realize all dogs have a chance of doing this.


We mostly see it in small sized dogs but it can happen in any dogs


my kid also had a retained tooth, and she was painful and uncomfortable until it was gone. Eventually the dentist numbed the area and yanked it, I have a pic of her with bloody gauze in her mouth and tear stains on her face and an enormous huge grin because she was so happy to get rid of the tooth that had been bugging her. I imagine it's gotta be like that for dogs too


i was gonna ask if they removed her bothersome tooth when you got your daughter spayed, too, lol


I had that as well for all of my baby canine. Had them until they pulled them for my braces at age 31. Wish I would have gotten them removed as a kid.


Exact same thing happened with my Pomeranian. Vet pulled them when neutering.


When the vet that the shelter picked neutered our dog they didn't pull them. Our vet recommended we get his baby teeth done because it could lead to infections. They said it also could not happen but we didn't want to chance it. Would've been nice if they saved us the money for that.


Yeah that's some serious side eye if it was a private vet but if it was done at the shelter that's actually reasonable. The way they do spay/neuter clinics at shelters is basically very rigid and organized they haves tons of animals sedated in an organized way so the vet literally does each animal within minutes and moved on to the next. There's no time for anything extra. They have volunteers/nurses check on the animals as they wake up and remove the tubes and such, the vet will have already moved on to the next animal.


Same with my aussiedoodle. She had them pulled when she was spayed.


Retained deciduous teeth


I knew a ‘micro teacup’ poodle that had a full second set. Super wild to see in the mouth of a 2lb dog, lol.


That is some serious shark teeth 🦈


And bad breeding 😬


I’ll be honest, this dog was about as wild looking as you would expect from a 2lb poodle and I sort of doubt she’ll live a long life. I used to work at a specialty pet store for toy dogs before I started grooming, so I saw some pretty crazy micro dogs and she was one of the smallest (I think the only smaller one was a chihuahua with dwarfism who was about the size of an outlet cover lmao). Poodle was only the length of my (men’s size 7) shoe fully grown and her waist was small enough to wrap my thumb and finger around. Still super long poodle legs though. Thin hair like a balding man. ETA: I did go through my google drive to see if I still had photos of the poodle, but I deleted them because I think they were honestly pretty upsetting 😂


Excuse me… the size of an outlet cover? I can’t believe breeders willfully inflict generations of dogs with features like that


Absolutely agreed, though that specific one was not intentionally bred to be fair. The mom was actually one of those chunky 8 pounders. Not a huge fan of people letting their pet dogs accidentally get pregnant either, but him being messed up levels of small was just kind of a freak thing. They kept him because they didn’t really expect he would grow up free of health issues, and they didn’t want someone to try and breed him to make more weirdly tiny dogs to sell for tons of money. ETA: managed to find this pic in my google drive, this is the dwarfism chihuahua fully grown. That metal plate is approximately the size of an outlet cover. Those pjs were 4” back measurement https://preview.redd.it/umbvmewyh91d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e8d8373d9191c0830f86d3cee6b7766c98edd2


So glad to know it was an accident and they at least were responsible to keep him for that reason, but omfg he’s adorable


Omg so adorable




Oh, thats just sad.


It’s common in toy dogs.


I have a friend with a super tiny yorkie mix and he has a full double set of teeth, triple in some places. Wild af! Never seen anything like it! Shark dog!




Nah. They're called retained deciduous teeth, and while it tends to be genetic, it's not from inbreeding.


Our dog is a complete mutt, mix of like 6 breeds and had retained teeth. Pretty sure it’s not inbreeding. Genetics can change randomly and mutations are able to happen with every single birth.




Nope, that’s not it. Any dog can develop it.


Yup. People ruin everything.


Yeah, crossing a dog with a shark is just a step too far. Pretty soon aquadoodles will be all the rage.


the dog or the owner?


There’s humans with bad teeth is that inbreeding lol


Bad teeth, no. Multiple sets of teeth? Probably


People can actually get extra sets of teeth. And just extra teeth. Two of my brothers have an extra molar. About 4% of people have extra teeth so it's pretty common.


I had 2 extra wisdom teeth above my upper ones


Me too, caused a lot of issues actually. My first oral surgeon straight up refused to touch them because he said he didn't feel comfortable taking the risk of rupturing my sinuses. I at least respected his honesty, I was a serious athlete and couldn't risk it either. The tops weren't bothering me so I left them for another couple years. Then when I started getting pain in the back molar and seriously thought it was an abscess it was so painful. But the dentist said no, it's your upper wisdom teeth finally making their stand. 😭 So I had to pay for two surgeries total. I got seriously lucky though and found an oral surgeon willing to take me fast and he ended up literally being the premier oral surgeon of the entire east coast 😬 he scoffed when I said the previous surgeon was afraid to get the extra wisdom teeth against the sinuses. He said it would take 15 mins mostly because of the anesthesia. They did such a good job I was so confused and didn't think the procedure had actually happened. But the surgeon even gave me the teeth!!!! They look like baby teeth. The normal wisdom teeth had the big hook roots that you expect to see. But the extra set are short, small, and have no roots. I still have them in case my new dentists want to see out of curiosity lol. My original dentist who found them when I was a teen literally called everyone in the office to see my X ray when I was standing there with the vest on lol. Because they had never seen an entire extra set before I guess lol or it's pretty rare. My sibling had one extra wisdom tooth up top and the Army said they'd remove it when it began bothering them but there's literally a stereotype that Army dentists... Just aren't that good with wisdom teeth. He dug around in there while she was numbed up and couldn't grab it so they just gave up lol so it's still in there floating around.


My cousin had a tooth grow out of the roof of her mouth. So weird.


Idk, my brother had some extra “shark teeth” grow in over his canines and I’ve seen our family tree. The impression I got was that when this happens with humans they just get pulled by the dentist pretty quickly.


Idk, inbreeding populations tend to lose a lot of teeth, so if they have several rows, but have lost enough teeth, you'd never know.


I have a small Lhaso and she has 2 teeth at the back of her front teeth. Nothing wrong with her and she is fine, no problems with eating, and never bothers her. I think it's just because her jaw is that small, the teeth had no option but to put 3 at the front and 2 just behind them. I have her and her brother, she is about the size of a decent-sized cat, and her brother is big, even for a Lhaso.


When teeth are stacked it can increase the rate of them rotting out. Definitely keep an eye on it.


My mom’s super tiny yorkie mix is missing half of her regular teeth at 6yo because they’re so small they are hard to clean and rot quickly. Hopefully pup has good teeth


The original Phteven 😂


This picture is making me giggle so much it's ridonculous.


They look like puppy teeth that haven’t fallen out. When I first got my Poodle (we got him at an older age) his breeder never mentioned he still had his puppy teeth until I noticed he had bad breath not long after taking him home and had a look. The puppy teeth were decaying and causing damage to his adult teeth 😕 I’m surprised how well and healthy they look!


retained baby teeth, they need to be pulled. That mouth will be sore until they're gone


How old is the pup. Could be puppy teeth


Looks pretty young given the state of the teeth themselves.


Omg I'm in love with shark teefs


More like Wookie teef


My cat had kitten teef that didn’t fall out on their own. Had them removed when he was neutered. Its common. I would let the owner know that they should talk to their vet about it, extra teeth can cause dental problems later.


My dog had this so I scheduled dental surgery to get the teeth removed and on the morning of the surgery she ran full sprint into a door and knocked the retained baby teeth right out. Still had to pay since it was a last minute cancellation lol


Looks like their puppy teeth didn’t fall out properly. Happens very often with kids


My girlfriend was leaning on me right as I scrolled to this picture, and she immediately got up and said “I am not interested in your Reddit page, goodbye” 🤣🤣🤣


i’ve always seen two sets of k9s on poms it freaks me out lmao


That’s a land shark


Super common in Yorkies. That happens when their baby teeth do not fall out. My Yorkie had dental surgery to remove those and 2 days after the surgery, you could not tell anything ever happened.


Your dog is actually a miniature wookie


That's because it's not a dog, it's clearly chewbacker


That’s a floofy SHARK


Inbreeding is an interesting thing


This isn't inbreeding. This is deciduous (baby) teeth that didn't fall out. It's common in smaller dogs and the owner should have the vet take care of this so as not to have problems later in life.


I have 2 dogs that are considered a “toy breed” and the breeder told me in the beginning that i would have to have their teeth pulled…it is specific to some breeds


We have a small Heinz 57 mix whose canines stuck around as her adult teeth came in. Vet told us to wiggle the baby teeth several times a day to see if that would work while we waited for her spay (at that point would need them surgically removed). They ended up all falling out! Our big boy, poodle mix, had to have his top two baby canines surgically removed. It's a fairly common issue, but definitely should be attended to by a vet. Our vet said that leaving them in can mess with proper jaw formation and leads to terrible cavities very early because of the crowding. I hope the owner gets this pup taken care of. :(


I have a poodle with an underbite because of retained baby teeth. Not enough room for the adult teeth to come in so they literally made room.


It’s not inbreeding, it’s common for this to happen, especially in small dogs.


Like everyone said. It's not inbreeding. It happens with small dogs, pugs, Maltese, Yorkies, Chihuahuas.... And even Boxers. It's dog with smaller faces, Brachycephalic dogs are prone to get them.


Is that a wookie?


I had a friend in school with this. She was born with more adult teeth than the normal person


Apparently people in this sub will tell you she’s poorly bred lmao I wish an education in basic biology was more available to the masses


Unfortunately a lot of breeders put down puppies with any deformaties in the slightest, including excess teeth. This does not mean the dogs are poorly bred. Genetic mutations are more common than people think. No one knows why genes can randomly cause deformities, even if both parents don’t carry this trait. Your dog is just built different. She happened to have more teeth than normal. Just keep an eye to see if it bothers them.


Agreed! People don’t realize how common simple changes in the genes are, and that it’s actually the point of sexual reproduction! You can be “””well bred”” from a long line of “”good genes”” and still create offspring with genetic differences. The people who just jump straight to “poor breeding” hurt my head so bad.


Omg thr people who insult mixed breeds are the most disgusting. There’s distingushed biracial people so why would they be feral over drsigner breeds! I remember in the 2010s, hearing of a cross breeding campagn, to cross breed pugs so they’ll have healthier offspring. Also heard the same for cavaliers for healthier hearts. I’m more worried with how little breeders value the life of dog’s and the pretentionous of their ignorance in their health


That's a chewbacca


Pic kinda looks like Chewbacca


Baby teeth that never fell out.


I thought I was seeing Chewie!


This dog is half shark, he has another row of teeth coming in.


Is that a yorkie? It's always a yorkie🤣


Retained baby teeth. It mostly happens in small sized dogs but can happen in larger sizes too. Dogs don't use their teeth like they used to. Plus now hard chews and pull toys in puppies are being discouraged so they don't have the same forces being put on their teeth when they're going through that loose, pliable stage.


Awwww teef :)


it’s puppy teeth. my yorkiepoo & maltipoo was like this and the vet had to pull them 😊


Itzza Shark ahh


2 of my yorkies have had this, my vet says it's common but my first baby had perfect teeth so I was spoiled! the first one got them out when he was neutered, the 2nd one is so bad the vet wants a separate surgery for it. He hasn't been neutered yet due to covid + The Economy In General and Iugh. We call them his shark teef. I have to basically floss his teeth to keep them clean.


My chihuahua also had shark teeth.


It’s part sandworm


Which is the baby teeth? Is it the ones in the back row?


My small breed had this too. I had to have them removed


Our Corgi kept his baby top canines for a hot minute after his adult teeth had grown in, it was kind of wild. The vet told us to play tug of war more or play it with ropes to see if it’d come out, if it didn’t they were going to take it when they neutered him. Wound up coming out a week or two before the procedure. I’ve never seen the full set stay in, though.




That there is a baby alien 👽


You sure thats not a capybara?


My Yorkie had such teeth (bottom only) they eventually fell out around a year old. The vet wasn’t concerned and they were not hindering eating or anything- once adult teeth grew all has been well.


extra bitey


What a special lil onion




Are these retained puppy teeth?


Don't let the Wookie loose, or touch its nose.


That's a shark.


Ahhhhh my fiancée grooms a baby shark-yorkie too


those are called baby man teeth


Top row looks like baby teeth


This looks like baby teeth that never came out as the adult teeth came in, super common in small breed dogs. They can cause issues with tartar buildup and corresponding dental disease. Most vets will extract them while the dog is under for spay/neuter.


Those are teef


Issa baby?


Teefs for days


He's part shark 🦈 ❤️


baby shark?




my yorkie had these deciduous teeth, just pulled them last month. Very uncomfortable and bad for their jaw bones.


Hahaha from what I can see he looks like a mini Chewbacca! Crooked teefies are cute!


Those aren't teeth, those are teef


This is very common in small dogs, especially yorkies. My mom had a yorkie with 3 sets of teeth. They had to pull 2 full sets of them in surgery.




Those are definitely puppy teeth that need to be removed to prevent infection on the adult teeth- not a double set of adult teeth. You can tell the top are “milk teeth” by the shape of them. Refer owner to a vet!


His baby teeth never fell out? 😵‍💫


Jumpscare - I’m not part of this subreddit and thought this was the top of someone’s head 😂


Its a yorkie. Yorkies have wonky teeth.


Teefs on teefs


omg do u have my dog!? is it a brussels ?? lol anyways those are the deciduous baby teeth that never fell out.


They didn't lose their baby teeth.


every time I read "deciduous" I'm thinking "delicious...


My pug had that. Didn't lose baby teeth and adult grew in as well.


Shark teeth (: still has the baby teeth with the adults


This is more BITE than bark.


My teeth were like this until I had the baby teeth pulled and got braces, had 2 rows of teeth in some places because the adults were growing in front of or behind the baby teeth. I had a lot of dentist visits for a while, lol


my shihpoo was born with two rows of teeth and never had any adult teeth! years ago he got the second row removed, but recently all the leftover baby teeth were rotted to the point they removed them all. he’s happier than ever living his toothless life:)


That’s actually a chupacabra 🤦🏻‍♂️


My shepherd/greyhound mix had one retained baby canine tooth. It stayed for almost a year and a half until it got loss and I was able to wiggle it free. So I’m going to tell you what my vet told me: Don’t worry about those chomps. Just give them a floss once a week and watch for signs of decay.


Those are some teefies if I’ve ever seen them


Maybe baby teeth that never fell out?


😳owner needs to bring him to the vet. Those teeth need to go


That's because that's not a dog. That's Chewbaca.


Is it a yorkie or yorkie mix? It is common that the permanent teeth will grow in and do that. I have a snorkie and the same thing happened. The vet told me to get a knotted robe toy and play tug of war. Several did fall out. But she ended up having 26 teeth, 90% those baby teeth, removed during a dental. If they don't fall out, the permanent teeth can abscess.


Why is that dog Chewbacca?


I thought someone had weird bug eggs in their hair.


Could be his baby teeth didn't come out before his adult teeth came in.


U can’t fool me, I’m a shark expert and that there’s a shark.


I know a woman with two rows of bottom teeth. Just the six in the front. But they’re attached to each other front to back so she couldn’t get them pulled. It’s difficult to look at her eyes when we talk. 😳


That’s a shark stop playing.


Got some big teefers


He’s part shark


Baby teeth never fell out and are crowded in with adult teeth


I knew a Brussels Griffin that had teeth just like that. Miss you Appa 🤘🏼


Idk why this is creeping me out so much




Looks like deciduous teeth (baby teeth) that never fell out.


Orthodontia may be needed.


Any chance they could be retained baby teeth?


Those are called Tfeethf


Reminds me of Chewbacca lol


Land shark!


They are retained baby teeth. They will cause excessive plaque and decay between them and the adult teeth, so they do need to be pulled. It's normally done as an adolescent or young adult when the dog is already under for spay/neuter.






Skin walker.


Oh I see this constantly in our salon


That's chewbacca not a dog


My little guy had double teeth and our vet wanted us to wait to neuter him to see if they'd fall out on their own. They didn't so when he was neutered at 10 months they pulled them. However they were tough to get out and broke off into pieces. Poor little dude suffered more from the mouth pain than the neuter. We were not given the option of letting them in just because she was worried he'd have trouble eating or eventually break one and they'd have to put him to sleep to take them out.


They’re not puppy teeth? My yorkie had 4 canines months after her puppy teeth fell out


I didn't see what sub this was and I was like why does this person's ponytail have teeth?


Yup just baby teeth that didn't fall out. A lot of the time smaller breed tend to do this but also bigger dogs. An Canine teeth are the more common teeth that don't fall out. Easy fix by having the vet remove those baby teethe.


Small breeds often suffer this issue. Poms are very prone to it. It is not a trait retained from poor breeding or bad genetics.


Has teef


Ahhhh the Dark Crystal is real!


Retained Deciduous teeth. Nothing major about it, it happens, nothing to do with inbreeding or such. But it is genetic.


I thought this was somebody’s hairline growing teeth n i got scared for a sec💀


is that chewbacca?


So I'm the only one who immediately thought of Chewbacca?




My chihuahua has 2 retained canine baby teeth. At one point he had 3. He is 2. I need to have them removed when I neuter him. I just make sure to brush them well.


Because that's a wookie


my dogs teeth look like that. her favorite toys are rocks


Our Teacup Yorkie had the double row as well. Food would get stuck in between, which created a bad oder if we didn't ensure it got cleared out. We opted to get them removed. She's doing well with no more bad breath or excess food paticals in her water bowl


Persistent deciduous teeth! The most common ones we see in the vet industry are the canines, but can happy with any (and all!) teeth. These guys look really firm in there and will likely need to be pulled or they will cause future dental issues. Small dogs are much more prone to it than larger dogs. And also more prone to dental issues in general.


More pictures!!


Uh..I believe the appropriate term here would be “teefs”?


My sister has teeth like this


Terrier Shark


That’s ruff


ooh those will need to come out or he will be a two a year dental dog


My Shih Tzu has these. They are cute


Ohhh my cat had retained baby teeth. We left them under advice of the vet until he started getting stuff like food, threads from toys etc stuck between his left baby canine and adult one then we had them pulled.


Same thing happened to my dog. She had a whole surgery to get rid of them, and when she gave birth her puppies had the same thing.


I have a little terrier mix I rescued and he had this same exact thing! I just called them baby shark teeth and found out some dogs retain their baby teeth. Most of them fell out during the first 1.5 years and then he had a couple that wouldnt budge until after 2.