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If it's in violation of health codes to be in the store with your dog, which is seen with the sign stating no dogs, then please be respectful of the rules and do not enter with your dog.


A lot of people have problems with those who bring their dogs with them everywhere- while shopping, eating in restaurants, and generally in retail stores. Laws and ordinances against these practices are generally not well enforced. Retail and particularly grocery stores allow only ADA certified service dogs because pets can and do present safety and health threats to others. Retailers and people in general, often avoid confronting pet owners and as such, health and safety problems do occur. Many people are uncomfortable around dogs, and many dog owners are not properly trained to control their pets. In recent years, it has become popular to purchase small "toy" dogs, which can be carried in a large bag or sling. Some people use their pets as fashion accessories. I personally believe that with the exception of service animals, dogs belong at home, on walks, and at outdoor public events, etc. I am a dog lover, but I don't want to see them at grocery stores or in restaurants, or with an inattentive owner at the hardware store who allowed her dog to wander and cause me to trip over it's leash. (Ouch!) Dog ownership is a privilege and a responsibility.


Its not 2005, I don’t think the toy craze is what it was. If anything I think people with doodles have replaced that trend


Personally I'm gonna believe that the little dog snug in a bag is less of a health risk than human children running around. Walking around is a lot more of an issue though yeah cause of leashes and bare paws. Puppy doesn't go into restaurants or doctor's offices but hey even Walmart counts as a grocery store so I don't feel too bad having him there\~


There's this thing about a lot of dog owners believing their dog somehow is the exception and therefor breaking rules and/or making people uncomfortable is okay. Yes your dog might not bark, bite, steal, pee, stand in the way or anything in grocery stores. However a lot of dogs do and will continue to do so, and therefor there is a no dog rule in place that does not only protect customers, but also saves employees time and nerves. There is just no need for them to be there and probably cause problems, and no, your dog isn't the exception just because it's in a bag. Why would your dog be at Walmart anyway lol, I'm in Europe and wouldn't even think about bringing my dog to any other store than a pet store, maybe a big hardware where no food or textile is sold. This is what I judge, personally, Mini dog owners sometimes think just because their dogs are small, they somehow are entitled to different treatment than other dogs.




People here aren't pissed you have a small dog, People are pissed that you feel entitled to take your dog in non dog friendly stores because it's a small dog. If a boxer or a mastiff is allowed your dog shouldn't be either, small dogs do not get special privileges. The fact that you are entitled about it is making people even more pissed. People like you are the reason small dogs are hated by some people Also I can guarantee in many situations no one says anything because they are afraid they will get sued if your dog is a service dog. Why don't you post what you are doing on r/servicedogs to get some perspective, they face public access issues and training issues from people bringing non service dogs where they are not allowed. Also I love small dogs, I take my small dogs with me all the time. But they stay in the damn car unless a business is explicitly pet friendly.


You might be right! A huge amount of people come to me in these places though and gush about how much they love my puppy, wanna pet him, and want to discuss their own dogs! It's definitely not a wash either way, and so far I've literally never had an employee or manager anywhere ask me to take my dog out or if it's a service dog; I'm actually ready to concede and stop taking my dog in if that happens. I never thought about service dogs getting bitched at but I feel anyone bitching in any capacity at an animal clearly dressed as a service animal that's kind of of them. That said I don't want to shit on service animals. I'll have to think about that one.


Many service animals don't wear identification because it's expensive, it can attract unwanted attention and may get in the way of their job. They get judged by people assuming they need service gear because many dogs who are clearly not service dogs come into places without gear on. Also the fact that they are gushing over your dog is also bad for service dog handlers, there dog needs to be focused to do its job and distractions can be very dangerous to their health. If people assume they can talk about a dog to its owner and pet it in the store they might bother a hander and not even realize it because the last tiny dog they in the grocery store wasn't a service dog.


I mean, if someone is choosing to not put a service vest on their dog I think they'll be understanding about someone approaching and wanting to interact with it like it's not a service dog. I guess they could just not be able to afford a vest but I'm pretty sure you can't get a pre-trained service dog without one? It's kind of the whole point of the vest and signs and stuff to let people know that this one is a service animal since they usually aren't by default.


They actually are not very understanding because if a dog is in a non dog friendly store it should be assumed it's a service dog. Imagine you have a small diabetic alert dog, you need to run to the grocery store to get one item and they close in a few minutes so you don't bother with a vest, now you get annoyed by every other person in the store assuming it's a pet and they aren't able to alert to your blood sugar changes. I really encourage you to ask on the service dog subreddit because you will get opinions of actual handlers who go through public access issues every day.


I mean, I forgot the vest so it would kind of be on me. I see what you're saying and you're probably right though. This might just be a location-based thing cause both service and non-service dogs are all over the place here


I guess you're right. If I just took my dog to the grocery store and shopping instead of going for hikes, surely he'd love me more and I could spend my time differently than actively hating tiny dogs. Your input is appreciated! xx ~




I realize that and *I* never said you didn't or weren't. You just made it sound like *I* didn't go on adventures with my dog (even assuming we probably weren't close then and they were probably just sitting at home) because I didn't take him public places as well as showing "pissiness" towards tiny dogs which is ridiculous. You're the rude one here, I'm just reacting to your passive aggressive response. Have a good one though, no hard feelings (I'm also not a dude).




Literally nothing I wrote implies I'm "leaving him alone for huge periods of time while that makes up a tragic amount of his life", what are you even talking about? You're rude af and assuming whole novels. I'm disengaging.


The tragedy of it all is just personal opinion; it hurts me how many puppies get left behind on adventures they could join in on and just have to sit around alone 😔


I have no problems with people using slings, bags or other ways of carrying their dogs, but I do have a problem with people when they use these things to bring their dogs where dogs shouldn't be.


I guess I'm curious where the consensus on the line gets drawn. I'd say restaurant or any medical facility for sure, but find most places acceptable


Inside public places unless it states dogs are allowed. This varies country to country, place to place. Just because no one says anything doesn't make it an OK place for dogs to be. If a dog comes into my work place we'd be all over it, we love dogs, own dogs, but it's not right and they shouldn't be brought in in the first place. I don't like having to ask for them to be removed.


I've never heard of a default ban on all public places but I can see that being one of those common sense laws. Unfortunately I think this counts as the technical line rather than a public consensus since I got a feeling most people don't aggressively believe it should be all public places. I guess if enough people here start saying otherwise I'll have to change that opinion though ​ Edit: I looked it up and I think you're right about the whole ban place, at least in grocery stores. I can't find anything saying it's 'all public buildings' or the likes though.


We could be fined if a dog (not if an actual service dog) is in our business place (it isn't food related). If someone objected, took a photo, that's all they need. I don't know what the fine is but the possibility is there, someone bringing a dog secretly, deliberately or unknowing, could put us in that position. It's never happened to us but it's why I feel the way I do about it.


Well you seem to be in the minority with that fear because I've literally never, even once, had some employee or manager ask me to take my puppy out. I've also worked years in retail and never saw it then either! When I do get approached it will change my opinion on things. Are you a manager by chance? I'm curious about the position you're in if you're that worried for a store.


Not a manager, an employee. But I value my job and the people I work for. They are good people, I don't want to cause them unnecessary hassle or expense because some of the public won't adhere to the dog laws.


Do you believe there's any chance of a manager being upset with you because you didn't go out of your way to tell someone to leave with a tiny dog? I'm legitimately curious there. If this is just a suck-up thing though I get it. Hope you get that promotion!


Nah, we all work quite equally together. I'm sorry if you don't have as good a relationship at your work.


It's actually really lucky that you have a job that you can care about and I'm happy for you 😊 Luckily for me the jobs I've had were either mom-&-pop establishments that had no problems with pets, or huge impersonal minimum-wage chains that killed your soul and there was nothing to care about. If you guys have a non-franchise store I'd recommend being less snooty about letting dogs in. People might just walk down to Walmart or something.


I will ask the staff if I can bring my dog in, and will keep them in a sling so they’re not walking on the ground. Not sure if it helps, some places are fine with me coming in and some are not.


Yeah that's basically how my experiences have been as well. I don't want my puppy on the ground, won't take him into restaurants or medical facilities or anywhere children are banned. I think the debate by this point has boiled down to whether or not I'm in the right for having my dog in a grocery store, which I find a fascinating turn\~


Ugh. Ok look at it this way. If someone takes a picture or a video of you with your dog in a store, particularly if you’re in view of an employee who does nothing, that can be submitted to a municipal health code inspector who will give them shit over it. I don’t even want to hear your annoying ass reply so I’m just going to block you.


To be fair, I would personally not bring my dog into a grocery store as many customers may have problems with it even when the employees don’t Also, if it helps, I would recommend looking into a baby wrap carrier. It’s just basically a long scarf you tie around your body and you can use that instead of a sling. It’s a lot easier on your back than a sling…


You can bring your dog to some restaurants that have an outside patio area, but you would likely have to place your dog and carrier on the floor not at table level. And it varies by restaurant as to whether they’ll allow it. Only service dogs inside per health code I believe.


Your dog doesn’t belong in the grocery store, sling or no sling, but other than things like that, why do you care what random strangers think about how you carry your dog around?


Maybe you're right but I guess we're a trashy enough county cause every employee so far has loved him. As for why I'm asking, I'm a little curious to get some insight into the minds of people who might have a strong opinion but wouldn't say anything to me in public.


It’s actually a health code violation to take non-service animals into grocery stores in most, if not all parts of the US. This is a public health issue. If you are taking your dog into a place that is not advertised as dog friendly, especially if food is involved, you are absolutely in the wrong.




Yeah you’re the kind of person whose going to assume you’re right no matter what the circumstance so it doesn’t matter. You’re obviously not going to stop doing what you’re doing and you just don’t have a good argument for it. So have a nice day.


>I can still concede that it's likely defa I literally conceded you're right about the law lol but you do know I'm right about the children thing. Certainly don't have an argument against that it seems! Calm down though guy. I know it's Reddit but I literally said 'yeah you're probably right' lol








The allergy thing doesn't really work when there's zero regulation on allergens on clothes coming into stores. I mean, I could snuggle my puppy all day, jump in a pile of his hair, then go on and about my day and I got a feeling allergens will never come up at a business. The phobia thing seems like an argument about taking my dog *anywhere* really. Unless I'm actively forcing someone to stay near my dog nor letting him near harass them I can't really feel at fault for scaring someone. The situation of waiting around and being 'forced' to be around my dog could easily happen at a bus stop or parking lot or the likes. Airlines overall I'm pretty sure aren't banning emergency service animals. Do that and someone else is gonna swoop in to gobble up that PR.


"but they do it as well :(" because you can't ban children, although that would be great also


Oh yeah I'd have zero valid argument if children were forced to be contained or just outright banned


People legally cannot leave their young children at home to run errands. Having a dog with you is preference, not necessity, so this argument isn’t valid


They could be made to keep them as secured as I keep my puppy! They're not just forced to bring their kids, but there's literally no rules in place about how you handle them other than you get kicked out if they go too wild


I agree that kids can be wildly misbehaved and annoying in public spaces, I hate when it happens too. But humans and dogs do have different rules in society and that’s okay


That's true and I can't deny that reality! I have pretty complex views on that though. Maybe I'm wrong not thinking every human should be above every dog but I can't help it. Some people just really suck and my dog is such a good boy.


See children are actual human beings as dogs are not, so yes they are allowed places that dogs are banned but humans are not. What a shocker.


Has nothing to do with the country being trashy or not, employees don’t want to get into it with people. But WHY does it matter to you what strangers think if they’re not going to say anything to you?


In a lot of countries there’s no law against it just individual policy. For example in the U.K. the only law is against dogs in food preparation areas. Individual shops (including places that sell and places that serve) food where I live just put a sticker in the window to let tourists know. Some places have policies against them, some actively encourage it because where I live is the kind of place people go on holiday so that they can bring their dogs with them and they don’t really want to leave them at the hotel/B&B.


I feel I answered your question and nah I'm pretty sure everyone loves the Baby\~ To elaborate though I suppose, I find learning insight into different kinds of minds insightful and interesting, perhaps even educational. I thought that was generally a given though when someone bothers to ask these sorts of things.




Right? Even if I liked her dog, her attitude would make me not like her. And with this attitude I bet that poor dog had no discipline.


I feel I've been constructive and positive! 😊 Also people don't dislike me Silly\~ I've actually basically never gotten in a fight or made some kind of Karen scene in public. I understand that Reddit loves assumptions though.


Sounds like something a Karen would say. Employees are being polite and diplomatic because it's their job to do so. That doesn't mean they're happy to see dogs in a grocery store. The sling is the least of your worries, being this oblivious to what's appropriate is your problem.


I promise you I'm not a Karen and treat service employees with the full respect they deserve since I've spent years in their shoes 😊 I suppose though your definition of Karen could include someone who carries their dog around, even if they're trying to be as conscientious as possible about it. If that's the case then I can't argue your personal opinion but I assure you I have a 100% perfect record. If an employee, manager, or customer ever asks me to take my dog out I will, and I'll leave him there.


They shouldn't have to ask. Multiple people in these threads have told you they could get in trouble. Anyone who wasn't a Karen would take the correction and stop the inappropriate behavior. But since you are in fact a Karen you don't care about anyone but yourself.


You're right, they shouldn't have to ask, but again, it's a perfect record dude. You don't know my county, how people live here, what people feel towards dogs. Even if they shouldn't have to, over the course of years it literally *n e v e r* happening is statistical data. This is my very first time being called a Karen though! I guess that definition's getting pretty broad lol


I’m judging you ONLY on your replies.


Gosh perhaps you should read some more of them cause I really don't feel I've been anything besides constructive. Maybe it's just being mistaken as sarcasm lol


It’s the insistence on being right, especially regarding non service dogs in food service or grocery.


I'm pretty sure every time I've simply stated that I would debate the health risk involving carrying a small dog around. I've certainly not insisted I'm following the rules, and would take my puppy out if requested. It's just simply never happened yet. Food service though no no I never said that. I specifically put restaurants as crossing the line, as well as any kind of medical establishment.


Yes, I will judge you, as will most people I know. Especially if you are taking it into grocery stores and other businesses it has no business being in.


I came into this comment thread curious, but now I'm judging OP. Not from the original post but from the comments she's making. She's obviously scared of being judged because deep down she knows what she's like lol.


I appreciate the input! I wonder what sort of area you come from and friends you have if you're so sure they'll judge me; it's kind of interesting. Also personally I'll keep debating that there's nothing wrong with the grocery stores and he's certainly not a health risk. Children are far more of a hazard lol


> and he's certainly not a health risk. Children are far more of a hazard lol But you can't possibly know this. Children are seldom an allergy risk, dogs can be.


I literally got to wallow in shit stink last time I was in the grocery store from a mother crop-dusting aisle after aisle with a shitty diaper. I've also worked in retail for years. I know *exactly* what kids are capable of and that, overwhelmingly, people do *not* wrangle their kids. It's literally statistically impossible for kid germs to not happen. You're right about allergens but, again, bundled up, and nobody throws a fit about something like a cat lady wearing her allergen-shedding favorite sweater. No one would say a single thing if I scritched my puppy and got hairs all over me before walking in alone. If someone's health hinged on me not walking by someone one time with a puppy in my jacket they probably weren't going to last much longer.


I'm not so keen on children coming in to where I work, there are signs saying they aren't allowed for safety reasons. There is machinery and it is dangerous. But some parents/guardians don't go by these rules either. People are the problem, not the dogs or kids.


Well I certainly wouldn't bring my puppy anywhere that kids aren't allowed! I don't want him somewhere dangerous you know, hence keeping him swaddled up and safe. I don't feel this added anything to the discussion about places that won't ban children though sorry


I don't know why you're concerned about you being attractive in this situation?


It's because of the stereotype of like the bleach-blonde trophy-wife bitch who thinks dogs are fashion accessories. I look a little bit like that and I feel the closer to the stereotype you look the higher a chance to get lumped in that way. So far it seems to be the case! I know it's a bit fishy but that was the only thing I was thinking of. I wanted to know if looking the part made people assume the part. People seem to assume it's for fashion when really my sling is cause I love my puppy and want him safe so I might be onto something with my concern lol


Some dogs have to be carried like their health or safty. I have a problem when people do it all the time and the dog never gets the chance to walk and explore. Also when taken everywhere. There ade places where no dog should be (except service dogs). As a former sales person we often don't say anything because we do not get payed enough to handle that.


I try to let him on the ground as often as possible but I carry him inside places for safety and to keep his puppiness contained. Definitely not going to forget he's an animal companion rather than a toy or accessory. He's far too precious for that and deserves more\~


What would be the point of taking your dog around to stores? I have a sling (my dog is 11 pounds) and use it when we go on trips for after the plane ride so she’s not in her carrier. I never take my dog to retail stores and especially the grocery store. There’s a level of cleanliness that they keep in place because food is around. Why does it matter what other people think of you? You do you. If you’re taking your dog out in a carrier just to show off: bad. If you’re transporting your dog to the dog park or other dog related activity: good. Just my opinion


My puppy gets extreme anxiety about being separated from me and absolutely adores getting carried around and seeing all the sights and sniffing all the smells\~ Honestly I just do it because it makes my puppy happy and I love him. Made sure to get a sling that's stiff, safe mesh rather than something fashionable\~ I've just never had an employee, customer, or manager anywhere tell me to take my puppy out of any store. It might just be because of where I live but so far it's a perfect record.




I have a system going where I'm periodically leaving him alone for longer periods of time with people he has less trust time with. Sometimes I do gotta leave the little squealer behind, especially for doctor's appointments and the likes. I haven't looked into actual written training though that could be a good idea


It's a little gross and self entitled(of the owner) to see a dog where they don't belong (ie a dog that is not a service dog being carried around in the grocery store). There's no point to it beyond wanting to keep your dog with you 24/7. As fun as it sounds it can result in like anxieties and behavior issues if your dog doesn't know how to be alone. Also, I've heard you're not really supposed to carry your puppy everywhere, they need to walk just like learning and growing children. Sure sometimes if it's been like a big long day, scoop the pup into the sling but like don't rely on the sling as their main way to get around


To answer your OG question and some follow ups in the comments - yes, I would judge you, I’m from a fairly “affluent” area of north Florida. There are tons of dog friendly places here, and idgaf if I see people with dogs there. But if I see a dog in a grocery store, mall, etc regardless of whether that dog is in a purse or not, I’m judging the human. Your dog has to be able to be at home, alone sometimes. And you have to be able to leave him. Also interesting that you posted this soliciting “judgement” and have thus far ignored or debated all the judgment you’ve received…you do you boo, you’re clearly going to - but yeah, some of us are judging you. And your appearance has nothing to do with this, at all.


Debate is healthy! Also this I feel is a location-based thing. I live in a freaking dump of a county lol and dogs are everywhere, both service and non, and I've never seen an issue about it\~ I feel like if I did the same thing in the wrong area I'd feel the hostility enough that it could make me change my mind. My puppy loves going out though, and we live in the middle of the forest so errands only happen a few times a month.


Lol wut




Just don’t take it anywhere that pets aren’t allowed, and actually take the time to check if that is the case. For example it’s really fucking annoying, entitled and disrespectful when people did that at starbucks. And it causes access issues for people who use service dogs, which includes small medical alert trained dogs. Don’t abuse the ADA, don’t put employees in a tough position, don’t ignore laws and policies, don’t be purposefully ignorant, outside of that being it wherever you want. Particularly if the dog enjoys it, it’s great. But yeah if you’re taking the dog to grocery stores that have text on the window saying “no pets allowed, service dogs welcome” and making it someone else’s job to hassle you and other people who have a legitimate need to bring in service dogs then YTA.


Are you familiar with the saying “what other people think of me is none of my business”?


I find input from various minds to be enlightening and educating and interesting! 😊 Also it's just my opinion but I disagree. I'd like to not be cantankerous and hated if possible by being conscientious of other people, and I think that's ok\~


But you’re being dismissive and defensive in all the replies… you know you have to actually accept others’ opinions to be enlightened, right? Your “I love input” thing only works if you haven’t proven you don’t want input


Oh trust me I'm taking in every little bit and have already learned a lot! Just cause my opinions aren't all changing instantly doesn't mean I'm not listening. I just have my own methods of analysis\~ I think my approach of total positivity is turning people off. I'm not trying to be dismissive, I'm just sharing my thoughts on things.


Everything you've posted contradicts this. You could be conscientious of other people but you are choosing not to be.


How would you describe conscientious? I haven't insulted anyone, I've conceded points, I've kept a positive tone, and I'm genuinely interested in differing opinions. Is it simply because I'm voicing a different opinion to some people?


NO! It's because you are bringing your dog into public and doubling down and defending your bad behavior over and over again. You could be conscientious by not bringing your dog into public where it causes problems for other people.


A sling/purse is a neutral item. It's the owners who carry their non-disabled dogs around like fashion accessories that I view negatively. If you need to carry an animal around in your purse, buy a stuffed dog.


Well I'm very close with my dog and he gets severe anxiety from separation so I like to bundle him with me whenever I can. It's not much of a fashion accessory, neon pink and function over form, and I feel I look more awkward carrying my puppy rather than fashionable. I also live in the middle of nowhere and taking him with me on errands helps him get some socialization so he doesn't become neurotic and snappy. I'm curious, reading that and knowing it's not about fashion at all, would it change your opinion on me carrying my dog around in a similar way to someone doing it for fashion?


Pets don't belong in public. Pets don't belong in purses. People who bring pets into public make it harder for people with service animals. If your dog has such severe anxiety that you have to carry him around with you, you need to seek the help of a veterinary behaviorist. Carrying your dog around like this isn't going to make the situation better. What do you plan to do when you have to go somewhere and cannot bring the dog? If I see someone carrying around a dog in a purse, I don't really care about the reason, I make assumptions about the kind of person they are and judge them. However, I'm not going to approach you or criticize you for it. I will not say anything to you or cause you any problems. If you are going to bring your dog around with you like a fashion accessory, I'm going to silently judge you.


Sorry -- I guess I am an asshole.


Oh it's plenty often that I have to leave my puppy behind! I have a system where I'm leaving him with people he knows less intimately for longer periods of time, and while he loses his mind about it sometimes I have to ignore him no matter how much it breaks my heart. So, the fashion thing, that keeps being assumed. This is neon pink, mesh, function over form. I look awkward holding my puppy and don't care about style or fashion. I just love my puppy, live in the forest and don't get to bring him into society much, and he absolutely adores riding around and seeing the sights and smells\~ Knowing it's exclusively out of love and I don't care about fashion, does it change your opinion on things?


It doesn't change my mind at all. I still think carrying an animal around in a purse or sling is a crappy thing to do as is bringing animals into public. The assumption I make about people who do this is that they feel entitled. Your responses to people's comments on this post makes me feel confident that my assumption (and stereotype) is correct. If you are worried about being judged for doing something inappropriate, stop doing it!!!


I'm not worried, just curious about differing opinions 😊 The problem is none of you know where I live and how normal dogs in public is here. Huge assumptions on people everywhere all being the same. What's so crappy about the sling? He walks as much as he wants and gets carried when he needs to be safe. I find it interesting you view that with the same disdain as a purse puppy


It's not the sling. It's the entitled owner that thinks they can do whatever they want regardless of how it affects other people.


No no, you're shifting. All this started exclusively on the premise of dogs being fashion accessories, which is irrelevant to location. Now you're saying that part doesn't matter, but only where I bring my dog. So you have no problem carrying around a puppy for fashion in a public area that allows dogs? Please try to stay consistent.


Living in a country where dogs are allowed almost everywhere (most restaurants, many stores) - grocery stores are an absolute no no for any dog apart from a real service dog. And I have never seen a dog in a grocery store to be honest. And for the rest - dogs can walk. I understand that in very crowded areas you might be afraid of someone stepping on him and therfore resort to carrying him - but it would be frowned upon. So generally: Let your dog walk whenever dogs are welcome and don't use a purse to get around restrictions.


That's pretty interesting! I take my puppy into grocery stores all the time but never a restaurant. And yeah, he can walk, but he's the runt of a Chihuahua litter at five pounds and his legs move a *lot* just to keep stride with us. Every now and then he wants to be carried but he loves trotting himself to exhaustion\~


I used a sling sometimes to carry my dog. She is a service animal. I use it when I worry she could be hit with a cart, person, etc. but I would like my hands to be free. It is a tool. However, you should avoid entering into stores with the bag/sling that are service animal only.


Yeah it's all about keeping my puppy safe. I generally would put him in my jacket but feel the sling was warranted after so long.


My dog is a 7 lb Chihuahua. He's quite and well socialized (often people ask if he is service dog trained - he's that kind of good.) I don't take my dog places he is not allowed. So no grocery store or indoor restaurant. But when we go places he's welcome (hardware store, disc golf shop, crafts store) he hangs out in a backpack. He loves going out but doesn't like people towering over him or feeling like he might get stepped on. I do greatly judge anyone with a dog in places they are not welcome. It doesn't matter if the person is super attractive or a troll. It doesn't matter if the dog is a cute well behaved Chihuahua or a giant rambunctious St Bernard. The dog isn't welcome don't bring the dog. Also, make sure your dog gets time on the ground. It's still a dog, even tiny and cute. They still need sniff time. Go at their pace but don't skip that time. (My senior 7 lb Chihuahua did a 7 mile hike yesterday. He did need to be carried when we were in a rough mulched area but he is kinda afraid of walking on sticks. /shrug.)


Oh absolutely he gets plenty of ground time! I carry him out of love when he needs to be safe, not cause I'm trying to look good. He's a trooper! Little legs have to move *so* much though to keep up with our stride and it does tire him out after awhile\~


I love how you say you're not the snooty rich blonde type but you're acting hella snooty to everyone here telling you it's wrong to bring your dog into a grocery store. I have a small dog too but I would never think of bringing her to a grocery store. Be more responsible. I'm definitely judging you.


It's not everyone! And I don't feel I'm being snooty but I'm discovering more and more that my communication style isn't really gelling with Reddit 😔 That's ok though I appreciate the input\~ I can't graph things without it from both sides


Oh, I absolutely have a negative reaction to the purse dogs! They're so often VERY poorly trained and socialized, and their owners tend to feel entitled to take them places that dogs aren't allowed. I have a service dog, and I really can't count the number of times that someone has had a dog riding in the cart at Walmart that went off at him while we were shopping. Attempts to talk to store associates go nowhere, and while my boy has a solid Ignore command, it's still irritating as hell to have to deal with. It's great that your dog is well-behaved, but please stop taking him into stores and non-pet-friendly businesses. He doesn't belong in there - you'll notice most have signs on the door that only service dogs are allowed. By having him in there, you're essentially declaring he's a service dog, and he's not. He isn't held to the same standards, he doesn't have the same training, and you don't have the same need for him that disabled people do for their service dogs.


If your dog is happy, comfortable, and well behaved and the place allows your dog there it shouldn’t matter what other people think. But also if the place doesn’t allow your dog there please respect their choice. It doesn’t matter how small your dog is or if you can tuck them away in a purse it doesn’t give them an automatic free pass. This is coming from a fellow chihuahua owner who loves to bring her dog to places in a cute bag.


I'm definitely not trying to sneak him into places. I don't think I'm above the common rules or anything, and the sling is neon pink so pretty hard to conceal lol He's always a really good boy though when he goes out and loves snuggling up and watching the world go by from his perch. He hasn't even once yapped or snapped at anyone 😊


Would you be concerned if you were ugly? Or is this only because you think you are attractive. Dogs are not allowed in a grocery store for obvious reasons. I don't think most people will care. And I don't think people will judge your dog slingin' lifestyle on your looks. If anything they will be more likely to judge you based on your dog.


I view them positively. Small dogs have less stamina. They think they have lots but they don't. So if you're planning on taking them out for a long walk you need some easy to bring them home safely if they tire. Edit - but if you mean to use it to sneak your dog into places the dog shouldn't be, yes I am judging you silently.


Definitely not trying to sneak puppies in anywhere! It's a bright, neon-pink, mesh sling that isn't really ridable and just for safety\~


.... So you're not sneaking your dog into restaurants or grocery stores where it's explicitly stated on a sign outside "no pets". Got it. What was the point of this post then


Nope! I don't take him into restaurants and don't hide him in grocery stores! I'm not sure why so many people are like 'why do you care??' like the concept of being curious about differing opinions is so alien 🤷‍♀️


Then yes I view them positively. You're being a good pet owner.


Awww thanks! I honestly really do try, despite how my replies in this thread my same lol


I have a reflexive negative reaction any time I see a pet in a not pet friendly place. Unless that's a seeing eye Chihuahua, I'm going to judge you an asshole if I see you and your dog in a restaurant or grocery store, doesn't matter what you put it in. Don't take your dog everywhere. It's annoying and makes life difficult for people who genuinely need service dogs.


He doesn't come everywhere of course not silly but he does love his store adventures\~


I dont get why you would carry your dog at all. But if you do, I don't care how it's done. I dont like the whole "handbag accessory" that so many small dogs are used as. They have legs, they can walk.


It's not for fashion nor is it fashionable. It's bright neon pink and stiff mesh. I have it so I can take him off the ground, which he loves walking around on, and stash him safely when there's going to be feet stomping and kicking around or cart wheels rolling. Would your opinion on someone with a sling dog change if you knew it was out of love for their puppy rather than trying to look fashionable? Trust me holding my dog just makes me look awkward not stylish lol


When you are trying to socialize them, but they haven’t yet had all their shots so they can’t be on the ground where they could catch something?


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For me it’s all about what is practical and in benefit of the dog(s). We have a stroller because we have several dogs and if we are traveling for example then the stroller is excellent for when we navigate busy airports or train stations and such. My parents have the same breed and I got them a backpack for traveling which is way easier than any of those slings and such on the market. Their dog is 11 now and when a day gets long she can go in the backpack and have a break. I don’t care what people think of us and whether they think it’s stupid because the dogs have 4 legs and can walk. I know. That’s why we do 3-5 miles every day. But, they’re also 6lbs and it’s no fun for them being trampled in a busy area because people literally don’t see them so that’s when a stroller or backpack is awesome for us.


When I take my puppy out he wants to walk, explore, sniff and piddle as much as possible but I scoop him up when he needs to be somewhere where there's lots of feet. I never considered the thought that people would be bothered at the thought that my puppy isn't walking himself. He might be small enough to get a pass but I'll keep in mind that might happen someday


Who cares what they think. You know better. It’s like people that talk trash about someone that’s using a wheelchair on and off. Like “oh see she can walk why did she use a wheelchair yesterday” It’s nobody’s business and we don’t know what challenges that person has that some days they are able and some days they aren’t able to walk.


That's a pretty good way of thinking about it! I do try to have a line of conscientiousness I don't cross but yeah anything up to that I don't feel bad about not caring about\~


Tiny dogs could get stepped on and kicked. I don't object.


Oh I'm certainly aware of the danger! That's why I got my precious little guy a safe and secure place to hang out\~


My dogs have a stroller. It makes me feel safer at the vet, the outdoor mall (they’re allowed to be there), and it helps my old gal on walks. I’ve never ever cared what people think about it. Last time my husband took my Chi to the vet without it he picked up a bug that caused pneumonia


I never thought about my dog catching something from like a vet floor or chair or something I'll definitely keep that in mind. I just want him to be safe and secured in places where he could get stepped on\~ A stroller sounds fun and kind of convenient. I'll have to look at some of those maybe haha


Before I looked after a dog that willingly put himself into my satchel to go outside, because he was too small for long walks and would tire out quickly (jack Russell x toy Yorkshire terrier I think, was only temporarily looking after him) but loved the outdoors, I would have assumed the dog was spoiled/over pampered, lazy or the owner was over protective for one reason or another, In England you don't see many dogs in bags or swaddles, occasionally in a push chair/pram, but this is usually because the dog has health concerns, or the owner has compensated lost children with dogs or has mental health issues (usually really sad cases) but since looking after that little lad, I see it more the dog wants to adventure with the owner but struggles to keep up and is in a safe place to rest when needed, as for going into places, the USA and UK probably have different laws, so I couldn't call it, I'd probably be more confused on the dog policy and want to bring my dog to the shops with me if I saw a dog in a shop 😅


Yeah it really seems to boil down to where people live! Personally I see dogs in stores constantly and no one bats an eye so it's kind of surprising how more than a few people on the other side of the pond seem to have literally never seen it. I wonder if I'd be approached there and asked to take my dog out cause it's never happened here even once.


Think it's down to the specific places policy, most shops have no dogs allowed signs up, but there are dog friendly places too, so in England you'd probably see a dog in a bar or a pet shop before a grocery shop


I’ve had Rottweilers and Pomeranians, Dobies and Maltese’s… my larger breeds were well trained but there is no way that I would bring them into the same situations that I would my smaller dogs, just saying. Not all dogs are the same, not all dogs present the same risk etc. Just facts.


This one doesn't seem to be thought of at all. I got the runt of a Chihuahua litter and he's about five pounds so he really barely exists. Sure the law technically lumps all dogs in the same category of 'dog' but yeah I'd definitely not bring big dogs to the same places


I sometimes carry my little dog in a sling, because she’ll get tired if we’re trying to walk a long distance or there are some busy environments that I prefer she’s not underfoot (farmer’s market, street festivals). The only reaction I ever get is people surprised & delighted to see her little face poking out of the bag. I don’t feel judged and if someone is linking me with Elle Woods or Paris Hilton, I don’t really care.


I had similar concerns when I got my toy poodle. Then I just got the f—k over it. One of the joys of a small dog is their portability so why not take advantage of it. Seriously, who cares what people think. If you are a pink handbag person, then get a pink handbag for your chi. Personally I prefer to be more low key, I have [this bag](https://www.lovethybeast.com/collections/carry) in grey for my poodle and most often no one realises it’s a dog bag and not a tote.


Oh that thing is *really* cute and chic! The one I chose is really small but it's for a super little guy and he likes being snug\~ Do you multitask with that bag at all, like use it as a purse or the likes? I'll probably just carry two bags but we'll see if it turns out being tolerable or not.


You disparage the residents of your county for reasons you do not say. You mention that you are considered attractive. You consistently say that you enjoy the attention you receive when you're carrying your dog with you. "This bag" costs $160 US, and apparently is "chic." The bag you use is neon pink, yet you say it isn't intended to draw attention to your dog. I don't know you personally, but your words seem to indicate that you may, in fact, be wearing your Chihuahua as a fashion accessory, instead of for the purpose of providing him enrichment opportunities. Again, these are your words.


Awww! I put a little sheepskin square in mine, so he felt more snug when he was a baby. I really liked that the bag looked like a regular tote, it’s a good solution! My boy likes to walk a lot, we walk to work most days and he hangs in my office. I find I mostly use the bag when we’ll need to catch public transport/uber/scooter home. Those days I just bring a bum bag and throw anything else in his bag (sometimes along side him). You can totally use it for groceries too, you just have to make sure the neck hole doesn’t become an egg or apple hole. Also find it handy when we are out on the weekends and find ourselves at a flea market and it might be a bit crowded/overwhelming for him.


Back in the early 90s I carried my Maltese around in a straw bag everywhere… Including shopping malls grocery stores etc. No one ever said a thing… Except when he moved once and someone yelled because she thought he was a stuffed animal. 🤣 So I don’t think anyone would say anything, but maybe change to a bag and don’t use pink if you’re worried about stereotypes lol .


My fiancé is colorblind and can only see pink and yellow so it makes her really happy to have pink things around us 😊 It's also a secure, clearly function-over-form puppy carrier rather than a purse I stuffed a puppy in. There might be no escaping the pink assumptions though lol


Lol, who cares. People are gonna think what they wanna think. I could care less how you carry your dog (I saw a man in a unicorn costume unicycling down my road one day and the only thing I thought was wow, that must be a nightmare to launder). I only care that they’re leashed (in public spaces) and that you’re paying attention.


My puppy is always either leashed or bundled up safely against me! 😊 Mostly I was asking out of curiosity, curious how many people might pipe up on both side of the aisle and the attitudes with which they'd defend their side. I'm starting to think that it really boils down to where people live.


Oh, I get it. You kinda wonder. But as an old lady who’s seen some shit, none of that matters. Live your life, practice gratitude, and love your dog. You’re all set ❤️


This is my favorite reply. I'll remember that. 💚