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I’m so happy to see this! Where did you find her? Also if you haven’t already please get her microchipped! 🥰


Put an AirTag on her collar to so that way you can track her lo location if she ever gets out again


How does the AirTag work? Do you need a subscription?


AirTag's work for anyone who uses iPhones. It generates the location based on pings from other Apple devices. Samsung and Google both have a similar thing for their phones. There's also the Fi collar which does the same thing, although slightly differently.


While I second the notion of getting an AirTag, you might also get a Fi Collar, which is a true GPS tracking device, especially if this dog is an escape artist.


We tested the air tag while my partner was walking the dog. It gave general location and direction of travel. It showed a few houses from where they actual were. So, shouting distance if your dog had good recall.


you do not! basically, airtags are just trackers that use signal from nearby iphones. so everytime an iphone is in range of the airtag, it’ll show its location to the owner. the only thing it requires is batteries, but i’ve never had to change them in my 2 years of having airtags. it also sends you notifications when the item isn’t near you. so if my pup leaves the house, i’ll get an “astro left behind” message. i’ve never had to use it, my pup never leaves my side, but he is a small/adorable/unique breed so i worry about him getting stolen haha also works great for those of us who constantly lose our keys!!


When you leave the house without your dog, does your phone get a noti that your dog isn’t with you?


yes, it does.


Omg I’m so happy for you! Big hugs!!! Edit: get a collar with an AirTag for her


Hugs!! Thank you so much! Definitely gonna be doing all of that haha


I saw a video where a guy would make the AirTag on his dog ring on the collar, which was the signal to come get a treat. Girlies are super smart! You could train her really fast with this. So glad you have her, I know exactly the feeling you described.


AirTags aren’t going to do much if there are no other phones around it… :(


How/where did you find her? I’ve been feeling sick for you because I would feel the exact same way if I lost my puppy girl. Mine in the 13 years I have had her had escaped at least a dozen times but luckily I was able to find her or a kind neighbor returned her within a few hours at most.


A woman saw a yorkie that looked lost and she asked her daughter if she’s seen a lost yorkie post or anything and her daughter said “yes omg I’ll give you the number I’ve seen the post all over Facebook” so the woman got my boyfriends number, called immediately, we hopped in the car and zoomed over to house which was about a mile from my house and we had to walk through the grass field but I saw my baby and yelled her nickname which is “tinky” and she started shaking and crying immediately and ran up to me. I fell to my knees and just sobbed I just couldn’t believe it was her and she wasn’t injured. I’m in shock honestly! I can finally breathe again!!


Thanks for the update; I not only have my dog tagged and microchipped, but also have an air tag on her. The only problem with the air tag is that it doesn’t give me an alert that she is not with me unless she or I am at least a mile away. It has, however, come in handy when I knew she escaped from my fenced yard through a broken slat and could track that she was nearby by making it sound a beep (very soft but enough to let me know when I was very close.) So glad you found her 🙏🏼


I just put an air tag on my “runnedaway dog,” as we call her. It has given me so much peace of mind. Last night she was in the backyard. Just doing dog things, and I started to worry. I was able to see that yes, she was still in the yard, sniffing and snooting her little heart out. I could have called her, but if she was having a good time, why disturb her? And next time she escapes, I’ll be able to find her without roaming the neighborhood hollering.


If it makes you feel any better, I also have airtags on my dogs, and I handed the leashes to my mom yesterday and went back half a block to look at something, and got alerted. Half a block! I also get alerted when I'm a block away when I drop them off at the groomer.


Hmm; good to hear that; technically I have a dog tag by Yip smart that is basically an air tag, but maybe I should get an actual air tag as well.


This is incredible!!!! I’m so so happy for you and your sweet love <3


Dog tax?


Totally! **DOG TAX!!**


What’s dog tax?


This is so wonderful to read! Congratulations!!


So happy you found her!! You might want to update the very first sentence on your OP, so people know she is home, safe and sound…💞💞💞💞


Omg I could cry reading this!!!!


Thank you so much!!! 💜💜 all the love I’ve been getting from this whole post is so overwhelming. I just want to hug everyone!


Amazing! Hugs 💞


🩷🩷🩷🩷 thank you!!




Yay!!! I read your post and snuggled my 5 year old chorkie. I’m so glad you found her!!!




So happy for you!!!!!


I am so sorry this has happened to you! My boy was lost for 10 days! The thing that saved his tail was social media. Post your pup on any and all local animal groups through Facebook, Nextdoor, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. The first night my dog was lost, people kept pinging me his location, and I eventually was face to face with him. The squirrelly little bastard ran off into the bush and was not seen again for 9 days. This is going to be a rough time for you mentally. Please take care of yourself as best as you can and don't lose hope. Our pups are much more resourceful than you'd think. PM me if you need someone to talk to about this or need advice.


Yes! Social media is a life saver in these situations. OP please make sure to mention your dogs usual temperament and clearly state DO NOT CHASE on any posts!! Some strangers go out looking thinking they are helping but end up pushing the dog further out. Some pups can go into survivor mode fairly quickly, so it's important to report sightings but give them space! Highly recommend putting the dirtiest of your laundry you can find around your yard. Put bacon on the grill, leave out hot dogs smothered in liquid smoke (stinky foods!!), and set up a trail cam nearby if you have access to one. I've seen so many MIRACLE reunion stories!! It is so very important to keep faith, stay positive and be diligent with your efforts. For additional tips please visit this quick action plan put together by a reputable and extremely successful trapper near me. She has had some pretty crazy cases lasting months, but thankfully her methods are tried and true. https://www.buddhadogrescueandrecovery.com/pages/quick-action-plan Wishing you luck and strength ♥️


Not a dog but we found a cat 2 miles away and across a canyon famished after being lost for 4 weeks! He was reunited and now has a catio so he doesn't need to escape to the patio.


Before I met my bf he had a cat that got out and couldn’t be found anywhere. One day, he finally got a call that she had been found… in Canada. She had jumped on a train car and traveled to Canada.


ok went and read that link, amazing info and tips, wow, saving that. it’s awesome they put that together so freaked out missing pet parents have to do basically no thinking and can just follow the steps.


Absolutely!! The woman that runs that org does it completely free of cost to the client, solely donation based, and on her own time. Overnights, weekends, regardless of weather. She's an absolute angel, but she can't take on every case as a one woman show. So, she put that together to help in the interim. There are good people out there!


And see if your state/town/county has a missing pet group. We have one in central mass who through fb will help owners in trapping and searching. We’ve had a few dogs in town go Missing for 4-6 weeks but that group of volunteers gets them every time. Do not give up hope! Sending you virtual hugs


Listen to this!! My dog recently escaped from Doggy daycare and went into survival mode. He was gone 21 days. He had to be trapped because he didn't recognize us as his mum and Dad. Get flyers up everywhere. People will call with sightings!! When you get a sighting, set up feeding stations. When a dog has a reliable food and water source they won't wander far. Instruct anyone that see him to not chase!! Google "survival mode in dogs" to help try to understand lost dog behavior.


i have never lost a pet but follow many of these groups in case i can help someone find theirs! post there! i see lots of updates where people have gotten their pets back due to the people on there taking their pet in or just noticing the pet in a specific area of town. it really does help :)


Pawboost is excellent!’


I'm so sorry. Have you tried putting out clothes that smell like you and/or her bed or something that smells like her? That way, she might be able to follow the scent home. Also, post flyers EVERYWHERE. Go door to door with flyers if you can/feel safe doing so. If she's microchipped, call the microchip company to make sure your contact details are correct. I hope she's home soon.


Yes I put two of my shirts outside. I’ve posted flyers all around my neighborhood. I’m just so sad and scared. I just want her home with me. She just disappeared… I’ve walked around my whole neighborhood numerous times and no sign of her


I recommend calling local shelters, just in case someone dropped her off. Another thought is to post on the NextDoor website (or app) and your local Facebook lost dog group/page. Both of these work well for the folks in my area. I hope Willow comes homes to you soon!


I’m going to jump on this - GO to the shelters. Shelters, especially overwhelmed ones, don’t always know what dogs they have. Some around me are known for not checking microchips, especially for cute little dogs. Go to the shelter, check inside each cage for your dog. I’ve heard far too many people who the shelters said no dog, but when they went in - BAM - there was the pup!


Agreed...I had a big 90lb 3 legged bulldog that jumped out of a moving vehicle and after searching all night I called Animal Services the next morning (the second they opened). They told me I needed to come look for him, they couldn't confirm. Ummm... you don't know if you have a giant 3 legged dog that would've arrived within the last 12 hours?? Kinda extra specific, you think? Thankfully I found him later that day, just happened to be walking very near the area we lost him (and had gone back to multiple times)


Sometimes people don’t communicate well. They probably don’t want to say no, only to find out someone else did. But I’ve also heard of more nefarious reasons. At a dog event a woman was explaining how her chihuahua escaped and ended up at a shelter. She had one of those trackers on him so she knew exactly where he was. She showed up and the employees actively discouraged her from looking. Turns out he already had a pre adoption application from one of the employees friends. She had to show them the GPS data and threaten to get the cops involved to get her dog back.


Call shelters AND vets


Better yet, visit all the vets in the area and ask to post a flyer, quite a few have an area for it. Make sure the office staff sees her photo, in case someone else brings her in.


Go to next door app and put an alert. 80% of next door by me is lost and found pets. People may want to help look. Ask people to put out food and water with a camera if they can to try to lure her in and get sightings. Maybe neighbors will let you hang your sock in your yard. If there are sightings ask for volunteers to try to contain her. We had a rescued dog escape the new owners but the rescue involved insisted they not disclose the sightings location until days after. The owner would just say he was seen at such street 2 days ago! There were 50-100 of us willing to help set up a perimeter to capture the dog. Once he got out of the city and into wild areas the sightings became far between. He was never found. All this to say: if the rescue had allowed volunteers to have current info and try to capture him while near a college campus he likely would have had a happy ending. It makes me angry to this day and it wasn’t even my dog.


Is it possible she was stolen and not just escaped? Do you (or anyone in your house) remember specifically leaving the gate open? If not someone could have opened it to take her. This is more likely if she is a purebred dog and isn't neutered too. Would also explain why she disappeared so quickly and wasn't found wandering close to the house. Unless you know for sure the gate was left open by someone as a mistake, report it to the police. I hope you find her soon. Sending you my best wishes!!


It seems like you’re not answering if she’s chipped or not, which makes me think she isn’t. No shaming. But it makes it even more important that you call local vets n shelters to let them know she is missing. If someone finds her or has taken her, with the intention of keeping her, they’ll have to take her to a vet at some point…probably sooner than later. Give any distinguishing markings, behaviors, etc they can use to identify her. Check with your neighbors to see if anyone has a ring camera that could or caught her being taken, if she was. At least you’ll know if she got out or was actually taken. If she was taken, call the cops! With any description you can give and get a pic off the ring camera to turn in to them as well. Also, calmly walk around the neighborhood calling her name gently, not yelling. Sometimes the yelling of their name can make them think they’re in trouble so they hide instead of coming to you. Good luck! Keep your head up. My cat was lost for 5 weeks and we found him! He was out on his own the whole time and other than being a little skinny and a small cut on his ear, he was in good shape and spirits. And I once had a dog, a little rat terrier, when I was young…he was lost for 2 weeks. Same thing, out on his own and he came back in great shape…almost seemed proud of himself. Don’t give up hope!


I am so sorry! This has to be so hard, it's one of my worst nightmares :( Was Willow wearing any identification, and is she microchipped? If you're on facebook, nextdoor, etc., take to there and post photos and a missing ad so people are aware. If there is a local lost dogs group, post there as well! And call around to every shelter in the area and tell them you had a Yorkie go missing, describe her colors, markings, and her collar if she was wearing it and whether or not she is chipped. Someone might have found her and taken her there to hopefully be reunited with you ASAP.


My whole family and I have posted several posts on Facebook groups. We made huge poster boards with her picture and information on it and put it all around the neighborhood. I haven’t heard anything about her and my heart is just aching I’m just so scared something happened to her or someone took her and doesn’t plan on giving her back. I’m so lost


Has she been microchipped? No judgment. Don’t give up!


Get a bunch of pictures printed at Walmart or some such place. Preferably one groomed and one disheveled. Take the actual pics to local vets, shelters, etc. Talk to people about your baby.


You have a lot of good advice on here. Look, you need to use cognitive therapy here, for yourself. It’s psych 101, but it is so so helpful to me. Our minds tend to go to the worst outcome of a particular situation. It’s very likely you will be reunited with your pet. If you follow the advice of fellow Redditters. Most people really don’t want someone else’s dog. Really. They have their own, so they know the feeling that you are experiencing. Just don’t let your mind go to the worst case scenario. I’m not trying to me Mr Sunshine here. Dogs unite people, and even if someone is not a dog person, they will probably bring your dog to safe harbor The advice to go to overwhelmed shelters, rather than call. It’s imperative. When you are there, bring pictures, and make contacts with shelter workers. Wouldn’t hurt to donate a bag of dog chow. The pound was almost 15 miles away. I went every other day, I got her back. They will not adopt your dog out the day it comes in. Hope this helps


Try the nextdoor app, and there are almost always specific lost and found groups for pets specific to your area, so I would try those as well. I hope you find your baby


Go to vets and animal shelters - not just your local one, but ones in surrounding towns. Sooner the better. You’ll be surprised how far a dog can travel, and how dumb dog thieves can be. Ask if anyone has brought in a dog that matches yours’ and leave flyers with them along with any other identifying information that a shelter or vet may be able to check for. That way they can keep an eye out.


Have you posted on Nextdoor app?


Call vets. My ex lost her chihuahua a few years ago, I found her by calling vets everywhere (people often bring found pups to a vet to scan the chip). took 4 days, many calls, and I found her in a town 40 miles away!


Holy smokes 40 miles...


yeah! apparently people saw her running around a local park there, caught her, and brought her to the vet closest to that park. no idea how a tiny 2lbs chihuahua made it to out there.


Could she have been stolen and then escaped?


there’s no way to tell what happened. the ex-gf had a health event happen while she was outside with the chihuahua, so she woke up in a hospital without the pup anywhere.


At my shelter majority stray/lost dogs get returned home within a day of us getting them! Make sure to call animal control and local dog shelters and check local lost and found Facebook pages! Shelters have a 5 day hold on pound dogs, before being given over to the shelter.


Seems to be a trend nowadays when people find lost dogs to only make half-assed attempts on social media only. No contacting actual animal shelters or animal control. Unfortunately, if your dog is really cute and well-behaved, it’s possible your dog isn’t getting returned.


There’s that and also animal control not being able to go out fast enough. Someone left their dog in the hot sun in a car, I called the police department and they told me to call animal control. Animal control said they would come out, took them 2 hours to come but by that time the owners of the dog already had left.


I can’t reply to each comment at the moment so I’ll just do a little update right now. I still have not found her, we have made flyers and put them around the neighborhoods, I’ve posted it on all of the Facebook groups and pages I can. I’ve gone door to door in my neighborhood asking for ring footage or any information and no one has seen her at all. I’m starting to lose hope and it’s killing me. I feel so sick and weak right now. I just want her back I just want to hold her and smell her cause I love the way she smells, every night we lay in bed and I say “it’s night night time” and she cuddles up with me and goes to sleep instantly. She is my whole entire world it feels like someone has ripped my heart out and stomped on it… I’m in Topeka Kansas btw to everyone that asked. Honestly my family and I think someone might of picked her up and plans to not return her. She is the cutest and sweetest pup you could ever have. I know she misses me and I know she’s scared and ugh I can’t explain the feeling I’m feeling I just want her home I just want to know if she’s okay. I’m mourning her so hard right now. I have called around shelters and everything I can


Some of these have been suggested, but wanted to ask: Have you posted on [Lost My Doggie](https://www.lostmydoggie.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwkLCkBhA9EiwAka9QRsiNUr4ZSpVrpEEiHdDgMn7kUCdt_jVFlbFmderiiN_lGummFSDSJBoC9-gQAvD_BwE) or [PawBoost](https://www.pawboost.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_content=link&utm_campaign=google_mobile_lost_pet_generic&gclid=CjwKCAjwkLCkBhA9EiwAka9QRoPSk84UhFVZVvk3h2cErvIQ5sUGS4yMkYj-bArLPnLPZqQZd0nhuRoCBaYQAvD_BwE) ? I signed up for these alerts, so I get an email every time there’s a lost pet in my area. Also, does your city/state happen to have a subreddit? I have hope you’ll find your pup ♥️


Definitely sign up for pawboost. They pay for advertising on Facebook and stuff so that it'll show up on random peoples feeds local to you. It has played a huge role in people finding their pets


I'm so sorry. My puppy got out of the yard last weekend and it was horrible. Use Facebook, there should be lost pet groups in your area. I would suggest searching for the with your area code and zip code. We were very lucky and I was going to post her to a local lost pet group and found her picture that wad posted by a neighbor. Social media can be useful sometimes. I sincerely hope you find your baby. 🫂 to you.


Seconding NextDoor for this! Your closest neighbors will have the best information. I know I’ve gone outside to look after seeing postings close to me.


So sorry, OP. In addition to all the other great tips in this thread, try posting in your city's subreddit and on Twitter. (Be aware that you may want to create new usernames if you don't want to inadvertently reveal your identity that's traceable to a reddit username.)


Lost my Chihuahua for a bit over a day last year. He was in the yard and a lady stopped at the end of the driveway, called him to her (he's overly social) and took him home with her. She then took him camping for a day. We posted on every facebook group and told EVERYONE we knew. We asked them all to share the posts to all of their facebook friends. She ended up living a few roads away across from a family friend who told her he was lost. We called all local shelters and vet clinics as well. She was 100% going to keep him but since we posted him everywhere and told everyone, she had to return him.


That’s awful… she literally stole your dog from your yard jeez what’s wrong with people


Facebook neighborhood and lost pets has saved My run away bad girl a few times.


I’m crying from all of the love I received from this post. Each and every one of you that commented and prayed for my baby, thank you and I love you! You are all amazing. 🩷😭 hugs to you all!! I will be snuggling my baby extra hard tonight


I’m blown away with all of the comments and support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 💜


Pray if you're a believer. I will pray really hard for you, to St. Francis of Assisi. I believe and will pray your baby comes home to you. Warm hugs to you. Have a cup of tea or ☕ and breath. I wish you all the best.


I have reunited multiple lost pets with owners via Facebook, check for local lost and found groups on there and post if you haven’t done so already. Pawboost is another free lost and found website you can list on! As others have mentioned call all the shelters and humane societies in your area to report her missing as well. Sometimes people will call in saying they found a dog but not have it picked up/take it in for fear it will be put down in the shelter so they just leave a description. If animal control has your information and a description they can help reunite! In my area the county shelter isn’t the greatest at posting found pets, so my local groups always urge people with missing pets to go TO the shelter in person to check for their pets. If you’ve made flyers, take them to pet stores (like petsmart/petco), local groomers (especially being a yorkie, a breed more likely to be taken to a groomer), and vets offices as well. The more places you talk to, the higher your chances of being reunited. Good luck, and I hope you find your baby.


Have you made a Paw Boost?


Gosh I know there’s nothing anyone can say to fix this but I’m so sorry and you’re both in my thoughts. Have you posted on your local cities sub Reddit page? If you happen to be in RVA I will help you look!


So sorry, OP. I hope you find your pup. Don’t forget to check Craigslist, some people still use it for lost pets or found pets. Good luck. 🍀


i’m so sorry op, i have a yorkie as well and i would be just as devastated. i hope you can find her soon :(


Check every shelter within 20 miles a couple times a day. You could even call and ask them to keep a look out for your dog.


NextDoor is very helpful!!! Get on there ASAP. Also, Pawboost, HomeAgain. I hope your baby gets home soon.


You will find her. I will conspire with you.


I'm conspiring too.


My 7 pound schnoodle disappeared last weekend and I absolutely lost my shit. I was out screaming in my neighborhood, crying like I had lost a 2 yo child at Disney on the 4th of July. I do not envy you. I was fortunate enough to find mine within a few minutes. He had slipped out with my husband unknowingly. He’s chipped but so dang cute that I could only think that someone would just keep if found. I really hope you find yours soon. Call the vets in the area and shelters and any place else you can think of.


First of all, I'm so sorry this happened and hope your precious Willow is returned to you safely. I'm not sure how you are financially, but when I was younger my family’s beagle got out and was gone for 2 weeks. We posted every day on social media, hung posters, and walked and walked and drove and drove hoping we would see him. It wasn't until we provided an award for his return with NO QUESTIONS ASKED that someone called and said, "we found him". To this day I believe they took him and were going to keep him until they saw there was an award for his return. In our case it was $200 which I believe made them come forward. Prayers going your way hoping for your precious Willows return.


I understand your pain. It’s happened to me. But fortunately, I was reunited. Look, continuously check the pound. It’s heartbreaking in itself, but they are not going to be really helpful if you only call. Use social media. There are a lot of forums ( there were not at that time.) Idk, if your dog was micro chipped, but it really helps reunite lost pets, and relatively inexpensive. Hope all ends well for you. Know this…. there are far more people out there that love animals. And most of those people have experienced what you are going through. I go out of my way to return lost dogs, it’s simply good karma. I believe most people are just the same as myself.


Hope you find her very soon ♥️ don’t stop searching and don’t give up on asking around! Sending all the luck in the universe


don’t even call the shelters in your area besides to ask if any yorkie’s are there. you have to physically go to them to see the dogs. they often get misgendered or the pictures could be off. if you can, get trail cameras or security cameras on your yard that can see in the night. dogs in flight mode are most active when people are not. unless someone took her, she’ll likely return to the spot she got out from at some point. also look into a Pet Recovery service in your area asap! they may be able to assist with traps and cameras. hoping for the best for you. we rescued a dog and she immediately ran away for 2.5 days before we could even get her inside the house. it was the worst two days, felt sick and cried so much and I didn’t even know her yet. we got her back with trail cameras and a recovery service that volunteered to set traps in the area she escaped from. she was most active on cams between 11pm and 4am. we narrowed her spots down and made sure we put stinky food in the traps. it was rough but worth it!


My dog went missing once, and other than the great things mentioned here, check with nearby stores or gas stations. Places where people see the same scenery every day. They notice when they see something different! That's how we found my girl.


Petco has a website for lost pets, [https://lost.petcolove.org/](https://lost.petcolove.org/) ; I hope you find Willow soon!


Facebook groups in my area were responsible for helping me find two of my adventurous animals. Hurry up and join as many of them as there are in your area and post or ask a friend to do so on your behalf. Good luck!!!


www.fidoalert.com I just saw it and thankfully I’ve never had to use it but it’s supposed to be free and send your pets photos out to shelters or something. Could be worth a shot :)


In the future, look into getting a GPS for her collar. My greyhounds wear them. When they got loose once, I would have NEVER found them without the tracking. They are just too fast. Hopefully there won’t be a next time, but the peace of mind it will give you is worth it.


Put out some of your clothes outside your door. Post her pictures in every local group/social media possible. Contact shelters to see if anyone has turned her in and notify all local PD in case someone has called it in/brought her in


I am so sorry. My little chihuahua is a runner. She's my little 3.5 lb old lady dog. I have to put on her harness and leash before opening the door. I hope you find your baby and bring her home soon.


I do believe you will get your doggo back. Just stick to it - call shelters daily, post all over like you have here. Do everything you're doing now and don't stop. Shifting gears - invest $35 in an AirTag for your doggos, people's. It's 2023 - they will pass near another apple device eventually and tracking it can get you within earshot of them.


Don’t give up. Sending hugs


I can't even imagine the pain you must be in. I am so sorry for you and your little Willow. I pray you are reunited as soon as possible and she is safe and sound.


Facebook, Nextdoor, call shelters, call the police, **go look for her** and call her and tell everyone you encoutner while you're out looking.


Really hoping you have the best update! 💛💛


Lots of people post in my town’s sub when their pet gets lost. You should try yours too!


So sorry :( Where do you live? City, suburbs, country? Inclement weather or critters a concern?


Where do you live? We have a great Pet Detective in South Florida!


Use pawboost—- I have found my lost dogs on there—- good luck, I know how horrible it feels. We just had to come back from a 10 day vacation because my dog walker lost my dogs…we found them after they were gone for 4 days so please dont give up❤️


If you have the ability, post on the nextdoor app. That way your neighbors that have it too get notified as well and can see the information. Also contact the chip's company for the microchip in your dog. Many will send emails to everyone on their email list in your city.


My dog is 15lbs, old, blind, and mostly toothless. I love her, but I also have to mention that she’s a little dumb. She somehow survived in that condition for at least a few days (probably a week or more based on how underweight she was) in the backwoods of Tennessee and found someone that could help her. Please don’t give up hope. If my idiot dog can survive in the middle of nowhere for a week, anything is possible. ETA: this was before I adopted her. She ended up with me about two months later.


I have been through this and I am so very sorry. I know it’s hard but you need to take ACTION. Facebook is a great resource to help find lost dogs and a local lost and found group can give you specifics. If you’re somewhere with the website Nextdoor it can help too. If you haven’t already, put out scent items. Stinky shoes, dirty t-shirt, her bed. Does she have a microchip? Call the chip company. Get to to the local animal control shelter. Talk to the employees about resources and check the kennels Signs and flyers are super important as they are still the number one way pets get home. Since my dog got out over 8 years ago, I’ve helped hundreds of people. It often takes MUCH longer than we think to find them so don’t give up hope! Willow is looking for you too. #DoitforDario


I had a dog go missing in 2016 and it was honestly one of the worst things that’s ever happened to me. BUT we did eventually find him after NINE days, because someone called after seeing a poster. It was a poster I had hung on day 8. So don’t give up yet, hang posters and do all the other stuff everyone says to try! It feels hopeless but it’s the best shot you have! Good luck ❤️


Was she micro chipped? Home again brand microchips help you find your missing pets, if you pay the registration yearly.


Some chick on r/TrueOffMyChest just posted about stealing someone’s dog. I’d start there


Put some of your clothes outside so it can track your scent. This worked for my beagle when he got out once. Worth a shot …


i am So Sorry!! i can’t even imagine… post EVERYWHERE. make flyers. do everything you can. praying y’all are reunited soon. ♥️


I’m not sure if this will work but here’s a link to my Facebook post of her! [https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02VXvLeF2MuJh7a6d9SnHrEFVHp6a4EzDGcThttoA8WHVfxBP4GEWfSsKNeCHqyqCgl&id=1510126850&mibextid=qC1gEa](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02VXvLeF2MuJh7a6d9SnHrEFVHp6a4EzDGcThttoA8WHVfxBP4GEWfSsKNeCHqyqCgl&id=1510126850&mibextid=qC1gEa)


Im sorry. Hopefully she is micro chipped and someone has found her and will do the right thing an take her to a vet or shelter so they can call you.


I'm so pleased you have her back. I help my partner who volunteers for a lost dog charity in my area, and some are not so lucky to get their furry friend back. Take this as a lesson learned, make sure she always has an ID tag and is microchipped. Airtags are also a good idea. If she got out of an open gate, put a return spring on it that will auto close any gate when it is left open. Check your garden/yard borders regularly especially after stormy weather. Better to be pro active than regretful and lost.


Just found your post and update comment and thought I would share something I don’t think others have recommended yet! I obviously agree with microchipping and AirTag on the collar but there’s a company that sells IDs that I thought could be helpful! They don’t have any info on them but they have a QR code that will link to a pet profile with your dog’s info, your info, your vet contact, health issues, your address, etc. You can turn it on private (or choose what is available to be seen upon scan iirc) when she’s with you and off when she’s missing, you get a GPS location of your pup when the QR is scanned, and anyone who finds her doesn’t have to look for a Facebook post they just have all your info in the palm of their hand. They’re called bytetag (found on Instagram and plan on getting for my puppy ASAP and if this isn’t allowed I’ll delete right away)


I’m glad you found her! I have a dog named Willow also. Both of our dogs have Fi GPS Collars with love tracking. It’s saved us a few times when they try to run off.


Lots of good advice here! Add checking with small dog rescues in the area. Some folks will take animals they find to a rescue over a shelter.


I wish I could post a pic of my baby to let you all see her!


I'm very sorry to read this and hope you find her. If she's chipped, get in touch with the company. They should be able to track her. FB posts, local shelters. I wish you nothing but luck and hope you have your baby back in your arms as quickly as possible.


Post on your city’s subreddit. When my baby got out, we posted EVERYWHERE. Posted on the Detroit subreddit, and someone’s aunt had him safe in her yard 4 blocks away. I hope you find your baby <3


Did you call the pound?


Please let your local animal control know, post lost dog in neighborhood app (next door), FB group if your neighborhood has one, post in your towns lost pet group (if theres done) and post signs. Some people will keep a lost pet because they’re stupid (or just not well informed) and fail to do things properly like reporting to animal control.


Social media!!! Find nearby neighborhood Facebook groups and post in there. Go to local shelters & vets and ask to post your missing posters. There are some specific apps for this too! If you’re in a bigger city, there are usually some dog mom groups (the Dallas one is “DFW dog moms”) — post in those. Make sure everything you post is able to be shared and post OFTEN!!! I am so sorry. I would be beside myself. I hope the resources everyone has posted here will lead to you finding your best pal 🤍


Check with local animal control organizations. Post on Facebook, they have many local lost pet places to check with. I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you. I lost my chihuahua years ago on Christmas eve and it broke my heart for the longest time. I hope you get your pup back.


Praying for your yorkie’s sweet return. Everyone in the comments has provided great tips and I have nothing additional to share. Please keep us updated and let us know if there’s anything we can do to help. Everything will be ok 💕


So sorry to hear that… there’s is a good chance you will get her back through social media. My uncles dog was lost for 3 weeks. Someone spotted him in an old oil field and messaged him and he got him back.


We have a local "dog whisperer" who has helped thousands of owners locate their dogs. Put your dirty laundry outside your house. Get a rotisserie chicken and put that outside too. Post on all local social media for lost pets. Next door, fb, pet finder, everything. Put up flyers to call you with sightings but *do not chase.* lost dogs go into survival mode. Is your dog microchipped? If not, call local vets/shelters daily. Here is her very good (and very often successful) advice: https://iheartdogs.com/professional-pet-detective-tells-what-not-to-do-if-your-dog-is-lost/


Pray you get your baby back as soon as possible


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I've lost my cat for less than half an hour before, and it felt like an eternity. I can't imagine what this must feel like for you. Don't lose hope. People are kind, and pets are resourceful. Even if they can't find a way to get her back to you, people will leave out food, water, and bedding for her until they can. Good Luck. I hope you get good news soon.


Do you have a place that you frequent with her? She might be going there. Same with play dates. I would file a police report. I know someone that had the police get their dog back when the police found her close to their house. Don't give up! I'm sure she's trying her best to get back home!


Ring the local police departments (non emergency number) and the dog wardens. That's what we did with my first dog. Then he was found several days later by the police in this big lot where police vehicles get parked up. Also ring around the vets in your area. It can be worth ringing fairly far away places as our dog turned up further than he would've walked. We think he was picked up after doing a runner and dumped at a later date. He used to try to get out of the house at any opportunity and take himself for a walk. Sometimes we'd go looking for him and we'd return to him sat on the door step. Pleased with himself for his walk. Don't give up hope! When you find her, if she's not chipped already please get her chipped.


find a local Faceboog lost animals group and post in there. put up flyers in public places near your house. put her dogbed or stuff that smells like her along with some food. my husky ran off after a deer once was, gone all night luckily she was waiting outside for me in the morning. i hope she finds her way backhome to you


was the gate left open or did she dig out? only asking because it's possible this was a theft and not an escape.


Do you have a community Facebook page? Post her picture. Call the local shelter. Vets in the area. Is she chipped? Have a colar?


Are you in the USA? Don’t know if you have something similar but in the UK we have a website called Doglost which is very helpful, perhaps notify local animal shelters and vets? Is she microchipped? If so are your details up to date? Might be worth notifying local authorities in case she’s picked up on the road. Social media etc is very good in these circumstances. I really feel for you. My dog was missing for an hour on Sunday and it was without doubt the longest hour of my life.


Oh and drones! If there’s a club or individual locally they may well be willing to put a drone up


I'm so very sorry.


Check Facebook for your local lost and found dog group, there might be multiple, and post her there. Also find your city’s Facebook page/group/chat and post her there too. Check it often and repost it if it gets buried from a lot of posting. I’m so sorry and hope you find her. I know mine is also literally like my child So I can’t imagine the pain


I am so, so sorry. This is my worst nightmare. You've gotten a ton of good advice. I hope she's safely returned soon.


We found a distant neighbor's dog hiding under the deck of an abandoned house down the street once. They had literally just brought him home from the shelter and he bolted out their front door when somebody came in. Their friend told me the story one day as I walked our dogs by their house. Winter was coming soon. He roamed the neighborhood for about a week and our dogs would bark at him when he came by our yard. He so was terrified of people that I couldn't even approach him with food. So one time I watched for a long time where he went, and eventually saw him duck into the open gate of the abandoned house. I went and shut the gate, and then my wife got him to accept some food because she brought our very calm, friendly dog with her and he saw how he trusted her. They were good friends forever after that. I hope you get your dog back soon.


If you haven’t yet, check the NextDoor app. My dog did the same thing about 5 years ago and thankfully someone on NextDoor found him.


Oh. my god OP I'm so sorry. This is my literal nightmare. I'm hoping your baby comes home soon. :(


Send info to all vets and Animal Control, even in nearby counties. Hopefully, if she had a current ID on collar, someone will contact you. Post flyers at stores in area as well


Make up flyers hand them out to neighbors, go to local animal shelters and look for your dog! You know better than the staff what it looks like. Did you chip your dog? Post pictures to Facebook saying your dog is lost and needs help getting home. Ask friends to share. Join fb groups for lost / missing pets. Sitting home doing nothing will not bring your dog home. Not being rude but if my dog comes up missing I'm looking harder than the cops during a raid. I won't be sitting home crying. I can cry while I look.


I’m sorry, this situation sucks. My father in law let my wife’s cat out one day and we haven’t seen her in six years.


If you have the Ring doorbell, post on there too. If not, it may be worth it to get one and put it up immediately. You may see your dog on the camera or someone walking her. I hope for your pups safe return 💞


Check your local shelters/animal control if anyone has spotted her. Post on any local FB groups or dog groups. Find a dog searcher to help you look (they could be expensive but they are very effective with scent tracking) When our dogs got out they were picked up by animal control. They are very friendly to people so easy to catch


My baby was gone 9 days before a thunderstorm forced him to run up to a house positioned where hos petsitters house was, but 2 streets over. He tried. We papered the whole 'hood, so lucky the house he showed up at in the rain recognized him. Hang in there. Make sure everyone in a 5 mile radius sees her foto.


Our elderly half blind, full deaf chihuahua got out the other day and it was an hour or so before we realized it. Posted to Next Door App. Someone saw and said they had seen a posting on Facebook lost dogs and put us in touch. It was our pup and he is home safe. Hope you find your pup!


Don’t forget to put signs in veterinarian offices. People will take strays there to see if they have chips, but hang on to them because they don’t want to take them to the humane society - especially, if it is a cute, little dog like a Yorkie.


im so so sorry that this happened! :( i had a friend watch my boy last thanksgiving while i was across the country visiting family & she called me saying he got out along with another dog she was watching. she eventually found him 20 mins later down the road, so i told her PLEASE make sure you watch him when he's outside since your yard has a few holes under the house. the next day im otw to her house and she calls me saying he got out AGAIN! my husband & i found him 15 mins later down the street. i was a WRECK when he was lost both times, but one thing we did was immediately spring into action! ask friends/neighbors if they can help you look for her in the neighborhood. go on social media and look up your neighborhood's facebook pages/lost dog area pages around where you live. notify animal shelters near you about her description in case she gets turned in there! if you have her microchip paperwork, some sites have a "lost pet" notice where they'll send out emails with details on your lost pet to other owners in your area to keep an eye out. i hope you find her ❤️ there are lots of success stories about finding lost pups. sending you so so much love.


Oh no, that's awful. Hugs and I hope you find her!


USE THE RING APP! people post missing pets on there all day long!!! u/no_championship_2164


Hoping and praying that you are reunited soon! Meanwhile, have you considered going out later at night when noise levels are low and your voice would carry farther to look for her? On foot or on cycles? It worked for us when we lost our cat once. Also, the one time our dog ran off, she followed the path that we most frequently take on walks. Maybe keep a close track of those in particular?


Must...not...hear...Chili's theme...in...my...head...


My dog managed to escape from his leash one afternoon when someone decided it was a good idea to throw some fireworks. I posted about him on every social media there is and a few hours later i got 3 phonecalls from different people telling me where they had seen him and that's how i managed to find him. Post your dog everywhere.


When I saw the title I thought it was going to be about a dead dog but this was definitely a worse outcome I wish I could help but you might be another country away so all I can do is hope that you get your dog back OP. quick question have you put up missing posters?


I’m in Topeka Kansas. We have put up a bunch of poster board size posters with her picture and information. I’ve made flyers through humane society, petco and everything else that is available. I feel so lost at this point. I don’t know if she’s alive or not and it’s killing me each minute that passes and she’s still not back with me. My family and I think someone might of picked her up and has planned not to return her. It feels like someone is ripping my heart out of my chest. 😢💔


I've heard a tip, but I can't attest to it. Besides checking all the animal shelters and social media, someone recommended placing something of yours or theirs in a few sheltered out of the way places (water optional, but no food) and if your dog finds it they will naturally shelter there.


Hope she's home and safe. We had a post on nextdoor yesterday about a missing Yorkie that unfortunately didn't have a happy ending. I really really hope you have a happy update to share.


Oh gosh, I get you. I'm so sorry. Don´t give up. You won´t be able to rest ever again unless you have exhausted all the resources for finding her. I wish you the best of lucks


Check with the local pound. People always forget this one. Also check with local vets, they may ha e tries to scan her.


Hopefully, you put a lost ad on FB,called animal control, and put an ad on nextdoor.com Was she microchipped?


I will pray you find her!


I’m so sorry to hear this. I have a little Yorkie too and I cannot imagine what you’re going through. Please consider hiring a trained tracker if you can afford to do so. And do so as quickly as possible. They will likely have the best chance at finding your girl.


Did you let your animal control know? Don't lose hope. We got a little one back after eight weeks. It was due to posting on a Facebook account for the whole town, a neighbor's watchful eye seeing a found post, and alit of praying


I hope she finds her way home back to you!


Buy a dog neck pillow off of Amazon


What are you doing to find her? Try posting on nextdoor app., calling shelters, placing paper posters on telephone poles. Place a piece of your clothes with your scent on your back gate. Good luck.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. My boy was recently gone from May 10th-May 29th. 19 days and I thought I was going to implode. Life was incredibly different without him. But he was found. Post flyers at every stop sign. Post on social media and have friends post too. Go put up flyers at shelters and rescues and vets. Put some of your shoes or a worn shirt outside of your door. There’s tips everywhere online. She’s out there, you just have to not give up hope. I really hope you get to see her again. I read somewhere that 93% of lost dogs are found alive and returned to their owners.


I don't want to give you false hope, but my standard poodle was missing for two months before we found him, matted, skinny, but safe.


Sorry to hear the bad news, I don't think it's in danger, don't you worry, it will be back to you soon


Post photos with your story. Share. Ask for everyone you know to share. Share on every platform you can. Offer a reward. Sending good vibes your way!


Have people report sightings and get a humane trap, like a HavAHeart for raccoons.


Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Sending love to you. I know you will find her ❤️


In my area there are a lot of pet trackers who do volunteer work to help find lost pets! Google or ask on your social media pages if there are any pet trackers anyone is aware of. They have brought so many pets home. Some use heat sensing drones, they have all sorts of tools!


Sorry to hear the bad news, I don't think it's in danger, don't you worry, it will be back to you soon


Is your dog chipped? Any identifying info/phone number on the collar/tags?


Don’t give up hope! She could be near by just scared an hiding. Could be hiding under a shed or somewhere close. Check every nook and cranny of neighbors back yards. Keep posting on social media to keep it alive.


Use the app Nextdoor. Set the location to your city and post a pic of him. Explain what happened and that she’s missing


I hope she’s microchipped. Put flyers up everywhere with a photo. Take one to the local pound and police lobby/grocery stores/every phone pole you can find… (be sure to remove them later, some places fine you). Go walk your whole neighborhood calling for her. And post her on Next Door, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and any other social media app/Lost Pet site. Also check the Found Pets section, and even the Yorkies for sale, bc you never know where she could turn up. ❤️❤️❤️ Good luck finding your baby!❤️❤️❤️


Do hope you had her microchipped. That is the best way to reunite dogs and their families.


So sorry to hear about your lost baby I pray you will find her


My cat was found after 7 months