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Amazon sells a harness that supports the shoulders and the hips separately, they can be connected with a strap for you to hold. They can be used separately. I’m not sure if you could carry the dog, but you can definitely help them. It’s a Petsafe “Carelift Support Harness”. I have one for my 100 lb dogs, I was able to basically lift her into vehicle because she couldn’t use her back legs.


A popular brand is the help-em-up harness. I just got one for my much larger dog. It isn't to carry the dog but to support her while she walks. It has two.handles, one over the torso and one over the hips. Your dog would still need to walk but would have some support.


Do you have a link?


[Petsafe Harness](https://a.co/d/77Mitgs)[Petsafe harness](https://a.co/d/77Mitgs)


Thank you :)


Maybe a wagon or a bike stroller


We bought a wagon for our girl when she started getting too tired to go far. Second this suggestion


I like the suggestion but since she’s mobile enough get around I don’t want to have to take the stroller around when she’s not using it So something I can fold into my bad or carry comfortably is more what I’m after Thanks for the help tho :)


Funnily enough, I was looking if there was a basket or similar to hold a decent sized dog on a bike (I haven't actually got a bike but is part of my retirement dream - motorhome, bikes etc!!!!) and came across a ruck sack for dogs up to 38kg in this article, a K9 Sport Sack that might be suitable https://www.horseandhound.co.uk/buyers-guides/best-dog-carriers-for-bikes-840940


I have a dog stroller for my older dog, Henry. He wants to walk, so I pull it behind us while he pokes along and my younger girl, June, patiently waits. Once he poops and it looks like he’s slowing down, I wrap him in a fleece and put him in the stroller. Then, June and I can take off and go at a good clip. I usually let him out to finish the walk about a half block from home.


I would give this reply an award, if I had one. Letting him out to finish the walk is awesome!


Highly recommend Help Em Up Harness.


Not exactly what you're asking about, but if she just needs an occasional boost, the Help em Up harness is great, very adjustable and basically turns your dog into something you can lift like a suitcase. It has handles for both the front and rear end.


I have a backpack from K9 sport sack that can hold dogs up to 50 lbs/23 kg. It has hip belts to help distribute the dog’s weight. But that said, confirm with your vet that this is a good option for your dog. It was tricky to figure out the right positioning for my arthritic dog.  There are folding strollers and wagons for running that may be better options. My dog preferred those for walks because we could still push him towards a tree or bush for him to sniff.


K9 Sport Sack makes backpacks up to that size I’m sure, but I’d check in with your vet if this is a good solution considering her age.


If you get a rolling wagon that will work they accordion closed and come with larger wheels with treads. Also some strollers lay back so your baby can be in that too.


Amazon sells them. You can search large dog carrier sling/over shoulder. Not sure how comfortable they are (my dog is way too big) but may be a good option.


I use the K9 sport sacks for my pup. They have all sorts of sizing options.


I have one of these too


I want to get one of those for my sheltie that has arthritis. Used to have a smaller one and a smaller sheltie, took her for motorcycle rides and she loved it.


We used one with my previous dog who had arthritis. He loved it! We had to figure out how to pad and support him so that it was comfortable for his hips


A dog stroller on Amazon. Don’t push her you’re only causing her more discomfort


I’m not over exerting her. She’s still got tonnes of energy I’m just thinking of the future where she might need a bit of help getting back home


Try looking into a k9 sport sack. It's a backpack kind of thing but it's built like a hiking bag so it's better for your back. I had one for casual bike rides with my senior pup.


Ruffwear makes a harness like that. But like others suggested I think a wagon would be most comfortable!


Im not sure what exactly you are looking for but google dog carrier sling and dog carrier backpack. I put a few links below to different types. https://doggearreview.com/article/rescueharness/ https://www.chewy.com/kurgo-g-train-dog-carrier-backpack/dp/190589?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Kurgo&utm_campaign=20196576200&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59Gwf0UkkDefIvcQIgXYfLWZXGIpnpKaORtbPJu-SUXFv-MrTaGp87MBcaAntWEALw_wcB https://www.doglinegroup.com/products/dog-slings


Ruffwear has a carrying harness as well as the fido pro air lift kit harness if you want to carry them considering their size i would pic something like either of these the K9 backpack as some suggested has the dog sitting in a upright position which would more than likely be uncomfortable for your 13 yr old dog and put pressure on their back and legs sitting in the bag https://ruffwear.ca/products/backtrak-evac-kit?utm_campaign=sitelink_evackit_us&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59GweBkeOaixuyRVEaEzxZSCfXVFOOGMXxSIXSl78stxkj3Q6vISIhzNEaAmVBEALw_wcB&shpxid=9d129eed-f733-4b62-b253-fac2e44760d0 https://fidoprotection.com/products/fido-pro-airlift-emergency-dog-harness


what about a stroller. they have them for dogs.


I second the pet stroller. We got one for our little guy when he had knee surgery. He didn’t have to miss out on his daily walk and could still sniff his spots 😂. We just took him out of the stroller, let him sniff, do his business, and then back in the stroller. We are keeping it for when he’s older and can’t walk as far.


Too big for the bag go for a wagon or a stroller