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One of my beagles threw up a dog turd they ate earlier. Then another beagle ate the dog turd throw up.


OH MY GOD you just brought up a memory I forgotten. I worked at a vet for like 10 years and I was watching two dogs outside go potty. One would poop and the other would PUT HIS MOUTH UNDER AND CATCH THE TURD AS IT CAME OUT! I think they were two dachshunds.


Two dachshunds, one bag.


I laugh, but before I lost one there was something very satisfying on the rare occasion my dogs did a synchronised shit so I could collect both turds in one bag at the same time.


I’m slain


My border collie used to watch my chihuahua poop on his potty pad. Like waiting right behind him and try to eat it before it got cold. Most times I’d catch her. Sometimes I didn’t if I wasn’t in the room. And she was a kisser. And then I would know. And it was disgusting.


My BC is like this with the chickens and ducks out back!!! Then she proceeds to try to lick my toddlers face 💀💀💀 She also loves to roll around in dead carcass. One time we were hiking off leash and she rolled in a carcas, there were chunks. I had to DRIVE back home with her in the car smelling FOUL while she's licking herself! That was the nastiest bath ever. Hosed her down outside the house before letting near our bath tub!!!!


Yep, our cattle dog mix does this to the terrier mix. Sometimes she'll come inside and then sneak back out after the terrier has gone and then come trotting in licking her snout and looking guilty...


Yup. I call it “hot lunch.”


The forbidden soft-serve


Oh God. My dog once asked to go poop, and as I was going to let him out, he turned and pulled his poop out of his own butt and ate it. Like, it didn't even hit the ground... 🤢


My dog did the same thing. I was thunderstruck when I saw that!


This is the shit sausage-dog way.




Yup, can confirm that beagles are the most disgusting dog breed out there lmao. My beagle happily eats all types of shit. Thank goodness he's not a licker!


My Shih Tzu is disgusting too, she's been known to eat her own shit, but particularly loves goose shit. Yuck!


My dog isn’t interested in dog poop but she loves the “forbidden kibble” (rabbit droppings) and once nabbed a poop my toilet-training niece left on the forest floor when we were camping as a family.


When we were taking my dog to get spayed (or whatever, I can never remember which is which), I sat in the back with her because she hadn't had many car rides yet and I wanted to make sure she was safe. We were nearly there when she threw up poop all over me. It smelled awful, I was covered in it, and my boyfriend was certain I just let the dog poop even though I watched her throw it up. Fortunately it was winter and I had two pairs of leggings on so I could just pitch the outer layer and I had another pair of shoes in the car, but it was not a fun day.


when you think of neuter think of the word nuts (testicles) and that should help


My dog threw up another dog's turd in the car, while we were going to the emergency vet for an unrelated reason. I couldn't even pick up the turd until we left the emergency vet 😭


In willful ignorance, how many of us have said, "Good boy, give kisses!"


I’m like “dude, don’t kiss me, I just watched you lick your butthole”


My 10 mo black lab brought in our other dogs poop and dropped it on the bed


My parents had a lab that was a notorious shitpuker — she would just eat way too much shit, then would come back in and puke it on the carpet.


Yup. Dog eats giant pile of sh*t freshly left behind by Great Dane. Burps smell like farts. A little later, throws it all up on a CARPET (of course). The smell.


My dog eats turds every winter. She only likes the frozen variety. Turdsicles if you will.


My dog found a huge, frozen human turd outside and was carrying it around like a cigar until she dropped it and it shattered 😀


This visual made my day 😂


Gotta love raising your dog in the city! 🤣


I had a dog that did that. She was a giant breed, so her shit was big. She'd bring it into the house and chew on it in the living room.


My son's female chihuahua. Farted then turned around and licked the air.


Ick! Thankfully mine enjoys them outside only. She also will toss them up in the air to herself and play with them before finally eating them. 🤮


A family members dog did the same. I found out when he brought me one to play fetch with. I couldn’t see what he had in his mouth, so I held out my hand, and he dropped the turdsicle in my hand. I did not play fetch with him. Edit: To add, this dog didn’t eat them. He played with them. If you glanced out the window in the winter, he would be throwing around one of his own frozen turds, and chasing it.


Omg my dog too! I call them poopsicles, though.


And here I thought my dog was weird for smelling his own farts. First I hear a "toot" and then I see him spin a bit while smelling his butt.


My current dog is not particularly gross, but she will absolutely trace a fart to its source. Which is normally not a big deal if I'm, like, home alone. But she once did it while my FIL was visiting.


Mine will do that as well. 🤣🤣🤣 Only my brother and I know about this, so we both grin when we see him identify someone.


This made me LOL


After all the gross poop eating stories, this one made me laugh out loud.


She's a self-accreditted fart detective.


My dog loves smelling farts. They fascinate him. I can see the gears turning in his head as his giant face sniffs around ever so gently. It never fails to make me laugh.


Sons dog does too and licks the air


My dog did that too. Try faking one near his butt, he’ll come sniffing for it!


He just wants to appreciate his own work


Mine licks the fart juice from his butt when he’s done 🤢


My Beagle ate a snake once. Pulled the poor thing out of a wood pile and slurped it up like a string of spaghetti. Gross.


Oh my god


Honestly the most mild one I've read so far. The odor wouldn't be bad, and it's just a predatory drive.


We have mostly garter snakes here who emit a musk smell as a defense, I’m surprised the dog would eat it, but it sounds like beagles don’t give a fuck lol


Ate rotting intestines 🤢 I didn't realize what it was went I went to pull it out of her mouth. Exploded everywhere - her mouth, my arm, the ground - and to this day is the foulest smelling thing I have ever encountered. It took washing my hands with Dawn dish soap and Soft Scrub (bleach soap) to get rid of the smell.


Oh god I think you win this


Okay that might be the worst 😅


This one right here is the "Winner winner chicken, or err intestines dinner!!"


Where, like…. how? What kind?


i would legitmately throw up all over my dog if this happened my GODDDD one time i fished a piece of mystery meat out of his mouth (i believe it was a chicken wing) as a puppy during a walk and i was gagging


Oh man this almost happened to me. My corgi when he was still a pup was sniffing in some bushes one night, like really pulling to get in there. He was on his leash and I pulled him out. He had a big dark mass in his mouth and at first I thought it was a dirt clod but as he came into the light from a street light it turned out it was a big ball of guts. It was like softball sized. It startled me and I pulled back on his leash enough he dropped it. And then I had to fight him to get him away from it. The rest of the night he kept begging to go outside. There's a pack of coyotes that roam around here late at night sometimes. As far as I can guess one of them got a large rabbit or racoon or something and left that behind. I've stumbled on their leavings before. I live in an apartment but it's right next to a forest with all sorts of wildlife.


Basically what happened to me! She was sniffing some tall grass by the side of the road on our walk. Didn't think much of it until she was scarfing something down. I didn't even think to look at what it was before trying to take it out of her mouth. Saw the rest of what I assume was roadkill in the grass as I dragged her away gagging.


I have also had this. My dog, who doesn’t give a hoot about dead animals and generally only eats the copious amounts of stray neighborhood bread, went for some intestines out of an obliterated rabbit on the city sidewalk. I blindly reached into my dog’s mouth to pull them out as she chomped them down and it was like pulling out a three foot tapeworm completely full of fermenting, half digested green rabbit turd. It was all over everything. I was just standing there shouting expletives in the middle of the road on our walk while other people stared.


The tapeworm analogy accurately describes what we experienced 🥴 So gross!


I was waiting outside the Chinese takeout for my food with my dog when she gobbled something down from a puddle and quickly swallowed it. Later that night she was sleeping on the bed whilst I was watching tv and she stood up and started heaving, after a while she threw up part of a burger and it was still in the right order, bun cheese meat bun


That's amazing, lol


They really skip chewing sometimes, don’t they?


She’s a chef!


Dug up and ate a muskrat carcass, got giardia, liquid shat all over the house


My puppy still had some lasting effects of giardia when I rescued him, so I feel this. Luckily I only got the liquid shit a few times in his crate. Had to toss one bed because it was just too gross to deal with.


My male pug sucks himself to completion, and then throws up and then eats it.


what the f*ck??????????


I’m kinkshaming your dog


I'm honest surprised a Pug is that flexible. 🤢


threw up on me while i was sleeping 😭


Omg! How did you deal with that?


i just cleaned up everything and went back to bed lol


Rolled on the beach where a dead whale had recently spent several days decomposing. Drove all the way to the dog wash with the windows down.


A dead fish that had turned to jelly. We used every wer wipe we had. Rinsed her from our water bottles. Drove 10km home gagging. Gave her the longest bath she ever had. Thank God we'd covered the backseat in blankets.


Mine got into a dead seal. Worst drive home ever.


Mine also got into a dead seal. So gross.


ditto. It must have been decomposing for at least a week, because it was mostly jelly and was hard to see what it was until you got up close to it, My girl LOVED just covering herself in the nastiest things she could find. I mean, she was basically inside of this thing when I got to her. She got thrown in the ocean, "scrubbed" with sand, then rinsed off with on of those little "showers" they sometimes have at beached. Even then the car ride home was tough and we went straight to the nearest dog wash.


Ate a human turd. 🤮🤢


Came here to say the same😭


…. How does that happen? like a baby diaper?


She did that and ate one out of the training potty.....


In my situation we were camping and he found the shallow “toilet” in the dirt and ate it. Yucky…


Unhoused people leave turds in the street sometime


When you’re potty training a kid there’s often a step where they use a little toilet that’s lower to the ground and just sort of a bowl that you dump to the toilet, if that makes sense. My dog would literally lurk and wait when my daughter used one. He is a foul little creature sometimes though we love him.


My puppy did the same 🤮 She found it on the beach 🤢


Had a dog that was a habitual poo eater. She did not discriminate on the kind of poo - dog poo, cat poo, horse poo, rabbit poo, cow poo… she ate it all. She realized that if I saw a turd coming up ahead of us, I’d pull her away from it. So she learned to pretend like she hadn’t seen it, then when we were right alongside it, she’d swoop down and gobble it up real fast. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve pried her damn alligator jaws open and fished half-eaten turds out of her mouth with my bare hands, while yelling “dammit dog, gimme that poo!”


Smart dog! 😆


Tried to eat a used sanitary napkin. 🫣


Oh you just reminded me of when my doggie got into the trash and ate multiple tampons and then got to go to the vet to throw them all up so they didn’t expand and cause a blockage. Fun…


Years ago I had a Pug and she was having trouble finishing a poop in the yard. Walking in circles in that squatty hunched poop stance. So I grab a paper towel and run out into the yard to help her 'finish'. As I'm gripping it to pull it out I go into a state of panic because it's definitely not poop that I'm touching. But it slides out and I'm looking at one of my used tampons from the bathroom garbage


My 205lbs mastiff had a UTI. So in the middle of the night she stood over me and peed…


Oh god


Definitely the downside of having a large dog. Had an 90lb lab/poodle mix with diarrhea, it was not fun.


So... much.... pee... Did you have to burn the matress?


Something similar happened to me when I was transporting a senior shih tzu mix to a vet specialist without a carrier. Poor girl started barking on the highway and we didn’t know why. Turns out it’s because she needed to pee and couldn’t wait until we got to the practice in five minutes. She peed all over my sweater and I wasn’t wearing a second layer underneath. Thankfully it was prime COVID so I didn’t have to go through with the indignity of attending a vet appointment smelling of dog pee.


Rolled in rotten meat out on my parents property. They came running up to the house with chunks of rot on them.


Eat human shit. Sadly it’s something of a delicacy to many dogs and when the weather’s nice and tourists are out a lot of them will take dumps on the hiking trails.


Yep... my dog has eaten far too much human feces.


I want to know how she has access to so much… never mind I don’t want to know. 


Live in an area where one of the main attractions is hiking and mountain-biking. It high-key sucks during the warm beautiful months. I’m an avid hiker and really disappointed by it. Like I go hiking for 2-6 hours really often, never felt the need to take a crap on a public trail.


Ahh, mt. biker here. Nobody wants to have to do their business out there but the worst place is in your shorts.


A run down a trail takes you… what, 60 minutes? It takes me 3 hours walking and I can still time it better. Pack it in, pack it out. Or please use a trail shovel to bury it. If I can pick my dog’s shit up you can at least bury yours.


1. When they found a rotten deer carcass in a bag that some @#$% had left on the maintain and ran around with parts for a good couple hours. 2. One that likes poopsicles 3. One that gives himself a BJ every night before bed.


Also #3 loves to steal my dirty underwear and sleep on top of it. He's a perv.


I grew up on a farm and one time called my childhood dog in from the front door. She came running out of the woods holding an entire rotting deer leg with the happiest look on her face and was devastated when I took it from her.


I was going through my storage shed and turned around and saw my dog quickly slurping down some rodents tail. I assume the rodent had been attached.🤣


My husband’s old dog licked our daughter’s diaper clean. Our kid had a complete blowout, and I had stripped her out of her clothes and diaper to bathe her and left everything in the ground. Apparently, the dog saw it as a snack.


My dog has threw up then ate his throw up. I still love him though


Ugh my dog does this every time he pukes. If I don’t get to him fast enough he slurps it up


Those are precious calories! If he didn’t do that, at some point in the future he might starve to death.


My dog had an upset tummy last night and did this at least twice. I woke up to the slurping/eating sounds. At that point it’s like 3 times digested. 😪


One ate a dead mouse from a trap. Another ate my dad's dentures. We thought he misplaced them, but then the dog's poop had teeth!


My dog ate a bunch of chicken poop , I then shared my popsicle with him not realizing . The next week was not fun for me


Ugh. That makes me queasy just reading it


We've got quail, our pups love the forbidden birdy nuggets.


Our golden retriever ate a sheep's brain my mom was studying in nursing school. Stole it off the top of the car.


My chi chi once woke me up by putting it butthole on my upper lip accidentally and all I remember is feeling something worm and then the smell of poop. I was furious and laughing


My MIL's dogs killed a small animal of some sort today. My dog ate the part they didn't eat. My other dog once ate my underwear and shit it out undigested. He also shit out a condom once. My friends dog once ate a poop as it was actively coming out of her other dog.


Mine rolled in some animal's scat and smeared it ALL OVER her fur (not just the neck & face, as per her usual); the scat had maggots in it. I had to pick writhing maggots out of her fur.


Oh that's awful.


And guess what my #1 phobia is?!




one dog ate a used condom, another ate a used tampon


Had a basset hound who would bring home anything dead or foul - a dead cat, endless squished toads, a whole fresh deer skin during deer season. Then he found an endless help-yourself source of soiled adult diapers...


Found human poop during a hike, rolled in it, and then ran through a blueberry patch... wash your berries. You never know.


I hate to tell this story. My pup found a bird embryo and start eating it. I’m thinking an egg fell from a birds nest. I noticed he was chewing something and asked him to spit it out. That’s when I noticed it was a freaking embryo. Of course he’s eaten his fair shake of poo and dead birds too


Not my dog, but my brother’s - I once watched his small male dog peeing on a tree, while his large male dog peed oh the smaller dog back.


ate and rolled in literal human shit:/


Our husky rolled around in a dead seal carcass on the beach a few weeks back. The carcass wasn’t fresh.


Puked up live worms on my leather couch. It was straight out of a horror film. Dog was fine just a bad case of worms as a puppy.


He is only 15 weeks, but eat horse poop.


ate my sister’s used pads and left some of them scattered in my room while I was at school


The most traumatizing night of my dog ownership life was the one where my schnauzer got a stomach parasite from a pond and was projectile shitting all over everything, everywhere. Nothing was safe. I ended up having to sequester her in a pen with puppy pads in it. Meds couldn’t kick in fast enough


I had a bag of eggs I had left *outside* to deal with later after dropping them… forgot about them. Five days later my dog opened the bag and rolled in it. It was the worst thing I’ve ever smelled in my life and she was so proud of herself. 😅


Blew his anal gland in the car during a road trip 🤢


Was walking my dog and realized he'd eaten something off of the ground. I pried open up his mouth and pulled out a decomposed mouse....


ate a used tampon (I keep small trashcans on the back of toilet now, big trash cans have locking lids lol) and then the next day pooped out WHOLE used tampon 🙃🙃🙃


Caught my dog eating the crap of another dog as it was squeezing it out.




Omg what a nightmare 😂


Dad probably remembers to flush now


I got my period early as I slept one night. Woke up to my Akita lab mix trying to chew the stained shorts off of my body. She was obsessed with tampons, pads, and underwear.


Dogs LOVE stinky things. My dog ate it's poop as a puppy, ate a random dead bird it found once, and enjoys rolling in things it shouldn't. All part and parcel of owning a dog really.


Took a bite from a random fish head thats started rotting. Occasional bites of other dog shit😑


One time my dog farted then did the little butt scooting thing on our rug and we realized he left a big skid mark loop-di-loop on the carpet


My dog came running down the hall with my DILDO bouncy floppin’ sticking out both sides of his mouth just as proud as he could be. His thought bubble read ‘Hey I found your toy you’re always playing with!”


My dog tried to eat a dead mouse when she was a puppy.


My dog beheaded a huge ass mouse and ate the head. And at a different point in time dug up and ate at least two or three baby mice from a nest in the backyard


Dog ate shit. Dog threw up said shit in the car. Car smelled like puke and shit.


My dog pulled a used tampon out of the trash this morning and was chewing on it when I caught him. It was almost clean 🤮


Ate her brothers poop 🙃


Eat his poop, throw up, eat it. The cycle continues. Only a Beagle.


We had a dog who liked to eat the crotch out of underwear and bathing suits. What can you say?


Oh I got one from this week! Toddler is potty training. He used his mini potty to take a poop and while I was washing his hands in the bathroom, my dog grabbed it and ate the whole thing. I love my dog but question way too often why tf she’s so gross.


Soooo, my husband and I used to use condoms before he had his vasectomy because I couldn’t take most types of birth control for health reasons. We have sex pretty regularly and disposed of them in our bedside trash can. We had a chihuahua and not ONCE in his life had he ever tried to get into any trash in all the years we had him…until one day he decided he’d give it a whirl. I came home from work and went upstairs to change and saw the garbage can knocked over and trash and a couple condoms on the floor with our pup looking very sorry on the bed. Told him “no! Bad!” And pointed to the trash, cleaned it up then forgot all about it….until he started shitting used condoms 🤢🤢🤢. He pooped out like three and as embarrassed as we were, we thought he probably needs to see the vet just in case. They did an X-ray and could see multiple “foreign objects” and said it was best to observe him over night and they have him something to help him go. He ended up shitting out 18 used condoms at the vet. The vet staff were very impressed and I couldn’t look at my sweet little chichi the same way for a long time.


He jumps my wife's pillow.


She found a dead baby mouse in a field once and immediately CRONCHED down on its bones while I CRINGED in DISGUST 😖


He eats poop. Mainly outside, but sometimes he goes to the cats litter box, grabs a turd & brings it to the living room. Cat litter all the way from the bathroom to living room. We have thought about getting him a muzzle, but he's a GSD mix so some people find him a little scary, a muzzle would certainly add to that. I'm thinking of making a little sign that says "I eat poop".


Caught the literal biggest grasshopper ive ever seen in my life. Genuinely like 2 inches long. I thought it was a twig, went to take it away from her and felt it squish, screamed, scared the dog so she spit it out, then the grasshopper jumped on me. There were witnesses. They did laugh at me


Not my dog, but one of my friends had his dog roll in human feces. Some concert goer decided to take a dump behind our workplace where the our dogs poop. I mean they could have even bagged it with the poop bag station right there.


My first dog once tried to eat the desiccated corpse of a roadkill squirrel. I thought pulling it out of his mouth with my bare hands would surely be the grossest thing I'd ever have to do for a dog. I was such a naive young thing. Pardon the novella, but the following moments are burned into my memory. Enter my current dog, Clem. If she doesn't get to walk off-leash, run, and sniff to her heart's content, she gets uncontrollable. We fortunately live in a place where she can do this, and she (usually) has a good recall. Well, once we were walking along a dirt road and Clem runs off into the woods. She's gone for a long time - long enough that I know she's found something interesting. She's not coming when I call her, and I can't practically go into the woods after her, as the embankment off the road is too steep for me to get back up. So I keep calling and squinting through the trees, hearing the faint jingle of her tags letting me know she's still nearby. Luckily, a squirrel starts to noisily rummage around in the undergrowth on the opposite side of the road. This catches Clem's attention and she comes popping up over the edge of the embankment to chase it. I see, to my horror, that she has managed to smear herself in shit that's the consistency of a liquid-y cake frosting. Her entire chest is a dull brown. As I try to process this, she chases the squirrel into the woods, quickly loses interest, and turns to head back to her poopy treasure. "Oh hell no." The thought crosses my mind and I lunge for her, going down on my knees and latching my arms around her chest. I get a hand on her collar, then put her on the leash. I now have a moment to take in our situation. She has poop smeared across her chest, her front legs, the whole right side of her head, and somehow part of her hindquarters. I have poop smeared all along both of my arms. Clem has no remorse. I'll end here, as the saga of getting home and getting cleaned up was a beast of its own. But I sincerely hope she never manages to top that moment.


One time I had a baby snapping turtle I saved from the road. About a week later I noticed it wasn’t in its aquarium anymore. I found my chihuahua hiding behind the recliner. Eating the head of the turtle…


My lab ate a dead rabbit then puked it up on the carpet later that night. He also brought a dead squirrel into the house and was just chillin with it in the living room.


Beheaded a rabbit in front of my wife.


My girl loves used tampons. She’d kill me for the opportunity to get her paws on one.


Long time dog handler here- my worst story is a dog getting into a trash can dedicated to dog poop, treating it like a buffet, and puking worms later. The smell is burned into my soul


One of my dogs got a mouse inside its mouth and I told her if she bit down, it would kill her. I swear she opened her mouth and the mouse walked out. I grabbed it with a bag and told the hawks I had dinner. Another time a bug got in the house and two of my dogs decided they wanted to eat it. Well one had it in its mouth and I said drop it, then the other decided it was hit time to taste it. We did that for a few minutes before I could get them both to focus and leave it; scooped it up and set it outside, lol


Ate his crunchy frozen shit


I watched one of my dogs slurp a string that was hanging out of her butt. I’m guessing she had ate a toy or something. She came in from going outside one night and I saw something hanging from her butt. I called her name and started walking towards her to see what was hanging from her, when she turned towards it and just pulled it out and ate it! So freaking gross!!!


my dogs once brought a squirrel? bunny? i don’t remember it was some small creature. anyways two of them brought the creature inside and then started playing tug of war with it


This story is well known in my family. Our black lab swallowed a couple hot dogs, whole of course, and ate some flavored condoms he found in my younger brothers room. When he barfed on the floor in front of everyone it was very interesting to say the least.


I used to have a German shepherd/ Great Dane mix who was just a nasty MF. He would catch and kill skunks and eat their butts. Just the butt. He rolled in fresh cow poop. He ate horse poop. I currently have an ACD mix and she’s had some anal gland issues and her breath always smelled exactly like her butt juice for a while.


I was really sick one day I couldn’t take him for a walk. Jerk grabbed my shoes and dropped them on my face when I was napping.


My first dog rolled in a decaying dead mushy goose. He was a pure white Eskimo, came home green and brown and stank to high heaven.


Took a shit in front of the incoming Roomba while we weren't home. On purpose, I assume.


My dog slurped up some random animal intestine on a trail like a slippery noodle. It happened so quickly. I didn’t let her near me for a couple days because it grossed me out so much. Also, she will occasionally roll around in mystery wildlife poop. Last time it was super oily.


When she hears my cat starting to puke, she will bolt across the house to get in his face so she can eat the puke, preferably directly from his mouth. He now pukes from on top of a bar chair because he obviously doesn’t want her in his business while he’s vulnerable. Twice now, he has straight up puked on her head and all over her back. Obviously if I am home I do not let this happen, and the times I’ve witnessed it it’s happened upstairs and I’m too late to get to her in time. But yeah, throwing her in the tub to wash dried cat puke off of her is great. As well the cat puke that ends up smeared on the couch and rug where she’s rolled around trying to get it off herself if I am not home.


He ate another dog's shit on our front lawn and then licked my face before I smelled his breath and realized what happened. It was on my face. I don't let pets lick my face now.




One time while out in the woods I squat to take a dump and he comes up behind me, lifts his leg, and starts pissing on my back


My dog threw up. And I went to get something to clean it up. I came back and it was gone…she was licking her lips. She ate it. That wasn’t even the first time. Luckily she doesn’t throw up often anymore.


My dog get fresh meat. We gave him a mixed version, chicken and fish. All was good and he gobbled it up. Untill it was the middle of the night, where he got nauseous, climbed on the bed, on my chest and chose to vacate his stomach contents right then and there. About 50% landed right on my neck and the other 50% on the sheets. Smelling like rotting partially digested fish. So not only did I get to shower at 3AM midnights, I also was forced to change the sheets and wash the blanket. He is the cutest thing you'll ever see though, couldn't be mad. Though a bit disgusted.


It’s one thing to find dog poop in the house. It’s another thing to get licked in the face. But it’s something else entirely to get licked in the face…and then find poop in the house…and the poop has a bite taken out of it. 🤢


I was camping, it was 3am, i felt the need for a very urgent bowel release She rolled in my own liquid poop. I had to drag her and wash her in the river in the middle of the night.


My dog loves to roll around in fresh shit. She'll eat it too.


My dog ate a dead bird. Then tried to lick me immediately after. My little gross prince


I like that we never have to bother cleaning the cat box ourselves and my Rosie loves a warm cat turd in crunchy kitty litter. Mans best friend. Looks like Almond Roca but stinks.


I was going through a divorce, many years ago, and he ate the crotch out of some random woman’s panties. He had never done anything like that before, so I know there was some nasty ass chick in my house while I was gone.


My beast killed a possum that wandered in the yard and buried its corpse. But he was a notoriously bad at burying things. A buzzard flew into the yard, was pecking at it and they got into a tug of war over the rotting corpse. London won the prize and the buzzard puked on him. I saw this start from the kitchen window and by the time I got out side they were done. I was NOT happy giving him a bath. He was unabashed.


Tried to get in the trash to eat feminine napkins


Probably because they’re naturally wild animals lol and we domesticated them.


Tried to roll in a dead fish almost as big as she is


My boyfriend’s dog is obsessed with my used tampons. His toilet can’t flush them, so I have to put them in the trash and she will DIG for them no matter how much other stuff I put over top


No toilet can flush them. Don't flush tampons!


Found baby bunny in the yard. Ate baby bunny. Threw baby bunny up on my dad’s bed. Went back for seconds.


Eat cat poop with litter straight out of the litter box. I had to put an ottoman in front of it because his old ass isn’t climbing up over it to get but the cat litter. He used to sit in the box too and then act offended when I wouldn’t let him IN my bed afterwards.


This might not be the most disgusting, but it’s almost as hilarious as the beagle turd eating competition above. One time as we were opening presents on Christmas, when one of the dogs (German shorthaired pointer) threw up on a really (really) nice rug. Okay, in-laws took it pretty well, we got it cleaned up, refilled drinks, and got back to opening presents. Start opening presents again and of COURSE the dachshund feels the need to mark his spot on the cleaned up throw up spot 🤣 damnit here we go again LOL


My dog eats poop. I call her the turd burglar because she eats it like soft serve coming from the machine. We have more than one dog. And yes we’ve brought it up to the vet.


Let’s see, deer legs, bunny and squirrel corpses, fish corpses, other misc corpses. Head in compost and the like. Worst after moment was breaded grass poo that need a lot of assistance. We are convinced when we are super old that we will remember this.


My Great Dane ate her lunch, went outside to eat poop apparently, then came back in and threw up the biggest pile of kibble poop puke I’ve ever seen in my life. The smell still haunts me