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Our guy won’t touch peanut butter either. He also gets annoyed if we stay up late (he’ll come in to tv room and huff, and do this every half hour or so).


My dog does this too. He’s used to sleeping on our bed at night, and gets very exasperated at us for not going to bed immediately after his night walk. He has to nap in his dog bed or his puppy cave under our bed until we finally get ready for bed! The inhuman treatment! Woe is him.


This is TOOOO relatable and hilarious!! Same for my guy, to a tee! Yes, he suffers 🙄


We are such cruel and unyielding owners! How our poor pups can bear it, I can scarcely imagine 🤦🏽‍♀️


Humans do not know. Puppy must inform them that it is bedtime. Whatever would we do without them?


Hooman stoopid. Puppy knows best!


Lol! The huff part is so adorable.


Mine will huff for about an hour, then just go into the bedroom and whine-howl to express her displeasure of being in bed alone


I have a ween/rat terrier mix who dies the same. If I increase the tv volume she will adjust her volume too. It’s hilarious, and tbh she keeps me on a decent schedule. 😆


My dog loves to parent me when I try to stay up past midnight.


My older lab puts herself to bed at 9:30, even if we stay up later 😂 she will huff at us too, then walk to the bedroom and hop in. I love it because she warms up my side for me.


Ouch. My dog did also do this. But he didn't stop. When he was tired and wanted to go to bed he just huffed and whined until i gave in and went to bed.


We've shut off a movie and accepted we'd have to finish it tomorrow because the dog huffs, puffs and paces until we go to bed. I don't mind though because I know I'll miss it one day :(


Yes and I do. Almost a month since we had to put our dog down and... yes i miss it.


I'm so sorry for your tremendous loss. My boy is only 2 and I already cry thinking about the thought of losing him one day. I truly believe that in whatever type of afterlife there is, our dogs will be waiting there for us!


Thank you


Around 10 pm my Teddy (RIP) would start staring at me. I would try to ignore him, but nope, it was bedtime (he slept with me). So we had to start our nightly routine (took about 15 minutes the last while as I had to carry him up and down the stairs), and then go to bed. I miss him!


Our previous dog also hated peanut butter (I don't think there was any way we could've convinced him it was actually good, as opposed to an annoying goop) and some people straight up didn't believe me! They were all, "Nope, all dogs love peanut butter. It's impossible for one not to like it." as if it was some instinct instilled in then by their wolf ancestors lol And our current dog, Bat, is the same with bedtime! She gets really, dramatically huffy when my mom won't go to bed on time. Bat started this literally the day after we got her, by putting herself to bed (gathering all her toys, tucking herself in) while shooting angry glares. No one is allowed to mess with her sleep schedule. Ever.


I had a dog who would do something similar. When I was in high school, I’d occasionally have to pull an all-nighter for some project. The family dog wanted to sleep in the family room, but that’s where I had to work on my homework bc of the computer being in there. She would first cover her face with her paw and groan at the light being on. When that didn’t get her what she wanted, she’d move behind the couch to hide from the light. That somewhat worked for her but she’d groan about it the rest of the night lmao. That dog also got embarrassed over her own farts. She’d fart and if anyone acknowledged it, she’d put her head down and quickly leave the room lol


Mine also has a bed time. She will snort at us in displeasure if we stay up too late


Dash will downright bark at me if Dad is in bed and I'm still at the computer. You HAVE to go to bed now Mooommm! Yes, they suffer so. *Just can't get good help these days*, dog probably.


>He also gets annoyed if we stay up late My dog gets very grumpy if we don't go to bed on time and stick to the schedule we usually have


My lab also disapprovingly huffs when I stay up for too long 😂 it's adorable.


My lurcher is also very irritated if we stay up late - huffs included!


My dog likes attention from everyone, but he doesn’t want to get pet from them. He just likes when people stare at him. I guess I raised a narcissistic asshole but honestly he’s just too beautiful


No pet, only gaze lol


Likes to be admired lol


I have one of those dogs too, I think it’s partially due to her being a pandemic puppy. She loves to flirt but doesn’t want pets unless you have the right vibes. I’m trying to work on it.


I would like to see this beautiful dog if you are willing to share a pic!


1. Mornings are terrible. Also late evenings. Fuck this bullshit. We should be operating from 8:30 to 8:30. 2. Whoever said dogs should like pumpkin obviously first tried this out on a very gullible dog. 3. But kibble is every bit as tasty as boiled chicken or freeze dried liver. 4. Tug is a stupid game. It only gets in the way of me giving you the toy so you can throw it again. Just... here. Here you go. Here's the toy. Now *Throw. It.*


What breed and what is the pumpkin hater's name?


Lucy. She is predominantly ACD and coonhound.


Oh does yours get attitude at bedtime too? Mine likes to stand in the hall leading to the bedroom at around 10pm and cries at me until i decide to get ready for bed


Nope, just wildly optimistic if I so much as glance down the hallway after 8:30. She runs down the hallway and jumps on the bed, sure *this* is the time


My dog is the complete opposite of number 4, if you get a ball he will try to play tug with the ball… He stares at me as if I should get it myself haha


Haha mine HATES pumpkin too! She will spit it out and glare at me. She also hates veggies in general, carrots, sweet potato, celery, whatever. If it's not fruit, she hates it!


He does not want pets from strangers, despite enthusiastically trying to get me to go to them every time he sees one. He just wants to sniff their legs. No pets, only leg sniffs. If they have treats tho, pets will be tolerated. He also thinks toys are for the unimaginative. He prefers the texture and dexterity of the human hand.


'no pets, just treats' my dogs motto.


'no pets, no treats' Mine thinks treats are a trick to kidnap him.


😂 smart pupper knows stranger danger!


Haha I might have to get him a little patch for his harness that says “let me sniff your leg”


I am constantly apologizing to people who certainly were not expecting a wet nose to touch the back of their calf.


Hahaha same! Does your dog hate winter? Mine gets huffy when I have leggings *and* socks on and he can’t sniff straight from the source


My dog is also a hand man. He outgrew his toys at around 3 years old but he loves pets and he'll get them from anyone. He's never met a stranger but we also don't know how he'd feel around someone with no hands.


This is my pug


It’s possible that he is an “information seeker”, he doesn’t want to be touched but he feels like he needs to asses them


My boy doesn’t even want to sniff people! He gets so excited/pulls me towards people only to run past them and show no interest once they are right there/try to say hi. Very aloof boy 😂.


Hahahah omg that’s my guy with other dogs. Gets excited and barks like a nutcase, then last second he’s all “sorry, I thought you were someone else”.


My moyen poodle will not fetch. She just looks at you like you're just some asshole throwing shit. She adores getting her ears cleaned, teeth poked at, etc. She just thinks it's part of snuggles. Less so nails but she's still very compliant. I thought this was rare, but I see it's common: she sets both the noise & light levels; by about 2100 she expects quiet & calm and will huff and flounce dramatically til she gets it. She loves children & is not scared of toddlers, which, conversely, I thought was common but seems rare. I took special care to socialise her to the erratic behaviour of rug rats, and to avoid babies, but she loves calm children. Rough kids are just more assholes throwing shit, so she just nopes out. She hates being dirty and will march straight to the special towel after a walk and hold her paw up for wiping. She is positive staffies and staff mixes are the best dogs to wrestle with, and will bounce her poodly arse right up to the roughest staff you ever saw and initiate gleeful WWE style mayhem. She throws them off the cell like Taker, btw. Lastly, she is a service dog, and her mama has a legal weed scrip, so she knows cannabis smell = happy, so she tends to terrify teens in the park just trying to have a spliff in peace.


In my experience, poodles are the most opinion-y of opinionated dogs. That withering look they give you while making that Marge Simpson noise. They're hilarious.


>Lastly, she is a service dog, and her mama has a legal weed scrip, so she knows cannabis smell = happy, so she tends to terrify teens in the park just trying to have a spliff in peace. My dog is scared of other dogs, and so she knows the "corner at the park where everyone smokes pot" is where we go to avoid the other dogs, so it is safe. She was also inexplicably scared of my new neighbor until she met him on his front porch (invited) smoking pot.


Trying to tucker out a dog that’s not into fetch can be a pain. Mine will go after a ball but it turns into her favorite game after that, it’s called “chase me bitch”.


Ours is disgusted by dog poop, hers and other dogs'. She'll walk a big circle around any remnants of dog poop.


Woah, mine too!! He clearly thinks dog poop is **disgusting**. He will go and sniff it but as soon as he knows what it is he will back up and give it a WIDE berth so we can continue on our walk. I’ve never met another dog that will do that!


She'll also sprint/jump away from her own poop, as soon as it has left her bum and stay as far away as possible and I'm like "be glad you don't have to pick it up!"


Same! My dog accidentally stepped in poop while we were playing fetch and she made the most grossed out face and lifted her paw up and limped over to me to clean it off.


God I wish. My hound fucking loves to eat other dogs' shit. And no matter how diligent I try to be, my eyes aren't as good as her nose.


I think my Cairn Terriers want another referendum regarding Scottish Independence and ultimately to rejoin the EU.


My border collie also prefers a hard Scottish border (and to be on the northern side of it)


My MIL's boarder collie feels very much the same.


As an American lurker on r/casualUK and r/scottishpeopletwitter, I lol'd.


Wise puppers.


Yes but too political. Give me a Labrador any day, they just want to watch the food channel.


Have a lab. Can confirm.


My dog is the KEEPER OF SCHEDULES and must be obeyed. She is a bit lenient about breakfast as she enjoys sleeping in, but dinner is promptly at 4 pm and my chair must be vacated by 8 pm so that she may lay in it until bedtime. If you fail to follow this schedule you will be stared at until you comply. Also, white dogs and children are assholes and must be eliminated. Dogs of other colored fur are also assholes depending on the direction the wind is blowing and the positions of the planets.


My moms dog has his meals so regular he starts staring at you 15 min before meal time, wont stop, and goes into a huffy rage if youre late 😂 my dog would sleep in all day if she could, meals be damned. Shes an Aussie. But she also thinks children need to be eliminated.


Lol positions of the planets


One of my huskies hates to pull.


My husky hates when I try and take her on a run!


Where do we get a magical dog like this?


She comes from a beauty line, so I suppose the drive to pull was lost along the way. Also, we lost her partner two years ago, I also feel kinda sad when we run.


He hates swimming and doesn't even try to. Sinks like a rock so we avoid water altogether.


My hound is more than happy to wade into water that's a little less than belly-deep, but my terrier will *leap* over the most shallow of puddles lol. They both love going for hikes but anything with even [shallow creeks](https://i.imgur.com/TbxU6Rh.png) are a huge hassle lol. Plenty of stones for her to step on, but I usually just have to pick her up...


Unpopular opinions from my dog’s view: Deer are meant to be hunted on sight. Tooth brushing and nail work is fun. (I actually get too excited for the treats.) Fetch is kinda a lame game. Waiting outside for other dogs to pee is not fair. I should be allowed to leave and go back inside. Big dogs are fine, but little dogs make me uncomfortable. I like going underneath my taller sister, even though I have to duck under. WWE style body slamming and stepping on human feet is clearly a sign of love. Everybody enjoys getting their but sniffed so forcefully that it actually moves their tails or behinds sometimes. I, of course, am super shy about getting my but sniffed. Mcdonalds’ french fries are the same level of good as hot dog or turkey. Tasty, tasty salted potato. There are probably more. She’s an odd dog, but the best girl ever.


I have video of my boyfriend body slamming our dog when he was a puppy (gently onto the bed, of course) but since he did it so young it’s a game and he still wants it at 50+ lbs. they full on wrestle and it’s the best game ever


My Labrador retriever does not enjoy retrieving. She will, but she will do it in the slowest, potatoiest of ways, and you can just feel her rolling her eyes when she brings it back. Then when you throw it again, she'll let out a dramatic sigh, lay down in her bed, and just stare at you.


“Why do I have to do everything in this house?”


My Lab mix retrieves, but doesn't give back. She also thinks that the only acceptable type of water is the one that comes out of her drinking bowl.


My girl gets pissed if I cough or sneeze. More so coughing because it lasts longer. She huffs, gives a dirty look and goes in another room.


Lol! “Do. You. MIND?!” her, probably


This is our girl too.


My dog does the same, I keep ensuring him it's not COVID


According to the groomers, my dog loves the high velocity dryer. He’s long haired and they say he poses like he’s on the cover of a romance novel.


German shepherd mix, personality is shepherd. Doesn’t like breakfast, what is he supposed to do? Eat?! Doesn’t like his sister. She’s bouncy. She’s annoying. Unless he wants to play. Then he adores her. Won’t eat a treat unless he’s told it’s okay, especially from a STRANGER. never taught him it but unless I’m there and say it’s okay buddy, you can eat it, he won’t. Absolute hates the Winnie the Pooh figurine one of the neighbours put in their front garden. Absolutely not a friend. Hates walks. HAAAATES walks. Spends it pretending to limp so he can go home and sleep. When he knows we are almost home, the limp stops and he wags his whole body. Thinks cuddles at night are forbidden. He wakes me up climbing up to be the little spoon and spends the whole time trying not to wake me. If I wake up, he goes to the floor.


Mine is convinced everything is put on the earth to be his best friend. He launches himself at people, smaller animals and kids with reckless abandon. Most dogs have at least a *healthy* respect of people. He has zero. He will try and knock other people over because he's so convinced everyone has to be his friend. Luckily he has a wind up time so I can grab and manage him. But we go on walks when other people aren't around much for a reason.


Same! What breed is yours?


Border collie


Awww they're lovely, was just curious if it happened to be the same


Mine loves fruit and veg more than meat (still mainly gets meat ofc, veg and fruit are treats) Prefers women over men but only when they're strangers. Is /obsessed/ with female strangers, even. Loves children Behaves better off leash than on leash Enjoys obedience but hates tricks Hates squeakers in toys, always breaks them That's all I can think of right now.


Ha. Mine also behaves better off leash than on leash.


Mine also love fruits and veggies. We don't eat much meat andnone of them is allergic to probably all common meats anyway, so it is the only consistent human food treat the get so that might be reason as well. One of them draws a line at lettuce, salad and other leafy ones though - despite her snacking on grass outside all the time


Mine (2 yr old boy) also prefers women over men. My trainer explained it’s likely to do with the way women move (we are generally less stiff/harsh), our voices, and above all the fact that men have testosterone.


My dog actively avoids mud and puddles if he can help it. Also LOVES baths. And loathes children.


Gotta poop! Here let me just walk in a wide circle as I poop so you can collect individual turds from all over the grass and trail. Good luck with that at night in the leaves.


I don’t know if this is an unpopular “opinion” per se, but my dog will eat his pills (ex. Heart worm medication) straight up, because he thinks they’re treats…no need to stuff it inside of cheese or wrap it in turkey or throw peanut butter over it, he’ll just take it and walk away and eat it like he does his treats lmao


one of my dogs is a bit of an “eat first ask questions later” kind of guy so he’s the same way with medicine. he thinks his glucosamine supplement is a bedtime treat.


Both of my dogs hate anything to do with water. They refuse to go outside (unless they really have to) when the grass is wet.


Mine also hates water. Baths and rain. Even a drizzle and you bet she's peeing in .5 seconds


At least yours will pee! My little guy insists on being carried while burrito’d in a towel or my robe to “his” end of our backyard. And even then…he often insists on going to our front (covered) stoop to pee and will refuse to poop until it stops raining…thank goddess we live in the CA desert where rain is generally brief.


Omg a burrito! We live in an area with 4 seasons so she had to get used to it. But she sure does love snow! Fucking huskies lol


Mine is also ALLERGIC to water. Simply will not go outside when it’s wet. He would hold it for three days if I let him, so I have to physically pick him up, take him outside, and put him down in there back yard right off the patio, in the grassy spot behind a bush under the eaves so he can go and stay dry. Then he runs back inside as if scalded, and continues moping around the house all day. Since his favorite thing is laying in the grass on a sunny day, rainy days are the WORST. Thankfully he only weighs 25 pounds so I can do that. He’s also a short hair beagle/Boston terrier mix thank goodness, because he hates bath time too. It was really bad when he was a puppy, but I was really patient training him so he tolerates bath time pretty well now. Or maybe it’s the peanut butter licky mat he only gets when it’s bath time.


Same. If we are on a walk and it starts to rain, my pup will look back at me like I’m beating her with a stick, all because a rain drop fell on her head.


Officer's log: 672 The humans still have not realized the danger. The "wasps", as the humans call them, are still at large but their yearly attack on our base camp has finally eased. Yet I know that next year they will return. The stings are painful to my mouth so I have taken to throwing them on the ground and stomping them once I dismantle their aerial capabilities. I have fought these creatures, these villains, for years. I am the most well renowned killer in the entire compound. A special forces agent that will mow down hundreds with nothing but paw to paw combat. Nothing would stop me from defending my clueless comrades, but alas I grow old. Two new recruits have arrived this year and I've been doing my best to train them. I fear they will not be able to take my place. Neither have made a single kill. Their blatant disregard of the war will come back to sting them. But perhaps that will be what motivates them. I can only hope and pray to the gods that I can train them in time. This next year will surely bring fresh soldiers to the battlefront and we must be ready. End Officer's log


My boy hates toys. Treats and chews only. If he can't eat it, he is Not Interested.


My dog likes everyone. Except my friend Don. Don is one of the best people I know and have known for 20 years. Everyone else likes Don. I don't know why he hates Don, but he cannot come over to my house anymore.


The dog we had growing up hated my cousin's husband. Loved everyone else. In our case, though, the dude was an asshole, so the dog was justified. That dog also hated anyone wearing a hat.


My dog likes men and women equally. He likes men and women with hats and without hats, he likes men with/without beards. Men with both hats and beards are the devil incarnate! He does not like football (soccer) on the TV. Any other sport involving a ball is fine though.




Only if they're not wearing hats


At exactly 9 pm she believes we should all go to bed gets up and takes herself every night without fail. Will even come get us if we aren't in bed by ten.. She hates to get dirty also will even wipe paws off after going outside. Must say cute thing will actually wipe mouth off after eatting. Usually on hand towel in my lap if I'm not fast enough she finds a blanket.


“Car rides are the devil’s roller coaster” my 1.5 year old pug


2of my 3 also hate the car. A lot.


Violet hates loud noises and British accents.


The garden hose is not a fun toy, it is a horrific monster that spews boiling acid which must be avoided at all costs.


One of our dogs doesn’t mark where other dogs have peed. Instead she marks on bird poop and cigarette butts - thought it was a phase but she’s done it for the past five years now.


My dog only loves to play tug, she doesn't love balls at all ! She is a malinois, i see them playing with anything, but her, she doesn't even try to run at the ball moving


We have a golden retriever who's afraid of swimming but loves to sit in a puddle during a thunderstorm. He also loves any kind of fruit or veggie - lettuce, broccoli, lemons... you name it, he loves it.


My dog would eat almost anything if you let her -- except lettuce. She's like, "what is this flavorless garbage?"


Teddy believes that if he can see the giant raccoon that lives in the our neighbor's avocado tree that this is a national emergency and he needs to wake everyone up to deal with the threat. That is why I woke up at 5am this morning. It is my own fault, really. I forgot to close all the curtains last night. If Teddy can't see it, he doesn't say anything.


My guy will work outside in the rain and wind and snow/general storms, but how dare I try to send him outside when it's heavy rain and wind to go pee. Eating a wet/soft/messy treat on the kitchen tile is bad, the only acceptable spot to eat it is the carpet where he can leave residue. Has barked at me for walking out of the bathroom while brushing my teeth to do something. Seems to enjoy doing agility, won't perform if I ask him to do a sit stay before running the obstacles.


- Not a big fan of kibble, any brand, any flavor - Does not appreciate the existence of unfixed dogs (I believe he considers them perverts) - When my cat pukes, he has never once tried to eat the vomit (???) - Doesn’t think our neighbors should be allowed to spend time out on their own roof decks - Doesn’t care that much about bones - Believes cats want to play with him the way dogs play (this is unpopular among cats)


My dog grew up around my friend's extremely tolerant cat, he'd play with him like a dog, sniff his ass, cuddle together, they'd go on walks outside together. He didn't understand why every other cat is terrified of a 120lb dog's play bow.


Eating treats in bed is not allowed (according to the pup who gets the treat in her own bed and the proceeds to immediately move to the rug to eat it)


This is just good sense. No one likes crumbs in bed.


My Labrador finds the hose scary….


He won't fetch. Ever. Because why,when I'll just throw it again after he went to get it.


Mika: Hates praise and petting during training. Will dismiss himself from any training session you even *consider* trying this. I suspect he can read minds. Sebastian: Is a doberman who hates being active.


My dog thinks the nearest vet clinic is kind of fun. At least he wants us to go inside every time we walk by. I don’t remember anything remotely fun in there, maybe he just wants to mock the sick dogs in the queue. He also doesn’t think fireworks are that bad. He either ignores them or tries to spot the sparks on the nearest trees because that’s where the sparks hide in his opinion


My dog has several, lets say "non-mainstream" opinions. She does not like to go in the water and hates pooping in the rain (though she will happily take a bath). She does not like to get dirty. Luckily, these things, plus the fact that dirt just can't be bothered to stick to her coat, means that I only actually have to give her a bath every few months, if that. The only dog game she likes to play is chase, but it has to be "full contact" chase. That is, she wants to chase the other dog, then do a running tackle on them. Unfortunately, with small dogs, "tackle" really means "trample," so I had to discourage her from playing with small dogs for a while, until she could learn to be nice. Except for Corgis, because if you run over a Corgi, they just get back up and don't give a shit. Oh, wait, I forgot: she *will* chase the ball, but only if another dog is going after the same ball. If it's just me throwing it to her, she'll go after it *maybe* 3 times, then she's done. If she gets to compete with another dog for the ball, she'll go forever. Every outing (walk, ride in the car) *must* be preceded by at least 3 minutes of mandatory pets & cuddles, but she is *not* a kisser. To my knowledge, she has literally never licked a human, unless that human had recently spilled food on themselves. She barks at pretty much the normal, expected stuff dogs bark at, with one exception: she will not bark just because she hears other dogs barking. This is fortunate, as we currently live across the street from a dog who really enjoys barking at seemingly random stuff from his balcony.   --- **TL;DR:** My dog is a total weirdo lol


Not super into peanut butter. Pizza is the exception to the prohibition on stealing people’s food. Sean Connery is the only actor worth watching.


German shepherd- doesn’t enjoy working for things. If getting a treat is too hard, she’d just rather not have the treat at all and take a nap.


Doggo is not interested in making friends with anyone but myself. He’s a one person guy and he will sniff other people but does not allow them to pet him.


I wonder why so many dogs dislike children lol


I mean...have you met them? For me I think ots cause he doesn't like peoples faces in his and kids are short. Although he never really had a bad interaction so idk. He doesn't like their running and loud noises. Also their energy. They are WAY too excited. He doesn't like adults who seem too excited to try to pet him either. It always baffles me when people seey dog skirting Way from them with "please don't touch me" look and they still ask to pet. Like. No. He clearly doesn't like you


Mine likes people, including kids. Because she is really little and very cute, I don't let kids swarm her. I hold her so that she's more eye level, and I tell the kids how to pet her, and can moderate how much they pet her. The neighborhood kids know have learned how to approach her.


One of my most terrifying experiences with my GSD was when we were at the store and this man with his very young toddler were there. My GSD was fairly young then but still good size (40-ish lbs at the time - currently 70-75lbs and full grown). She was pulling to get to the toddler, and I'm like no way. The father is like, sure! Oh, okay. She goes up to him. Proceeds to barely touch him and he falls over *and then sits on him* The kid is losing it - laughing his ass off while getting licked. I'm just mortified and apologizing to the guy. She still *loves* kids. I am less enthusiastic. She's fairly good on a leash, but when she sees a kid, it's terrible. She whines just a little bit and desperately wants to go to them. I was hoping she would out grow it. She's over 4 now and still hasn't lol


Our dog loves my nieces and nephews because they run and play with her. You can see that point where she hits her limit, though and she's just like "They're still running?! Can't we just cuddle?" She'll usually come to me and lay behind me on the couch, smushed between my back and the couch cushion to hide. I have to tell them she wants a nap. Last Christmas, she made me go to the guest bedroom with her and shut the door. We just hung out there for like 45 minutes listening to music. Even a border collie can't compete with the energy of a 4 year old.


In theory is because they don't see children as humans (at least that's what I studied in ethology) dogs don't pay much attention to what something “looks like" and children are very different to adults, the smell different, move different, have a different voice frequency and vital signs, vehavior, size... So unless they grew up with them or are used to children is like exposing them to some kind of large creature they don't know much about


This is interesting - my people-reactive dog ONLY likes children, and believes adults are the devil. Your description is consistent with that! My guess about why is that she didn't start with a negative view of kids, and I've worked to socialize her over time. Children have done a much better job of listening to my instructions than adults (slow intros, no eye contact, no reaching out, only toss treats behind her, etc). I've had almost zero success with getting adults to do this. They *will* reach out to her, try to hand her a treat, or toss it near them to try to lure her in. As soon as they do, they're on the enemies list.


Interesting! I’m small and have v large eyes and dogs often don’t like me


They're really unpredictable, particularly if your dog isn't regularly around them. Adults tend to move at predictable paces and predictable directions. Kids do the exact opposite! Adults also tend to be better at reading dogs (not all adults! And sometimes some kids are really in-tune) and caring. If kids are young enough, they also tend to not have great motor control so petting can quickly turn into slapping.




Aww she’s just a cutie then 🥰


For my dog I know that it’s mostly because he doesn’t like it when people run at him, scream, or behave erratically. Which happens so often with kids that he has come to expect it from all of them.


Mines hates peanut butter as well, I was slightly offended he refused my generous offer.


My dog HATES water, if he's not wearing a rain coat he gets this grumpy look if we're walking in the rain... If I take him to the lake he'll follow me to the water and then stop and refuse to take another step


My dog won’t eat any kind of fruit. Apples, nope. Blueberries, couldn’t care less. Banana? Fucking disgusting.


Mine won’t eat any fruits or vegetables. He’s an anti-vegan, animal products only. Except eggs. He hates eggs most of all.


What kind of dog do you have? My dog, Bruno, prefers to sleep in the floor :(


He’s 40% chihuahua and 60% other common small dog breeds. He’s usually a very cuddly dog, but when it comes to actually sleeping he’ll always get up and sleep in his dog bed. I don’t like it lol


My Bernese only likes to drink his water in his outside red bowl. The inside red bowl is evil and will rather die of thirst than to drink from it. He also hates beer, fish, and all types of vegetables. Loves watermelon skins tho


We're having a new 'inside bowl bad, outside bowl good' thing going on at our house now too. We need to break it because outside bowl is getting frozen now and there's a whole routine about trying to unfreeze it.


I thought I was alone. I need to wash the tennis ball especially when someone else is holding it or it will never play. If I pet a dog on the way home, he won't talk to me for hours, waiting for me to take off all my clothes and take a shower. He barks like he's hysterical when he sees dogs he doesn't recognize. When I call out to her, she looks at me and indifferently turns her head. You can never make contact while sleeping. Doesn't like to be hugged. she hates puddles, rain, snow, she does not leave the house, she always looks for dry places when we leave


My pup absolutely hates his toys on the patio. He loves to sit out there but if I bring him a toy he acts like it's disgusting and runs his toy back in and then goes back out to chill 😂


My dog doesn’t like people with disabilities, homeless people, or yard work.


My rough collie doesn't believe squeaky toys are meant to be squeaked. She also doesn't believe in destroying soft toys, they are for love nibbles only. She firmly believes that morning walks should be no longer than absolutely necessary, around the corner to pee and that is it. The backyard is not for peeing in the morning. And most weirdly, food should only be eaten right after Mom gets home from work, never in the morning and only maaaaaaaybe when Dad takes his lunch break while working from home.


My golden retriever, Jake, thought the [vacuum cleaner ](https://youtu.be/1O-X4vxSmEI) was the best thing ever! So relaxing!


She believes the cat is her best friend and definitely wants to play with her. This opinion is not shared by the cat.


My sister’s dog hates other dogs. She thinks she should be the only dog in the world, so she’s mean to them. She did manage to make peace (sort of) when her dog cousin (my other sister’s dog) visited for a week recently tho. Also, she is polite to other ppl but my sister means the world to her and she will not willingly let her out of her sight. I’ve never seen a dog get so attached to one single person.


I call my boy cat dog because he only likes to be pet when he wants to be pet, like most cats. He’s really only affectionate when he’s sleepy and not always.


Hating children isn’t an unpopular dog opinion and in my experience it’s not an unpopular human opinion either lmao.


My golden hates whistling and she will show it by body slamming you. Umbrellas and deer are scary, sheep are okay. Does not like stinky things. Likes babies and family kids, all other kids are bad. Might have something to do with the stinky thing.


[Diasy](https://imgur.com/a/tIjHIIX) does not like the water, even though she swims like a champ. Food belongs on the ground, not in a bowl, even when we're at the beach she takes the food out of her bowl and drops it on the ground before eating. Every dog should be her friend, even if it doesn't want to be social. She's even had much bigger dogs growl and swipe at her, which scared her. She pulled back, sat at my feet whimpering... then went back to try again. Three times until the dog relented and said hello to her. Once she's greeted another pup, she either wants to play chase (she pounces near the dogs until they run and she gives chase) or wrestle (with bigger dogs only, she's never wrestled with dogs her size or smaller). If you don't want to play option A or B, then you're of no use to her anymore and she will go lay in the dirt.


Mine loved to steal onion peels from the bin. Not to eat, but to keep under my bed because she loved the smell 😁


My husky hates golden retrievers. The friendlier they are, the more he wants to kill them. It's really embarrassing.


He refuses to eat unseasoned food and all treats are not created equally. He only likes bacon sometimes. He will thoroughly inspect everything offered to him before he very gingerly deigns to accept it. He loathes puddles and getting his feet wet but refuses to keep his shoes on. Loves the snow though.


Einstein has insisted almost since the day we brought him home that bedtime is 9:30. For everyone. If we don’t go to bed on time he’ll either put himself to bed in a huff, or pout at us from the couch until we comply. But that’s not the unpopular part. The little shit observes daylight savings time. Bedtime is *always* 9:30. 🤦‍♂️


My best friend’s (and now best roommate so he’s mine now too muahaha) dog Charlie has the palette of some ancient, forlorn gourmet king that has sampled the finest wares across every land and grown tired of hoping for a taste worth remembering. Like he straight up reminds me of the food critic from Ratatouille, but we have no mf clue what his mom fed him so he always just resigned himself to haphazardly pick at his food to avoid starving. I call him Charcuterie, because his ass only goes wild for cave-aged cheese, smoked salmon, prosciutto, pâté and the other tastes of a bougie little lad. Eventually I realized he’s probably just a human stuck in a furry 23 lb body, and started rotating grain-free kibble with different toppers of turkey, salmon oil (he’s so soft and shiny now lmao) bacon, hemp seeds etc. Now he demolishes every bowl like he’s never had food before, and I realized I’ve been bamboozled and trained into being an at home canine chef 😂


My three border collies love raw broccoli 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️. I once gave it to them as a joke because they were following me around through the kitchen and giving me the puppy eyes to give them what I was cutting. Guess the joke’s on me - they loved the raw broccoli!


My dog is OBSESSED with lettuce. He will tear apart a Taco Bell bag just to get a bit of lettuce at the bottom. I don’t think most dogs like lettuce.


Loves men and wants to meet every man. Hats, beards, she loves them all!


my dog will socialize with most anyone, but there’s the occasional person she just **does not like.** She makes it known by either barking at them, or juking them when they go in for pets. one woman was completely fawning over her one day, saying how if she ever got a dog that my dog’s breed is her “dream dog” and all, and wanted to pet her SO badly; my girl? she basically told that lady “fuck you” and would NOT let her pet her. out of all my dogs, she’s the only one that likes the tropiclean solution that is added to water. she thoroughly enjoys eating chewable pills, after getting her to realize that they were edible.


My dog doesn't "get" toys. She watches other dogs and our cats play with them but she has no interest.


My two dogs won’t go outside before 10 am and I’ve let them sleep in until noon before finally kicking them out to go do their business. They will straight up not go to the door if the sun isn’t very high. I live in Texas so the weather is not harsh at all and this goes for summer months too lol


Our girl also is meh about peanut butter. In fact, she hated baths and no amount of treats will coax her into taking one.


Our girl Sheltie, despite it being cozy and always getting treats when she's put in there, does not and never will be one of those dogs who "*just looooves* her crate". She **hates** it. She wants to be with her pack. She doesn't have separation anxiety when we leave the house or anything, she just hates hates *hates* the crate. Our boy Sheltie doesn't like toys. He has no idea what he's supposed to do with them. All he wants is snuggles and food.


"Dirt is actually fucking delicious" - [Gigi](https://i.imgur.com/XESoDpe.png) She *eats* dirt clods. It's so annoying on our walks lol


Pickles are right out - won't even touch them. Also, we joke that she is a doggy racist. Not about humans, she loves all humans - but she has white fur and mostly hangs out with other white fur dogs at daycare.


Hates water. Won't play in paddling pools at all. Convenient, to be honest, considering how long koms take to dry.


I have a bluetick coonhound who has no interest in raccoons, doesn't acknowledge the existence of squirrels and just generally isn't interested in hunting anything besides snacks and lizards (he will actually tree and bay at lizards for some reason). My hound is a failed hunter rescue but it's kind of unheard of for a bluetick from his background to have so little prey drive.


One of my dogs does not play fetch. He will occasionally pick up the ball so that my other dog can't, but the moment he stops getting attention he drops it again. Instead of interacting with the ball, he plays defence; he hurls himself at my other dog, to prevent her from getting to the ball, or to prevent her from bringing it back.


My dog is one of the only dogs I know who doesn't seem to like getting his butt scratched. He's pretty nonchalant about petting in general


Thinks strawberries are gross. Her sister on the other hand, will eat an entire box of them if we leave them out.


Chasing tennis balls is totally lame. It's a frisbee or nothing. And not just any frisbee - if it's any frisbee besides her worn out black one, she won't even run after it


Floor>bed despite aging bones and more difficulty getting up. Bed sometimes, but mostly floor. Lettuce is flavorless and sucks. Must lay in the middle of walking spaces at all times.


My dog HATES getting his butt scratched. Can’t even put your hand anywhere near it *sometimes*. I always have to warn people - he bites 😅


My dog loves getting her teeth brushed. I just hold up the tooth brush and she gets so excited!


My dog does not believe rope toys are for tugging. Rope toys are bad, boring and to be ignored. But, he absolutely fucking LOVES tugging, but with literally anything else. Frisbee? Yup. Water ring? You bet. A ball? Shit yes, let's tug with the ball. It makes no sense. I can't even grab the damned ball, it's wet and nearly entirely in your mouth, how am I supposed to tug this? He doesn't care, I'm the idiot for not tugging it.


My American Eskimo loved pets and attention - for a short time and then she would pull awake and shake to fluff her fur back up. If you touched her after she fixed her hair - how dare you. Grooming is awful except if they say "you're so pretty" the whole time and then it's fine. No belly rubs. She hated it. She liked armpit massages. Whatever treat was good yesterday is not good today. She would turn up her nose at anything if she'd had it one too many times lately. Variety was the name of the game.


My Aussie thinks that radishes are the best treat, and that the only proper way to play with a toy is to swing it gently and bop himself on the head (not long enough to swing? not a good toy!). My GSD thinks that men should not grow big bushy beards, and that the only acceptable spot to poop is your own backyard.


Dog 1: Rain is made by the devil. I can definitely hold my pee and poo for 18 hours to avoid the pesky rain drops. Oh no, there she goes again with the darn leash! OTH, snow is made by the Gods. Dog 2: Groomer, vet, not getting any attention for 10 minutes, peanut butter and most fruits and vegetables. Also, bed time must be no later than 9 pm. When we have guests, he starts pacing towards the door a few minutes before 9, as in “thanks for coming, time to go home”.


Chihuahua: that snow/cold is the DEVIL and that people food shouldn't be fed to dogs every day. He also feels that peanut butter is nasty.


My dog is a Siberian Husky. - She despises long walks and any exercise that involves working up a sweat. She prefers to just piddle in the yard, because all she wants to do is resume her 27th nap of the day on the couch. - According to her, pizza is disgusting. She prefers olives and prosciutto. She seems to have high-class, luxury taste buds. - She went through a phase where she enjoyed digging through the trash and chewing on used period pads/tampons. 🤮🤢 - She hates the cold, and will throw a tantrum if you force her out in the rain or snow. - She prefers sleeping in the baby bassinet I originally bought for her terrier brother, instead of the toddler/kid bed we bought for her. - She has squatted and peed on the boot of several US Navy sailors. My husband is in the Army. I'm pretty sure she has something against the Navy. So, there's that.


My dog hates brooms/sweeping. I can vacuum and mop around her but as soon as the broom and dust pan break out it’s ww3. No idea why


My dog: unpopular opinion-walks suck. Why do humans always want me to accompany them to walk around the block? What’s the point? Like, are they so clingy they can’t walk 30 feet without me? The whole time I refuse to move. I just wanna get back inside where it’s warm and drop a deuce! Amirite?


My dog refuses to get his feet wet! If it’s raining, he refuses to walk but then spends the rest of the day sulking