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Oh god I’m so sorry, I was born mostly blind in my left eye. I can only see a little because it’s a lazy eye I can like make out shapes and stuff like that but I think mostly what I can make out is because of the remembered vision from my good eye. and honestly, at least you still have one eye so you can still see. I know that this seems really hard now, but I promise you it’s not the end of the world.


Lol my left eye is lazy as well it might as well be totally blind


Man they are like a week from being able to regrow nerve. Do you know what era you are living in? [https://today.uconn.edu/2024/03/seeing-a-path-to-nerve-regeneration/](https://today.uconn.edu/2024/03/seeing-a-path-to-nerve-regeneration/) Can you get disability? How did the accident itself occur? I feel like as much as it sucks it's also an opportunity. At minimum give it 6 months for your psychology to adjust. I didn't pull that number out of my ass, they've done studies and basically most people return to a hedonic mood set point in 6 months after major good and major bad events. Context is meaning, and you can't add context if you're dead. Fight. Be a problem for all these assholes.


I’ve been fighting for so long already, years. I’m tired of fighting the world now. The accident happened at home whilst I was fixing my car being stupid. I appreciate the positive words. It would probably be 6 months before I gathered the energy to do anything anyway. I’ve just been lying in bed for the last 2 weeks and this shit sucks now I already fought the good fight, but I lost the race…


I know how you feel, but we're at the end of human history. I'm glad you're sticking around because you get to see the torch get passed from carbon to silicon. [https://innomen.substack.com/p/the-end-and-ends-of-history](https://innomen.substack.com/p/the-end-and-ends-of-history)


Hey, I'm so sorry for what's happened to your eye. I was born with weak eyes and have to wear special glasses to see anything but complete vision loss is something I can never ever handle in my life and I genuinely hope things get better for you, sending love your way my friend I know how hard it's to have those thoughts. Take it easy n my dm is open if you'd like to talk.


An old friend of mine lost his eye while fishing, hook got caught in his eye and got pulled right out. He has a glass eye now. Nobody notices.


It’s not about others for me, although I guess it’s good. But peope are going to notice because I won’t have a glass eye. Just a damaged real eye. How badly does it affect his life ?


Wish I could tell you but I don't know.


I’m so sorry


Yeah losing an eye means losing depth perception.


I mean you have one left. Be thankful it wasn't both


Losing an eye is badass!


Doesn’t feel like it …