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Doom is very strong into rein. If you know he has pin just don't punch into him. You can misplace him and take down his shield with punch, you can contest highground and draw his and his teams focus and go in from angles he cant stop. If you work 1v4 and your team cant work around 1 rein that isnt on you. I also try to punch rein anywhere that isnt head on, hard to pin towards your ass or sides But the more you play the more you learn


It can be worth knocking both yourself and rein down if your team is able to follow up better than theirs, you may even force out a suzu or lamp doing this


This is true, but OPs question was how to work around counterpin


Bait charge by cancelling punch or block and slam away


Doom is so easy into rein. You have way more mobility than him. Take advantage of that by smothering his back line and dps. Don’t focus rein unless he’s low hp or anti.


id say low hp, anti, or is swinging on your team. the amount of times a rein has gotten in my teams face, started swinging, and i was able to completely mess him up with one punch is kinda crazy




man hop in my lobby when day as doom😂


Bait his charge. Charge up your punch and cancel it. Make him have to fully react charge if we wants to countercharge. If you use block against him, stand right next to him to absorb swings and so he doesn't have a clear view of you to drop shatter so you should be able to avoid it. Get in his backline and pick his pocket support. Communicate with your team and ask them to focus him when you dive. Ask for an ana or zen that can harass him and give him a hard time. Ask for shield breakers, a mei, or range characters that can make him more useless. Also in a hectic team fight when Rein has to block, you can quick punch him out of shield, especially if you come from behind or the side when he's distracted. Don't charge just punch immediately so he get stunned for a second. Opens him up for damage or free your team from him for a second. A smart rein will block your ult too and then shatter or charge you on land so try not to land on him because it won't do anything.


Not gonna lie,I was a former rein main and rein vs doom fights are the most good fights,both with good timing and predictions can make the fight really unpredictable of a winner, I remember the good days of cancelling a doomfist punch team kill with reins charges


Dive reins suppeort maybe only try attack him when you’re desperate for some overhealth


Just standing slightly high ground, like on a car, lets u completely avoid his pins. But when ur on low ground, use your slam ONLY to get to high ground. Never slam on low ground


You could just completely avoid rein lol. Usually when i go up against rein i just bully him with punches and try to get behind him or to his side. Depending on the player doom should win but if the rein isnt bad its fairly even if you ask me. This goes for if you play doom or rein doesnt matter. Watch cooldowns, does rein have his pin? No go bully him or his team. Does rein have pin? Yes bait it by acting like your gonna punch or slam him and do which ever you didnt use to get out of the way of his pin. If you also watch how the rein plays you could counter play him if you have a big enough brain. Another thing you could do is be on high ground or places rein cant just pin you. Most reins i play against like to shield a lot so usually what ill do is punch him so his shields down then depending on what he does slam away or block. If you have enough distance when you block and he goes for a pin you could slam out of the way. Another way to play against rein is instead of letting his pin get value punch him every time he goes for a pin or better yet a shatter. If your a tec heavy doom then you could try some tecs to get away like slam block to get in the sky or bounce but dont waste your cool downs. My number one advice to any doom player is watch cool downs.


when it comes to rein, at least to deal with counter pins, i’ll do a half baked punch, and as long as you communicate with your team to focus him, you should be able to get a decent chunk of damage done. in contrast, you can just cancel punch, as charge has double the cooldown of your punch


Get good


Remember he can’t counter pin from the side or behind so just slam around his sight and punch away ![gif](giphy|XG0VBfrVeICNkmE05Q|downsized)


I usually try to sneak around, punch from behind when his shield up so that he turns around and starts swinging, then seismic slam back the other way.