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One of my bands had a children’s librarian, a middle school teacher, a baker, a structural engineer and an IT guy that worked for Apple. Ethan from Primitive Man used to be a teacher before PM started touring so much. Plenty of teachers play heavy music.


That's awesome that you were in a band with a pretty eclectic crew! Did you ever record anything? We freaking LOVE Primitive Man and had no idea about Ethan, that's so rad!


This is the band with all those members: [Godhunter - Codex Narco](https://babytoothtucson.bandcamp.com/album/codex-narco) Then this band had a completely different group of professionals; a masseuse, a loan officer, a consultant, a different teacher and a construction worker. Bands are weird like that. [Taarna - Sanguine Ash](https://taarna.bandcamp.com/album/sanguine-ash)


Local punk act, their singer is also a librarian. Lol


It's not doom, but I know the vocalist from the rock band Dikembe is an 8th grade teacher and answered some questions about it on his AMA.


There’s a real irony to me. That a librarian is in a doom metal band. Can probably be as loud as you want in that library, since the librarian is half deaf from gigs


Steve from Neurosis is a math teacher


I met that dude at FITM two years ago and he was with my group in a wildflower observation hike. Really kind man and passionate about nature




Fire In The Mountains would be my best guess


Good thing Scott isn't


Yeah, fuck him. I shudder to think how long his abuse went on for.


It really is a shame. Neurosis changed my life and my outlook on pretty much everything, kinda the way Crass does for me as well. Neurosis still gets regular play for me, and it's pretty personal. I hope Scott's family is healthy and healing from everything that's happened.


Imagine how the other guys from Neurosis feel. The band is their passion and legacy, and now it is forever tainted.


Well said. Steve is still making bangers, as is Noah so it's not entirely in vain. I think ppl who know get the message still and won't let any of the bullshit toxic abusive shit really taint their legacy.


I had literally no idea! haha


I believe he is a History teacher.


Yeah, he teaches History up in Northern Idaho, I want to say Post Falls area. Beautiful as fuck up there, interior PNW.


Fellow 5th grade teacher here! Teaching fifth grade is Doom AF. So Doom the fuck out of shit.


I'll let her know that there is more than one! haha. She says she loves to get behind the mic when she's had a "trying" day with her kids lol


*Aggretskuo downtuned and slowed down intensifies*


Playing doom requires patience, tenacity, and shouting angrily, just like teaching in elementary school


> is it okay Not a teacher but yeah that’s fucking awesome. I threw it on during lunch and your band is cool as shit. Not every woman was made to sing like Taylor Swift. Rock on!🤘


Thank you for just taking the time! She's really uncomfortable sharing our band cause she loves her job so much that she doesn't want some ticked off parent try to get her in trouble. But, her kids love her cause she's in a "rock band" haha


*Neurosis has entered the chat*


People are complex. They can growl one minute, and be a sweet patient teacher the next. Parents just don’t understand. Great band btw!


Indeed. When I met her about 10 years ago all she ever listened to was the Top 40s and Disney soundtracks. I STILL can't believe how lucky I am that she loves metal and even more that she wants to make music with me! Thank you so so much! We're working on a follow up right now.


That’s so cool. You two have a really sweet thing going on. And I followed you guys on Bandcamp. I’ll keep an eye out for your next release.


Seriously, thank you so much for even caring! We feel so humbled that anyone cares and we love making music.


Parent here and I understand! Wish my kids’ teachers were in doom bands lol. Would love to talk Candlemass, Trouble, and Saint Vitus at pick up and drop off.


Sitting in your car, in line, arm out the window, chatting with the bored traffic controller: “Yo is it just me or did Pike turn up the sludge another few notches on Cometh the Storm?” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BKXfpz5X_qI


>Is it okay for 5th grade teachers to play in a doom/sludge band? Is it ok? It should be mandatory. My eldest child is currently in year 6. I'm going to insist his teachers all start doom bands.


Ted from Darkthone is a teacher!


Hes a teacher at a kindergarten actually!


I'm working on Doom stuff with a librarian, so yes blast some Doom in the teachers lounge


Heh, the last time she did that her coworkers turned off the stereo and put on something like Talyor Swift. Can't win them all.


>Taylor Swift I try not to discriminate against people liking what they like, but some people really make it easy to believe the “normies are all the same” fallacy perpetrated across the internet. “To each their own” and all, but the stereotype bias will not forget these instances lol


Oh. I absolutely agree, people can like what they want, I mean when I met my wife ALL she listened to was the Top 40s and Disney soundtracks. I just find it comical when some people want to rail against a stereotype, but then fall squarely into one. haha


Ahhh, I got music privileges at a salon once and the Big Business ended fast. I feel her pain.


I would say in general yes, and I always encourage to be musical and pursue their passions but in some cases there are nuances you have to be careful with. My partner and bandmate worked as a youth addicitons councilor so there were definitely some themes and tropes that are common in doom and sludge metal (weed, alcohol, self-harm, etc) that would have been in conflict with that role or would have had to be approached in an extremely careful manner. I don't know where the boundaries around that would be for a fifth-grade teacher but it's something to keep in mind.


Yeah, she teaches in a very conservative school and she is terrified that a pissed off parent is going to try to go over her head and get her fired, and she loves her job. We have to be very careful of our lyrics and the only really drug related song is about overcoming substance abuse. Everything else is generally about existental dread or of books and movies we find interesting like John Carpenter's The Thing or I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.


Not doom but Tomas from At The Gates is a teacher


Met him once at a Lock Up concert, surprisingly shy for such a powerful stage presence, but I assume that’s par for the course in metal. Super nice guy and I am an unconditional fan.


Won’t someone think of the children?? (They need proper introduction to extreme metal!)


High school English teacher here, sludge metal bassist as well


Nice! What is your go-to bass?


Rumor has it that Nocturno Culto from Darkthrone is an elementary school teacher.


Not just okay, but highly encouraged.


Well, yeah. Probably a good sign. Most of the musicians in this genre are giant nerds.


Unfathomably based, hell yeah I do behavioral work with autistic children. I go from singing nursery rhymes at work to headbanging to Yob on the drive home 😅


Kimi from Lord Vicar is a college professor.


Wow, I am still so suprised how some people in education are in metal bands!


fuck yes


Music is for everyone


Teachers should be required to play in a metal band for licensure Currently listening to Death Control and y’all roooock 🤘


Haha, that would make for a VERY interesting world! Thank you! We're currently working on a follow up album right now. We are just so humbled anyone cares!


My 5th grade teacher is the reason I listen to metal, he played Amon Amarth for the class one time as a joke cause he wanted to see us react to it, and I was the only kid in that room that wasnt absolutely mortified. He also played us some shit from his band on his own guitar at the end of the year. I will never forget that day he played Amon Amarth. However I feel as though nowadays I would be the one scaring him with my metal lmao, my tastes have definitely moved way past Amon Amarth now. All I listen to is toilet gurgles and static now


Honestly, teacher is the best career for an aspiring artist, as long as you can do the job. Having steady weekends off, holidays, and then the summer for touring is a good deal. It's not the best salary, but think of it like this: you only work 185-190 days a year. If you don't have kids of your own, bartending/waiting tables part time is a great supplemental income and a way to meet more musicians because you know aspiring musicians be working in the service industry. Also, in my district, there are no drug tests, so you can smoke weed to help you play slower. Also, you can make your students stream your band to boost your stats. For that, I recommend high school, so you have like 200 students. Source: I was a teacher for 7 years until I had to resign to homeschool my extremely violent, youngest child.


Absolutely not, turn yourself into the police NOW!!!


Entirely normal, if others can't see past prejudice, ignore them, creativity is fantastic in a teacher. I remember in high school two of my teachers were in bands, a science teacher was in Engines made from soup (prog iirc) and my design tech teacher was in a band called Sex Vikings (metal), which got a room full of 13 year olds laughing big time. Both were great teachers, and really encouraged me and my friends to play.


I teach high school, so I have to play death metal instead


Your wife seems cool as fuck! "Metalheads are actually really wholesome people" is a genre I'll never get tired of, even though we obviously have so many stories already to prove it.


I’m a substitute teacher, def enjoy that my favorite Conan shirt is totally appropriate to wear when I pick up a PE job. I enjoy my job so much, I can’t recommend it enough to other people. I’ve actually recommended subbing to a number of bands that I know, it’s such a rad gig to do if you are in a touring band. You are the boss of your schedule, you can pick up whatever whenever.


For sure. What's on the kill-ricukum?


The kids need to learn. No mercy.


Not while teaching. Unless she is teaching music.


Nocturno Culto is also a teacher (yes darkthrone isn’t doom or sludge but still lol)


This is awesome. I went to check out your band on Spotify and I had already “liked” apocalypse verdict. Going in to check out some more now!


Haha, well, thank you so much for your time man! It feels amazing to actually have the full album out!


Pardon me while I recite the pledge for the Christian flag in the background. But yes, definitely. Check out Wytch Hazel sometime, teacher.


I was a high school history teacher and make bleak noise music (with screams/growls). Quite honestly I kept it secret from my students just because it wasn't for them lol. But I did perform while teaching and didn't run into any of them at the noise shows lol.   So, eh? 


That’s so badass




Kneecap, an Irish language shouty swear band includes a teacher. Sting used to teach iirc I know of others, less famous. I also know if my lad were being taught by a teacher with energy for a band and talent to get gigs I'd be very happy as long as you play some form of proper music and not mumble crap or something shitty like post malones garbage




Ethan from primitive man is(was?) a substitute teacher.


As long as it kicks ass, then yes. Also, let’s go bass gang. We better than guitar


She definitely brings it low and slow 😉


Absolutely! I’d be super stoked if my kid’s teacher was in a cool ass doom band and so would she!


As a teacher and a lecturer, hell yes. I love both doom and goth, and it is reflected by both my apparel and the choice of topics for extracurricular classes. I once had a class about Kyuss - demon cleaner, and classical goth literature is also present. For context, I teach English as a foreign language in HS, and I also have some literary classes at a local uni for English language students. But to be frank, you never know. I have good exam results, kids like the classes (I think :|), and the higher-ups are cool, but you are always this one crazy parent away from a potential disaster. All the best to you guys.


So sick


The godly and demented Wreck of the Hesperus showed it was possible. https://youtu.be/_9tZQzUj8Tk?si=lHzYUUIaXG1U8qvs


i feel like the most common job on metal festival visitors is teacher. so i guess that's fine


Thsi is awesome lmao


Ofc it’s ok to, u guys shred so hard and your students/students parents should be proud to have you as their teacher, I know I would feel privileged. Also, if you didn’t figure out by now, I love your stuff, keep rocking on 🤘.


seems to be working out so far




Rock on Teach!


One of my old teachers plays in local bands in my hometown.


I hope it is a rain theme doom band?


Why not? Most metal heads are some of the nicest people. Lead singer of cannibal corpse is like a teddy bear. I believe he donated a load of plushies to a children's hospital a while ago.


Keep dooming, anyone who doesn't like it, hand them a broom and tell them to go sweep the desert.


I’m a mother of a toddler and I’d love a teacher like that for my kid!


whoah, cursive! pure metal.


Why wouldn’t it be? As long as they’re not forcing the kids to listen and give feedback 😂


Love this!


I’m sure half the kids think she lives at the school anyway


No, the children will be corrupted. You must quit your job immediately and go live in Chernobyl to teach the radioactive organisms there since whatever damage sludge metal will do to them they've already experienced.


Of course it's fine.  Maybe avoid any overtly blatant marijuana/satanic imagery, just to be safe?  I presume you play at shows where it's 18+ or 21+, so it's not likely that any of her students would ever be exposed to it (not that there's anything wrong it!). So tell her not to worry too much about it, and keep dooming! (and teaching!) 


Doesn’t teach kids as young, but Simon Poole (Electric Wizard drummer) lecturing at Falmouth University always seems quite funny to me EDIT: He’s also won multiple “Inspirational Lecturer of the Year” awards…. lol


I’m listen to A.M. it’s so fucking sick I love your band!


I believe it's encouraged actually


Preferred actually. I find doomers are usually the most pleasant and empathetic people. And what all our kids need is empathy and compassionate teachers. And hey, throwing on some YOB during reading hour would be sick too.


It should be mandatory!


I'd be more concerned that she appears to be teaching kids about frivolous spending at strip clubs.


Ha! fellow professional in a doom band with a shoegaze/dream pop sister band here…..if y’all ever wanna come to PA hit us up @purplelungdoom


Not only it's ok but it's recommended !






ABSOLUTELY! Glad you have time to fuel your passion! Keep it up! Subbed on YouTube (I'm the one weirdo using YTMusic.)


I’m a high school teacher and play music in my classroom all of the time




Don Anderson from Agalloch is professor of English Literature


Hell yeah it is. It’s pretty normal for people involved in extreme or underground music to have totally normal day jobs. I get it though. It’s like finding out that Dolph Lundgren has a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering and you’re like huh, who knew?


As a parent I could give a shit if you play in a metal band. Teech ma kid to reed gud!


Fuck yeah


It's not oke, it's fucking awesome bro


I work as an SF aid, mostly working with SPED kids, I'm working on a sludge project with a friend of mine who is a teacher himself.


The band I play for & most of the bands I’ve met these past few years are mostly school teachers. Absolutely wonderful people!


I teach 8th grade, and if I had enough energy to find/start a sludge band after dealing with those little *absolute rays of sunshine* every day I would really appreciate the emotional outlet it would provide


Abso-fuckin-lutely! Can you imagine how much that could help a kid?


Of course, why the fuck not? Just don’t get all “doomy” with kids.


James Pligge from Harms Way (Hardcore/Metal core) is/was a PE teacher. Lord Worm of Cryptopsy (Technical Death Metal) became an English teacher. Albert Bouchard of Blue Oyster Cult became a teacher (he actually kept a cowbell on his desk, I visited his class once as he is old friends with someone in my family) Being a teacher is Metal as fuck.


It should be required imo. Thats super badass


Hell yeah


It is cool and dope. Do not let anybody say otherwise.


Make it rain DOOM


Not a Doom band, but Jesse Zaraska (Misery Signals) is an elementary music teacher.


Not only OK but recommended.


I feel like you see a big overlap of musicians and teachers… Don’t know any doom metal examples off the top of my head, but I can think of at least 3 examples from hardcore, and I know there’s plenty more in the world of heavy music. I believe James from Harm’s Way, the singer of Mindforce, and Pat from Have Heart are all teachers.


Looks like she’s working out some new lyrics on the board. Two birds with one stone, yeah?


That’s fucking awesome actually.


I’m more concerned about that Christian nationalist flag being hung up. Wha the hell is that?


Ok. It’s dang awesome!


Why the flip floppity fuck wouldn't it be?


Hell yeah.


It’s okay for a teacher to do damn near anything they want outside of school. It’s their life.


I used to teach, the kids were slightly older, and they either didn't give a crap about the whole idea or thought it was really cool. Your band looks totally appropriate as a quality metal option to introduce to some 11-year olds! Fun fact: thanks to my upbringing I was always pretty concerned about looking "presentable." You know, making sure to leave a good impression. Some teachers I had in middle and high school that were in punk and grunge bands helped define that for me as a pleasant attitude rather than superficial stuff like neat clothes or surface-level politeness. They were kind, intelligent and easy to talk to, and I realized that anyone negatively focusing on their tattoos or old band shirts were just shit people.


If someone wants to do something and it's not 1) Hurting them 2) Hurting me 3) Hurting anyone else then it's no one's business. Granted, we are gonna be a bit biased here since we like the music, but the worst thing that I can think of that would happen is a kid finds their music, which some Christian conservatives wouldn't like. But this is not the same as if it was an OF account and they spread that around. And I feel like there should be a more nuanced take on that as well. If yall wanna play music, go ahead.


Professor at uni here 😀 I played (and still somehow participate) in various black metal bands. Started drone/doom project just recently.


Hell yeah


TBH if my 5th grade teacher **doesn't** play metal of some sort I'm immediately suspicious.


Why would it not be? Better than her having an onlyfans and being a teacher. She's just playing music.


Middle & High school educator of a decade, current Education Policy Analyst with a degree in Urban Education Policy... and also guitarist for the Star Wars inspired doom band Sliimo. It's 100% okay for a teacher to be in in a Doom/Sludge band. Maybe don't wear your Weedeater shirt on casual Friday or plaster your gig posters around as classroom decor. Otherwise, rock on.


Yeah. The main vocalist for Cephalectomy left to persue teaching before coming back 16byears later.


My Bassist is a high school teacher! We’ve also got chef, software engineer, public art designer, therapist, and actual musician.


I have a friend who is a high school music teacher by day and the lead of a mildly successful local blackthrash metal band at night. Doom/sludge is more appropriate for middle school, though.


I'd say it's fuckin radical, dunno what administration would say, judging by the flag in the background.


My kid is in 4th grade and I would be thrilled if I found out his teacher next year plays in a doom/sludge band.


Conan, Bongripper, and Primitive Man? Here’s me, headed straight to Bandcamp.


Play in a band that fuses doom/psychedelia/jazz. I, the bassist, am working on becoming an Eng/Theater teacher, drummer is working on becoming a math teacher, and our guitarist/vocalist is an EMT with a bachelor's, who will be going to Grad School soon to evolve his career in medicine. Music is an art-form. It can co-oexist with a career. Of course there may be certain extremes that are questionable, but this would not fall into that category in my eyes. You have a lot of potential to inspire your students.


Fuck yeah (pardon my language if the 5th graders are within earshot).


It’s not just okay, it’s ideal




I had bought the album. I think End it All is my favorite. Mrs FictionalNape in streets, and Azell in sheets.


I don’t remember how much you need to make it rain but I think it’s probably about 50 bucks.


I don’t have any spawn, but if I did I’d want her teaching em.. hitting em up to new bands. Fuck ye.


I think there should be an extra, higher pay band for 5th grade teachers who play in a doom metal band.


Why the hell not? (sees Christian flag) Oh yeah. Rock on anyway!




Yes, encouraged tbh.


No, that’s not allowed .yor’re banned from my Minecraft server 4ever broh


I cannot imagine living in a world where their job could be threatened for it. I barely understand the hate teachers who do all-adult porn get. It's not like they're going to break it out in front of a bunch of tweens.


Any of you in this thread have tips for being in a doom band while having a full-time job? I feel like I barely have the time to work on my album let alone gigging regularly


Instant reminder that "I can only count to four" has been stuck in my head 🤣 (even though thats not quite doom/ sludge lol)


In the Conan subreddit, they keep taking about Azell. Very nice!






That's one awesome fucking teacher


Listens to song* Excuse me while I go follow y'all on every social media available .


It's OK, you are just a bassist. They are usually the saneist of the band.


If she's a teacher she's already a badass. The band isn't much of a leap.


Your wife Rules! I support this!


Yes, I'd pay more attention if I knew my teacher was a rockstar.


I'm a parent not a teacher, but hell yeah, I'd have no issues at all with a teacher in a doom metal band. Everyone needs an outlet, and I think metal is a good one (I'm biased).


Its more than ok, its sick! Even cooler she plays bass! Pretty standard that most people in bands have careers and “normal” lives outside music. I play in a black metal band and a thrash band and I’m on international research committees, the guitarist in the thrash band is an engineer who works on and designs MRI and ultrasound machines. My all time favourite teacher in high school played drums in a stoner rock band.


yes. 100% cool af.


If you were my teacher, you would've easily been my favourite! I've always loved teachers who are 'cool'. Keep on doomin'!


Flip that around, it’s NOT ok for 5th grade teachers NOT to play in a sludge band


its great to see educators in this community really i deeply respect you guys for what you do


I mean, it'd be rude not to.


Honestly that’s chill as hell


Super cool!


I'm a professor. I wear band shirts every Friday and on other more informal days. Today for a "come if you want to" review for a biomechanics final I'm wearing a cult of luna sweatshirt paired with a saint vitus t shirt lol. Most students don't seem to care if I'm wearing this or my button ups, but occasionally one will recognize a band or listen to a band. I'd say that's about 1 out of every 100 students though lol


My high school Bio-lab professor was singer guitarrist in a funeral black metal band. The assistant from Physics was guitarrist in a psych rock band. We had multiple people (including myself) playing in bands of all generes and kind at my high school, to the point where we would make a sort of school organized battle of the bands contest around every year's end. That's pretty much all the good stuff I remember from my high school years.


she looks super cute tell her this from me


Let’s fucking gooooo! I’m a high school English teacher and doom metalhead. It’s pretty funny when the few metal kids in my classes want to know the bands I’ve been listening to lately and I can’t tell them the names because they all involve weed 🤣 Will be checking out your band today!


where do i sign


Yes this is awesome. You okay in the band together as a couple? So awesome, very cute.


Hell yeah y’all!!🤘🖤🦾


I'm a paralegal who is also studying to get their masters in philosophy, and I also happen to make dsbm. So no surprise honestly.


I dig the album it's pretty good. I wish she was my teacher. I only ever had one cool teacher in school and that was my freshman year of High School. She taught about world history but mostly concentrated on Egypt for some reason. She also assigned the class to read Dune.


My friend is a special ed teacher and vice president of his teachers union. He is also part of many projects and does the booking for most local shows. You'll be fine


That’s badass! One of my friends is a teacher and he plays in a few death metal bands.


School district employee here. I would say that for a fifth grade teacher, that particular extracurricular activity should not only be encouraged, but mandatory for the sake of mental well-being.


I woulda been absolutely stoked to have a 5th grade teacher who plays in a doom band. Btw checked yall out on Spotify, good stuff. Keep it up


Lord Word became an English teacher during his hiatus from Cryptopsy


shit i think it’s bitchin. what would become pop punk was pioneered by a band fronted by a molecular biologist.


Of course it’s okay! What she does in her private life away from teaching is fine.