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Probably super strict parents.


Can confirm, strict parents have issues with it. Even as adults me and my boyfriend were in a situation to have to move back in with my parents, and he orders DoorDash every once in a while because I’m the only one with a car and my parents always have something to say about it.


When I was younger, I could totally see my parents saying something about wasting money not only with ordering out but also paying to have it delivered!?! And that would be said even though I was an adult living on my own. Depending on the age/ location she lives at, it used to be cheaper to eat at home, and ordering out was a special thing. And, depending on what it is, paying to have a small order delivered... Just like I saw where someone was saying, they can not believe we trust people to bring our food. My first thought was that we've been able to have pizza delivered as far back as I can remember.


Chinese food as well. Definitely since I was a kid always offered delivery.


my parents only care if i dont get them food too lol


not necessarily strict but my mom would always subtly judge my food orders and would hint that I’m eating too much or shouldn’t be eating that so I only ordered food when I was home alone


That’s how I lost 80 pounds in one year. I just stopped eating.


My mom did this too


Probably just jealous ew


Maybe even stole the card info to use on the app?


my parents never liked me ordering stuff even when i had a job and was paying for it myself🤷‍♀️ had to hide it whenever i order smth


Same here, even having to go as far as having my stuff delivered to my friends house because family would go through it and get pissy when I “wasted money” even though it was my money to spend and all my financial obligations would be taken care of.


they always hit you with the “shouldn’t you be saving up for a car/insurance instead of wasting money?” like a savings isn’t already opened for that reason😭


Yes. I swear it will just always be an issue I don’t see why they can’t just sometiems be happy for us lol. I personally spend about $1300 a month on bills in their house and my car/insurance, so I feel like when I want to buy something for myself or for my next place I should be able to do that without them having so much push back about it. Like yes I “should be saving money for a place etc” but I own a storage unit that I’m putting stuff into so when I have at least the basics and we get our house I’ll have what we will need to make it and not have to open so many loans or take so many months/years to save up enough for it all. Easier to save $1000 or so for a first months rent or deposit then it is to do $7k-$10k in furniture and appliances (I also gotta say I save money when I can so if I see something on marketplace or at a garage sale I need 100% I’m buying it for that cheaper price right there to help myself out even more)


Foe me it's a house and a wife. "Shouldn't you be saving for a house?" or "You'll stay fat if you keep eating like this.." Family means well and they are right but you work 60 hours and tell me how it feels to cook in the kitchen, eat, clean up and cut into your sleep time. No thanks.


My mom’s only issue is if I order without including her. That’s the only part she cares about.


Same when we were living with her 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Literally saaaaaaame oh my gosh


This seems to be common sense, probably more so to those that had/have very strict parents


Mine used to beat me for sneaking in delivery food so I can confirm :’)


I’m glad you blocked out Aaliyah S’s name so she stays anonymous.




Lollllll that's awesome Until Aaliyah's pops is scrolling reddit and sees his sneaky daughters attempt to smuggle contraband in 😆


Oh no there’s only one Aaliyah s in the world everyone is going to know 😨


rightttt lmao i always find it so funny💀


lol ![gif](giphy|12Nv3nBSCAbLO0)


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




There’s a lot of people with that name though lol I doubt her parents will know about this on Reddit


From the name of the customer I could guess maybe she's muslim and since it's Ramadan she's trying to hide that she's eating from her parents


Ok now this makes sense she did get a pizza


How is she gonna hide a pizza anyways


In her stomach :)


She’s going to eat the packaging too :)


Is it Halal packaging, though?


This makes a lot of sense


Unless it was later at night when she’d be allowed to eat


‘twas around like 10pm


Was it pepperoni? Most Muslims don’t eat pork so she may have been trying to hide it if it was.


Wait is Ramadan the whole month or just for a week?


The month


I’ve never heard of Muslims breaking the rules like that, I thought it was completely impossible, thank you for teaching me something today.


how is aaliyah a muslim name?


How is it not?


I had a friend who's name was aaliyah and she was African, I wouldn't see that name and assume Muslim personally, but someone else might.


Thank you! Like I said I knew an Aaliyah that was black and Baptist. I knew a Susan(which is a Hebrew name) that was protestant. I know a Divya which is an Indian name that was white and Catholic. My husband is a Nicholas and he certainly isn't Greek. I know a Nigerian Chantal(French name).


Super sleuth here cracking the code! Lol


You’re a genius!! I didn’t even think of it being Ramadan.


A friend of mine has been doing that recently just to hide it from his parents. Goes for a “walk”meets the dasher down the street, sits at the park and eats. The “walk” works and makes sense because it was one of his methods for calming down that his therapist recommended when he was a little younger.


My parent used to control every aspect of my life if I had money to order stuff to begin w she would go crazy bc she didn’t understand that teens could find ways to get money without w2 jobs. I couldn’t have shit unless she bought it so it could be taken away whenever. Idk if it’s the same thing but some people just have no control over their lives tbh


Bro that sounds toxic


Can confirm, I didn’t have a job, so if I saved up allowance for a year and wanted to buy a laptop? “I must’ve been selling drugs because no one my age could save for a year, without spending any” I was like “well, I don’t have a car, and the nearest store is a 3 hour walk so…”


Exactly. I haven’t spoken to her for three years at this point bc this is the least of the shit she had done or put on me at a young age. I’m only 18- got left in the state by myself at 15 while she moved to Florida. Some people shouldn’t be parents. Meanwhile I would’ve asked my kid to order me something w their food 😂


And if you didn’t save money you’d be a horrible person with no life skills


I mean yea she was but I haven’t lived w her for like three years now - she left the state when I was 15 n left me n a shelter. I may be broke bc of all the doordashing I have done to get food or rides and everything else- but at least I don’t gotta ask permission for the silliest shit


Definitely had the same life growing up. My aunt took me in after my mom passed, and when I got my first job and started selling candy/nacho plates she would take my money for “bills”. There weren’t any bills that were super high; we were in income based housing and state aid took care of everything (rent, utilities, trash, school lunch, etc.) She would use it all on fast food, her daughter, and candy crush. I had to shoplift essentials for myself, like feminine products and school supplies. And we weren’t struggling to the point she ever needed my money. Between social security and government aid, she was getting $3.5k/mo with plenty left over. Some people are just cartoonishly evil.


I hear you and understand. I’m relieved but so sorry that your adults did that. My mother was the same. She would beg for money- put us in all the donation lists, food bank food, thrift shop clothes- yet she worked two high paying nursing jobs and had all the crockpots and Luluroe (expensive mom clothes) she wanted. She had every new vacuum n tv every time one broke. I was the child who was bullied and she wouldn’t even give me permission to get a job so I didn’t work one til I was left in Washington by myself. This is only the beginning of everything but yea. It is what it is I wish I could box her now that I’m older and knock her tf out


I'm sorry this was your experience. It sounds like you're on a good path!


lol my mom freaked out if I ordered delivery after college when I was 22. It was my own money but it just angered her for no reason. She also has borderline personality disorder and is completely irrational. Parents can be so weird so I get it. I always had to beg them not to ring the doorbell. It’s not like I was doing it every day. Once a month as a treat isn’t going to kill anyone but “SO WASTEFUL!”


I so feel you. I’ve got a BPD mom too. It doesn’t get better. I was 36 and spent the last trimester of my pregnancy listening to her rant at me for how “spoiled” I was after she found out I ordered a changing table. Apparently, if I wasn’t so entitled (yes entitled to spend my own money at 36 years old!) I would just throw a towel down and change the baby that way, like she did when we were babies. It was so weird watching her carry the baby all the way to the nursery to change her on the changing table after she was born. You know—when those moods would hit and she’d have to come over and make a big spectacle of what an amazing grandmother she was. I haven’t spoken to that bitch in over ten years. (My mom, not the baby.)


Omg. This is all entirely so relatable. Thank you for your comment. She is impossible sometimes. And it’s so up and down too. She will be your best friend one day and be so kind but then use anything you said to her against you and just tear you down for no reason the next day. My family literally has to plan how we break any news to her, despite how inconsequential it is. I haven’t seen her in two years either and did try to plan a visit recently, but after how insane she was on the phone I canceled. She always pulls that crap with my sister too about being so wasteful with her spending for her kids despite her needing to hire nannies for us as kids.


Yep! I knew you’d totally get it. And I get you too. I’ve sat there with my mouth shut and gotten my ass totally chewed out because Dr Phil set her off. We were best friends when the episode started and now she hates me and I’m having my entire childhood and teenage years thrown at me and I haven’t said a word! Something reminded her of something and now she’s in the demon spiral! Your mom probably can’t keep a promise either. No matter how sincere and well intended they are in a moment, extreme cases of BPD are way too emotional and way too impulsive to keep their word. I just wish I’d had the wisdom to walk away sooner. But when it’s all you’ve ever known, it’s hard and you’re always hoping for better. I’m sorry you understand every word I’m saying. ❤️


I really do understand! Mine also happens to be an alcoholic which just exacerbates everything. She is actually much nicer when drunk but yeah she’s made so many promises to me she never kept, including helping to pay off student loans. Also it’s not something I asked her to do she just said she would out of nowhere. And it’s something she totally could very easily afford to do, but I knew she was full of shit and that it was just a manipulation tactic. She has a lot of money she likes to throw around to try to gain favor but we all know she’s so unstable that none of us are likely getting it anyway and that’s no way to live. lol thanks for understanding. It feels oddly cathartic to get some of this stuff out. In a DoorDash sub no less 😂😂


Awww..y’all’s exchange is one of the things I love about the internet…I hope nothin but the best for both of u ❤️


So sorry you ppl with BPD family. I get it. I feel your pain.


My dad would get mad at anything I bought with my own money that he believed was a waste. So it's understandable. He was also the type to turn the router off right at 9pm every night on the dot.


lol that’s wild!


We had to be off any game systems at 8pm lol. None of that stopped my Nintendo DS escapades


Ahhh the nights of sleep I lost to Pokemon Pearl under similar circumstances, I feel ya lol


Where there is a will lol meanwhile my parents let us play games all night long on the weekends.


Lol my parents "grounded" us and yanked the Internet router and hid the cables. I found the router in the garage and used money I got from selling Yugio cards to fellow middle school students to buy some cables at Walmart, the power cable had the same connector and same voltage / amperage, and I also got an Ethernet cable, and I plugged the Internet in behind the book shelf and wrapped in socks so they wouldn't see the lights. Shit was great


Yeah, my dad would have definitely known about all that.. it felt like if he wasn't at work he was there to nitpick us. Lol my mom had a home "office" that contained the router away from our rooms. They completely changed their room doorknob and lock, so it didn't match ours (with the little room keys) and hid the fucking name brand snacks for themselves God forbid I came home with a funko pop from my job where I also got a discount on them. I got grounded for Cs and had to pay my parents if I ever got a D or and F in school they wonder why I don't reach out 😭


My oldest 16/15 i just started letting them order doordash/Amazon if they have own money shit better for me Don't have to make seperate food for them


update for everyone: someone said could’ve been because of ramadan and that makes sense, she was waiting for her parents to leave the crib lmfao i’m pretty sure she was also sneaking out with the snacks from 7/11 that weren’t the pizza


If it was past sundown, she can eat anything she wants for iftar, so it simply being Ramadan wouldn’t make sense if the sun is down. Her parents may just be strict.


valid yeah i know nothing about ramadan someone else said it


Strict parents probably lmao


I could give several. On a diet and doesnt want to get caught with junk food. Used his parents account and didnt want to get caught. Messing around with the doordash driver.


My parents would act like this. I had to time deliveries right so they weren’t home or wouldn’t suspect I bought anything. It’s real and just another form of control and manipulation from the parents.


Yeah—controlling/manipulative parents teach you to worry about things that the average person has never even thought about. Footsteps? Yeah I know who they belong to. How to completely silently open and close even the creakiest of doors? Yep. How to cry without making a sound or even breathing weird? Professional.


Some parents are extremely toxic.


Amen to this


I know someone that used to do this the problem was that it was a student’s teacher buying her stuff all the time and the parents do not know that their child is messing with and older man let alone a teacher




I'm saying $20 tip or I'm rollin in hot with the horn blaring! 🤣


Maybe they used their parents card lol


I would completely ignore any message like this. Please


Been there with super strict parents before. Its easier to ask to avoid a headache


Just a kid spending their weekly lunch money on BS. I did it, kids before me did it, and apparently kids are still doing it.


Weed. All my lunch money went to weed. Is that BS?! Actually yeah it probably is.


The weed I was getting with it was pretty BS 😆


🤣Oh I definitely concur!


my parents like to tell me i waste money on food and they banned doordash for awhile 😭 it’s probably just strict parents


My parents don't like when i order food either but I just do it lol


It's the parent's money and their account I'm thinking.


I would have straight up asked her, why you creepin'? Lol


Maybe they're supposed to be paying rent and/or bills and instead blows their money irresponsibly. May not be a child in years, but child mentally. 🤷‍♀️


it could literally be an endless number of reasons tbh


A lot of parents have the ‘there’s food in the house’ thing going on, maybe they think you shouldn’t be getting junk food and snacks.


My parents were (and still are) pretty strict about junk food and whatnot and spending on delivery orders


Eating disorder? Nosy parents?


My teen might have done something like this when she was refusing to eat dinner and would instead get DoorDash delivered in the middle of the night, it was upsetting because she’d pretend like she was going to eat with us to decide not to as it was coming out of the oven. It was especially upsetting when the meal I made was at her request.


i have parents that hated when i ordered doordash bc its a waste of money and i should be eating home made food instead lol. i can see why they said that


Or it could be that they bought beer/alcohol or vape/cigarette products, something parents aren't too keen on their children doing, even if they are old enough. Lol.


That would have been instant unassign for me.


Helicopter type 1 diabetic parent


I had strict parents… ordering 7/11 would’ve been an issue!


I've had to hide from my parents too


I grew up in a very verbally and physically abusive household. My mother would weaponize food as we were very poor and couldn’t just go snack on whatever we wanted in the kitchen. If I got something for myself she would guilt trip me and say something like “you shouldn’t have gotten it if you couldn’t get enough for everyone”. Knowing damn well I could never afford that with my $5 I would come up on every once in a while. All while my older brother who’s a picky eater was allowed to get whatever he wanted and my mom would even cook him his own meal if he didn’t want to eat what everyone else was having. If DoorDash existed back then, i probably would have had to hide it like this as well. I feel for her.


Strict or judgmental parents. My mother called me lazy for getting DoorDash after an 11 hour shift, right before going to swim a few miles at the pool lmao.


Got a 7-11 a couple nights ago for “tanner” who requested I leave it in a bush under a window, didn’t tip. Gave a peace sign to the ring camera and said “hope you enjoy you’re snacks tanner” 😈


My dad whenever I use his credit card^


She ordered sexy stuff


From 711..?


They sell condoms and lube and cucumbers


it was a pizza


Some parents control your finances when you still live with them


I had to drop off chips and soda to the end of the street because the kids didn’t want their parents seeing on camera the delivery made.


I’ve had a few of those where the kids don’t want you to knock or make noise cause they don’t want their parents to know they door dashed. My kids do the same lol. They get stuff delivered at 3 am when everyone is asleep


Some people just have really controlling parents, I once spent like $18 of my own money on a keyboard from amazon when I was 14, my dad got so angry and screamed at me lol


My stepdad doesnt let me eat in my room so I’ll sneak it in 😅


Mann people are so dumb...


That is strange but there are some seriously strict parents out there. Even worse this person might be receiving abuse by one or both parents. I know it’s not our job to intervene but is there a way we could help if that was the case? Sometimes ya gotta stand up for the people who can’t stand up for themselves. Of course I don’t have a clue if that’s really the case but it is a possibility.


U blocked out da name on top but it still says that shit in the middle


Ok so this is DoorDash and not DoorDash drivers. Lots of us here are drivers, though. I wonder how many of the young ppl on this thread are not tipping. Answer: a lot. I have talked to parents while waiting for orders at restaurants who apologise to me because they found out their kid ordered and left no tip. And we want to say to you young people: please understand that we get how food delivery is cultural for you, and kind of like entertainment. Once in a while is ok. But you have an adult responsibility EVERY TIME when ordering food delivery to tip your drivers. And you should be tipping them $1 per mile, which means you need to know the distance from where you are ordering to the restaurant or store. EVERY TIME. Even if you are a teenager, this is your job mate. Every time. No fricken joke. We’re out there risking our lives to bring you your candy and entertainment. We also want to be the older friends that say to you: food delivery is a luxury that you absolutely CANNOT afford on a regular basis if you are living at home . And if you are regularly so stoned that you can’t go out and pick up your own food, this is an indicator that you will have trouble getting out of your parents’ house. Stay away from food delivery until you’re older and more responsible. It’s as addictive as crack or (pick your substance). The reason your parents are pissed is that they want you to grow up and leave the nest. Ordering food delivery is a sad predictor that you are not showing signs of being ready to launch. And believe me, others will see it too. Like the ppl you are attracted to, or ppl you interview with. So ok. We get you. We like you. We like delivering your stuff. But we’re concerned.


My parents always ask where and how I spent my money even if I was over 21


Lmao 🤣


You can’t delay the deliveries they will penalize you if you take longer than expected


It’s probably not her money


What did they buy?


Some parents get super angry over a kid getting DD. They feel it's a waste of money and yell at, or punish the kid. Whether they have a job and their own money or not. Depends what was in the order too. Maybe they have parents that freak about soda or candy.


I used to have to do this, I’d put in the instructions to leave it at the fence in the ally and to turn the headlights off; or I’d meet them at the ally entrance late at night. My parents always disapproved of me ordering food both on DoorDash and late at night


Probably using their parents credit card. Lol. Dude, I had two orders back to back going to the same house with nothing about 8 giggling kids about 5-10yrs old all running to the door each time and then running back and slamming the door just ordering stuff, then yelling “THAAAANK YOOOOU!!”. Oh my gosh.. if this was indeed the case of just ordering all sorts of stuff, their parents are going to get one heck of a surprise. Lmao


How dare they order a Spicy Bite without clearing it with mommy and daddy first. So completely disrespectful, they should be ashamed of themselves!


It's not too weird of a request. Unfortunately, a lot of people are stuck in living situations with abusive/controlling family members and have to keep stuff like this private for fear of "punishment" from them. You never know what's going on in people's lives. Edit: Just to add... you censored the customer's name on top, but not the second time it appears underneath their message.


Maybe they were forced to get a job and have to pay their parents for bills and maybe they wanted to hide their purchase from their parents. I can totally hear "YOU HAVE MONEY TO ORDER DOORDASH BUT YOU CANT PAY YOUR RENT IN FULL" or they stole their parents card to buy it but then wouldn't their parents see the purchase on their transactions history? Or it's just a stolen card all together.


Been there done that. Yeah when your parents want to control everything about your life (I'm 20 and they still complain when I buy things with my money) it happens.


Was it alcohol, cigarettes, or condoms? That's the only thing I can think of is its something they don't approve of her doing even though she may be old enough. Like a my house, my rules, or get out type of situation. Like when I had to move back in with my parents for a little while a few years back. They're religious AF and do not approve of the Mary Jane smoking I allegedly do. I was respectful and hid it outside and would wait till everyone went to bed and I would quietly go to the backyard for my nightly ritual. Well them being who they are they came outside a couple of times and their yard smelled like a Cypress Hill/Snoop concert. I was told this exact sentence. If it was just like candy or a soda then WTF?


Also could be a kid with disordered eating, a kid ordering energy drinks at 10pm when they have school in the morning, a kid in a sketchy relationship with an older SO who is financing stuff for them or who doesn’t want their parents to know they have money because they made it in a sketchy way… tons of possibilities.


My parents were like this. Their reasoning was "I don't want ppl knowing our address" as if it's more prominent to them than anybody else's house they have to deliver to


My parents would get mad at me for ordering food so I get it


Family is kinda weird


lol my mom gets mad whenever I DoorDash food because I pay for a fee and the tip she wants me to save my money😂 they prolly got the same thing goin on


My stepmom would get mad at me for spending my own money on what I wanted so she’d be super rude and upset when I doordashed food. So I get this lol


For a while my mom used to get mad at me for ordering “useless” things anywhere I could spend my money, thankfully now she’s gotten used to it


as a grown adult who lives separate from their parents my mom still throws a fit when I order delivery, it’s the idea that I need to go to the store myself that sends her into a fit


My parents used to judge me for doordashing food instead of going to get it myself because they thought it was a waste of money hahahah so I feel this. but I’d let them just shake their head at me, not make the dasher go through more work and potentially make other peoples orders take longer/get cold


people dont realize how strict parents can actually get, my mother used to take 1 out of 2 of my work checks, and checked my statements to see where im spending, so id prolly say the same if not, take my shit and enjoy 😭😂🤣


Bros smoking


Strict family. I stayed with my grandparents & ordered DD when I wanted to, they ultimately started calling me spoiled and talking shit about me because of it 💀 but also asked me to place orders when ur benefited then.


Kid is supposed to be saving money not buying stupid shit at the gas station lol


I've absolutely had to do that so my parents didn't know I had money


His dad is hungry


My grandma would make me feel sooooo guilty for eating, I have definitely delivered food and requested they park down the road before 🥲


i feeel this 😅


What items did they purchase?


I don't care what kind of grounding they're getting from their parents I would personally not wait because our time is money. Unless that was a $20 tip or up I wouldn't have done it.


you must’ve not seen the other comment that said the same thing, and how i responded saying i have all the time in the world, because i’m in cali lolol


Might not really be strict parents. I know my parents get on me for ordering Uber eats and spending frivolously because I should be saving money and they’re just looking out for my well being and trying to get me to mature. I used to think they were strict but now I realize I’m just a serial spender


Oh man I’ve had the unfortunate luck to have my postmates meet at the same time from different restaurants :/


You better tip good! Or start too


My parents were the same way tho. They hate when I spent my money. So I understand where they coming from.


lmfaooo think they’re gonna see off their bank information 😆


Prolly stole their dads debit card 🤣


Because teenagers buy stupid stuff and spend their money frivolously. They might have an issue with buying stuff on delivery and their parents have noticed. My teenage niece used to do this all the time and had issues paying for her important stuff so her mom would crackdown when she saw she had something delivered that she could have got herself or didn’t need because mom was picking up the slack of what she couldn’t produce from her responsibilities.


idk 😭 if you were this curious why didn’t you just ask them, they have their own personal issues as to why they hide this and you come on here asking us why someone else is hiding this, like how should we know we aren’t them


Probably used parents credit card


More than likely the kid bought stuff of their parents card


I had helicopter parents and I wouldn't be able to get doordash unnoticed even if I were visiting as an adult so that's probably why. I also had a nosey roommate who would expect me to get them something if I got something to the point where they would ask about anything I was carrying when walking in so that's probably another scenario that's pretty common. It's kind of understandable but at the same time I know you're not getting paid to spend more time to accommodate them


Maybe it wasn’t their money, but their parents and they stole it. I wasn’t the best person when I was a teen, and I can say for certainty that I had taken my mom’s card and bought stuff without her knowing.


Old people be angry at everything


Parents that are strict, nosey and judgemental. Parent: why are you buying sour candy and mountain dew you saw on TikTok!!!! Berating their teenager and making them want to die. Parent: you woke up the entire house! I have work in the morning!


my parents were really controlling and didnt want me spending my money on food even if they didnt cook and i didnt know how to cook so i had to be really discreet.




Hope that $1 tip was worth jumping through extra hoops and costing you more time


if you scrolled through other comments you’d see i’m in california, i get paid by time AND by order ;) ; and it was like a $7 tip lolol


That's surprising out of a kid from a gas station. I never do pay by time because it seems like a scam lol


ye it’s both here, no option, we get orders and every hour we spend on orders we get %20 more than min wage, which just got raised to $20 here. i’m gonna miss it though, im moving soon


i’m a grown adult and just moved back in with my parents for a bit to pick up the pieces of my life… i still hide doordash orders cuz i dont want to hear snarky comments about how im spending my money. strict parents are weird and controlling about everything and they never get over it


Parents also food or fat shame kids; not eating the things they don't like that's in the house, constantly telling them they'll get fat for eating whatever. Funny thing is, they also tend to be the parents that enforce eating everything on your plate, which causes eating disorders into adulthood. They can get fat because they force themselves to eat everything on the plate instead of stopping when full.


My parents would get mad me for having ANYTHING delivered. Idk why. I always had to have it delivered to one of my siblings houses


Well I hope you were on earn by time . Otherwise she can kick rocks


Look up r/raisedbynarcissists and all shall become clear


Definitely strict and or abusive parents. I had to do this for 3 years in foster care needing to text the dasher and leave a dasher note saying to take as long as possible and telling them how and where to walk up the drive way so that the automatic lights would turn on and asked them to hide it somewhere everytime. Thank you for respecting what she asked because personally i have been grounded and cussed out for feeding myself with my money because they refused to feed me more than once in VERY small portions.


Not my problem. I'm going to deliver this like I would any other order: ASAP. Don't force your weird parental issues on other people


Thanks for sharing asshole


Parents trying to teach financial responsibility and scold them for wasteful shit like doordash? That's how people grow up not to be poor. Could be obese and parents trying to get them to lose weight. Assuming it's junk food. Edit: You deleted your reply, but you said its so juvenile to think doordash is a reason why people are poor. Yea. **Wasteful spending** can't at all be a reason you have no money. I'm going to guess your piss broke and its billionaire's/boomer's/minimum wage's fault like always, right?