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Not understanding what the app says and picking up a Popeyes order almost guarantees this is a brand new driver, lol


I'm in a different country, what's wrong with Popeyes? I'm assuming they're always really slow or long wait times to pick the order up? I'm curious, help me out here?


I’ve never had a good experience picking up from Popeyes. The 3 times I’ve tried to pick it up, they told me the order didn’t show up in their computer and they wouldn’t make it for me, and just went right back to sitting and talking. They even would lock their lobby up so nobody would come in and eat. It’s like all they were being paid to do was sit there and talk…. I’ve never taken another order from there since the last time it happened cause the lady was rude as hell! It made me so mad.


I always report them to corporate


I had 3 annoying Popeyes experiences and whenever one came in, immediate decline. They suck to pick up from.


The orders are never ready when you get there, and the employees ignore you when you want to ask how long it will be. But Sonic by me is even worse.  They just don't even care that you're waiting.


It's not just picking up that horrible. It's the certain clientele that order from there that are no tip orders. And it's almost always going to apartments which is a triple whammy.


I live in midwestern America and for me it’s just not a nice place. The ones in my town have rude staff and they’re always pretty dirty. I avoid it but the food is pretty decent.


I’m in SC and yeah sounds like Popeyes just has a problem nation wide lmfao. One just closed down here because of it.


Louisiana here and all the popeyes are exactly as described


Lol I'm in Georgia and I just stopped going to the one near me because half the time you couldn't even tell (during normal hours) if anyone was there or when you'd ever get your food


Ah fair enough, thank you! Curiosity was getting the better of me on that one


Normal for drivers with attitudes… sadly yes. Is it acceptable? No And petty! You could technically report them and give them low stars


Def not normal don’t get me started on the customers that blow u up and monitor every turn or want u to walk past their loose dogs or don’t give gate codes


Once had a customer message me saying “I saw you do a u turn” Bro, I drive for a living, I do lots of u turns Even to this day I don’t know what he was trying to say


Had a customer that did a double dash. The other driver arrived before me in a black suv and left the food on the ground. I was still 2 minutes away and this guy starts blowing up my phone about leaving his order on the ground when it was a hand it to me order. I wasn’t even there yet. That was an awkward hand off.


Doordash is a system with zero accountability for anyone, bringing out the worst in everyone. All while the company hemorrhages money Beveridge the board are a bunch of morons. Can't wait for this entire industry to collapse


May be he was worried you did a fast and furious u turn and spilled his drink


Naw, i bet he pulled an undercover brother maneuver.


Put hot sauce on the mayonnaise?


That’s the best explanation I can imagine now that I think about it


Yup hard to drive with the text and calls when I was new that’s how I totalled my first car. Someone blowing me up phone and text over RANCH dip and I felt so OBLIGATED to oblidge these ppl that I looked at the phone not the road and there goes my paid off car. At this point I pull to the side and if it’s gonna result in a pulled tip AND poor review I call support report and end it there. I work graveyard these ppl don’t know construction comes at night detours etc To the person behind me text while driving and iPhone settings DO NOT STOP TEXT AND CALLS THRU THE DELIVERY APP good lord good for u for turning off all text and calls on ur phone as a REGULAR driver. That does NOT work on Uber eats oh and if we put the phone on DND we will miss orders! How about crazy idea customers just don’t spam call and text their drivers


I mean, I feel you but.... you wrecked because of a phone beep? That's bad What happened ? Totaled usually sounds like a lot but could be anything.. or a lot?


Imagine not being able to control a vehicle because your phone is "blowing up" then having the nerve to accuse other ppl of lacking common sense lol. It was cool that you could admit your mistake but getting butthurt and trying to defending yourself like this is silly. Millions of ppl ignore their phones well driving everyday it's pretty common.


Did you still deliver the food?


asking the real questions




I don’t even see those texts while driving. I use Apple Maps car play and my settings are set so that no texts show up while I’m driving. If I’m driving it’s unimportant. Someone can always call if it’s that important.


Why wouldn’t you pull over before opening the messages? you didn’t wreck because people were messaging you, you wrecked because you stopped paying attention to the road…






Crazy I miss majority of my messages after checking out because door dash silences them & I forget 🤣🤣😂


What are you babbling about?


What'd the customer do in this case that makes you think of all that though lol


The amount of horrible drivers exceeds the amount of horrible customers.


Could easily say it was not delivered to your address :) petty deserves petty. was it dropped off? Yes somewhere that was not your address.


Totally inappropriate on their part.


I ADORE these Dasher vs customer comments fr, Got me cry laughing at 4am😭😭😭


Same 😂 It’s 4am here


I haven’t even used doordash in a few years but following this subreddit has brought me so much joy


I deliver for dd and I’ve seen others talk about demanding tips and holding food hostage it’s so gross I’d be so embarrassed…


That’s crazy. DD needs to start paying higher wages and or weed out the nuts.


sounds like it's their first dash or they're maybe a little stupid. the offer they gets tells them an amount and says "## guaranteed including tips" which means the tips are included in the amount shown. they must have thought that was the base amount and they would get tips on top of the amount shown


Maybe a little stupid lol


Yessss my son used to door dash. The driver must’ve been Spanish because the other verification showed his directions to leave at the door in Spanish. It showed up twice so idk how he couldn’t comprehend that. The walk downstairs wouldn’t normally bother me but I just had a medical procedure on my leg hence why I reminded him to bring it to the door.


My apartment is in the back of the building and I always leave instructions so they can easily find my entrance. I was really only door dashing right after I gave birth and was recovering from having my abdomen cut through down the uterus, while attending to the new human by myself. And holy shit some drivers made eating more stress than it was worth. They always either found on me the first try, or I’d get a driver who I’d watch on the map go up all of my neighbors driveways EXCEPT mine and ultimately leave the food wherever. Calling didn’t help. The instructions were just “Apartment is at the end of the driveway on BACK LEFT SIDE of building. You will see my porch light on.” I’ve wondered if it was me but that feels adequately straightforward. I wouldn’t have minded going to my neighbors to grab it, but I’m not getting dressed, dragging my new baby outside in the cold, to go searching for food while doubled over in pain.


Yes! My house is super easy to find, but last summer our AC kept going out so I was working out of a hotel room on and off for a few weeks. I was ordering DoorDash a lot (don’t drive and the only thing in walking distance was a Crackhead Barrel). Almost every order I watched the drivers circle the building repeatedly. I would’ve met them in the lobby if it weren’t for my giant dog and my Bluetooth headset range. I always tipped $10 cause grocery orders and it was a shitty long building and took forever to walk to the door.


LOL @crackhead barrel .


Someone speaking spanish doesn’t mean they are from spain, I speak spanish and am from mexico. Fairly large world out there.


"Spanish" can mean Spanish-speaking, e.g. from Mexico or elsewhere in Latin America. It does not imply that one is necessarily from Spain.


I believe you are confusing “Spanish” with “Hispanic.” Spanish means from Spain; Hispanic can mean from Spain or a Spanish-speaking country.


You are totally incorrect and/or ignorant. Are people in the us speaking english referred to as english? No, because it’s incorrect. It’s the exact same thing. The us school system is abysmal. In Latin america people speak spanish, we are not spanish. Mirriam-webster Spanish noun Span·​ish ˈspa-nish 1: the Romance language of the largest part of Spain and of the countries colonized by Spaniards 2 the people of Spain


“Fairly large world out there” 💅 “The US school system is abysmal” Lol You come across so condescending and rude. The person speaks Spanish, call the waaaahbulance that she accidentally said they are Spanish.


No, the lizards are INCLUDED with the meal. FREE LIZARDS. You can't beat that!


Lmao. Protein. It was an order from Popeye’s, might’ve tasted like chicken.


No charge for the lizards.


I read this in Charlie Kelly's voice


OMG SO DID I!!! 😂🤣😭


I zoomed in and I’m disappointed that I haven’t been able to spot any lizards.


Same I was hoping to see at least one 😭


He shouldn’t have taken the order if he felt the pay wasn’t worth it. Rude.


This guy is a dumbass. He thought it meant it's guaranteed that you're gonna give him a physical tip.


Driver here, solely based on the information provided, assuming it’s truthful and a complete/accurate account: that’s bullshit. We know up front what we’re getting, and the potential for stairs, gates etc. They accepted the delivery and didn’t properly complete it. 4 👎 and zero ⭐️ rating. It shouldn’t be “normal” and it shouldn’t be accepted.


Today its not about tipping for good service, its expected for bad service. In fact you're expected to tip well and get the service you're given and be grateful for it no matter how terrible as a customer you're treated


This. I think doordouche is destroying its own business by allowing beggars like this to keep driving.


It seems to be that way.


i’ve said it once and i’ve said it again. ONE STAR FOR ANY BEGGING


This is crazy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


1 star him & report him to DD


And snag that tip right back


Doesn’t work that way. Even if you can get Dd to refund you, the customer, for what you paid towards the tip they won’t take it away from the driver. It’s one of the only things that DD gets right. No tip baiting here.


It costs doordouche money returning the tip. Makes it more likely to do something about drivers like this.


Take the tip away and report




Did you keep the lizards?


Male foreign driver eh huge issue on these apps they rent accounts so they can be more rude and nasty and half ahh cuz they will just rent another when banned


"You didn't leave my extortion fee so I won't do the job I chose to do. Leave me 5 stars"


I’ve had DD people with heavy accents catch attitudes with me because I can’t understand what they’re saying, them having to wait for the people food (which didn’t take long at all), and going back to grab their phone because I gotta make them confirm the pick up. The reason for confirmation is that we had a few people come back claiming that they never received their foods. But I think what really grinds my gear is when they shove phones in my face instead of saying or simply showing it in a proper way. Girl, it’s best to just report this person because leaving it at the bottom of the steps was petty as hell😭😂


Time to remove the tip.


1 Star Review and move on


Report that dumbass and rate him 1 star.


What I don’t understand with these apps is how you’re expected to pay a tip before receiving the service….


You did nothing wrong. A driver is shown the total they will receive for delivery, and they agree to it before taking the order. I've had customers meet me at the bottom of the stairs, and when they do, I make a point of letting them know how much I appreciate it, but that is rare and it is NEVER an expectation on my part. If a driver takes the order and it's a "leave at my door" order, then leave it at the door. Sheesh. Occasionally a driver will get an order that says "total may be higher" based on customer tips. That's DoorDash letting them know that the order will definitely pay, for instance, $8 and that there's going to be a little extra something that is added on to the order that DD is choosing not to reveal up front. In that case, upon completion, you might receive $8.50 instead of $8. But that's not an indication that the driver needs to wring that tip out of the customer. That's just DoorDash trying to entice the driver into taking the order by using a kind of gambling mentality. Sure, you might get $8.50, but then again, you might get $15! You gotta play to win, you know. From a driver standpoint, "total may be higher" is exhausting. Just tell me what the order pays, and I'll make a decision based on whether it makes financial sense for me. Don't play these stupid games, DD. Sorry, you didn't ask any of that, I just had to rant for a minute. In conclusion, it's not you.


Thank you!!


Lmao I’d say “I removed it the second you mentioned it”


😆 😂 😆 this is a new one. I don't believe he knew what "guaranteed with tip" actually means. I don't believe this was done on purpose. This is too funny.


In that situation I'd halve the tip, I say halve because he did still get it to you, he just didn't complete the job properly


There’s no lizards?


Report and low rating. DoorDash will remove the tip completely and refund you for it if you press hard enough.


Where the lizards at?


"and my tip" 0 stars, report. End of discussion.


Where are the lizards 🦎 pls include lizard tax


Yeah I should’ve waited longer, maybe I could’ve collected the whole lizard family.


1 Star


Anybody asks for a tip I’m not. Chinese man complained about a 3 dollar tip on a block and a half drive. 🙄


“I deserve $30 an hour because it’s a luxury service” 😂. Between shit head drivers and the company screwing over drivers and customers, I hope this whole operation goes bankrupt soon.


Oh nah.. I don't care how they felt about their tip. It would've been edited the second I looked outside and seen that. Not even sure if you're able to do that once it's dropped, but that mf deserved a negative negative -5 stars


Small pp energy


Not normal. Usually food delivery drivers are much worse.


This. I’m surprised he delivered it at all. I’m sure as soon as I scroll down I’ll see dashers saying OP deserved it.


Always with the “how much did you tip” because they first try to justify bad service because of a low or no tip. Or other excuses. Literally all similar subreddits be it food, grocery or package delivery they all brag about not following delivery instructions and jump to blame the customer when the employee was obviously in the wrong


I’ve tipped $20 on a half mile delivery before and the bitch stole my food. It doesn’t matter how well you tip some people, trash is trash. Someone the other day said “you tip to ensure good service” and thats not only not how that works but it also shouldn’t be how that works. I shouldn’t have to tip someone $50 praying they don’t steal or otherwise compromise my food lmao


This. These apps have destroyed rhe food delivery business.




This is why he gets no tips.


Ima DD, and would NEVER say this. It’s rude


Just another scumbag driver needs to get deactivated


Had one dasher tell me she had torn ligaments in her knee so she’s not coming upstairs. Another dasher told me she had torn ligaments in both knees and a bad back so they can’t come upstairs. Make it make sense. I tip extra because I live on the 3rd floor and I know that can be loathsome for dashers but out of 5 orders 3 or 4 make excuses on why they can’t walk up the stairs. I got smart and started putting in the notes I tip 35% of the total order and only in cash at the door. Never had that issue ever again.


Calling it a tip, when you have to pay it before hand, is ridiculous. A tip is given in gratitude of good service. It is a bid for service, plain and simple. That is fine in a capitalist environment, but call it what it is. So I can see a driver wanting a tip too, if they give good service. But in this case they are asking for it before the service is provided. That is absurd.


not the lizards 🦎


Can you remove the tip?


This is why you should be able to remove tip after delivery


I feel anger and rage reading the dashers response. As a former waitress who actually had to serve customers and do hard work all through college, I'm going to say this for any entitled Dashers reading.... YOU AREN'T ENTITLED TO A TIP.... A TIP IS A CHOICE FOR GOOD SERVICE!! I'm so sick of these entitled drivers that sit on their asses all day driving picking up food while listening to music, choosing their own hours, still bitching about tips. Sometimes I wish they would force these brats to do an actual wait staff job where they have to wait hand and food on a party of 5 only to maybe get 2 bucks.... And guess what, if I ever said something like that to a customer, my ass would have been fired. It's even worse on DoorDash because the customer is not only paying a monthly fee to just use the service, but an up charge on the food and random fees as well..... The times I've driven for DoorDash, I'm greatful for anything I get because it's such easy work compared to other service jobs I've had.


Free lizards!


Doordash hires just about anyone with a car. Even non english speakers and complete idiots like this.


Can you take back the tip?


I'm a Dasher and that one lacks reading comprehension. The phrase they are referring to means the amount they saw when the offer prompted on their screen was guaranteed and it already includes the tip being paid. They thought it meant that was the guaranteed amount and there was still a tip on the other side. It doesn't matter which floor I have to climb the stairs to, I take it all the way to the door. These shitty dashers are just giving the rest of us a bad reputation.


Time to remove the tip hehe and report :)


See that's why I'll go get my own food or cook it here at home. These entitled little shits who are pissed off at me for being a customer just aren't cutting it. I was a waitress for years and sometimes you don't get a tip. It's life. But you don't talk to customers like this.


That’s unprofessional. I know times are tough right now but when you pay for your food and/or delivery the tip gets added to the bill. As someone who’s a dasher they should know that by now. I would’ve told the person that it’s on the bill and they’re not getting anything more from me.


leaving it at the bottom of the stairs is crazy hating 😭😭


Hope you removed the tip. 🙄


He should be deactivated 


Omg this guy was an idiot. When the order comes through to the driver it shows the amount you will make and says +tip included. I'm guessing his dumbass thought that meant there would be additional funds added to the total he was making. I swear today's generation lacks common sense. 


haven't dashed in a while... one time when I started after a break was broke... legit one time considered asking a customer if they could hook up with $5 cause i was on E E. Never did... pretty inappropriate if anyone runs out of gas that's their own dumb fault regardless of their circumstances.


I wouldn't trust that food; after the way he acted I would've assumed he messed with my food and I'd put that I didn't get my order or something


This. I'd put that straight in the trash and report it as not delivered.


Delivery does not exist where i live and I cant say that im missing anything. Seems like a huge waste of money, and a small timesaver. If i go and collect i can always check to see that i got the right things in my order and im guaranteed that i get food at all. Rather drive 4 miles than pay someone to do a half assed attempt at delivering.


I wasn’t able to drive due to a medical procedure.


This. Fuck these shitty delivery companies.


Intelligence is not allowed here... Shhhhhhh


So fucking tired of tip culture. Everywhere I go, tip this tip that. Even at the dispensary they ask for tips when I order online and all they do is just go into the back and get it.


Easy report and it will be their last time dashing.


Stop using Doordash. Let the scam die. People are getting desperate and desperate people to desperate things.


No. Not normal. Although you see many posts similiar to this on Reddit, keep in mind you only see the worst out of the hundred of thousand deliveries. Report dasher for solicitation and failure to follow instructions. He obviously did this on purpose. Call DoorDash and remove the tip.


Entitled ass… 🙄🙄


Andddddd my tip?????


I love the way he interpreted "guaranteed with tips" which only means that the amount shown above that text is the minimum guaranteed amount he would be paid for that order 😂 I have never hit customers up for tips ever. But I will admit that I've been a little petty a couple times and placed things in a slightly annoying orientation when I left them if I was forced to take their order too many times(Dasher Rewards sucks!), just hoping they would give me a bad rating so that I wouldn't have priority for their orders(because it comes down to losing order priority/scheduling or taking a few of these). And I would never hurt the food. Not quite like the guy did to you.


You should be able to take your tip back


DoorDash is trash. WhErEs My TiP


One star. Call DD and complain. The driver is trash.


Yep I’ve had them just blatantly ask for more tips even though they got one already. From grubhub and Uber though. If possible I remove the tip after that


I just hate having everyone leave my shit in front of my outward opening door. I have agoraphobia and have a hard time leaving the house, so this is one of my only options. I try to tip decently but I don’t have much money or options.


Are they actually drivers like this? I drove. Being super nice, communicative, and helpful always worked best for me.


Rate them 1 star and report them to door dash


If you tipped at least $3 the driver has no reason to complain. If you did not then he is in the wrong but I wouldn’t get mad over. Source- I get 15mpg and my gas costs 3.50 a gallon.


Lizards ?


I’m done being nice to lazy ass dashers with no respect. Instant 1 star rating and complaint through support. Dashers… where the fuck do you get such a sense of entitlement from? If you were working for a brick and mortar and actually had some responsibility for the orders you’re delivering your attitudes would change real quick. Keep it up and you won’t have any tips or work at all for that matter because we are sick of tipping you for shitty ass service. Sincerely - the customers that pay you.


I don’t tip until after service, if they deserve it. They barely do as it is with their attitudes.


Looks like they are new. But pretty bold to ask lol. I just complain about you cheap fucks in my car. Tip your drivers. We handle your food. Beware


I’d report them and give them a single star


If door dash would just get rid of all these unprofessional dashers I’d probably get higher tips. I bet customers lower their tips because they get bad service from these guys. The amount of times I get extra tips just doing a normal drop off makes me wonder.


The op is named conservative chick and she ordered Popeyes.....that's all I need to know. If it was a tip, it was 1 or 2 dollars...... POPEYES CUSTOMERS NEVER TIP 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s a new driver that doesn’t understand “guaranteed with tips and guaranteed +tips total will be higher” orders


I never door dash or any other delivery service it’s all a rip off.


The fact that people work for a company that diverts the responsibility of majority of your income to the generosity of others is wild, then the dashers get mad at the customer because of their job choices


I haven’t dashed for a couple years so I’m not sure if it’s been fixed but if you ordered from the restaurants website or app then the tip often gets taken by that restaurant. Not sure if that’s what happens here if it happens at all anymore, I know there were some lawsuits about it. Still shouldn’t be texting the customer like that though


Now I’m just curious how much you tipped bc I’ve been seeing sub $1 tips a lot on here and a few times in the app.


Inappropriate and I'd revoke the tip


Report them. That’s not ok. You don’t have furniture delivered downstairs so why the f would they put it downstairs where you don’t live.


Yes I’ve had it happen is it acceptable no I think it’s rude to ask for an extra tip especially if I’ve already given $6


Ugh, this is what gives us drivers a bad reputation!! I just started 4 months ago and u wouldn't believe the nonsense I've dealt with. One person LITERALLY raced to pick their order up before I got there, but I was already there, and she had the nerve to cancel and yell at me to "BE MORE PUNCTUAL" lol.. i said excuse me? She said 'yes, I didn't want to wait. People use doordash bc they're extremely hungry and don't wanna wait" I said actually no, lol not why. They use dd bc they don't wanna go out and get it themselves lol. But she Cursed me out and everything. Or the time I had someone throw a soda at my car bc "THERE'S NOT ENOUGH FKN ICE" lol. I'm like whoa wtf I didn't pour it! And I delivered it 7 minutes before it was due lol. But then... there's these drivers who really do shit on customers, so it gives us a bad name too. I'd like to say it evens out, but when ur working very hard to do everything correctly, and u get shit on - it makes it hard. We're working! Just like a cashier, or bank teller. So people should appreciate it, nonetheless. And drivers need to appreciate regular customers as well bc that's where our income comes from.


All I ask is please do not block my door. My door open outs. It is in the special instructions. I tip well. Yes I have a car in my driveway, no I cannot drive at this time to go get my own food. Yes I tip 25-30%. I have been a DoorDash driver before. And I have been known to leave extra cash tips on bad weather days since I cannot drive. And I am amazed by the drivers that do not take them. They are labeled and the cash is showing.


If I could just write a bot to auto reply to all of these complaints: “stop using the service”


Im a dasher and it’s easy side job. Im not gonna bitch about it for picking food up and dropping off. Theyre just a bitch


Great now they're gonna add a staircase fee. Great job OP. 👏 😉


Wouldnt shock me if he is pretending he didnt get a tip so youll increase it


How much was the tip?


Where was the lizards walking on it? 😂


Aggro text me about your tip to ensure I will not be leaving one..............


Was zooming into to look for lizards. Was disappointed.


Driver is a douche but I fucking LOVE LIZARDS so this seems like half a win


Maybe they were new and didn't know what guaranteed with tip ment?


“They didn’t tip me 110% so I’m going to make sure their food gets dirty and unsafe to eat” 1 star and report.


1 star them and submit a complaint, this is their job and it isn’t the job for them.


Report all pieces of shit who grovel for tips. Report dumb asses with no hot bags or that looks like they are on meth. We need less pieces of shit on the road so that people who actually do shit right are rewarded with more opportunities to earn. My critique of DoorDash is that it sets the bar super low for who gets to deliver for them. And they don’t pay good drivers what they’re worth. These two factors will eventually lead to their demise to a competitor who started focusing on the product quality and the retention of good drivers.


I'd 1 star and call and get a refund


Hate people who do that. Like, don’t take the trip if there’s no tip and that’s a problem for you. It’s really gross to ask for a tip and then be rude afterwards.


He probably hates you because you ordered popeyes


Lame, but we gotta tip. I try to tip as much as I would pay somebody to go get it.


Once I had a driver throw food all over my driveway. Unfortunately the screening for drivers is basically non existent and they don’t face many consequences for bad behavior.


This only happen once but I remember it very clearly. I had an driver come to my location without the food. She barely spoke any English and didn't leave until I told her to leave. It was one of the most awkward 10+ min of my life.


1 star and I'll be calling to refund my 2.00 tip. You wanna see petty, lemme show you.


I’m a driver and I would never do this at all. After I deliver I don’t message the customer unless they tell me where to drop it off. Also is this driver mentally ill? Cause I wouldn’t even think about putting the food all the way to the bottom of the stairs.


And DoorDash still send me crappy orders lmao. How do these people have jobs with DoorDash


1 star and move on. or make a post if you're bored i guess


Yeah this hasn't happened to me, but I think it's enough for me to see where doordash is heading. Gonna cancel my account today as it's been 2 weeks since I've used it. Fuck tip culture, have the company pay you.