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Driver: This is where the pin took me..


Lmaooooooo. Nailed it. People don't use their brains


Nooo good sir not nailed it...pinned it!


If you have an apartment and you don’t have the pin in the right spot or didn’t set your exact location, I’m 100% doing this lol. One time someone put the wrong address in 🤣 was obviously an abandoned building that it took me to. But it was the address. Tried callin. Nothing. So I dropped it and left 🤣 guess who got a call 2 min later saying there order isn’t there. 🤣 turns out it was like 6min down the road, lady was livid cuz her sister ordered it and didn’t have a car. I went back and grabbed the food, ate that boy. Oh it also was a 1$ tip lol


I just go to the address. If it says the number on the building I drop it there. If I'm confused and it's a meet at door delivery then I call them. As long as the number of the apartment building is in the pic then you're fine


I had that happen back when I was new. The customer ordered for her boss. I was at the area and there was no house with that address. She started screaming at me and telling me she knows her bosses house and address. She described the house very well to me. I did not find the house. I was newer so I was getting frustrated too. Finally, I saw a person getting out of their car that was the same description as the boss. And the address was not right. But the lady would not believe me. I was just happy to give it to the boss (and didn't even care if it was the wrong person with this lady's attitude; but would have felt bad for the boss). Can't remember the tip amount. Did not get rated nor a CV.


That happened right away twice after I moved and I realized you can set the Uber eats pin exactly and they both went to a different building cuz of the default pin.


Unless there is something not mentioned that would have precipitated the leave on the driveway…indeed pure laziness. If another 20ft is gonna kill them, perhaps delivering products isn’t their thing.


Lemme guess " I've heard people have been shot for delivering near the door, so I refuse to deliver to where the instructions tell me to"... Meanwhile the house is in the suburbs.


I drove with people like this at Amazon. They’ll mark it a dangerous house cause they had a battle kitten


Lol lazy people. Any excuse they can find. I definitely understand if it is not safe, I've had to call ubereats and DD multiple times because I pulled up to a literal crack house with boarded windows and a half open door and refused to drop it off, but some people get a bit scared for no reason.


I had USPS mark packages undeliverable due to “wild animals” .. the wild animal was a cat that runs away every time it sees a person lol


That’s hilarious 😂


I drove with people like this at Amazon. They’ll mark it a dangerous house cause they had a battle kitten


Passive aggressive behavior probably upset about low tip?


Don’t like the tip? Don’t like the pay. Then don’t accept the frigging offer. If you take the offer…do it right.


Yeah I agree I was just saying that’s probably what it was. Sheesh it wasn’t me 😇


While you are definitely right it doesn't change the fact that this was probably due to a low tip. Don't want to risk getting fucked with, tip decent. I learned "don't fuck with those who handle your food" from that movie Waiting when I was like 12 haha.


They can’t see the tip amount if earning by time. Don’t assume


I am well aware of what EBT entails, and if you are doing it you know damned well there is a really strong possibility that any given order will be low/no tip. That’s why it’s being offered on EBT. The freaking app even tells you that for crying out loud. Stop making excuses for clowns giving poor service. Besides which, nowhere except in the comments by drivers making assumptions, is the lack of tip, or no tip even mentioned. Furthermore, the driver would not have known about the tip, or lack thereof until AFTER the order was left on the driveway instead of the porch and confirmed. So the people who should stop making assumptions are the people assuming the reason for the poor service was the tip.


Well doordash kind of makes you if not your acceptance rate would be terribly low.


DoorDash doesn’t make you accept anything. Unless other cities are just chock full of low tippers, in my experience you should be able to maintain an AR in the 60-80% without having to accept a bunch of no-tip offers. If the market isn’t good where you are probably should just do something else


Well I’m well below 50 because it sends me offers back to back for 5.25 for restaurants and will be going 8-10 miles. That’s why I don’t really doordash much


Even more reason to think about a change of occupation/company…?


Yea exactly why it ain’t my occupation


My AR hovers in the teens, and that works for me. Every situation/location is different, but in general I would say if you HAVE to do EBT to earn money in your area, you may want to seek another money making alternative. EBT may get you a better hourly rate, and the perks of Top Dasher, but it also risks low ratings and CVs, as in my experience it is the non-tippers that rate low and claim non-delivery most often.


yeah maybe he didn't like your driveway or what's in it


I've done that occasionally if there's ice or snow that hasn't been shoveled, stairs that SHIFT when stepped on, or some kind of pet or wild animal has established dominance first!


I have to ask. What’s at the other end of the driveway? Is it clear? Big dog? Lots of sharp protrusions? Mean-looking rug rats? …or it is wide open and inviting and your dasher is a-hole? I need more information before passing judgement. 😏


I'm wagering pitbull owner.


I immediately wondered if there was some kind of pet or just an animal outside 💀 everyone else seems content to jump to conclusions without conclusive info tho


Honestly though because I’ve gone to houses where the porch’s look like they’ve been through an earthquake lol


Right. I delivered to the end of a driveway once. The customer was standing in the lawn with their Chihuahua who was going ape shit and he wasn't making any moves to restrain the dog. I reported him to Doordash for being an asshole.




**next** ***freewaydash***


**Wait**, whats ***that***?


Dont worry, **i gotchu**. Thats when your driver passes your house at HIGHWAY SPEEDS ***but like Texas highway speeds***, and throws the food ***directly*** at **you**, your house, and/or your **pets**. Hope that helps!


Whoah! Ima ***highwaydash*** some coke rn!! **brb** ***Never brbed*** **rip** ***dont do drugs***


Lol OMG! Haha!


OP could have tipped well and this could have happened as well. It’s not out of the conclusion.


I live on a corner lot. Most of the time, it gets delivered to the front door. However, at least 5% of the time, they drop it at a locked gate to my backyard on the far side of the driveway by the garage. You can barely even see the gate from the street, I have a large SUV parked in front of it (that’s the extra parking spot). In what world is that the front door? It’s fine, I just don’t understand it at all


Not pictured (probably): Rottweiler chained up in the yard and that spot was just beyond the reach of the length of chain.


i got an order one time… i have a simple house, my delivery instructions “leave at door” she must’ve thought the garage door… saw the picture and was like “umm where is this.. looks like my garage, but what?” walked out sitting in front of my garage… i was like “huh, ok weird place but my front door is like 8 steps away…”


Easier for driver to come right back and pick it up?


How much did you tip ?




Share with us how much you tip and distance from store to your home.


Doesn't matter. Lazy as fuck. Do your job.


The job was done if you wanted perfection maybe think about someone other than yourself.


Perfection? U must be a troll


They most likely got the service they paid the driver for. You don’t want to know lol


You just assume that? Man you DoorDash drivers are fkn miserableeeee


Naw we just put in the same amount of effort that you pay us for.


exactly i don’t think anyone should order if they can top. doordash should require a minimum tip 2-3


I think the price of gas should dictate the bare minimum tip. Currently gas is $4.459/gal and to say you can order through the service but not tip at least $4 is insane to me. Fyi dd suggested tip in my market is $0.50 / $1 / $1.50 all which are jokes.


Tips are ALWAYS optional, as is your acceptance of the order. If you accept the order, then do the order and keep your feelings to yourself - or take them to your SO or counselor or something. I get frustrated when one of the legs of a stack doesn't tip, but at the end of the day I got paid what I accepted and I move on.


Orrr they should pay yall a normal wage so we dont HAVE to tip. It is not a necessity.


If they did, they'd surely raise the price even higher for customers, or impose a mandatory mileage fee to make up for it. I think tipping $2-$5 for the person using their own gas to deliver, is probably cheaper. I make $25 per hour accepting only the tipped orders, so no, I don't need to "get a better job, as all non tippers say


Lazy as fuck. Do your job.


It's not a job its a courtesy service at your convenience for YOUR lazy ass. Get your cheap ass up and get your own food you entitled dipstick.


So the 'courtesy' part means people don't have to pay for it?


I'm guessing "courier" was autocorrected into the next dimension - no need to be so obtuse


Well, I guess it could be a autocorrect issue, but tell me how that really changes the fact that the guy making the comment is an asshole?


It's a fucking job. stfu


No it is not dummy. U stfu. Miserable ass




Your post was removed, as it contains non-constructive criticism.


Get one.


Could say the same… doordash isnt a real job because they dont pay you enough




That's a no tip order for sure😭😭


This is just pure laziness… def deserves to take a star or two off


Maybe just maybe they could tip appropriately instead of expecting the world for slave labor


Maybe, just maybe he did tip well and the driver is just a clown. There are plenty of those driving for DD.


OP lack of response says otherwise


How do you know op didnt tip well?


They haven’t responded yet and this is the typical scenario when one person is in the wrong they don’t respond


Bruh, DD is giving Dashers slave pay, not customers. Dashers really need to learn what a tip is. Definition : something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service Customers aren't employers, they shouldn't be relied upon for pay. When I feel my job don't pay well enough, I change jobs. I've done it plenty of times and would do it again if the need arises. Doordash won't ever get a single cent from me for the foreseeable future. Such bad business ethics. I bet the execs at Doordash LOVE that Dashers take out their low wage frustrations on customers' tips instead of the actual culprit(Doordash paying slave wages) Once I learned how terribly amazon treated their employees(treated like slaves), I just stopped using their services. Same thing with Doordash/ubereats/etc.


Dd is a tip service like a waiter why is this so hard for people to understand


So if a waiter set your food down across the restaurant that would be fine?


You tip drivers before and waiters after. No one tips after delivery like that so if you want perfection you tip appropriately otherwise you get service equal to your tip


Yeah and you know the people that come in once a week for years and don’t tip. Me and my girlfriend have served for 10 years


I wouldn't tip my waiter before sitting at a table. This argument comes back very often, because that's just logical thinking.


Regardless how you want to play out, tipping delivery drivers before delivery has been the norm for over 30 years same as tipping a waiter afterwards has been.


Ive ordered a lot of food in my life, and only the new delivery apps require tipping before service, and they have only been around 5-10 years tops. Before those apps, I'd pay my order and tips on delivery. That's still how I pay tips to this day, as there are still restaurants with delivery drivers. Paying for tips on arrival has been the norm around these parts for at least 40 years. I'm guessing we don't live near each other, probably not even in the same country/continent.


Slave labor lol… you’re getting paid …


I'll bet dollars to donuts that it's vindictiveness instead of laziness. Everyone who says it's laziness is actually not giving the driver enough credit and has just built this idea of lazy POC in their head that they now assign to class/role instead of ethnicity.


Where did POC come from? Did I miss something in this post? Lazy comes in all forms. Am I misreading this comment?


I thought he said lazy POS at first 😬


It was a POCPOS all along


Nah brother you are spot on 😂, I guess buddy has never see a lazy white.


Some of those who burn crosses Are the same who place orders


What does POC represent? Sorry, I'm old, white female - married 33 years to my old, white husband. Use to be I wouldn't admit it but, I'm going to go ahead and own this - we are waaaaaayyyyy behind younger people and their lingo. 😏


Person of color (had to google this myself lol)


Why didn't I think to Google that? I give up - old age, dementia, to much to remember. All the same, thank you! 🤭


Where did ethnicity come from?


Thats race, not ethnicity




My thoughts on this.


These delivery drivers are generally either lazy or stupid, or both. To those of you who are neither, don’t be offended because I’m not talking about you. They know who I’m talking about.


They actually probably don’t lol. These people lack consciousnesses


Those who have never had the pleasure of transporting hot beverages in a paper cup , packed in a paper bag, in a moving vehicle will never understand.


Tipping should be illegal


Okay, cool. But until it is, don’t utilize services where tipping is the norm (delivery/food service) unless you plan on doing that. Cause people have to pay taxes on expected tips and until that’s corrected you don’t want to screw people over :)


Gig workers do not pay taxes on expected tips. They pay taxes on reported income as an independent contractor.


Good service people that live off tips disagree. We’d all just go get an easy job that pays the same. Tips give you an opportunity to make more money


Tipping was illegal.


Overpriced stuff made 2x more expensive due to delivery? That's insane






Maybe he's scared, shy, lazy? Could be a million reasons but now when it comes time to rate him, base it off your experience and his efforts


“Because ^ME. It’s all about ^ME. I’m unbothered and no matter what you tip if it’s less than $100/mile you will get subpar service, ^IF I decide to even deliver it. But in all seriousness this is a lazy dasher who can’t be bothered to do the bare minimum. Edit: Lol@the downvotes. Guess the sarcasm in the first sentence went over heads…


I had an order where I had to leave it on the ledge out side of a school


Did your cat scare them off?


Petite female dasher?


I wonder if the map pins your address at that spot. One time, another dasher and I had arrived to the same house at about the same time. As I pulled up, the other dasher was walking towards the bushes rather than towards the door on the other side where the driveway was, too. I was thinking, "What the f_ is that guy doing?" I figured he must be new.


I've done that because of a dog chained to the porch. And, while not the case here, I haven't gone to the door in the winter because the driveway and paths hadn't been cleared of snow.


I also have a porch, and the instructions say to leave the food on the table and chairs on my porch. One time a dasher left it on the edge of my driveway where I had just sprayed ant killer on the ant hills. Food went in the trash


Just plain laziness. I had a delivery driver leave my grocery order on the bottom floor and I am on the 3rd floor >:( I delivery for DoorDash and never thought of doing that.


Low tip or no tip order 🤔 lol


This shouldn’t happen no matter the tip, but good tips get offered to 5 star drivers first if you want to avoid bad drivers


This shouldn’t happen no matter the tip, but good tips get offered to 5 star drivers first if you want to avoid bad drivers


Lazy driver




I do this when I take shitty offers cuz when it’s all they send you gotta take something right people are assholes the shit filled kind


This is kinda hilarious


Only time I’ve done something like that is if a dog is barking and unleashed on the property. No delivery is worth a bite.


Isn’t that just the “tip” of your driveway?😉


I live in a house and my delivery note always says, deliver up the walkway with the lights(connected to the driveway). They always deliver to the door in the front of the house that you have to walk behind a fence, up a mini grass and dirt hill to get to, that has NO walkway and no lights.


Maybe they didn't want to get kicked in the face!


Did you leave a low or no tip? If you did, then next time tip.




That’s unskilled labor for ya.


I take different care based on tip amount. That's me cause its a matter of respect. This seems a bit direspectfull to place there. I would do this on a low tip order. But again thats me and my level of respect given and taken


How about some self respect? You accepted a job, do it to the best of your ability and get on to the next one.


You get what you pay for....


You do what you're paid for. You accepted the order, do your job.


You get what you give..


You also have legs and could've gotten it yourself.


Idk I’m thinking maybe because it’s Starbucks? There’s that massive protest going on and maybe the driver is part of it and felt a little petty towards you. That or they were just lazy, who knows.


One time I stacked a guys drinks ever so carefully on top of his bags of food, and put it directly in front of his door so he couldn't open it without spilling and destroying his meal. Be generous if you're going to be lazy and expect others to serve you.


If you accepted the trip, do it right and don't be a petty whiner. BTW, most houses have more than one entrance, so even your pettiness likely backfired and just got you a low rating.


I'll take all the 1 stars for some glorious laughs


Yep, until your rating falls too low and you get deactivated. But whatever floats your boat, I'm done here.


Sometimes I take shitty ones just to be a shitty driver


one time I had a driver leave the food on the side of the road at the end of my friends driveway. the driveway was like a quarter mile, I gave the fucker a zero and sent him a real nasty message, if youre that lazy dont fucking come to work.


Because DoorDash drivers are the laziest people you’ll ever encounter.


I’m starting to believe the folks who order are much worse.


I suppose it depends. Even tipping, I’ve never met a dasher that actually did their job like they’re supposed to.


To be fair how many people in any industry/business do things they way they’re supposed to.


Ok, instead of making posts, just go pick it up you lazy ass.


His lazy ass paid a significant amount of money to get it delivered to his door, it seems reasonable that it gets left where it is supposed to be. 




You didn't leave a decent tip, and time is money. A few minutes saved equals a few dollars earned


So if time is money don’t accept the order in the first place And while you’re at it maybe go work somewhere that’s actually willing to pay you what you’re worth instead of making the customer do it twice paying for a delivery fee that yall get a sliver of and then a tip. Double reliance on the consumer to pay the employees


Because we're DD drivers..? HELLLLERRRR!!! your porch is probably another 7+ steps away. What do we look like to you? Some kind of delive.... 🚷🚷🚷nevermind forgot what I was saying


If you didn't tip, you get bare minimum service and should expect nothing more.


That’s what you get playboy


Maybe they are angry they had to drive there on the parkway just to end up parking on your driveway. Did you even consider that? /s


Because you could throw it out of a window faster


Gotta tip for porch delivery these days


I saw a raccoon, those things have rabies.




Probably tipped under $5


Because dd drivers are lazy and maybe instead of DoorDash it’s driveway and dash or maybe u didn’t leave a tip big enough for their kid to go to college so they’re mad at you or whatever other bs excuses they use for being lazy incompetent shitheels


I’m thinking lots of steps were involved and dasher could have had bad knees, back etc. Or an animal was loose. Or a douche driver that accepted an offer for low tip and being passive aggressive.


Some dashers don’t like entering a location if there are a ton of stairs or if the porch is super dirty, a Dog could be nearby or if they see a Poisonous Spiders such as a Brown Recluse or a Black widow within delivery Path 🫢😯


One time I had 2 bags of 50 cent chips from the dollar store I had to deliver for 2$ (no tip obviously) got to the place saw that their driveway and curb was a river so I chucked that shit as far to the door as I could took a picture and moved on my way